
Chapter 75 Mr. Boris is at Denise’s back

Mr. Boris's face darkened when he heard what his daughter-in-law said.

He ignored her words. Instead, he waved at Denise and said, "Denise, I'm hungry. Come here and let me see what delicious food you have made."

As soon as he finished his words, Denise walked up to him obediently, and Hart stood beside her, preparing the tableware for them.

Mrs. Stewart who was ignored was so angry that her face twisted.

Standing on the right side of the bed, Denise nodded slightly to Mrs. Stewart and said, "Mrs. Stewart, don't worry. I bought the ingredients myself and made it myself. Even on the way here, I didn't let the ingredient leave my hand. There won't be any problem."

Then, Shirley explained to Mrs. Stewart, "Auntie, I'm sure that Denise is very careful. If there is really something wrong with the food, she is the first one who is involved in it. I don't think that she is so stupid."