
Sports Festival

The Sports Festival arrived much earlier than it felt for Ayaka. While others trained their Quirks toward their utmost potential, she dedicated her time to perfecting both singular command of Anemo and her Blizzard Strayer, overseen by All Might just in case she got out of control again.

Thankfully, the releasing of locked-up emotions made is so she felt much better using her dual-element form. What limited her now was the physical and mental strain that comes from controlling two elements at once.

News from All Might strangely ceased and when she asked about the previous events, he convinced her that she should just focus on the Sports Festival. After some thought, she let the matter go and continued training just like everyone else.


A stadium was filling to its maximum capacity, stalls were assembled, heroes were hired and a lot of reporters kept themselves busy. It was a massive undertaking but UA once again hit its mark.

"Hmm, I frankly wanted to scout out this year's participants. Class 1A is going to be in the spotlight." Kamui Woods trailed behind two other heroes, both considered his friends and co-workers.

"We're acting as security, hard to not be called for it considering the massive attacks hero society sustained and while we're at the subject... Mt. Lady, should you be eating on the job?"

"You can't force me not to, Death Arms." Mt. Lady took another bite out of her questionably obtained takoyaki. "I get hungry while patrolling. Besides, they called in as many pro-Heroes this year."

"That doesn't mean you can just distract yourself."

"Loosen up, weren't you the sour one when we couldn't go inside to check out the fledglings?"

"That's beside the point. It's not unusual for me to take interest in a promising group of people. Don't you agree, Woods?"

He hummed in agreement. "There's one I'm especially interested in."


On a single table was the group involved with Ayaka, except for Katsuki since he'd finally started arriving later to not get caught up with them.

"This feels unfair..." Ayaka had her head down as she spoke quietly toward Izuku in front of her. "We're not supposed to use equipment but isn't it cheating for me to have this advantage?"

Ayaka had reason to be guilty, usually, the only things allowed were the UA Gym uniform and nothing else. Sometimes, specific tools can be requested to be brought if it's judged to be important for someone's Quirk to function.

She had already cleared it with All Might but it still weighed on her mind when she knew she had a big advantage over the other students. Not that she needs anything more than her Vision anyways.

"Not really," Izuki responded. "You might see it as cheating but to the world, your Quirk is Blizzard. Not using what you have reflects on your work in real life. If you don't use it now, the lives you could save might be unreachable. You don't need to limit yourself to being a hero, especially when it comes to your power."

Shoto glanced at the last mention of the word. His eyes lowered soon after with his face as neutral as ever. "Midoriya." he creeps in closer as the group sat silently. "Now that I've worked with you and All Might, I can see why he's so close to you."

The conversation was being overwhelmed by the chatter of classmates but to the close group of people, everyone heard the challenging tone.

"Todoroki? Where are you going with this?" Izuku nervously replied.

"Based on our abilities, I believe mine exceeds yours. My father intends to watch me from the stand. Do your best or else I won't be satisfied."

Izuku feels his heart thump and his face stiffen. "Todoroki, I don't doubt that you are one of the top contenders in our class. You are powerful in your own right."

Filled with repeated determination, Izuku gazes strongly at the heterochromatic boy. "But that doesn't mean I'm just going to accept that, I can be better and I will be. Aiming for the top is never effortless, all the other classes hold potential that pushes them too. So I won't stop trying."

Shoto grunted. "We'll see, don't forget I've seen what you did back then."

Another voice joins the conversation. "I wouldn't expect less from you Todoroki. I just hope you can follow your own words, that means putting out all stops." Ayaka added.

Shoto caught the meaning behind Ayaka's reply. 'My flames...' he remembers his only moment using it to subdue Ayaka's previous outburst from her Blizzard Strayer. 'Watch me father, I won't let you drag me down to make me less of a hero.'

"I think it's time we proceed." Ayaka stood up from her seat before shouting for the rest of the class's attention. "Are you all ready?"



A large screen TV displayed the school's logo, the loud cheers of the audience already in full swing despite the event not starting officially.

Sitting within a both, Aizawa and Present Mic prepared as the cameras began to shine their lenses among the bright sun. With a press of a button on their desk, Present Mic's glorious entrance was about to begin.

"Yeah!" Present Mic put all his effort into this one. "Welcome all! We got lights, cameras, and of course… action! It's the arena you all love watching, the UA Sports Festival is about to begin! Are. You. Ready?!"

The crowd decibel level gets even higher. Present Mic sheds a small tear of happiness after finally getting a response aside from the blank looks of his students.

Aizawa, still covered in bandages, groaned. "Don't start crying, you have an event to run. It's understandable a crowd in an event would-"


"…This is why I hate being up here." He gave up the moment Present Mic started speaking again.

"First-year students! Enter!"

The horrific thought of being exposed to most of Japan's citizens was a weight bearing down on the students. Ayaka had no trouble walking with her class but Izuku was visibly shaken.

Visible was a fitting term since he'd go out jittering from just the thought.

"Calm down, Midoriya." Ayaka draws his attention and walks to his side.

"I can't, there's just… so many. How do you deal with this kind of stuff, since you're a princess and all?"

"Princess is exaggerating."

"You basically are."

"My responsibilities do give me somewhat of a reputation of one but aside from that, I'm a typical public servant. I guess I always focus on myself rather than what others think. I've learned that well during our fall from grace."

"Your family suffered a lot from reputation, right? …When you put it like that, something like this shouldn't matter." Izuku realizes he might be giving her the wrong idea about Ayaka's history. "Not that I'm downplaying what you and your family have gone through."

"No worries. Looks like they're done introducing the other classes. Let's do our best."

The center gets populated with students from other various classes totaling 11. Each, checking the other competition, all eyes were on the most popular - Class 1A.

Present Mic's voice blares to another boisterous announcement. "This is all of the UA's first-year students! Now onto our chief referee for this year! The 18+ Hero Midnight!"

"How… scandalous," Ayaka mutters, a red shade on her cheeks as she faced the scantily clad hero at the front. "I've read on regulation but isn't this much for a teacher?"

"No kidding, I think she's more suited to 'teaching' in another way." Denki quips.

Murmurs from both the crowd and the students came, Ayaka noticed a loud short boy from the General class screaming about how +18 should be in a high school, his classmates didn't appreciate the comments.

"Quiet! We will begin the Player's Pledge!" Midnight silences the crowd, she clears her throat as the mic picks up what she says next. "Student representative. 1-A, Kamisato Ayaka!"

Almost everyone in the classes nodded, it wasn't hard to imagine her being the one to tell the pledge. "That's to be expected. I wonder what she'll say?" Denki questioned.

"She probably will talk about sportsmanship and such, never seen her do anything else like Bakugo here," Eijiro answered.

"Heh, you'll be surprised." Katsuki chuckled with genuine happiness for the first time in years.

The odd response made Denki and Eijiro alarmed. ""Did you do something?""

"Figure it out yourselves." He scoffed. The smirk he gave did not calm their worries. Something was definitely up.

The crowd silenced as Ayaka drew closer, with each step towards the stand, the group of boys with Katsuki continued to become nervous.

"Before I begin the pledge, I would like to say a few words. As many of you know, recent events have arisen and challenged the integrity of the school - perhaps unfairly skewing the way the public sees us for what 1A can do. Such an outcome has inevitably presented itself, that a class overshadows others because of a stroke of luck."

'Ok, not bad. It's going good so far.'


'Uh oh.'

"-you're all welcome to prove that wrong. You can try taking our glory, we won't make it easy."

Shock, pure and unrestricted shock. They would expect this from Katsuki, actually, Katsuki wouldn't be politely telling the other classes to come after them. The crowd and the students couldn't respond, Ayaka of all people challenging them was something no one had expected.

"As for my pledge-"

"I think that's more than enough, Kamisato. Half the stadium and most of your classmates have their brains fried from that bombastic proclamation." Midnight prevented her from continuing. "Ahh… the joys of youth. Do you hear that UA?! Kamisato Ayaka declares her ambition! Bring down Class-1A or be left to the sidelines!"

"Wait, I didn't-"


"We're going to tear you apart 1A!"

"1A! You'll regret ignoring the rest of us!"

"How arrogant are you 1A!? We'll be here to bring you back to your place!"

More clamors of cheers from the crowd and the other classes bearing down on 1A. Everyone nervously looked to the other classes half-heartedly smiling in a vain attempt to alleviate the competitive spirit.

Katsuki burst out in full laughter. "Haha! I can't believe you actually did it! I admit you have more backbone than I thought!"

Ayaka walked back with confusion as she nears the group of boys. "Kamisato, what did Bakugo tell you? Why'd you do that?" Eijiro immediately questioned.

"He told me he'd be nicer to Midoriya if I challenged the other classes."

"Silence!" Midnight presented herself as the massive screen behind her began with more intricate visuals. "This year is turning out more exciting. Let us begin right away with the first event!"

A slot-machine-like graphic began to spin on the display and a few seconds later it locked onto the chosen game. "Obstacle Race! All classes will participate, the course is around the entire stadium! Do anything in your ability to win, the only limit is to stay within the course! Now take your places!"

"Is every teacher in this school so down to earth?" Uraraka remarks.

Ayaka followed the crowd, all eyes still on the entire class. She didn't mind the gazes, she was exposed to both awe and ire. The gate towered over the students and Ayaka took note of the ample vertical space.

Three green lights turned on high above towards a red arch. Her Delusion glowed hidden around her thigh as she prepared a stance.

Meanwhile, inside the announcers' booth, Present Mic and Aizawa were getting ready to give commentary. "Eraserhead, are you ready to give us an amazing analysis of today's event?"



Two lights were left, a countdown to the start. Ayaka breathed in, planning on pacing herself as more and more people do the same thing.

One light remained, Midnight raised her arm in anticipation as the light began to fade.



The first challenge came to the start. Ayaka felt shoulders and limbs tangle and contact. Her start quickly slowed as she figured out why the ceiling had been so high.

With a single input from her body, her Delusion is triggered - leaving a gust of wind propelling her upward as she reconfigures her direction. Flying, that's what everyone saw.

Of course, this doesn't go unnoticed by a certain two-toned boy.

"Hah! Mummy man, looks like one of your students already figure it out!" Present Mic nudges Aizawa at his side as he continues his narration.

"Stop hitting a recovering burn victim."

"Aren't you proud?!"

"I won't be if you don't stop physically assaulting me while giving your commentary."

"You hear that 1A! Make your father proud!"

"I'm not their father-"

The race developed into desperation as ice blanketed the floor and froze the entrance. Present Mic slams the table as he drags Aizawa by the scarf and screams incoherently. "-Looks like they listened!"

"Why am I friends with you."

Ayaka had a headstart, wind thrusting her beyond human speeds and unrestricted by Shoto's ice made it easy to take a sizeable lead. It didn't take long for many of her classmates to push themselves ahead.

"Kamisato blitzes her way to the front with her Quirk Blizzard! Get it?" Present Mic joked.

"No, please refrain from making puns. Kamisato may have the lead with her initial burst of speed but can she retain that as more of the competitors get past the starting line?"

"That's the spirit! 1A's Bakugo, Yaoyorozu, and Todoroki trailing not far behind! It seems Kamisato's declaration at the pledge isn't unwarranted!"

Ayaka had time to look back, Shoto pacing his drawback by running while Bakugo screamed obscenities at him. Many of her friends and classmates are doing well despite the attention she brought.

She smiled. 'I can get used to this world.' All of them worked so hard to become heroes, it was a comforting thought. She wasn't going to make it easy for them however, she'd do her absolute best.

"The first obstacle presents itself! All of you who participated in the exam would know what these are. Your old friend, the villain bots! Robo-Inferno!"

Ayaka noted 3… no, 6… maybe more zero-pointers, she had fought one but it took most of her elemental energy away with just a single one. 'Todoroki has the advantage but… it's not like I need to fight any of these, do I? For water, in its natural course, runs away from high places and hastens downwards. So, in war, the way is to avoid what is strong and strike at what is weak!'

Immediately, everyone stopped.

"The Zero pointers!" Denki said in disbelief.

"Is this where our tuition goes to?" Momo added.

With everyone still gawking at the robotic menaces, Ayaka doesn't waiver and continues her run, switching from her Delusion to Vision as her feet began to leave specks of frost.

"What's this? Kamisato shows no fear and charges straight through the course like a madwoman!"

"Tch. I can't fall behind her, my damn father is watching. Sorry, everyone, you'll have to deal with this." Todoroki muttered, and his ice began spiraling from under his body. The ice built up and coalesced as he swung his arm forward while running.

"Todoroki from Class-1A follows his response by freezing the entire zero pointer! Not unexpected by a recommendation student and the son of the No.2 hero Endeavor! A feat only matched Kamisato in her exam."

Another embrace of frost came as it envelops the behemoth of steel and wires. It fell to the ground in a thundering blow as the fragile set of parts came apart from its unbalanced position.

"Kamisato passes the course at incredible speed!" Present Mic yelled, to Aizawa's constant annoyance. "Kamisato sunk to the ground! Am I imagining things or what?!"

Ayaka had the lead and an obstacle came but she swept underneath as if it were nothing. "Nice try, Todoroki. You may have stopped others but it'll take more than that to hold me back."

Back with the students, most have stopped to asses what their options were. Many are unwilling to push forward in such a frightening obstacle.

"Get out of the way, extras!" Katsuki surged ahead, rage filling his face as others from his class follow behind.

"Oi, Bakugo. Stop being so rude, we got to at least have sportsmanship."

"Shut it, Dunce-face!"

"Scary… how do you even deal with this one Kirishima?" Denki turns to the red-headed teen.

"Just pray and hope for the best."

Amazingly, to the rest of the classes, 1A didn't hesitate to continue. Robots weren't going to scare them, they've had worse. Fear faded as the class ran with no delay in their judgment.

"Class-1A continues their charge! What had made them this way?! Eraserhead, what are you teaching your children?!"

"I didn't teach this, they taught themselves how to be headstrong against hurdles they may encounter. Facing adversity from a villain attack made them more confident. This experience matured them to not hesitate." Aizawa answered.

"You heard it, folks! Back to the race, Kamisato has gone from a small lead to a massive one! It will take longer for the others to catch up! Her Quirk makes this easy for her!"

Switching from Anemo to speed along the empty plain and alternating to her Vision to dodge the Zero pointers, Ayaka had no problems avoiding the robots while not losing any speed.

'I don't remember the last time I've been in a recreational activity.' She pauses. 'This is... fun.'