
A whirlWind Marriage With The Beautiful Ceo

He initially assumed that women who needed blind dates must have significant flaws, either physically or mentally. Emmanuel Lowe never imagined that the woman sitting before him would be a gorgeous beauty with a refined appearance! As it turned out, he had accidentally gone to the wrong table for the blind date and met the wrong woman! To his surprise, Emmanuel Lowe and the woman even had a whirlwind marriage. From then on, whenever he encountered challenges, her involvement would easily solve all problems. It wasn’t until one day, when he saw an interview with the wealthiest woman in Yeringham, that he was astonished to find that the incredibly wealthy beauty looked exactly like his wife! She said, “I could become the wealthiest woman because I have a man supporting me from behind the scenes!”

Abhi_Adhu · Urban
Not enough ratings
86 Chs


After turning right at the door, Emmanuel finally found 

table number eight in the common dining area. 

Sure enough, a woman was seated at the table, 

looking like she was running out of patience. 

Dressed in professional attire that accentuated her 

beautiful curves, she was, by all means, a sight to 


Even though she didn't exude the same air of elegance 

that Mackenzie had, there was no denying she had the 

power to make men fall at her feet. 

Thankfully, Emmanuel wasn't disappointed in the 

slightest. After all, he was well aware of his own 


Without further ado, he straightened himself up and 

approached the woman with a smile. 

"Sorry I'm late! My name's Emmanuel Lowe. I'm 

twenty-eight years old, and I work as a gynecologist 

with an annual salary of eighty thousand-" 

"Stop!" the woman coldly interrupted before he could 

finish his introduction. "What's the meaning of this? 

With what little you have to offer, do you seriously think 

women would want to marry you? I can't believe you 

Chapter 2 Failure 

even had the nerve to be late! What right do you have 

to keep a woman waiting? This has been an utter 

waste of my time. Hmph!" 

After firing off a barrage of questions, the red-faced 

woman angrily splashed a glass of water on 

Emmanuel's face. 

The latter, who was caught off guard, instantly 

became soaking wet. 

Nevertheless, Emmanuel didn't lose his temper. After 

all, he was indeed late because he went to the wrong 

place, so he could understand why the woman was 



"Hmph. You're twenty-eight and still only earning 

eighty-thousand a year. No wonder you're doing so 

poorly! Not only do you lack punctuality, but you also 

don't seem to take life seriously. You're doomed to be 

at the bottom of the social hierarchy your entire life! 

I'm shocked you even have the guts to go on a blind 

date with me… Stop being delusional!" the woman 

scolded as she shot Emmanuel a look of contempt. 

The next second, she grabbed her bag and stormed 

off, not once bothering to leave her name. 

To add insult to injury, she even waved a wad of cash 

in front of Emmanuel's face, then slapped it hard on 

the table as payment for the bill. 


The latter's gaze darkened instantly as rage began 

pulsing through his veins. 

This woman is humiliating me! I may not have high 

expectations for marriage, but that doesn't mean I 

don't have a temper! Argh! As much as I want to make 

her regret her actions, I know I don't have that 


Since the woman was gone, Emmanuel, too, left the 

café glumly. 

To his surprise, he had only just stepped out the door 

when he saw a long-haired man deliberately colliding 

into a BMW and screaming in pain. 

Emmanuel couldn't help but furrow his brows. Oh, gosh. 

That man is clearly staging a car accident. Why is 

there so much trouble in this café today? 

"Ah! Someone's been hit!" 

"Argh! My leg's broken! Murderer!" 

Four men immediately rushed out to join the 

commotion when the long-haired man fell on t 


Those guys must be the co-conspirators! 

Just then, a young lady hastily exited the BMW, clad in 

a maroon sleeveless dress that revealed a large 

expanse of tender, fair skin. 

With her long, shapely legs and her cleavage peeking 

out from the neckline, there was no denying that she 

was incredibly sexy and alluring. 

"What's the matter? How could I have injured your leg 

when I was driving so slowly?" she asked anxiously. 

Seconds later, the long-haired man's buddies 

surrounded the woman, demanding compensation. 

"Cut the crap! Pay up! Pay up now!" 

Several people in the café had witnessed the staged 

accident, but unfortunately, they were so afraid of the 

big, burly men that no one dared to confront them. 

"How much do you guys want?" the woman muttered 

helplessly, having resigned herself to the fact that 

she'd have to settle the matter with money. 

The group of thugs, however, began leering at her 

bosom and drooling over her. 

"Haha. Hey, sexy, why don't you have some fun with 

us?" one of the men suggested as he shamelessly 

tugged at her dress. 

Just like that, what had started as a staged accident 

quickly turned into public sexual harassment. 

The pretty woman was so scared out of her wits that 

she staggered backward until she bumped into 


Instead of taking advantage of her like the other thugs, 

Emmanuel stepped in front of her and glared at the 

long-haired man. 

"Your leg's broken, and you're asking for compensation, 


Upon seeing Emmanuel's menacing expression, the 

thugs felt chills down their spines. 

At the same time, Mackenzie was sitting in the café 

and watching the entire scene unfold. 

Well, well, well. Who knew that man would be so brave? 

I'm sure no one else would have the guts to go up 

against five thugs. 

The next second, Emmanuel stunned everyone by 

viciously kicking the long-haired man's leg. 

"Argh!" the latter shouted in pain as he began hopping 

on the leg that was supposedly broken. 

Goodness gracious! That man is daring! 

Mackenzie, too, had curled her lips into a smile. 

The café was one of her properties, so naturally, she 

had also seen how Emmanuel's blind date went. 

I thought he was a coward when he didn't flare up 

despite being splashed with water. Who knew he was 

just a gentleman who doesn't lose his temper with 

women? I must admit, he looks rather charming when 

he shows his tough side! 

"What's this? Didn't you say your leg's broken? I'm 


When the onlookers realized that the long-haired man 

had lied about his injury, they wasted no time scolding 

and criticizing him. 

By then, the other thugs had also lost their bravado 

and fell silent. After all, they knew the tables had 

turned on them. 

"Hmph. I'll let you off this time, brat! You'd better watch 

your back!" the long-haired man warned before 

running away with his tail between his legs. 

With that, the pretty woman gave Emmanuel a warm 

smile and coyly gestured for him to get into her car. 

"Hey, handsome, thank you so much for your help. 

Would you like to go to my house for a drink?" 

Emmanuel, however, brushed her off without a second 

thought. "No, thank you. I have other things to do!" 

Seeing how unmoved he was by her advances, the 

woman couldn't help but stomp her feet in frustration. 

What the hell… Am I not sexy enough? I've already 

made the first move, so why won't he reciprocate? 

Back in the café, Mackenzie heard her grandfather 

burst into loud guffaws. 

"Haha! I told you so, Mackenzie! Didn't I say that man 

has an excellent character? Your assistant, Lexi, is such 

a beautiful woman, yet he refuses to give her the time 

of day! Once you guys are married, you won't have to 

worry about him cheating on you!" 

The more Mackenzie ruminated about Terence's words, 

the more her impression of Emmanuel improved. 

I hate men because they're always so lustful… However, 

Emmanuel Lowe seems to be quite the exception! 

"Don't be too happy yet, Grandpa! Men are either after 

looks or money," Mackenzie uttered coldly before 

getting up. 

Ha! I doubt Emmanuel can pass my second secret test 

of character! 

Meanwhile, Emmanuel had gotten home after his 

matchmaking session failed spectacularly. 

Needless to say, his sister, Roselynn Lowe, was 

frustrated beyond belief. "What? Another unsuccessful 

blind date?" 

This is the eighteenth time, for goodness' sake! My 

brother's a six-foot tall, fit, and upstanding young man. 

Why won't any woman take a fancy to him? He may be 

thick-skulled at times, but surely, someone will still 

appreciate him for his good looks, won't they? 

Emmanuel's mother, Alessandra Cadigan, seemed 

even more anxious as she hurriedly dragged him out. 

of the house. 

"Mom, what are you doing?" Emmanuel asked, startled 

by how panic-stricken Alessandra was. 

"What am I doing? I'm worried sick about you!" the 

woman scolded without breaking her stride. "I don't 

understand it, either. Our neighbor's an unkempt 

up at home, yet he's already planning for his second 

child! Why can't my son get a girlfriend? That woman 

didn't even stay for the blind date, did she? I paid good 

money to set this up for you! Let's go see her at her 

house right now!" 

"What?" Emmanuel choked out. 

Did I hear that right? I can't believe Mom has gotten 

this desperate! The matchmaking session was an utter 

failure, so why must she still insist on dragging me to 

the woman's place? Wouldn't I just be embarrassing 

myself again?