
A whirlWind Marriage With The Beautiful Ceo

He initially assumed that women who needed blind dates must have significant flaws, either physically or mentally. Emmanuel Lowe never imagined that the woman sitting before him would be a gorgeous beauty with a refined appearance! As it turned out, he had accidentally gone to the wrong table for the blind date and met the wrong woman! To his surprise, Emmanuel Lowe and the woman even had a whirlwind marriage. From then on, whenever he encountered challenges, her involvement would easily solve all problems. It wasn’t until one day, when he saw an interview with the wealthiest woman in Yeringham, that he was astonished to find that the incredibly wealthy beauty looked exactly like his wife! She said, “I could become the wealthiest woman because I have a man supporting me from behind the scenes!”

Abhi_Adhu · Urban
Not enough ratings
86 Chs


Frederick was in utter shock at that diagnosis. 

Just then, a doctor from the internal medicine 

department approached him and said, "Your mom's 

cancer is already at the advanced stage. She needs to 

be operated on immediately. Otherwise, her life will be 

in danger!" 

Frederick's voice was shaking as he asked, "How… How 

much does the surgery cost?" 

"Three hundred thousand. Any additional procedures 

will be charged separately." The doctor left after saying 


Being a doctor at the hospital, Frederick knew the 

hospital policies well. He was aware that the surgery 

would only be arranged after payment was made. 

"Emmanuel, what should I do now? I don't have three 

hundred thousand!" 

Frederick was at a loss as to what to do. 

He had only been working at the hospital for two years, 

and most of his income had been spent on his 


younger sister's college education. As such, he did not 

have much savings left. 

"Don't worry, we will think of something!" Emmanuel 

comforted his friend. 


After a pause, he shoved the bank card that 

Alessandra had given to him into Frederick's hand and 

said, "Take this first. There's sixty thousand in here." 

"T-This… Isn't this your mom's bank card? How can I use 

this money?" Frederick's body was trembling as his 

eyes welled up with tears. 

That was his best friend's mother's hard-earned 

money, and it did not feel right for him to use it. 

"Don't worry about that. The current priority is to save 

your mom!" Emmanuel insisted that Frederick keep the 

bank card. 

"But even with this, I still don't have three hundred 

thousand! A hundred thousand is the most I can 

scrape together by today," Frederick replied in a 

quavering voice, sounding as if he was on the verge of 

bursting into tears. 

"Besides, I really can't take your mom's money. I don't 

know how long it will take for me to repay it…" 

Emmanuel felt rather helpless as well upon seeing the 

agonized look on Frederick's face. 

At that moment, Milani happened to walk past and 

noticed the interaction between the two men. 

"Ha! Don't you guys find it embarrassing for two grown 

men to be seen crying in the hospital?" 

Milani had always looked down on Emmanuel and had 

just fought with Frederick earlier. Obviously, she would 

not miss the chance to mock them upon witnessing 

the scene. 

"Milani, just shut up!" Emmanuel chided the woman for 

her sarcastic remarks. 


As Frederick was already devastated by the news of 

his mother's cancer diagnosis, Emmanuel could not let 

Milani rub salt into the man's wound. 


However, unexpectedly, when Frederick saw Milani, he 

took the initiative to plead with her, "The most beautiful 

Milani, judging by your glamorous appearance, you 

must be very rich, right?" 

Taken aback by the man's unusual attitude, Milani took 

a few steps back and asked cautiously, "W-What do 

you want?" 

"Please lend me two hundred thousand! My mom has 

just been diagnosed with cancer and needs to be 

operated on immediately. Please, I'm begging you! I 

will return the money once I have it!" Frederick pleaded 

with Milani desperately. He was that close to going on 

his knees, but the woman still had no intention of 

lending him any money. 


Besides the fact that she did not have that much 

money, even if she had, there was no reason for her to 

lend it to him. 

"Hah! You're out of your mind. I don't have two hundred 

thousand to lend you." 

Taking a pause, she continued, "That's why poor 

people are so pathetic. You can't even afford your 

mother's surgery expenses. Is it any wonder no woman 

wants to marry you?" 

Not only did Milani not agree to help, but she also 

added insult to injury before she walked off. 


Frederick was burning with anger after the woman left. 

If Emmanuel had not stopped him, he would have 

beaten her to a pulp! 

"Frederick, calm down!" Emmanuel held Frederick in a 

tight embrace, trying his best to comfort his friend, 

who was on the verge of breaking down. 

Frederick eventually managed to cool off. If he had 

beaten Milani up, he would have been arrested, and 

there would be no one to find the money to fund his 

mother's surgery. 

Frederick proceeded to contact people in his phone 

book, including those he was not close to. He made 

more than ten calls consecutively, asking to borrow 

money from them. 

In order to help his friend, Emmanuel also reached out 

to some people he knew. 

Despite their efforts, the two men had only managed 

to borrow seventy thousand in total, which was not 

even a third of the three hundred thousand they 


Chapter 10 Emmanuel Has a Wife 

"What should we do? My mom might die if she delays 

getting the surgery!" Frederick finally broke down and 

started sobbing in front of Emmanuel. 


Emmanuel let out a sigh and said, "Please don't cry. Let 

me try asking my wife. I'm sure she will lend it to you!" 

In reality, Emmanuel was not sure if Mackenzie would 

agree to help. 

However, both of them had run out of ideas. 

With their social status, it wouldn't be easy for them to 

borrow three hundred thousand in such a short period 

of time. 

Chapter 10 Emmanuel Has a Wife 

"Your wife?" Frederick was so shocked that his tears 


stopped at once. "Emmanuel, have you gone crazy as 

well? Since when did you have a wife?" 

Not knowing how to explain the situation, Emmanuel 

merely smiled helplessly before calling Mackenzie. 

After the previous day's incident, Emmanuel had 

memorized Mackenzie's number in case she blocked 

him on WhatsApp again. 

"Hello. What's up?" 

Emmanuel was relieved that the woman had picked 

up his call. Besides, from the clear tone and steady 

pace of her voice, it did not seem like she was in a 

meeting or in a rush. 


"Ms. Quillen, I would like to borrow some money from 

you," Emmanuel stated the purpose of his call directly 

without beating around the bush. 

Ms. Quillen? Frederick was stunned. Is she really his 

wife? Why would he be addressing his wife that way? 

"Borrow money?" 

Mackenzie froze at Emmanuel's words. After returning 

to her senses a moment later, an amused smirk crept 

across her face. 

Before receiving Emmanuel's call, she was having 

doubts after what happened the night before, thinking 

that the man might not have married her for her 

money after all. Is he already showing his true colors? 

Despite her skepticism, she asked, "How much do you 


"One hundred and twenty-eight thousand!" Emmanuel 

replied at once. 

Frederick and he had managed to pool together one 

hundred and seventy-two thousand thus far, so that 

was the remaining balance they needed. 

Mackenzie's curiosity was aroused at once. "You 

rejected it when I offered you a hundred thousand last 

night. Now you're asking to borrow one hundred and 

twenty-eight thousand from me?" 

"Yup. Will you lend it to me?" Emmanuel asked 


He never liked explaining himself, and neither did he 

want to act pitifully in front of his wife. 

Beep… Beep… 

Chapter 10 Emmanuel Has a Wife 

Mackenzie hung up the phone without replying. 

A crease appeared between Emmanuel's brows when 

he heard the disconnection tone. 

What kind of a reply is that? Is it a rejection? 


Frederick had yet to fully process the situation, but 

Emmanuel did not sound like he was talking to his wife. 

It felt more like he was requesting a favor from his 


"Emmanuel, maybe I should try borrowing from loan 

sharks instead…" 

Frederick did not want to put his best friend in a 

difficult spot. It was too late for him to take out a loan 

through proper channels, but Frederick was confident 

that loan sharks would lend him a hundred thousand 

straight away. 


"You can't do that!" Emmanuel objected. "You would be 

in deep trouble if you failed to repay them on time." 


While the two of them were feeling torn, Emmanuel 

suddenly got a text on his phone: You have received 

Has a Wite 

two hundred thousand wired to your account from 


What the heck? 


Frederick could hardly believe his eyes when he saw 

the message. Fixing his gaze on Emmanuel, he said 

with envy, "Oh my goodness! Is this woman really your 

wife? She… Is she very rich?" 

He was certain that she had no lack of money, seeing 

that she had instantly transferred Emmanuel two 

hundred thousand, almost twice the amount the latter 

had asked for. 

Emmanuel simply smiled without replying. He could 

not help but feel embarrassed when he saw the look 

on Frederick's face. It was as though the latter was 

envious of him living off a woman! 

Moreover, apart from knowing that Mackenzie was a 

senior executive at a company, he had no idea about 

her true identity and how wealthy she was. Hence, he 

was unable to answer Frederick's question. 

"Take it and ask the hospital to arrange for your mom's 

surgery immediately!" Emmanuel said while 

transferring the money to Frederick. 

"Thank you! Please help me thank your wife too. Tell 

her I will return her money as soon as I can!" Tears of 

gratitude flowed down Frederick's cheeks. 

He was immensely thankful to the couple for lending 

him a helping hand in this time of crisis, thereby 

solving all his problems. 

"No rush. Don't worry about this now!" Emmanuel 

reassured with a smile. 

From the looks of it, he was sure that Mackenzie was 

not hard up for the money. 

That being said, he would still try to pay her back as 

soon as possible. After all, he did not want Mackenzie 

to mistake him for a gold digger. 

Milani had just finished settling her bill when Frederick 

approached the counter to make payment. 

Upon seeing him, she was stunned that Frederick had 

managed to scrape together three hundred thousand 

so quickly. 

She could not believe that the pauper who was 

begging her to lend him two hundred thousand just a 

moment ago had gotten the money to pay for the 

surgery in the blink of an eye. 

"Ha! I bet you went to a loan shark, didn't you? Be 

careful of the compounding interest. You might end up 

having to pay them with your life!" Milani mocked. 

Frederick did not like the woman in the first place. After 

hearing what she said, he retorted sharply, 

"Emmanuel's wife lent me the money. In fact, she 

transferred two hundred thousand to Emmanuel's 

account right after he asked. Thank goodness 

Emmanuel wasn't interested in a woman like you. 

Otherwise, his life would be so sad!" 


Milani was in utter disbelief when she heard that. 

Emmanuel's wife? 

That pauper has gotten himself a wife?