
Don't Forget!

"Why!?!" I cried. "Why do you have to go!" I had already lost my mother I did not want to lose my father a well. with this thought in my head I grabbed on to his arm for dear life, silently pleading for him to change his mind.

"My dear Lithi..." he said choking on his tears. If you don't want to leave then don't go! I shouted in my mind

"You know I want to stay. But if I don't go and we lose this war, I fear there may be no chance of us ever living our life this happy again. When I cone back you and I will live our lives free as birds, okay?" I knew it was coming. I knew he would go. I saw the signs of him thinking about fighting. But....I never thought it would be this soon.

"Hey don't go crying on me now tough girl."

My father's voice thrust me back into the present teary eyed I look at him. "Young lady when I get back you had better have learned all that you can about the world from your books, and from looking around you."

"Yes father. I promise."

"But of course" he smile a mischevious smile at me.

"You'll never out smart me youngster!"

okay. that's it. He needs to leave right now or I will kill him myself. "OH YES I WILL!!!" I screamed back.

"Good." he said handing me a bow, with hand carved designs symbolizing memories of times we spent together these last seven years. I hold the bow with hope as I see him ride off toward the army's camp in the west-wait... the camp is in the east. Did he really just want a dramtic ride into the sunset? The idiot may not live long enough to get to the camp if he doesn't stop his shinanigans. i hear him call out towards me "Don't forget!"

I will never forget you. suddenly I hear him say "Oh right! the camp is east!"

...I may never see this fool again.