
A Week Like A Rainbow

Nishant(male protagonist) was a former badminton player who used to play for his school. But due to some unfortunate incidents, he was accused of doing 'match fixing' by most of his classmates and friends. As a result,he thought that the last year of his school life would be the worst year, as most of his friends didn't trust him and thus, he became all alone. But his colourless life was again filled with colours when a girl named Aisha (female protagonist), his junior, asked his help as she was representing her school in the Women's Inter-School Badminton Competition Final, which was in about a week. Those 7 days coloured his colourless life like the 7 colours of a rainbow........ But what happens when Aisha suddenly disappears after those COLOURFUL 7 DAYS? Will his life again become colourless or he will find a new light to enlighten the path of his life?

RexThunder_YT · Sports
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9 Chs

#Day 7 - Roses are RED, So Is The Symbol Of Love

I couldn't sleep well that night. As a result, I got up late in the morning. I saw my clock, just 45 minutes left for my school to start! And I have to travel about 4 kilometre on my cycle!

I quickly got up and went to the bathroom. After taking a shower, I came to my room, dressed up, packed my bag and went downstairs to have my breakfast.

Then, I went outside, took my cycle and paddled with full speed. Fortunately, there was not much time on the road that day. Hence, I barely made it on time.

I parked my bicycle and ran towards the entrance. At the same time, another girl was also running towards it. Eventually, there was a strong collision between us.

The girl collapsed, I somehow managed to balance ; one of those advantages of being a sportsperson. I gave her hand and asked, "Are you okay?!".

She gave me a death stare, refused to take my help, got up and ran inside the school building. I standed there dumbfounded for a few moments.

I heard the school bell ring. I hurriedly went to my class. Gladly, the teacher had not come yet. I was saved. I sat on my bench.

During the recess period, while I was about to peacefully eat my lunch, Aisha came to my class and shouted loudly, "SENIOR, PLEASE COME OVER HERE!".

The whole class looked at her. I got up went to her. It seemed like I became the 'center of attraction' for a moment.

- "Why are you eating by yourself. Come with us to the canteen. Let's eat together."

- "B-but, where will I sit?"

- "Haven't you visited the school canteen recently? Sitting areas have been prepared there just a few months ago, I guess."

- "Oh ok. But won't your friends mind if I go there?"

- "About friends of mine, only one of them came today. And she is rather excited to see my new coach!"

As she wanted, I went to canteen with her. Suprisingly, that friend of Aisha was none other than the girl with whom I collided today in the morning.

As she saw me, all her excitement went away from her face and, once again, she gave me that freaking death stare. Aisha introduced - "Her name is Shanaya and she is my best friend from the childhood. And guess what, she knows all my secrets!" - she told laughingly. Shanaya just smiled a bit.

Then they went to buy their lunch and told me to sit there and wait. After a while, they came back and we had our lunch. While eating, she told me about her childhood encounters with Shanaya. I listened to them and smiled.

"Ok so, you both continue, I am coming from the washroom, just a sec" - saying this, she went inside the school building.

I looked at Shanaya. That death stare was constant in her face. I gathered courage and spoke up, "Hello, I am Nishant Arora, I am her- ".

- "Don't dare to cheat her!"

- "Sorry.... What??!!"

- "Nevermind. You are training her for the upcoming Badminton Competition Finals, right?"

- "Yes, me along with Prakash sir."

- "What do you think of her?"

- "Well, as a player, she is undoubtedly very talented. She also loves the sport by heart. Probably, she almost has all qualities of a genuine sportsperson. I think she can win the finals tomorrow, if she plays with all her might."

- "But I don't think she will play...."

- "Did you say something?"

- "No, it's nothing."

Aisha came back from the washroom. She asked us what were we talking about. We both replied, "About you."

She exclaimed, "Oh really?! Hey senior, I have brought something for you. Here, take this." She was holding a red rose in her hand.

- "It's for me? Why....I mean....all of a sudden....you are giving me this....."

- "Today is 5th September, Teacher's Day. You are one of my teachers. And I cannot give a pen as you coach me badminton and I couldn't afford anything else. So, I bought this."

- "Oh, thanks. This is the first time that someone is giving me a rose....so I became a bit nervous....."

"Yeah I can see it on your face."- she replied teasingly. The school bell rang, indicating that the recess was over. We rushed to our respective classes.

After the school got over, Aisha sat on my bicycle and told me to go straight to Prakash sir's house for the final practice before tomorrow's final match.

I sat on my bicycle and started paddling. On the way, we discussed about gameplans for tomorrow's game. Suddenly, strong winds started to blow and very soon, it started raining.

I immediately stopped my bicycle near an old building and we both rushed in there in order to take shelter. After entering there, I recognised that it was the same hallroom building where I first met Aisha!

- "Woah! Look senior! It's the same place where we first met."

- "Yeah, I remember."

- "Sadly, my badminton rackets are at sir's house. I can't practice now here."

- "It looks like you have to skip practice today as well. I don't think the rain would stop anytime sooner."

- "Guess we have no other choice. Let's sit there and wait for it stop."

We sat on the stairs. The rain was really heavy. Suddenly, I saw that a handle popping out of her bag, most probably, handle of an umbrella.

I tried to get her bag to check it....and a messed up accident occurred! She suddenly looked at me at that time and our faces got very close.

We looked into each other's eyes for a while. Due to the partial darkness, I couldn't see her face clearly. But I could hear the sound her heartbeat. I became a bit embarassed.

Suddenly, I could feel her breath, as if face came more close..... Is she trying to kiss me??!! Will I have my FIRST KISS??!!!, I thought.

Unfortunately, I don't have such a luck, god indicated that with a thunderclap. We both pulled our faces back. It became such an awkward moment for both of us that, we couldn't say a word till the rain stopped.

When the rain finally stopped, we got up and went outside. The sky became clear, even some of the stars were visible. I told her that I would drop her to her house, if she doesn't mind. She agreed and sat on my bicycle.

On the way, I asked her about the umbrella in her bag. She replied, "I-It's broken". Anyways, I dropped her to her house. "Let's meet tomorrow at the finals ground.", I said. She didn't replied back and went straight inside her house.

I came back home, took a shower and went upstairs to my room. Sitting on the bed, I took out the roses she gave from my bag. I begin to think about today's happenings.

When did she became so precious to me? What is this new feeling that I am having right now?? Am I in LOVE??!