
Chapter 3: Heaven's Welcome

After talking to each other, both Gabriel and Tian became friends quickly. As they sat in the center of the crater, they could hear the loud panic and commotion coming towards them.

Gabriel: "Well, my friends finally arrived. You should meet them, they're very nice and friendly. I wonder if my brothers are here too, hmm~"

At a distance, hundreds of angels are packing in, most of them looking with curiosity, anxiety, and a bit of fear.

Tian: "You have brothers?"

Gabriel: "Yes. I have three brothers and they are the other 3 Seraphs of Heaven. You would love them. They are very nice even though they spoil me a lot. hehe~". Giggling, she flew and waved at the crowd "Hello! Everyone meet Tian! He is very nice and friendly!".

Angel 1: "Gabriel-sama, what happened here? We saw a shooting star that passed through the barrier of Heaven."

Angel 2: "Gabriel-sama, are you alright? W-who i-is the a-armored man next to you?"

Angel 3: "Gabriel-sama, the West side of the Garden of Eden is destroyed. What happened? And how did the armored man get inside Heaven without passing through the Gate?"

Gabriel: "Mou~ everyone calm down. First, the shooting star wasn't really a shooting star, it was Tian. For some reason, he ended up here with no memory. He is really friendly and cool!" Gabriel waved her hand around, defending Tian. On the other hand, Tian was embarrassed.

As soon as the misunderstanding was cleared, the Angels swarmed in and started asking questions forgetting what Gabriel said.

Angel 1: "Hello Tian-sama, who are you? How did you end up here?"

Angel 2: "Tian-sama, what kind of armor is this? How is it so detailed and beautiful." While touching the armor.

Angel 3: "Wow! You're helmet is cool! Mr. Armor-san, why are you wearing a helmet? How do you look like?" as she tried to touch his helmet.

Gabriel: "Mouuuu~ you can't do that to Tian-kun." Pouting while intercepting the hands from touching his helmet and armor.

Tian: "Tian-kun?" Although Tian was embarrassed, no one could see his embarrassed expression under the helmet.

Gabriel: "Tian-kun is a cute name! You can call me Gabriel-chan as an exchange."

Tian could only accept his fate and took a deep breath. "Okay, G-gabriel-cha-chan.

Gabriel: "Hehehe that's right. I just realized Tian-kun, why you don't take off you're helmet? Do you have a scar?" She looked at Tian curiously.

Tian had just realized too. 'Why am I wearing my helmet?'. He reached for his helmet and tried to take it off, but it won't budge.

"Uhh, I can't take it off." He kept trying and trying but it still won't budge.

Gabriel and the angels looked at Tian relentlessly trying to pull his helmet off, but it won't pull off. It was a funny scene to Gabriel and the angels because of how comical the scene was.

Gabriel sighed and told Tian to rest easy, although for some reason she was also a bit disappointed. Tian smiled bitterly and gave up.

Tian shook his head and sensed three individuals with similar presence as Gabriel coming towards them.

"Three individuals with a presence similar to yours is coming here" Tian said.

Gabriel: "That must be my brothers!" A few moments after she said that three handsome angels came, but the one that stood out the most was the man between the other two. Instead of having the usual pure white feathery wings, the man had pure golden feathery wings. As soon as they arrived, the angels shouted "Michael-sama, Uriel-sama, Raphael-sama!". While Gabriel yelled "Brothers!" running towards and hugging them. The three men smiled, patting Gabriel's head "Mouu~ Stop, Tian-kun is watching us.". Pouting, she ran back to Tian and grabbed his hand leading him towards her brothers, which made Tian feel weird and hot at the same time.

Gabriel: "Brothers meet Tian. Tian meet my brothers!"

Tian observed Michael, Uriel, and Raphael closely and the same is done by the three Seraphs. Michael, Uriel, and Raphael looked very handsome, and had a strong presence, especially Michael. Michael had long ashy-blond hair that reached his shoulders and sky-blue eyes that wore a very gentle look like all of the angels he has seen. He wore this paladin-priest looking outfit with a golden halo on his head.

Michael's POV:

Today the barrier that had guarded Heaven for thousands of years had broken due to this armored man in front of me. Although, he broke the barrier, he does not emit any malicious intent, no, on the contrary he gives off this feeling of security and safety. However, that does not explain why he has broken through the barrier of Heaven. Who is he? What is his purpose here? Most importantly, how long would it take for the Garden of Eden to return back to how it was? T-T. My beautiful flowers that I planted...

General POV:

Michael: "My brothers and sisters, you guys can go back to what you're doing, I need to ask Tian-kun some questions first."

The Angels: "Okay Michael-sama. Bye Uriel-sama, Raphael-sama, Gabriel-sama, Tian-sama."

Seeing the crowd flying away, Michael turned to Tian

Michael: "Nice to meet you, Tian-kun." He reached out his hand to shake Tian's hand, who shook the hand with the same pleasure.

Raphael & Uriel: "Nice to meet you, Tian-kun" shaking Tian's hand after Michael.

Tian: "Yes, nice to meet you! I've heard so much about you guys from Gabriel-chan" smiling he nodded his head towards Gabriel.

Michael, Uriel, and Raphael stared in shock and surprise, while Gabriel blushed before hitting Tian in the arm "Mou~ don't say such embarrassing things". Gabriel's reaction shocked Michael, Uriel, and Raphael even more. Tian wore a dumbfounded expression, 'weren't you the one who told me to call you Gabriel-chan and you didn't react like this before?'. On the other hand, Michael, Uriel, and Raphael stared at Tian, thinking 'What have you done to my innocent sister?! And what is your relationship with my sister?!'.

Michael: "Ahem. Tian was it? Who are you exactly? Why did you crash into Heaven? And most importantly what's your relationship with my sister?" with Uriel and Raphael chirping in "Yeah!"

Tian was a bit shocked by the questions, especially the last question.

As Tian was about to respond, Gabriel interjected "He is Tian, he did not crash into Heaven purposely and he don't remember who he was." while putting her hands on her waist.

Michael: "Hmm. What about your relationship with Mr. Armor Man right there, missy?"

Gabriel: "Uhhh. We're friends."

Michael: "Are you sure? It doesn't seem like that."

Gabriel: "Uhhhh..." as she glanced at Tian with a blush, expecting an answer.

Tian, who also heard the Michael, blushed and was dumbfounded when he saw Gabriel look at thim expectantly.

Michael observed the reactions of his sister and the newcomer Tian chuckled and said "I was just teasing you. Why are you guys acting so serious? Or could it be that there is something going on between you two..."

Gabriel: "Mou~ don't tease me!" folding her arms while pouting.

Uriel: "Tian-kun, do you know remember anything before the crash?"

Uriel's question brought the Seraphs back to topic

Tian: All I remember is...

Author's Note: Whew! That took long! Hope you enjoy the chapter.

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