

New York was best to see after the sunset. It was the busiest and the most popular city in the world… you were lucky if you got to live here (that is, if you didn't mind lung diseases). It was also the best place to have Limo rides through… This was what he thought everyday during his rides back home from work. Today, as usual, the view outside the car was spectacular. Tall skyscrapers, colorfully-lit shops and crazy pedestrians passed by the Limo. But Austin Taylor paid them no mind. His mind was elsewhere.

He touched his cheek. It wasn't hurting anymore. But something made him touch it again and again. He was not sure what. Yes, no girl had ever dared to hurt him before. No girl had ever dared to scold him before. No girl… No. There WAS a girl. How many years has it been? Thirteen? Fourteen? He had lost count. But his search for her never ended.

A voice echoed through his mind. It was a child's voice. She was around three. He couldn't remember her face or name. It was a distant memory. But the voice was in his memory was distinct and clear.

"Auty, ….... loves your voice. ...… loves it when Auty sings…."

"Don't do it! Not healthy! What will .... do is Auty gets sick! Who will ...… play with!"

"Auty should also let others hear him singing. Others will like it too…."

Yes, he couldn't remember what she called herself. It may have been helpful if he had known. But however much he tried to recall it, the name wouldn't come to his mind. He couldn't remember the details either. He just knew that she was his neighbor when he was in Los Angeles. After her parents died after a car accident, she had moved to some place with her aunt and uncle. Maybe, if he asked his parents, he would get more details. But he wasn't in good terms with his parents ever since he ran away to New York to follow his dreams. Even if he was, he doubted his ever busy parents would have anytime to listen to his 'trash talk'. He had even had his name changed and his appearance changed in order to avoid meeting his parents. He was the only heir of a rich company with great financial prowess. He was brought up to as the heir of this company until one fine day, three years before, he decided to say goodbye to his family forever.

But he knew one thing: this voice was what made him move forward. This voice was what gave him courage to persevere. This voice was his strength. It was because of this voice that he had become famous.

The car came to a stop in front of a tall building. He silently slid off the car, his mask and glasses own and slowly made to his room in the seventh floor.