
Makai - Hospital Part 3




The hospital seemed quiet. Too quiet. I was running through the halls and the sound of my footsteps were echoing so loudly it was nearly obscene. I finally made it to the door that the older lady had told me to take. This was the way to the emergency room.

There were about half a dozen people sitting in various chairs throughout the waiting area and what looked like three nurses at the central station. I ran over to them and started talking the moment one of them acknowledged me.


"I'm looking for my friend, Ocean. He was brought here from our swim meet."

"Are you family?" She glared at me like I was an insect for some reason.

"No, I am his friend. I'm the one who pulled him from the water."

"Hmm." She typed something into the computer and looked down as if she were checking if I was allowed back in. "I'm sorry young man, if you're not family then you need to wait. He's being evaluated right now."

"Can you just tell me if he's alright?" I know I sounded desperate.

"I'm sorry, I can't give out any details to anyone that isn't family."

"Fine." I was losing my patience. These people didn't understand what I was going through. They hadn't just saved someone only to hear that they might not be saved. They hadn't just about lost the only interesting thing that this town had to offer them so far. What the hell was I going to do?

I sat in a chair as close to the nurse's station as I could. I wanted to hear if anyone said anything about Ocean. I wanted to know whatever I could about his condition.

I was there for about two hours or so before I heard anyone even mention his name. A slightly older man and woman came running through the emergency room doors. The woman was slender, pretty, and dark compared to the pale male that clung to her.

"We're looking for our son. We were told he was here." The woman sounded frantic. Hopefully they would have better luck getting information than I did.

"What's his name?" It was a different nurse but she sounded just as tight lipped as the first one.

"His name is Ocean. Ocean Shores." The nurse raised an eyebrow as she typed the name into the computer.

"Yes, I see it listed here. He is being moved upstairs to neurology for observation. I will have someone take you up there to see him as soon as he is settled into his room."

"Thank you so much." The man, who I guess was Ocean's Dad, sounded so relieved.

"You're Ocean's parents?" I called out to them as I stood and walked a little closer to them.

"Yes, who are you?" The woman who seemed to be his mom asked me.

"My name is Kai, I'm on the swim team with him. I was the one who pulled him out of the water, but no one is telling me if he is OK or not."

"You're the one who saved my baby?" His mom sounded so relieved as she leaned toward me and hugged me tightly. "Thank you. Thank you so much Kai."

"I thought we knew everyone that was on the team. How come we don't know you?" Mr. Shores asked me, a little skeptical I guess.

"I just moved here a little over a week ago. I joined the team right away and I met Ocean on my first day at school."

Mrs. Shores had pulled away from me and was holding my hands in hers. There was definitely gratitude in her eyes.

"When we get called up, you come with us, alright. That way you can see Ocean as well."

"Thank you."

His parents were nice, that was a plus. Too bad it couldn't be inherited because it looked like Ocean was adopted. Oh well, maybe it would become part of his personality from the environment instead of genetics. I laughed at myself for that stupid joke. I had just needed something to get the tension to break inside my mind.

A few minutes later a man in dark blue scrubs came out and called Mr. and Mrs. Shores over to them. He looked at me like I was suspicious but said nothing. Together the four of us went up to the fifth floor of the hospital and down to a room that was quiet and bright.

Ocean was laying in the bed with his eyes open. He was looking out the window at first but turned to look at the door when he heard people coming toward him.

"Ocean! My baby." Mrs. Shores called out to him and ran to his side. She hugged him tightly and he hugged her back.

"Hey mom."

"Ocean, what happened." His dad asked as he walked into the room and to Ocean's other side.

"I was just really tired and blacked out. I'm sorry."


Right as Mrs. Shores showed her relief, I let out a sigh of my own. It looked like he was going to be OK. That was good.

"What are you doing here?" Ocean had heard me and was glaring at me.

"I came to see if you were OK." I didn't know why he was so mad at me right now.

"Yeah right. Like you even care." I saw him sit up a little and noticed that he slumped almost instantly. He was obviously still weak, be it from the head injury or the exhaustion.

"What are you talking about?"

"I saw you heading away from the pool area. You couldn't have cared less that I was hurt. Why are you really here? Are you hoping to see Brittney here or something?" He really thought I was out to take her from him.

"Ocean, you shouldn't talk to him like that." His mom was scolding him.

"It's OK, Mrs. Shores." I grimaced at her. "I'll leave. I found out what I wanted to know. Have a good night. Get well soon, Ocean."

I slumped my shoulders and left the room. I know he isn't really like this. His friends told me so. Everyone at school told me so. So why was it he didn't like me at all? Could I get him to talk to me eventually? I hope so.

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