
A Wave Of Desire (BL)

Author: Deni_Chance
Completed · 1.6M Views
  • 500 Chs
  • 4.9
    21 ratings
  • NO.200+

What is A Wave Of Desire (BL)

Read ‘A Wave Of Desire (BL)’ Online for Free, written by the author Deni_Chance, This book is a LGBT+ Novel, covering R18 Fiction, BL Light Novel, FATEDLOVE Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: After having been abandoned on the beach as a baby Ocean has lived the best life possible. He is the school's star swimm...


After having been abandoned on the beach as a baby Ocean has lived the best life possible. He is the school's star swimmer. He is the most popular and a shoe in for the student body president. He is an honors student. And he even has the hottest girl in school as his girlfriend. But everything comes crashing down around him when the hot new Makai Rivers transfers in their senior year. Makai begins to steal Ocean's popularity, his number one spot on the swim team, even his girlfriend dumps him for the new guy. All of this just infuriates Ocean. So, why is it that Makai seems to follow Ocean around like a lost little puppy? Why can't he get this super annoying and super hot guy to stop following him? What is it that he truly feels toward Makai. And What is it that is different about Makai? Why is it that they're both so drawn toward each other? ******************** MATURE RATING ******************** This book is a LGBTQ story with mature content. There will be scenes that contain the following: ADULT LANGUAGE UNDERAGE DRINKING VIOLENCE SEXUAL SITUATIONS FOLLOW ME AND TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK https://discord.gg/8wrYgHqemB https://twitter.com/DCinMI https://www.facebook.com/deni.chance.71 **THE AUTHOR OWNS NO RIGHTS TO THE IMAGE ON THIS COVER, IF THERE IS AN ISSUE WITH ME USING THIS PLEASE CONTACT ME WITH ANY CONCERNS**

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Table of Contents
Latest Update
Volume 1
Volume 2 :The Ocean Deep


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Little bit of a back story for my situation, Recently, I saw an ad on Facebook for your book "Chosen By Fate; Rejected By The Alpha", and the cover was so beautiful that was why I had clicked on the ad. Then, once it loaded up I saw how many views that book had and I though to myself "Oh great, another author who thinks they are some hotshot on these sites". So, I decided not to read that and then I went to your author page to discover that you had quite a few other books. The cover that most appealed to me was the one with the tiger on it, but it said it has moved to a new link and I couldn't figure out how to get to it so I've wound up here instead. THIS BOOK IS SO F**KING AMAZING. LIKE, VERY, VERY, VERY, VERY, VERY, VERY, VERY AMAZING. And I haven't figured out how to do things like comment, but I know it's possible because I see numbers which I'm assuming would be other peoples comments. but there are some really great moments. Plus, I love the name "Ocean Shores" it's cheesy but in the greatest way ever!! Looking forward to reading more!!


I LOVE THIS BOOK!!!! Its impossible not to fall for both Makai and Ocean. They are absolutely perfect ❤️ I cant wait to see whats in store for them! Deni is so creative with her character developments and storylines. I have already reread this book so many times i have lost count. READ THIS BOOK! While waiting for the chapter updates make sure to check out Deni’s other books because all of them are worth reading.


So amazing so far, can't wait for more. I love this author, she is amazing!!!!!!!! I love all of her books! 💕❤💓💗♥💜 [img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update]


I am not that far in the book, but I can telk that thus book is gonna be fantastic. the flow of the book is srsly good! the story is humorous, sweet and both the characters are sooo lovable<33


First..Deni is an amazing writer!! I love her writing style and how she sucks you in and pulls emotions from you with her stories. Second..I LOVE THIS BOOK!! Read it. Worth every single coin. Every Power Stone. Every Golden Ticket.


I am already if fan of Deni Chance's novels. Her newest one has the cutest couple, Ocean and Makai (Kai for short)! One of them knows he's bi, the other thinks he's straight; we'll let you figure out which is which. Maybe they're both supernaturals of some sort (this is a Deni book!) probably involving water since they're both really strong swimmers. At the time of this review, they're still figuring out their relationship. It's a wonderful story with very entertaining characters. You won't be disappointed!!


This is such a well-written book! I love the character Ocean. The name alone is already interesting. The author described the setting and the characters majestically. The pace is just right and enjoyable. The writings are neat and well-organized. This book is totally recommended! [img=recommend]


this is an amazing story. have spent alot of coins on this book. really like the story line. please keep it up. looking forward to more of your works


this was such an wonderfull story i loved it so much the characters the emotions every thing was so good thank you author such an good novel 🥰🥰❤️❤️❤️


Loved the book. I would really like to now what happened to the rest of the characters. It left so many loss ends.


That reading was the most amazing reading ever. I can say that so far in my reading journey this is my second favorite.


Absolutely loved this. Captured my attention from beginning to end.


To see the words “The End” is so sad to see!! However, I look forward to the side stories and new stories. The author Deni has a unique way of keeping the characters alive within other stories and is creating a perfect universe with magical creatures that feel so real.


I absolutely love this story!!! I have cried with them in both joy and sarrow and laughed out loud on many occasions. It a must read!!!


I just started reading this, and I love it. Ocean and Kai are so cool. It is a interesting story. I would recommend this book. It has touched my heart.


Perfect story with touch of water and desire....you will fall in love..the couple is so sweet 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍


Another amazing book from this amazing author! If you've already had the pleasure of reading any of Deni's books, you already know there all fantastic & worth reading! If you haven't had the chance to start reading this book or any of her other ones...I have to ask, what are you waiting for??? You don't know what your missing! Your in for an amazingly wild, highly addictive, spicy in all the right areas & all consuming ride. Not to mention you won't be disappointed!!! 😁


Am addicted to all stories that go straight to the point right from the first page...this is 1 of those novels....am also team Ocean because for the fact that we dont like some things doesn't mean we hate them,we say it as we feel at that particular point in time....I know that am gonna love this book even more as I progress with the reading Well done author


This story has such a grand story line. It's even updated daily! I'm truly addicted to the story line, and I think whoever reads this will be too!


Interesting Storyline! I wonder if Ocean is a Merman!! The new guy River might be one too! So far i like the story But im rooting for River! 🧜🏼


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