
A wanderer’s trace: journey through shadows

we follow the life ofl, a unique 20-year-old who is both dwarf and human, struggling with the weight of depression after losing his last remaining family and loved ones. Set in a richly imagined world, Lexus's journey is a poignant exploration of inner battles and the quest for beauty amidst darkness. Haunted by his past, Lexus embarks on a solitary adventure, wandering through breathtaking landscapes and observing the world's enchanting beauty. Along the way, he encounters a diverse cast of characters, each with their own stories of triumph and tribulation. These chance meetings lead to unexpected friendships and glimpses of hope, as Lexus begins to heal and connect with the world in a profound way.

I_desperately · Fantasy
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2 Chs



"Ugg" ..

Get up trash .' Three boys surround what appears to be trash,thrown into a pile, kicking it and knocking overa bottle of liquid with a nauseating smell.

"The fuk was that" the tallest one said with a step back covering his nose form the foul smelling stuff that now coved the pile of trash, that upon closer inspection resembled. A man,amidst a boundle of tattered clothes and stained blankets.

He lay there curled up clutching an old yellow looking pillow, refusing to wake even after the unwarranted kick to his stomach.

"I dunno. There's more over there"the shortest of the three , quick to point to the array of glass bottles next to them.

with a tinge of disgust evident in his eyes.

There, bottles all murky and repulsive looking ,arranged in a once neat way knocked over spilling onto the floor"

"What the.. "ugg" again being kicked, the trash cluched his pillow harder "are these supposed to be potions,they're all disgusting probably poison"

"Ahhhhh" finally the man awoke with a scream upon having his fingers crushed beneath the boys boots.

"Cedric stop. We here to stock up supplies"

"Ugg". Kicking the pile of trash again Cedric snapped back"Supplies this dump is the only potion shop in this shit hole and we're 3 days from the nearest town. We wouldn't even need to waste money on potions if eamon learned heal like he was supposed to"

Cedric looked down onto eamons eyes with blame and scrutiny, who in turn looked over to Roland for help. Roland often the mediator of the trio attempted to pasfiy Cedric

"Don't blame him, it's not easy learning new spells. Plus he has an affinity with light magic.

"Yea' that's right I just need time and I can ..

"You better. We wasted 3 gold coins for that spell. If you don't learn it by the time we get to town I'll bash your face in"

A trace of worry inveloped eamon taking a step behind Roland .

"Humph"Cedric was always quick to anger taking it out on his team most often not eamon who was shorter than the three.

his short and weak stature drove his desired to master the arts of magic, his love for reading only cementing it in his mind.

Cedric knew of eamons talent in magic but was anyone's by how extraordinary expensive it was to learn, they had saved up for the heal spell and were now running low on funds, but still needed to spend even more on potions so they don't end up dying on there way to the next town.

After asking around they heard that there was only this potion shop in town,and upon seeing the state of the place his mood was worsened only to be met with some unresponsive trash next to discoloured potions that no one could possibly use.

"Ugg what'd you want"

The trio looked over to the man coming up from the ground, blankets falling from him as he stood up revealing his rough unkept appearance. He was a head taller than the trio, sunken eyes and slumped shoulders.

The trio followed with there eyes as he walked with uneven step to the counter and sat down, dusted himself off pop his fingers back into place without care for the one who did so.

With a corse exhausted voice he looked up to the trio

"You want potion's?, take your pick,5 silver each"

Cedric who's was nervous after seeing the man taller then him fix his fingers without care was overthrown with rage upon hearing what the man said.

"Are you stupid or something, you call these disgusting things potion's, who the hell would pay 5 silver for these"

"Ehm. Sorry about him, but I agree are you sure these are actually potions they look off"

"And they smell horrible"

Half Listening to the trio the man pulled out a dagger from the counter and stood up.The boys jumped back ready for a fight showing their clear experience

"Hey the hell you doing "

Cedric shouted unsheathing his sword, Roland behind him readying his bow and Eamon at the back Channelling his mana.

They watched the man on high aleart ready for his move.

The man scoffed at their reaction finding it amusing ,brought the dagger up to his arm and cut deeply, with large amounts of blood flowing down his arm and onto the floor, he reached over picking up a potion with a red cap, opening it even he winced back after catching a whiff, poured its contents directly onto the cut. Almost immediately began sizzling as the wound visibly closed leaving behind a red mark of new perfectly healed arm.

"Holy shit. It's a high grade healing potion"

Eamon had read about potion grades before an knew for a healing potion to work that fast this potion should be a C grade potion maybe close to B

"No way. If it's a high grade potion why does it look so disgusting , the ones I've seen look a lot better and smelled sweet"

Cedric pick up another potion with a blue cap and took a closer look

Roland came up whispered to Cedric's.

"These potions might look and smell weird but there definitely high grade look how fast it healed his arm, the last town we were in were selling high grade potions for 1gold "

"Did you forget we're broke,even if they are high grade we can't afford it"

"Ha. No money huh, you come into my shop kicking me in my sleep and your not even gonna buy anything" the man's nonchalant attitude pissed Cedric off but he was right.

"Names Lexus call me lex"

Lex grabbed items from around the shop including potions,dry plants mysterious jars and shoved them into a bag.he Laid out a map across the counter and started smoking some wired herbs and looked to the trio

"Your going to town aren't you"