

在皇后鞋裡散步 Zài huánghòu xié lǐ sànbù A gentle and kind-hearted soul, Wang Xiu Ying was the sole heir of the esteemed General of the Song dynasty. At the tender age of fifteen, he was forced by a royal decree to marry the sixth prince of the kingdom, becoming a member of the palace. With his unwavering dedication, he assisted his husband in stabilizing the nation. However, tragedy struck when he became entangled in the schemes of the inner court. Distrust was cunningly sown between him and the Emperor, ultimately leading to his demise at the age of twenty-five. Refusing to succumb to his unfortunate fate, Wang Xiu Ying made a solemn vow upon the spilled blood and tears of that fateful day. In his next life, he swore never to love or trust again, determined to protect his heart. But destiny had other plans for him. As his eyes opened once more, he found himself transported back in time, one year before his forced marriage. Was this a blessing or a curse to relive his tragic destiny all over again?

Tashany · Fantasy
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12 Chs


As the early winter settles in, the refreshing chill fills the air, leaving no trace of the once vibrant summer. The lightweight, breezy outfits have long been replaced by cozy furs and snug warmers. Like clockwork, unexpected snowstorms ensue, engulfing the surroundings in a sudden torrential downpour of snowflakes.

As night falls and the skies become shrouded in darkness, the street lamps illuminate, casting a gentle glow that seeps through the halls of supreme harmony. Outside, the relentless snowfall continues, accompanied by fierce winds that relentlessly pound against the doors, effectively trapping the inhabitants indoors.Perched gracefully on a magnificent golden throne, a man of such exquisite beauty resided that his mere presence caused a sharp ache in the eyes of those who beheld him. Below, dressed in a flowing white silk hangfu, knelt a pale-skinned young man on the floor.

 His complexion resembled the purest snow, and his downcast eyes were adorned with slender, graceful lashes. His lustrous white hair cascaded around him, creating an ethereal and fragile spectacle for anyone fortunate enough to gaze upon him.

As tears trickled down his face, each droplet resembled a pristine crystal, shimmering with purity and clarity. His delicate visage quivered, his rosy lips trembling as he struggled to contain the sorrows that plagued his heart. Despite being in his twenties, this young man's beauty remained as resplendent as ever, his allure blossoming at the tender age of twenty-two. He was the very embodiment of a beauty so captivating that it could incite chaos within the city of Jing.

The eunuch stood silently at the side, clutching a bowl of poison in his trembling hands. The young man's gaze met his, his eyes devoid of life and filled with icy coldness, mirroring the tiles beneath his kneeling form. A deep-seated hostility furrowed his brow, casting an ominous shadow over the room. 

"Zen asks you once more. Why did you attempt to assassinate Zen's heir ? Countless opportunities were given to you by Zen, yet today, you have sealed the fate of your entire clan, condemning them to perish alongside you. The illustrious Wang clan shall cease to exist." 

The deafening silence in the room only amplified the weight of his words, hanging heavy in the air. Since you have been immensely supportive to Zen during these previous years, we will prioritize the safety of women and children. Zen will ensure they are placed in reputable households, but on the condition that you confess your mistakes."With a cautious movement, Wang Xiu Ying lifted his gaze and met the eyes of the man seated above him. Time had transformed him, enhancing his handsomeness while erasing the traces of youth. Memories flooded Wang's mind, reminding him of their past encounters. Now, before him sat a figure both wise and merciless, a true embodiment of power. It was the very same man who once assured him that on this path, only Wang Xiu Ying could be his steadfast ally, unyielding in the face of adversity.This was the same man who now renounced his own promises. Wang Xiu Ying's gaze dropped once more, his grip on his silk robe tightening until his nails pierced his palms, drawing blood. The cold that seeped into his bones no longer registered, his body numb from the pain. He remained silent for a while, gathering his thoughts before speaking with a voice that sounded hoarse and cold.During the reign of Huangdi, when Empress Begong had just ascended to power, it was Huangdi who sought the assistance of the Wang clan to secure his position on the dragon throne, isn't that right?" Wang Xiu Ying's tears streamed down his face as he uttered these words.

Prince He Shuren, one of the six sons of the deceased emperor, was favored by the late Ying Li Li, the esteemed high imperial consort. Despite being born to a concubine, he had acquired extensive knowledge and earned a distinguished reputation for himself. Nevertheless, the emperor remained staunch in adhering to traditional customs, and Prince He Shuren's outstanding abilities could not alter the predetermined succession. As a result, when conflict arose between the Shen faction and the He faction, the crown prince became a victim of assassination.

Prince He Shuren seized the opportunity and displayed his unparalleled talent, successfully quelling the Shen faction. This earned him the favor of the emperor, who bestowed upon him the title of crown prince. Furthermore, due to his alliance with Wang Xiu Ying, He Shuren swiftly gained the support of the remaining noble houses and influential officials at court. Through his remarkable rise to power, he established himself as a wise and fair ruler, highly respected by his subjects.Wang Xiu Ying was captivated by the charm and talent of the handsome He Shuren and used his father's influence to suppress anyone who opposed He Shuren's claim to the throne. As a result, Wang Xiu Ying became a prince consort and actively participated in court affairs, entrusting the management of the palace harem to others. Being the favored son of the Wang general's first wife, Xiu Ying, had been sheltered and received a thorough education in the customs and etiquette befitting a prince's consort.

Xiu was too preoccupied with handling the unrest in the kingdom to notice that his husband sought comfort in the arms of a palace maid, a young boy who worked in the laundry room. Though the boy appeared gentle and kind, it was merely a facade that everyone saw.

One day, as fate would have it, the boy lost his footing and fell into the water in the garden just as the emperor was passing by. He Shuren, seeing the incident unfold, instructed one of his guards to rescue the boy. The guard quickly pulled the boy, named Li Wei, out of the water.He Shuren, captivated by the boy's presence, requested for Li Wei to work in the inner palace. From then on, Li Wei remained by his side. Wang Xiu Ying had encountered Li Wei a few times while he served tea to the emperor, but thought nothing of it until he discovered that the boy was pregnant. The decree was then passed, officially making Li Wei a carrier concubine.

Though Xiu Ying felt upset about the situation, he knew it was his responsibility to maintain harmony in the harem. As a result, he arranged for the west pavilion to accommodate the new carrier. Xiu Ying presented Li Wei with a Pi jade bracelet, symbolizing protection against evil and bringing good health as a way to welcome him into the harem.Apologies for any confusion. In reality, the bracelet had been soaked in a white lotus flower, which was known to contain a toxin that could cause miscarriage in pregnant individuals. The imperial doctor confirmed this after investigating the situation.

It seems that someone had intentionally exposed Li Wei to the white lotus flower, causing him to miscarry. This discovery added a new layer of complexity to the situation, raising suspicions and questions about who could have done such a thing and why.Xui Ying had generously gifted that very bracelet to various members of his beloved family, without any inkling of harm or ill intentions towards the recipients. However, despite his heartfelt pleas and desperate appeals to the emperor, Xui Ying found himself condemned in the eyes of the ruler. The emperor harbored a deep desire to gain control over the Wang family military, and for this, Xui Ying had to be declared guilty.This is the bleak reality that consumed his existence, as Xui Ying felt the chilling touch of Eunuch Zhang's icy fingers clutching his robes. The emperor's decree was read aloud, condemning Xui Ying as a man devoid of virtue, consumed by jealousy and wicked intentions. It accused him of masterminding a diabolical plot that led to the untimely demise of the rightful heir to the Zen dynasty. The Wang family, in their revolt against the kingdom, conspired to smuggle a lethal poison into the palace, intending to assassinate a member of the royal bloodline. Now, Xui Ying was to be disposed of, his fate sealed.

 Resigned to his inevitable fate, Xui Ying couldn't help but question the reasoning behind his condemnation. With a heavy heart, he mustered the courage to confront He shuren , desperate for answers. "Have I not served faithfully and dutifully as a carrier? Do you not possess an ounce of conscience, dear Shuren? For six long years, we have stood side by side, and I have never given you a reason to doubt my loyalty, nor that of the Wang family. Why, then, am I being cast aside so cruelly?"Xui Ying's voice quivered with a mix of anger and desperation as he reminded He Shuren of the Wang family's unwavering support during times of chaos and unrest. "During the darkest days of this kingdom's turmoil, it was my family, the Wangs, who stood by your side, both within the court and beyond, aiding you in subduing rebels and unruly nobles. Whenever you required the intervention of a high-ranking official, I, Xui Ying, would ensure their compliance. And now, in return for our loyalty, you seek to exterminate my entire clan? How can you justify such a heinous betrayal?"

Xui Ying's voice trembled with desperation as he pleaded, his body trembling uncontrollably as he fell to his knees. Tears streamed down his face, a stark reflection of his anguish. "I beg you, He Shuren, please spare my family and clan. I am willing to take all the blame, to accept any punishment you deem fit. I will not deny any wrongdoing, but I implore you to show mercy and leave the Wang family untouched. That is all I am asking of you." Xui Ying's voice cracked with emotion, his plea filled with a sense of desperation as he clung to the hope of salvation for his loved ones.

Xui Ying's body shook with a mix of fear and frustration as He Shuren spoke, his voice filled with a heavy sigh. The room fell into an eerie silence, broken only by Xui Ying's ragged breathing as he tried to compose himself.

"Xui Ying, you have committed a grave offense, and your father holds a high position within the kingdom as its great general," He Shuren's voice carried a tone of disappointment. "If I were to spare the Wang family and leave any heirs behind, their power and influence could lead to vengeance against Zen and even an attempt to overthrow the kingdom. The best course of action, for the sake of peace and stability, is to eliminate the men of the Wang family."

At these words, Xui Ying's laughter erupted, mingling with his tears. It was a bitter, hollow sound that reflected his shattered hopes and the cruel reality of the situation. Xui Ying's laughter grew louder, now mixed with a sense of defiance. "Ha ha ha ha!" he continued to laugh through his tears. "Good, good, He Shuren. Remember this day. I, Xui Ying, curse you and the throne you so desperately seek to protect. I curse you, He Shuren! Do you hear me? I curse you!"

Li Wei, startled by Xui Ying's outburst, couldn't contain his anger. "Preposterous!" he shouted, his voice filled with disbelief. "You dare to curse the emperor of this nation? Eunuch Zhang, what are you doing standing there? Seize him and let him have his final drink in the afterlife!"

Eunuch Zhang, caught off guard by the sudden command, quickly moved to restrain Xui Ying. The room filled with the sounds of struggle as Xui Ying's laughter began to fade, replaced by the grim reality of his impending fate.

As Xui Ying's body weakened, he didn't resist when they grabbed him and tilted his head. He willingly opened his mouth and accepted the warm tea, feeling it being poured down his throat. When they were done, Xui Ying leaned forward and spat out a mouthful of fresh blood.

Struggling to breathe, he fell forward, his gaze fixed upon the throne with bloodshot eyes. As his body began to shut down, he made a silent vow in his heart. Never again would he trust and love like a fool in his next life. And if he were to encounter any of these people in the afterlife, he swore to pay them back tenfold for what they had done to him on this fateful day.