

在皇后鞋裡散步 Zài huánghòu xié lǐ sànbù A gentle and kind-hearted soul, Wang Xiu Ying was the sole heir of the esteemed General of the Song dynasty. At the tender age of fifteen, he was forced by a royal decree to marry the sixth prince of the kingdom, becoming a member of the palace. With his unwavering dedication, he assisted his husband in stabilizing the nation. However, tragedy struck when he became entangled in the schemes of the inner court. Distrust was cunningly sown between him and the Emperor, ultimately leading to his demise at the age of twenty-five. Refusing to succumb to his unfortunate fate, Wang Xiu Ying made a solemn vow upon the spilled blood and tears of that fateful day. In his next life, he swore never to love or trust again, determined to protect his heart. But destiny had other plans for him. As his eyes opened once more, he found himself transported back in time, one year before his forced marriage. Was this a blessing or a curse to relive his tragic destiny all over again?

Tashany · Fantasy
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12 Chs


As the darkness descended, the evening breeze gently caressed the surroundings. Perched upon the steps that led to the entrance of Xui Ying courtyard, a solitary figure sat, their once vibrant hair now transformed into shimmering strands of silver. The wind danced with the delicate wisps, as if whispering secrets only it could comprehend. It was as if the person before you possessed an ethereal quality, a fleeting existence that could vanish at any given moment.

Xiu Ying, lost in his thoughts, brought the porcelain cup to his lips, indulging in the sweet taste of white rice wine. Mama Chu had delivered it earlier, and with each sip, the physical pain that had plagued him seemed to dissipate. However, in its place, a profound sorrow engulfed him, dragging him down into the depths like a drowning soul in an endless sea of water.Running his fingers through his flowing locks, Xui couldn't help but be transported back to a time he wished to forget. Despite being granted a second chance at life, the memories of those dreadful days lingered like a haunting presence. It felt as though he was constantly wading through murky waters, struggling to find solid ground.

His mind drifted to the moment he first set foot in the grand palace, his eyes brimming with ambition. Among the many suitors, each bearing a hint of silver in their hair as a symbol of fertility, Xui Ying stood out as a rarity. His hair had transformed completely into a luminous silver, a stark contrast to the others. During the mandatory examination for those entering into a union with a member of the imperial family, Xui Ying discovered just how distinct he truly was. He was labeled as "different from the rest," an enigma in terms of his fertility.The words of the imperial doctor echoed in Xui Ying's mind, igniting a fire of fury within him. He couldn't fathom the fact that the ambitious young man who had been diligently preparing for the imperial exam was now condemned to reside in the palace's shadow. But he had no choice but to accept his fate and make the best of what he was given.

With his pride and dreams still intact, Xui Ying refused to let his inability to become an official extinguish his aspirations. He vowed to find alternative ways to govern the country, even if it meant becoming the empress. And he had grown to love that man, the one he had married, but little did he know that his ambitions would never come to fruition. Instead, they led him down a path that landed him in the desolate and isolated cold palace.

Xui Ying couldn't forget the days when the kitchen ceased to send him meals, leaving him to endure the pangs of hunger. But even in those desperate moments, he clung onto hope. After all, he was the son of a general, a man of power and influence. Surely, even the emperor would have to yield to the might of General Xui. Yet, Xui Ying soon discovered the harsh reality that the man and his conspirators were willing to do anything to regain the general's military tally and strip him of his status."Dear young masters, it is time to retreat indoors before the night air leaves you shivering."

Mama Chu approached him, holding a robe in her hands. She observed the sorrow etched on the young master's face, wondering if it stemmed from his newfound role as a carrier.

"Di, Di," Xui Shin's voice resonated with strength yet warmth as he gazed at his younger brother, who was partially intoxicated. Memories flooded Xui Shin's mind: the joy that engulfed the entire fu when Xui Ying was born. The first madam, who had longed for a child for years, finally found solace in Xui Ying's. As a concubine-born son, his concubine mother saw this as an opportunity for him to inherit when the first wife adopted him into the main household...But as Xui Ying was born, Xui Shin had adored his little brother. Despite his stubbornness, Xui Ying's brilliance shone through in his endearing "Di, Di" nickname. Both brothers had attended the academy, but Xui Ying had graduated ahead of Xui Shin. He had excelled in the state exams and was now preparing for the imperial one.

When Xui Shin received news of Xui Ying's illness, he yearned to rush home. However, his father had prohibited him, insisting that everything was fine within the mansion's walls. It had only been a week since the academy break, and upon his return, chaos had engulfed the Fu. Every entrance was sealed shut, not even a mouse could escape. His father still attended court, maintaining the façade that all was well.

Xui Shin had been barred from the third courtyard until today. Determined to see his beloved Di, Di, he decided to visit him under the cover of darkness. Little did he expect to find Xui Ying consumed by depression. The young boy took a sip from a porcelain bottle, savoring its taste. Spotting his brother's arrival, Xui Ying dismissed the old servant and extended the bottle to Xui Shin."Ge, you're back. Why don't you have a drink?" Xui Shin approached Xui Ying, gently running his fingers through his hair and noticing the new color it had taken. It made Xui Shin's chest feel tight. "Di, Di, I'm glad you're feeling better, but why are you out here in the night air? Let's not drink here, come." Xui Shin stepped forward and helped the drunken Xui Ying to his feet. Xui Ying swayed a bit before steadying himself by holding onto Xui Shin.

"Ge, it's good to see you alive," Xui Ying mumbled, his mind clouded by alcohol. Xui Shin dismissed his words as drunken ramblings and chose not to pay them much attention. "Yes, Ge is alive and well," Xui Shin simply agreed, not wanting to argue with a drunk."It's alright, Xui Ying," Xui Shin reassured, his voice filled with empathy. "You've had a terrible nightmare, but remember, I've always been here for you when you've had them before, and I am here now. Just rest, my dear sibling, tomorrow will bring a better day." Gently, he laid Xui Ying on the cozy Kang and tucked the warm blankets up to their chin, tenderly wiping away the lingering tears from their cheeks.

"En, you're right, Ge," Xui Ying replied, their voice trembling. "It was just a long, terrifying dream." Slowly, the heaviness of sleep overtook them, and Xui Shin remained by their side, his eyes filled with worry and affection. He delicately ran his fingers through Xui Ying's soft, silver-white hair, breathing in the soothing scent of lavender mixed with the earth after a gentle morning rain. The aroma was crisp and rejuvenating, but within Xui Shin's heart, he only felt deep compassion and profound love for his younger sibling.Feeling a sense of resignation, he let out a heavy sigh and made the decision to leave for now. Perhaps it would be best to come back another day, when the wounds were not as fresh and emotions not as raw.