

在皇后鞋裡散步 Zài huánghòu xié lǐ sànbù A gentle and kind-hearted soul, Wang Xiu Ying was the sole heir of the esteemed General of the Song dynasty. At the tender age of fifteen, he was forced by a royal decree to marry the sixth prince of the kingdom, becoming a member of the palace. With his unwavering dedication, he assisted his husband in stabilizing the nation. However, tragedy struck when he became entangled in the schemes of the inner court. Distrust was cunningly sown between him and the Emperor, ultimately leading to his demise at the age of twenty-five. Refusing to succumb to his unfortunate fate, Wang Xiu Ying made a solemn vow upon the spilled blood and tears of that fateful day. In his next life, he swore never to love or trust again, determined to protect his heart. But destiny had other plans for him. As his eyes opened once more, he found himself transported back in time, one year before his forced marriage. Was this a blessing or a curse to relive his tragic destiny all over again?

Tashany · Fantasy
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12 Chs


"Father, you were aware?" Xui Ying glanced at his father, a hint of surprise crossing his face before he regained his composure. "Yin'er, your mother and I have known for quite some time now. Ever since your last birthday, we could sense your desire to pursue the imperial exam. We were simply unsure of how to approach the topic with you."Xui Ying gazed at his father, General So Ying Sang, who in turn returned the gaze to his determined son. To his surprise, Xui Ying remained unfazed, as if he had long anticipated the news about to be delivered.

Ever since his transformation in his previous life, Xui Ying's hair had borne the distinctive emblem of a carrier. The Duke's household sought to establish a bond with the prestigious General family, and thus approached them with a proposal for engagement.In that moment, Xui Ying felt a wave of distress and resistance towards the idea of marriage. His parents, witnessing his anguish, were deeply concerned. However, just as they were grappling with this predicament, an official decree arrived, altering the course of their decision. This time, Xui Ying would accept the proposal.

"Father understands that you are not at ease with this, but I promise, my child, that I will ensure your well-being in the future," his father assured him, his voice filled with sincerity.

Nodding quietly, Xui Ying acknowledged his father's words, his heart burdened with conflicting emotions.With a lump forming in his throat, Xui Ying held back his emotions and nodded in response. It had been far too long since he heard his father's tender voice, coaxing and comforting him. Since the heavens granted him a second chance, he vowed not to allow his family to suffer under the hands of the tyrant again.

"Yin'er, let us go and see Mother in the main hall," his father said, his voice filled with a renewed sense of purpose. "We must not keep her waiting, as the day's meal must be ready."

Eager to fulfill his responsibilities as a son, Xui Ying followed his father's lead, his heart filled with determination to protect his loved ones from any harm that may come their way.

As Xui Ying and his father walked towards the main hall, their footsteps were accompanied by the sound of the guards and his two personal servants following closely behind. The weight of responsibility rested on his shoulders, and he felt a mix of nervousness and excitement.

Upon entering the hall, Xui Ying's eyes immediately fell upon his mother and younger brother. They sat gracefully at the table, with his grandmother seated nearby. A servant stood by, assisting his grandmother in washing her hands in a basin, a symbol of respect and honor.

Xui Ying couldn't help but feel a surge of warmth in his heart as he approached his family. The sight of his loved ones gathered together brought a sense of familiarity and comfort that he had missed dearly. He knew that he had been given a second chance, and he was determined to cherish every moment with them.Xui Ying's grandmother's voice broke through his thoughts, bringing him back to the present moment. Her words echoed in the hall, causing everyone to turn their attention towards him and his father.

As his gaze met his mother's, Xui Ying couldn't help but feel a pang of pain in his heart. The last time he had seen her, she was in a state of suffering, covered in bruises and restrained in a prison cell. The memories of what she had endured haunted him, and he couldn't shake off the guilt he felt for not being able to protect her.

In his previous life, Xui Ying had been foolish. Despite receiving training in the art of war from a young age, he had allowed himself to be consumed by an obsessive love, making choices that led to tragedy. Now, everything from his past life seemed like a distant memory, faded and distant after awakening in this new reality.

He took a deep breath, pushing aside his inner turmoil. This was his chance to make amends, to protect his family and ensure their happiness. As he stood in the courtyard of his mother's Fu, watching her calmly sip tea, he vowed to himself that he would never let history repeat itself. He would use his second chance wisely and make sure that his loved ones never suffered again.Xui Ying's words were filled with remorse as he stepped forward and kowtowed before his grandmother and mother. "Greetings, grandmother. Greetings, Mother. This son and grandson have been unfilial. I have not visited my mother or grandmother for a few days. This son asks for forgiveness."

As he raised himself from the kowtow, Xui Ying's eyes widened in recognition. Seated at the end of the table was a man he hadn't noticed before. It was then that his mother spoke up. "Come now, Yin Er. Grandmother takes no offense. I have heard that your body has not been well. You should dress more warmly when you venture out of your courtyard."

Her words were filled with concern, and Xui Ying felt a mix of gratitude and guilt. He had neglected his mother's well-being, consumed by his own internal struggles. He realized now that he had been blind to her needs, and his heart ached at the thought of causing her worry.

His grandmother's voice cut through the silence. "Even though the weather has changed lately, one cannot be too careful. If something were to happen to our Yin Er, what would your father and I say?"

Xui Ying's eyes met his father's, and he could see the worry and love in his gaze. It was a reminder of the family he had taken for granted. Determination filled his heart as he vowed to himself that from this moment on, he would be a better son and grandson. He would cherish and protect his family, ensuring their happiness and well-being above all else.

Xui Ying forced a smile and nodded at his second uncle, who sat at the far corner of the table. The man had always seemed kind and caring, but Xui Ying couldn't help but feel a sense of resentment towards him. In his past life, he had discovered that his second uncle had played a role in the downfall of his first branch of the family. It was a bitter realization, knowing that someone he had never paid much attention to had been instrumental in the tragedy that had befallen his loved ones.

But Xui Ying knew that dwelling on the past wouldn't change anything. He had been given a second chance, a chance to make things right. So, he pushed aside his negative thoughts and responded politely, "Greetings, second Uncle .

Dai Lei Wang couldn't help but be taken aback by Xui Ying's regal and graceful greeting, as if he were a member of the esteemed imperial family. The surprise was evident on his face, but he swiftly regained his composure and responded with genuine delight, "Hello, my dear nephew. I was informed about your illness and decided to pay you a visit. It warms my heart to see you in improved spirits."

Xui Ying sipped his tea, hiding his true feelings behind the facade of a smile. He knew that he had to navigate this delicate situation carefully. He couldn't let his resentment cloud his judgment or interactions with his family members. Instead, he would use this opportunity to observe, gather information, and ultimately protect his loved ones from any potential harm.

As the meal began, Xui Ying made a mental note to be cautious around Uncle Sue. He couldn't fully trust him, but he would play the part of the dutiful nephew for now, keeping his true intentions hidden. It was a balancing act, but one that he was willing to undertake to ensure the safety and well-being of his family.

Xui ying sneered in his heart as he looked at the thin pale face with bread and whiskers. Xui Ying picked up his chopstick and put a piece of meat on his rice before looking up at the man.

Living for the second time he could now see envy and wickedness in the man's eyes that he tries to mask with a gentle and benevolent face.With a sneer concealed within, Xui Ying observed the emaciated countenance adorned with meager facial hair. He skillfully grasped his chopsticks, effortlessly placing a succulent piece of meat atop his rice before diverting his gaze towards the man seated across from him.

Having been granted a second chance at life, Xui Ying could now perceive the envy and malice lurking behind the man's facade of gentility and benevolence. This man, a member of the lesser branch, a mere scholar with meager accomplishments, was the product of his grandfather's concubine.Despite the kindness and generosity extended by Xui Ying's father towards the second branch, this very man seated before him was plotting with officials to bring about his father's downfall. Suppressing his contempt, Xui Ying mustered a semblance of gratitude and addressed the man as "uncle," expressing a sense of unity within the family.

Knowing the importance of playing along, Xui Ying had not ascended to his past position without learning the art of wearing multiple masks. "Please inform the aunts and uncles that I shall pay them a visit in the near future, showcasing my filial piety."As Dai Lei Wang observed the young boy, he couldn't help but notice a change in Xui Ying. Gone was the innocence of youth, replaced by a newfound maturity that seemed to exceed his station. There was an icy aura surrounding him, a coldness that Dai Lei Wang had never witnessed before.

Dai Lei Wang initially felt the urge to oppose Xui Ying's words to question the sincerity behind his gestures. However, as he locked eyes with Xui Ying's deep, penetrating gaze, he felt a shiver run down his spine. It was as if Xui Ying could see right through him, exposing his innermost thoughts. In that moment, Dai Lei Wangdecided to swallow back the words he wanted to say, realizing that confronting Xui Ying would be futile.