
A Walk In a Fantasy World

I had a second chance in life, was it because I died young, or was it pure coincidence? Either way who is not going to enjoy a second chance at a life you didn't get to live completely? I'll take full advantage of this opportunity to enjoy myself, while peacefully awaiting for my death (The Probabilities of this being peaceful are almost none).

TheGreatSommy · Fantasy
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2 Chs

The Beginning of the End

Shall we begin this journey? Well, things aren't looking good for me. I died. I won't get into much detail right now. First, Let me make something clear before I move on, this might be every virgin's dream from the looks of it, but I assure you it was hell when I realized what was happening. Yes yes, your questions will be answered. When? I have no fucking idea. For now, lets enjoy my version of hell, I'm sure you enjoy watching others suffer.

My Name was Jason? I suffered a slight memory loss, and I'm still losing memories. I'm saying was because, well, you know. If you want me to explain it to you like you were a kid; I died. The only life I will ever have and I completely fucked it up. I don't remember much about my life, but what I do remember is watching a lot of blood coming out of my body. If I had to guess, I probably died of blood loss. With modern medicine they shouldn't have a problem bringing me back, would they? Anyways, I guess I'll just accept my fate and well, I can't argue with God or the Devil. Now that I think about it my whole life I've been an atheist, I am gonna be very pissed if I find out there is indeed a "heaven".

"Well, I've been walking for around 20 minutes, what am I supposed to do, find purgatory myself?" I exclaimed, maybe a little too loud.

"Do you need a hand?" a womanly voice whispered.

"Oh what the fuck was that?" I Jumped, well, I tried. I realized I didn't really have a body.

"Maybe, who even are you anyways?" I said.

"You look lost, so I thought you wouldn't mind a hand. I can give you a little tour if you wish. I'm Iris by the way, I'm an angel, I guide spirits here in the void" She said with a smile in her face.

"Is there really tours in the void?" I asked.

"No silly, that was sarcasm, by the looks of it, you aren't very good at it" Iris said.

"That aside. Surely with all this time you've been walking you might've noticed other spirits, many of which are a different color, their color represent where they will be spending their next life, which is based on their beliefs".

"You can see there is a white spirit over there, that color means that the soul is pure, and its heading to paradise where their body and soul will be for eternity. Then you can see the red spirits. The darker shades of red means the person committed an unforgivable sin, while the lighter shades aren't all that bad, sadly they weren't good enough for paradise and they get sent to hell to suffer. Most gods are merciful with their followers, yet there can be actions that can't be forgiven, even if it was on accident".

I took a good look at myself, I noticed I was blue. Hopefully it means something good.

"If you look around you'll see green and blue spirits, like yourself. Green spirits believe in reincarnation and will get a second chance in your world. Since blue spirits don't have beliefs or religion, they get sent to a world of their choice, meaning you would get to choose a world of your choice".


"The gods provide their servants with blessing to take on their "journey" that would help them out, since atheists don't believe in a god, they don't get the blessings the others would get. You are all alone in the world of your choice. Now, will you accept your faith, or perish and become one with the void?" She said Caringly.

"Man, that is a lot of information to process, isn't it?" I said sarcastically.

"I literally watered down this information so you could understand. Did you hit your head on the way in? Do you need me to explain it with pears and apples?" she giggled.

"What kind of angel insults someone like that?" I asked.

"Only the best, that's who. Are you perhaps a bad listener?" She asked.

"I think you might be right, I did use to hear to a lot of music at high volumes" I agreed with Iris, since, well, I don't know much about myself.

"We've arrived, its time to make your choice. You'll need a new name for this new world, does Alfonso sound nice to you?". She said Happily.

"I mean, it does sound badass. You said I could pick a world of my choice right? If so, I decided that I will take the next life in a fantasy world" I said, hyped.

"Excellent. How does magic, swords, bows, shields, guilds and a lot of cute girls, you know, old fashioned and classic. You might also find many unpleasant surprises awaiting for you" she said with excitement.

"Sign me up for that shit. Wait will I have to be born again or will I be sent with my old body?" I asked.

"So you can get right into the action, you will be sent with your old body, well maybe we can change some details such a your hair, and maybe give you some muscles and a pretty face" I agreed.

"You are very handsome even on your current condition I'll give you that. If I could I would stop every now and then to visit you, if I weren't on this angel duty I would definitely let you invite me to dinner" she laughed while saying that statement.

"I'll think about, but I don't like old hags" I said sarcastically.

"Oh, fuck you, I'll have you know I'm 125 years old, which is when female angels are the most attractive, " she replied.

"Not gonna lie, you do have a nice body" I said.

"hehe, so you do really like me?" she said with a smirk in her face.

"Maybe I do, anything else I need to know before heading to my next life?" I asked.

"Well, you won't receive blessings from gods. Oh, and try not to die again, I'm not sure you'll have another chance after this one" Iris responded.

"No shit sherlock. Real quick, can I have all the cute girls I want?" I said confidently.

"haha, if they want you is alright, don't break their heart though" She said.

"Alright I won't waste any more time on you when a bunch of cute girls are waiting for me in the next life" I said bravely and with courage.

"Ouch" Iris said.

After the harsh comment directed towards Iris, she began to do a ritual of some sort. She did take her sweet time though, I'm assuming to create these worlds angels need a lot of energy. After a few minutes, she finally finished the ritual and opened a portal, while I was heading to the portal Iris patted my head and gave me a hug, I didn't appreciate it though, well, that is what I kept saying to myself. Maybe I will miss Iris.

I entered the portal and I think I blacked out because I don't remember the process of traveling from the void onto the world. Once I woke up it looked like I was in a forest of some sort. I also noticed I had a body which I assume was my past body. I looked around, sun was up and burning my skin luckily, there are a bunch of trees, since, well it is a forest. I decided to start walking straight, hoping I would find some people. I got tired after walking for 10 minutes, and decided to rest on a shade of a tree.

"I can get used to this, now, where the hell am I?" I exclaimed and proceeded to enjoy the rest of my journey.