
A visitor stole his heart(a selection fanfic)

What if instead of America getting picked for the selection is was Celia(One of Aspen's sisters) What if when the selected are down to the Elite Celia chooses America to be her visitor? What if Maxon meets her and instantly falls in love with her? Will they be able to be together? Aspen, however, did still break up with America. Does America still love Aspen or will she have forbidden love with Maxon?

BalletBeauty22 · Book&Literature
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22 Chs

Rebel Attack

So I head off to breakfast in another gorgeous dress. They literally placed me in the middle of all of the elite. Seriously! I catch Maxon looking my way a few times.

Marlee Tames' POV...

I'm whispering to Kriss about how Maxon definitely likes America. We want to come up with a plan to get them together. First, we need to know if she likes him. Hmmm....

America's POV...

I must say I am thoroughly enjoying meals here. I can't get too attached here though. I'm only here until the selection ends. When everyone finishes eating Maxon pipes up, " Lady America would you sing us a song to really get our day going?" I look at the other girls and they are all nodding. "I some have any of my instruments, Your Highness, " I reply. "Which would you need?" he asks. "Probably my acoustic guitar, " I say. "I'll be right back, " he calls out. "Your Highness I can get it, " I insist. "No need, " he says as he walks out of the room. I'm thinking he ran the rest of the way there and back because he was back in a matter of minutes. I stand and he hands me my acoustic guitar. "Thanks, " I whisper. He nods his head. I decide to sing Happy Dance from Mercy Me. When I finish Kriss asks, "America that was wonderful did you write that song I've never heard it." "No I have my great-great-great-great-grandfathers book of all the songs he heard in his day, " I explain. "Wow, " she says. I excuse my self and head up to my room(more specifically my recording studio). I'm working on learning a new song called broken by someone called lovelytheband. A knock comes at the wardrobe door. The only people that know about this are my maids and Maxon so I don't know why any of them would knock. I open the door and it's Maxon. "Come in, " I say. I lock the food back once he is inside so nobody else discovers this. "What's up?" I ask. "I just had a question for you, " he starts."What would that be?" I wonder. He sits down on the super comfy couch that's in here and I sit on my piano bench. "Do you think you'll ever go back to him?" he asks. "Who?" I ask confused. "Your ex." "Oh him. It's possible but it all depends on the- nevermind I can't tell you, " I say. I can't tell him that if he picks Celia that we will most likely get married. "What? It depends on what?" he interrogates. "I can't tell you." "Why not?" "I just can't." "America tell me. I won't make fun, " he promises. "I-" "Please." "I can't, " I say with a few tears streaming down my cheeks. "What's wrong?" "I can't tell you, " I say crying. "Whatever it is it can't be as bad as you think, " he says. "It can, " I cry. "Please tell me, " he begs. "The thing is there is one-" I stop not sure if I want to continue. "You see one of the girls here is his sister so-" I say but am interrupted by tears. "If I choose her he would be a one and then you two could be together, " he guesses. I nod. "I'm sorry I promise I'm not using you it's just well-" "I understand, " he says. He comes over and sits next to me. "Would you please stop crying. Crying women make me uncomfortable. I never know what to do!" he says. That just makes me laugh. "Maxon would you like some advice on that matter?" I ask. "Please." "A lot of times women just want to be comforted rather than you fixing the problem, " I say. (a reference to the book) "Like pat, their shoulder, rub their back, hug them, embrace them any way possible, and comforting words, " I explain. "Would now be a good time to do that?" he asks. I laugh at his uncertainty and say" Yes now would be a great time."-quote from the selection-. He hugs me. "I better be off before my father sends out a search party, " he says. We both laugh. "Quick question can anyone hear me from outside this room?" I ask. "No it's soundproof they don't hear you and you don't hear them, " he says. "Goodbye, " he says. "Goodbye, " I say back. He smiles and locks the door behind him. A few hours later when I finish I walk out and lock the door. I turn to see some guy pointing a gun at me. Uh oh, rebels. "What's in there, " he asks. "Clothes a wardrobe what else, " I lie. Right, when he is about to fire someone shoots him from behind. I watch him fall to the ground and then I look up to see who shot him. I think I'm shaking I thought I was going to die. It's Maxon. "America are you okay?" he asks and rushes over to me. "I fall into his arms. "Thank you, " I breathe. "How did you know that that would happen?" I ask. "I figured nobody told you. "Now hurry we have to get to the safe room, " he instructs. I nod and he shows me the secret passage that is attached to my room. We rush down into there. When we finally are let out I sit on my balcony. The guards are running laps and all. I have always wanted to be a guard and have time or money to work out. I just stare as they run past. "Checking out the cute guards?" Mary asks."No of course not. It's just I've always wanted to be a guard or at least have the time or the money to work out, " I confess. "Your Highness, " Mary says with a curtsy. I whip my head around to see Maxon standing in the doorway. Mary rushes off and Maxon comes to sit on the balcony with me. "So that's what you've always wanted to do huh?" he asks. "You heard that, " I asked embarrassed. "Yes. You know you could work out with them if you want. We could have you on the same medicine as them to gain muscle easier if you would like, " he offers. "Maxon you've already done so much for me I couldn't, " I refuse. "I don't mind, " he says. "Are you serious?" I ask. "Quite." "I would love that thank you, " I say. "So how's the decision making going with the girls?" I ask. "I'm pretty sure which two I'm going to send home next, but I wanted to know if either of them were your love's sister before I did, " he says. "Maxon I'm not telling you. I don't want that to influence your decision in any way. It would just simply be a perk if it happened to be her, " I say. "Ok... Well, I'm going to send Natalie home for sure. I'm torn between Celia and Elise, " he says. I might just have to kiss Aspen goodbye. I nod. "Are any of those-" he starts before I cut him off. "I'm not telling you, " I laugh. "Well I'm going to go arrange the workout thing and medicine for you, but this came for you in the mail, " he says and hands me a letter. I open it and it's from my family.

Dear America,

Thank you so much for the money you have been sending us. It is quite a lot though. When we see you again we might be fat. Lol. Hope you are well.

Love Mom.

What money? I haven't sent them anything. I'll have to ask Maxon next time I see him. I talked to Celia for a little bit and she says Aspen did not get drafted. She also told me that Natalie got sent home. I still have a chance to be with Aspen but if he was contemplating sending her home I doubt he'll choose her.