
a visitor come to RWBY [on hold]

I don't own any of the series mentioned in this story this was wirtien for entertainment purposes only. feedback is greatly appreciated as well. mc dies meets God gets three wishes then reborn need u say more

reddragon98 · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

meeting Tai and yang

Mom just laughs as she finishes preparing dinner.

Mom: ok James now behave yourself when they get here.

James: ok mom.

* knock knock*

Mom just perks up and walks towards the front door and opens it.

Mom: ah no wonder why you are early Tai.

Tai: yea yea anyway I believe this is the first time meeting yang?

mom bends down to look at yang and smiles.

Mom: oh my aren't you a cute Little one aren't you.

Yang: heyo the name's yang!

Mom: of course you are I hope you get along with my little pup James get over here and say hello.

as I round the corner I take a look and see that the familiar faces yang even as a kid she looks almost like she does in the show and Tai looks just like the show but there is a face I'm not to sure about.

James: hello name's James.

Yang: you look wried with sliver hair are you....ow dad that hurt.

Tai: don't be rude yang. If anything he looks like a mirror image of his dad right?

????: yea I started to think that Jim had shrunk.

James: who are?

???: oh pardon me for my late introduction I'm summer rose and this little baby is Ruby.

Well now I didn't think I would meet summer but hey she looks like what yang described.

James: nice to meet.... ow ow ow mom my head feels like it's splitting!

oh right I forgot I asked for future sight, but did it have to hurt this much.

Mom: are you ok James.... your burning up.

James: aaaaaaarrrrrrgghh* falls unconscious*

------------------------------vision pov-----------------------------

Summer: for once there are to many Grimm for me to deal with but a huntress never turns away from her duty.

sliver flash of light and blood splatter.

summer: I'm sorry Tai looks like I won't be coming home this time* coughs* yang and Ruby grow up and be strong ...*dies*

---------------------------------james pov-------------------------

James: ah. what happened?

Mom: James sweetie are you ok you just suddenly collapsed.

James: yes mom I'm fine my head hurt though but I felt like I was somewhere else .

summer: what do you mean lil' james.

James: I'm not little but I was somewhere up north and I saw you facing a whole hoard of Grimm and then there was a sliver flash of light and then you died.

everyone:..... what?

I just nod.

Mom: James you have to keep this your self ok?

James: yes mom

Mom: good now go play with yang she is worried about you.

I nod and runs out side and tries to track down yang.


Tai: Tina you never mentioned having any powers?

Mom: because I don't Tai.

summer: but this has to mean something doesn't it, show we ask oz?

Mom: no I don't want him anywhere near James at this point he asked me to start training him to be a huntsmen so he will meet oz if he chooses to go to beacon till then oz will not know.

Tai: he wants to be a huntsmen the he will have to go to signal first.

Mom: I Know but that's if he chooses to.

back to James

James: there you are yang I been looking for you.

yang: James you good you just passed out I got scared so I came to here.

James: I see come here to think as well.

yang: what you think about?

James: just thinking what it would be like to be a bird so I could fly as high and as far as I want... is the world getting bigger cak.


I look up and see the panicked look on her face and look down and see sliver wings where my arms were.

James: KA!!!!

meanwhile on the front porch

Mom: so that is why raven never calls any.....

* Yang's scream*

Tai: YANG !!!!!!!

We all start running to where we hear yang screaming and we see her and a strange sliver bird pointing at each other.

mc pov

Yang: why did you turn into a bird?!

James: ka ka ka (* I don't know*)

Yang: I don't understand you change back you are scaring me!!

James: ka ka ka ka! (* I would if I knew how to!*)

Tai: Yang are you ok where is James?

Yang: he is there * keeps pointing at the bird*

Tai: yang that is a bird.

Yang: no that is James he turned in to a bird.

summer: ok yang just calm down and tell us where he is?

Yang: I'm telling you he is the bird!


James: kkkkaaaaaa!*( I'm here*)

Tai: get out of here bird.

maybe this will work out I can't believe this so I shrug and waddle past them back towards the house.

Mom's pov

wait did that bird just shrug and why isn't it flying hold on a sec I'm going to feel so embarrassed if this doesn't work.

Mom: James stop where you are.

what the hell why did it stop!!!

back to james

yes it worked I can't believe it it actually worked.

Mom: is that really you James nod once for yes?

I nod once.

uh I never seen mom that pale before.

Mom: how did this happen?

James: ka? ( bets me) * shrugs and but wings in the air*

Yang: see I told you!.

summer: Yang not now James try imagining your body and think of that.

why the hell didn't I think of that might as well try.

James:kaaah that hurts more that it looks and before I get yelled at I'm sorry!!!