
Chapter 04

Whispers could be heard all around the arena as the standoff between Bethel, Merlin and Amon continued

"What is happening ?? "cried out Natsu as he jumped from his guild's balcony with some other members of Fairy Tail to assist Crime Sorciere.

"I don't know it seems to be a dispute between members of the Twilight guild" replied Erza as she ran toward Mystogan with the other members of Fairy Tail but in an instant a wall of fire appeared in front of them and from it emerged Medici.

"What do we have here, Fairy Tail helping wanted criminals, how gentle of yourself" he said with a mocking smile " Or is there something more about this man Mystoganp perhaps ? "

"Moove !" Natsu cried out as he used his magic to envelop his fist with dragon killing flames

Seeing this Medici smiled before enveloping his fist with fire "You dare to use fire in front of ME ?" he cried out as the two fist collided, the shock didn't last long as Natsu was sent flying toward the walls of the arena creating an explosion as he impacted the wall.

"Requip: Purgatory's Armor " Erza cried out as her previous armor was replaced by a black armor with an enormous spiked mace. She swung her weapon with her two-hands wielding it toward Medici.

The impact created an enormous crater and a dust cloud.

"Well, your attack is kinda strong compared to what I am accustomed from this country" the voice of Medici came from the dust and as the cloud dissipated everyone could see Medici holding the mace between two of his fingers

"What ? " exclaimed Erza as she looked at Medici with widened eyes, deflecting her attacks was not something new but withstanding the blunt of it was a new experience.

"If this was your strongest then you don't hold any value, now DIE ! " he cried out with a smile as an enormous sword made of fire appeared above Erza and fell on her but suddenly a kind of stove appeared in front of Erza and as the fence opened the entire sword of fire was sucked into it.

"And the first test of the Anti-Medici Furnace is concluded" cried out a voice behind Erza and as she turned she saw a quite good looking man with long chestnut hair, blue eyes, high nose bridge, and two neat little mustache's. The man was accompanied by a kid with white hair that was sitting on his right shoulder, the kid was around Wendy's age and was licking on an ice-cream.

"Roselle !" said Medici with a smile as he looked at the new-commer "I said to Adam back then that we would never get along together. We are far too different, all of us except Bethel were born as we are now while you, Merlin, Will and this woman are all pretenders, we are the true ones, the purest form of OUR pathways !" as he said the last bit the entire arena seemed to smelt, Medici's hair seemed to burn as the red color was accentuated.

"Now, feel the purest form of WAR!" he cried out as hundreds of fire constructs appeared above and below Roselle.

Roselle whistled as he observed the spectacle. The entire arena was fixated on the fight. Roselle moved his right hand slightly, and all the fire constructs were encased in some sort of futuristic structure.

"What, you are an Illuminator?!" exclaimed Medici as he looked at his guild balcony, particularly at Adam, who was observing the battlefield with a questioning gaze. The Visionary returned his gaze with a smile of his own.

"Bastard," Medici gritted his teeth, already aware of what had happened.

Roselle looked at Medici with a smug grin. "Scared, little fire?" the Emperor taunted the Conqueror.

Medici chuckled in response. "No, that just means I'll have to add another Sequence 1 to my trophy room." With that, Medici rushed at Roselle, his fist raised. However, in an instant, a voice resonated through the battlefield.

"Stop yourselves," Adam commanded, causing every member of the Twilight Hermit Order to halt on the battlefield. "Go back to our lodge," he continued. "And Will, repair the arena." Adam turned from the balcony, while Ouroboros glared at Will with an unsettling gaze.

Adam looked at his book with a smile. "All according to plan," he muttered as he closed his eyes, accessing the strange thing that was below the entire city. After all, the mana used inside this competition was being absorbed below the city toward a sort of gate, and now he had access to this strange device.

In the arena, only Will, Roselle, and Merlin remained. Will looked at the balcony as Ouroboros disappeared, but he still felt that Ouroboros had done something.

Will frowned, looking at his ice cream. Not finding it, he frantically searched around and saw Amon licking it with Ouroboros casting a mocking smile. Roselle addressed Amon.

"Hey, you stoop so low as to steal an ice cream from a kid?!" he cried out. Amon mockingly replied, "I had a little hunger," as he finished the ice cream and teleported away with Ouroboros into the lodge.

Roselle looked at Will and, seeing the boy start to tear up, swiftly scooped him up on his shoulders. "Don't worry, boy. I will create a machine that lets you have unlimited ice cream with unlimited flavors!" he exclaimed as Will looked at him with tears in his eyes.

"Merlin!" the boy cried out, looking at the strange man. "Amon stole my ice cream, that meany raven!"

Merlin smiled wearily as he looked at Roselle with a hopeful expression. "Hmm, don't worry, little Will. We shall have your revenge against Amon. I know, Merlin and I are going to beat him at a game tonight, and he will have to pay you dozens of ice creams!" Roselle declared with his 'genius' idea.

Seeing where Roselle was going, Merlin deadpanned at him. He was just using Will's plea to play Playstation with him. 'What a cunning man you are, Roselle,' noted Merlin. They both observed Fairy Tail's team conversing with Mystogan. Ultear and Meredy seemed to be arrested by Jura and a team of Magic Council guards.

"Should we help them?" whispered Merlin to Roselle as he eyed the two women.

"Adam didn't say that we couldn't. In fact, Bethel teleported them to 'force' us to put on this joke of a fight," he replied as he looked at Will with a smile.

"Little Will, if during your repair of the arena, you send them back to where they came from, I will offer you this ice cream machine tonight," said Roselle with a beautiful smile.

Will seemed to ponder for a moment before looking at Roselle. "Pinky promise?" said Will as Merlin sighed near them and went toward Fairy Tail.

"Pinky Promise," replied Roselle as they intertwined their pinky fingers.

Will closed his eyes, and time seemed to go backward. Every wound that people sustained in the last ten minutes was erased, and the two captured members of Crime Sorciere were teleported back to the statue outside of the arena.

"What just happened!" cried out the penitentiary captain of the Council.

"This was the time magic of Ultear, it seems," declared Jura as he looked at the young boy on the shoulders of Roselle, who looked back at him. Jura seemed to see scales on the boy's cheeks, but as he closed his eyes for a split second, the scales disappeared.

'What a strange guild' he noted as he jumped back at his balcony to see his guildmaster make some poor member of the guild spin.


The first day of the tournament was finished but the Twilight Hermit Order didn't sleep nor party for their wins, the now far larger room accustomed the eight angels.

"Did "She" not come back with you" asked Bethel as he looked at the trio of Angels that were "busy"

"No" promptly replied Roselle as he swiftly won the game of Street Fighter 5 against Merlin "Ah! you see that I still win each time !" he proudly declared as he jumped from his seated position as he pointed his finger toward Merlin's face.

Merlin snapped the controller in half "You just spam the same attack one hundred times and pray that it hits !" 

"Skill issues" retorted the Emperor as he created another controller for Merlin.

"You wanna play some games Amon ? " he asked the monocle wearing angel that was watching them play with a little interest.

"I saw Father play it with Amanieses back then but it was a different game, a game about strange races fighting each other in space" the monocle wearing angel replied as he took a controller

"Starcraft," said Adam that appeared with a controller in hand as he sat down near his brother "The name of the game is Starcraft, Father loved to play against me, he told me that I could have been a esport player whatever that meant "

Roselle looked at Adam with a strange expression " Then I don't want to play Starcraft against you, I don't want to be crushed, I always sucked at the game"

"Skill issues" came from the voice of Merlin earning a grunt from Roselle as he smiled at his friend.

"Well then, let's start the game !" cried out Roselle as he launched the first match between the four angels.

"Ah and if you lose Amon, you will go and give back a dozen ice-creams at poor Will." Ordorred Roselle at the angel that was choosing his character

"If you want, as if I will lose against some ignorants like you " he smiled as he looked at Roselle.

Roselle chuckled "We'll see" 


A door opened as a man emerged from the Twilight Hermit Order inn where the angels stayed, clearly marked with the emblem of the Order on the back of his hand. His gaze fixed on the peculiar white moon in the sky. Despite spending a month in this place, he still couldn't quite get used to the white moon, a stark contrast to the red one back in his homeland.

The blond man, with golden eyes, strolled through the streets of the city, taking in the sights of a place vastly different from Backlund or Trier. Memories flooded back as he wandered through the city's lanes.

Thomas Koaria was his name, a demigod taken in by Lord Adam when he was still a low-Sequence Beyonder of the Church of the Eternal Blazing Sun. Adam shielded him from his God's wrath, and he chose to leave the Church upon witnessing the atrocities committed by its members. A good Beyonder, Thomas retained his 'Humanity,' a term Adam often emphasized back in the Order, considering it the most crucial aspect. He progressed toward becoming a Sequence 3 Justice Mentor, preparing for the impending apocalypse.

His only wish was to attain the status of an Angel before the cataclysm began. Aware that even Angels could perish during the world's end, Thomas, a mere Saint, understood he would likely succumb before having a chance to defend himself. It wasn't the fear of death that gripped him but the thought of being unable to repay Adam for saving him with such kindness.

Thomas heard a commotion in a nearby tavern as he saw some members of a guild that catched the eyes of Adam during the reunion of the Order, Fairy Tail, 'He' said that there was a peculiar fate around the Guild as if someone helped them in very endeavor, something that 'He' put to test during the first day of the tournament.

Thomas narrowed his eyes before choosing to enter the tavern, as he entered he was greeted with a strange sight for a team that only lost today, they were partying like he had never seen.

'What a strange guild' he noted as he sat down at a table where a blue haired girl was sitting with a strange white cat.


Well you have the next part of yesterday, hope you liked the whole team is now assembled well except one remaining angel.

See you soon :)

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