
A Villainess' Guide to Revenge

Being a Villainess' is not an easy task. Luella Elanor, a sidekick of the most infamous villainess known to Berleim Kingdom, Euphemia Clementine. She was reincarnated, not expecting with the book she received as it fell from what seems to be a hazy, blurry and magical fog that appears and thus, reincarnated at that very moment. As a villainess' sidekick, Luella don't understand how it feels like to be on their shoes. Much less always cleaning after the mess of these stupid people. She was only the sidekick after all. However, if there's one shortcoming she didn't expect- is that: How on earth did Euphemia became a villainess with that skill!? She leaves a trace of evidence of her scheme, always making a fuss over silly stuff such as this and that, that is not so note-worthy, everything was childish and plain outrageous for Luella! Thus, Luella, with her prior knowledge is here to help.

milkyshe · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Chapter 1

"Miss Luella! Did you not hear the news of the crown prin-" My most trusted maid squealed, holding what seems to be a letter from the royal palace sealed with their very own majestic logo of that of a sun and moon.

She ran as though I was as excited about the news as she was. But no, I forbid the God of Kinatos in Berleim Kingdom that I wasn't.

"Yes-yes, we're invited to the Crown Prince's royal ball." I cut her short, expecting much as Riella went to a complete stop beside me and gushed at me with her really sweet voice while revealing her cute puppy eyes.

She waved the letter in front of me, trying to hypnotize me. "My lady~ Why do you like doing this."

I carefully placed the tea in front of me, using my pinky finger to reduce the noise from the teacup like the lady I believed I was.

Straightening my posture as I stood up, I looked outside the window and sighed. The sunlight pierces through my old curtain, the wind blowing inside my room. My current predicament, the stress, and the tiredness of everything.

The future injustice I will receive for being someone's most loyal companion or in her words- a slave or a maid.

Truth be told, I knew what was going to happen. It seems like the day before yesterday, my soul was sucked inside a book that comically appeared and dropped on top of my head. I am pretty sure the book was as thick as my arm as the pain was still memorable. As though it was mocking me from life.

I had a bad day due to my parents not being considerate enough to let me ride on a merry-go-round since they forbade me to do so when I was a child. They thought that a merry-go-round was a circle of hell, with their cackling and evil neighs, and I often ponder where they got that idea from.

Even so, I'd like to meet that person who told them otherwise and establish such stupid ideas in their head. My parents, as naive as they get--I sometimes question where I got my maturity from.

Of course, I am not one to talk as I was currently upset that I didn't get to ride on a merry-go-round but still, I would love to horse kick that someone in the butt of whomever that person is that prevented me from experiencing riding one.

Even so, the book enticed me in a way that the title was 'How to ride the merry-go-round 101 successfully." I am aware of how stupid the title was, but my brain refused to acknowledge the fact that I wasn't dreaming. No matter how much I pinched myself, resulting in excruciating pain in the cheek, I still didn't believe what occurred because I was drunk.

Before that, I was drinking alcohol to lessen the betrayal I felt from my parents. Hence there was no room for doubts of what should be common with other people in case they were in my situation.

But I ignored the silly idea of a book appearing in my head and brushed it off as my parents did their best to tease me that I couldn't ride the merry-go-round no matter how much I tried.

"Ah, whatever, I'll just try to read this, nothing will go wrong right?" I explained pitifully, my voice, hoarse from drinking too much alcohol. I grabbed the book laying innocently on the floor. With one hand on the book, and the other caressing the hardbound cover of the front part, I nodded in approval.

"This is such a nice book. I wonder what contents I should expect."

I inspected the book more until I was satisfied. Thus, here I am right now. After inspecting, I was sucked inside, my soul was sucked to be exact and now- I get to feel being a sidekick of this stupid Villainess.

She was BFF with me before and now, I was downgraded to a scullery maid in her eyes.

"Lady? Are you alright?" Riella asked, worried about my sudden quietness as I recalled what happened recently. I shook my head, remembering I told my most trusted maid a grave lie that I had amnesia.

Cringe and overused excuses but I can't think of other reasons acceptable in this dimension where mages, scientists, black wizards, and holy paladins exist. What should I do, tell her I was reborn as a whale? I stopped my train of thought. Not bad.

"I was born as a whale," I mumbled unconsciously. Riella looked at me as if I had grown another head. But she refrained from asking and supported me by giving me a thumbs up and a silly look on her face.

"Yes lady, you're a whale." Oh, my ever-supportive personal maid. What will I do without you?

I got out of my trance-like state and sweatdropped. It occurs to me that it was at that moment that I had to focus on the events that may unfold in due time.

"I did say that out loud, did I not?"

"Yes, you did my Lady."

"Let's pretend you didn't hear it, yes?"

"Of course my lady."

I smiled again and asked for Riella to hand me the letter. Even if luck wasn't at my side, I had a maid who understood and could keep a secret. I opened the letter and read the contents inside.

"Lady Luella, from the House of Elanor. We invite you to the -" blah blah gibber gabber. I squinted my eyes, making sure I read everything right. Even so, I am certain I am definitely in a novel I read recently.

But I can't put quite a finger on it. It's just that, my body unconsciously knows what will come next, but my brain refuses to cooperate and remember. It's like, the heart knows but the brain doesn't.

Riella was excited again and chipped in, unable to contain her excitement to dress me up like a doll.

Well, I am quite the looker. I have luscious soft blonde hair and pale blue eyes, the color of a soft palette during spring. I have this lovely gown my maid prepared me earlier. My skin was soft and silky texture. My cheeks blushed with a pinkish glow. This character might have suitors in line for her that I am unaware of.

And of course, a stupid brain that can't remember where the heck did she read this familiar scene and name in the novel.

What's the use of her brain when she can't figure out the situation right?

I softly knocked my head three times and Riella misunderstood my intention and panicked immediately, throwing the gowns on the bed she prepared with the make-up already out in the open that I didn't realize as I was lost in my thoughts again.

"My lady no! Don't hurt yourself. You need to rest for a bit. You are still recovering from amnesia yes? Please please please please please-" Her pleads rung through my ear my head got dizzy. My nerve was throbbing, overwhelmed by everything that transpired so suddenly.

I covered her mouth and hushed her. She was stunned, she frantically looked everywhere other than meeting my eyes. "My Lady I'm sorry!"

Kinatos, loved by the Sun and Moon that give us strength, power, and weakness, I hereby ask for your utmost patience to bless me with your patience for the people who wronged you.

"I am most definitely okay Riella. Please calm down, as you said, I am a person recovering from amnesia. I dare not hurt myself so kindly refrain from assuming the worst. Okay?" I begged, almost begged. I cannot risk the outside world to know my situation. Riella nodded in response and calmed down instantly.

"If my Lady said so then this personal maid is okay. Now my Lady-" In the blink of an eye, I found myself bombarded with colorful gowns and make-up on my face.

"Do you want this or that?"

I thought I was a person recovering from amnesia. Ah yes, the sounds of cracking stones and breaking of glasses. But I held it together, I know I can survive this.

I pushed everything out of my face and sat on the bed. Feigning in pain, which I'm good at accumulated through my past lies when I was still in the normal world- I held my head.

"Riella, please do leave me alone for a while. I am in pain. I will rest for a bit. Let's set aside all the preparations we have for today." I asked, mustering my most convincing tear-jerking performance. Riella was rather moved as expected as she shed a tear, returned all the gowns and make-up back to where they belonged and went outside.

She gave me another tearful glance and with a soft voice. "Get well my Lady, please don't die yet."

With a soft click, the door closed, leaving me with my own thoughts that succumbs me into thinking.

I sighed for the umpteenth time of the day. I can finally brainstorm what I should be doing for the next couple of years. For what should I be doing as Luella Elanor, 14 years old with a mother and a dead father and one brother I am not close with and not aware of their real daughters' soul whereabouts.

I grabbed a notebook and pen under my pillow and started brainstorming. "Now that we have peacet. Let the game begin."

Thank you for reading. Enjoy!

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