
A Villain of Virtue

Clay became Marcus Durkton, a rich but lowly villain from a fantasy book he read years ago. Learning that he cannot undo Marcus' misdeeds, he must avoid the heroine's impending wrath while looking for a way to reunite with his family. * This is written by an amateur writer, so don't expect much. Also, the novel is in its early stages; I might change certain details as I go through the chapters.

Astronoot · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Unlucky (I)

As Clay opened his eyes, it just happened.

'I became Marcus Durkton, a rich but lowly villain from a fantasy book I read years ago.'

As Clay could recall, it all happened in one evening.

After a tiring day of overworking himself, Clay passed out unconscious on his way home.

The next day, Clay woke up in someone else's body in a fancy room he neither owned nor knew, without remembering other than his endless work routines yesterday.

'I must've been so tired...'

Clay then realized he had transmigrated as the filthy rich but trash character from a fantasy novel he almost forgot existed, a strange story he accidentally read years ago in some abandoned library.

'And it's been a week since I got here.'

Clay had made pointless attempts to test his mind and understand what might have happened. Sleeping for the past few days and feigning hope that everything would return to normal did not help.

Clay already accepted he was neither insane nor inside a funny dream.

'Basically, I'm stuck in this world, then...'

Although the novel he read has a good story, characters, and progression, it's a typical fantasy world where elemental monsters lurk, Avatars dominate the lands, and humans establish civilization and devote themselves to their gods.

All in all, it is a world Clay would never dare to settle or consider.

'Who knows? A war could break out all of a sudden.'

Moreover, although Clay could consider this transmigration a new life to consider, it is too late for him.

'The children... I have children to take care of.'

Being the owner and caretaker of a small orphanage was a considerable responsibility one could not just leave behind.

After all, Clay vowed to shelter his family with his life, especially now that most of his kids are still young and yet to be independent.

'Diego couldn't even light a gas stove himself.'

Sighing, Clay glanced around his unchanging surroundings—a fancy room filled with antique furniture, paintings with curving borders, candelabras around the walls, and a view of the fine Durkton estate by the window.

Even after a week of living as Marcus Durkton, the novel's filthy rich but trash character, Clay still couldn't get used to these sightings.

'His room alone is even larger than my apartment.'

Clay forced his legs to stand and walked towards the mirror, which revealed a young man with unruly hair and stern eyes, both jet-black even to his sleeping attire. Clay had seen this same face for a few days now, but it was still a fantasy to think how he could become this young man.

It was a relief to Clay that he got transmigrated just after a scene where Marcus was recovering from an incident that knocked him unconscious for a whole week.

By this, Clay excused that Marcus—as Clay—had lost his memories.

This scheme worked quite well, considering how easily the servants believed his act.

For Marcus' family, however, it somewhat concerns Clay that none of them have visited him yet.

'It's been a week, but none dared to visit me. Is Marcus really hard to deal with?'

Ignoring his concern, Clay had one more problem to solve. That is, he had no idea which part of the story's timeline he had transported into.

'I can't remember at what chapter or volume Marcus got knocked unconscious...'

Having no information about such makes it hard for Clay to plot his return plan soon.

So instead, Clay recalled some details about Marcus Durkton, the young and villainous nobleman he had to play the role.

[ Marcus Durkton ]

Although not a memorable character, Marcus is notorious as a trashy young noble introduced in the early parts of the novel when Avie, the main protagonist, enters the Gilshire Academy.

As a naturally arrogant character who does what he wants, Marcus excessively envies the heroine's unmatched potential and magical ability.

Compared to Avie, whose talent and ability alone can rival an Avatar in fair combat, Marcus lacked any of those, leading him to despise her secretly.

In one scenario, Marcus secretly plotted to forge the academy records with his connections to expel Avie.

When this failed, Marcus got so furious that he kidnapped one of Avie's best friends, which soon led to a one-sided duel of honor.

Worse, after getting beaten to a pulp and exposed to all his misdoings, his father, Duke Durkton, stripped Marcus of his noble title and banished him to a faraway village.

And the story continued like how it was supposed to go.

As a casual reader of the novel, Clay saw Marcus as no more than a plot device for the heroine's progression.

Clay would forget Marcus in the novel if he weren't a Durkton, a renowned family that governs the Golian Kingdom's military affairs.

And Clay has to play Marcus' awful role, a mere heroine's stepping stone.

'How brutal is this...'

As Clay let out a long sigh, he stood and walked towards the window, letting the morning breeze brush Marcus' jet-black hair. 

'Fortunately, Marcus is not yet banished, which means his noble status remains intact...'

Clay was thinking for days about using Marcus' status to gather essential intel on how to return to his world.

From planning to contact the Church of Gimmel, thinking of possible artifacts related to inter-dimensional transport, or reaching out to the five Avatars, Clay couldn't figure out where to start.

'I need to return home... the kids...'

As Clay released a worried sigh, the door behind him creaked as a figure entered.

"Hmm, young master? How are you feeling?" a man voiced, mild and respectful.

'Ah, if it isn't the butler? What was his name again? Bill? Gil?'

The butler resumes, "Ahem... good morning. Would you like to join your father for tea in his office? The Duke is already present as we speak. I believe the Lord has a few words concerning the incident... and your sudden loss of memories."

'Uh... the Duke? Does he want to know if I still remember him?'

Thinking of a plausible, Marcus-like response, Clay utters, "I still don't feel well. Leave me be."

'That should do it, right?'

"Young master," the butler clears his throat awkwardly, "has it been a week? Shall I summon the doctor again? You know the Sword Ceremony you've been waiting for is tomorrow, do you not?"

'The ceremony...' pondered Clay, and in an instant, his mind raced.

[ The Sword Ceremony ]

It happened in the novel's third volume.

It was the day of the duel when Avie, the heroine, challenged Marcus after learning that he was behind the kidnapping of his best friend, Effelia.

'Ah, shit...'

If the Sword Ceremony is by tomorrow, the heroine must have just rescued Effelia.

Clay deduced that once Effelia regains consciousness, Avie will soon learn that Marcus is behind everything.

Clay was utterly devastated by this realization.

It is already damn awful Clay transmigrated as a lowly stepping-stone villain—but at a time right before the heroine's revenge?

'Tell me this has to be a stupid joke. I just can't let the Duke banish me, right?'

The Sword Ceremony is an awaited event for aspiring squires across the Golian Kingdom.

It is an opportunity for them to showcase their swordsmanship through duels and become royal knights.

Royal Council of Defense members, including Duke Durkton, oversee the duels and initiate the verdict for all duelists.

As part of the Kingdom's law, all royal families must at least delegate one participant for the event, and it happened that it was Marcus' turn for this year. 

In the novel, the heroine trespasses the event and initiates a duel of honor with Marcus in the middle of the crowd.

Avie then one-sidedly defeats Marcus, and as a condition under the contract of the duel, the loser has to surrender his noble status.

Consequently, the Duke stripped Marcus of his noble status and banished him to a rundown village without thinking twice.


Clay could not let this happen, or his return-to-his-world scheme would instantly crumble.

'I have to think of something...'

Feeling suddenly distressed, Clay replies to the awaiting butler behind the door, "I'll follow. Give me a minute to prepare."

The butler seemed to perk up as his voice went lively. "That is great to hear, young master. Would you like some help? I can summon your valets to help you dress up."

"I don't need that."

"I understand. I will be waiting in the hallway for you, then," said the butler as he scuttled away.

Clay had to think of something for tomorrow's ceremony to prevent Marcus' grave banishment.

Clay knew damn well he had to.

After all, it will decide his fate in this world.

'Ha... just fuck me.'

Hi, thanks for picking this one up! I am not a native English speaker, so expect many odd phrasings or grammar errors. Nonetheless, I hope you find something you like on this one.

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