
A villain's path to being a white lotus

Xiao Weiwei knew that it was all over when her sister stabbed her chest with a kitchen knife. As she fell to the ground limply, she wondered what great mistake she had committed in her life to suffer so much. Her soul left her body and she watched her sister and her lover live a good life, her company overtaken by her relatives and her parents living in a small backwater village persecuted by other villages. Her eyes reddened and even though she had no heart anymore, her chest contractions hurt her so much that she clutched at her soul body. "Xiao Yaoyao! I'll never let you go!" Her vision darkened and her soul disappeared from that plane called earth. -- When Xiao Weiwei reawakened, she saw that she was in a white space and there was a small peach blossom tree in the centre of the space. Intrigued, she moved closer and touched a bud of the tree. As she did so, she heard a voice: "Quickly withdraw your hand! Don't touch the tree hastily!" But it was too late! There was a shining light which blinded Xiao Weiwei and all she heard was: "The system most compatible with Host Xiao Weiwei is Villain's white lotus system". -- 1. There's no male lead or CP in this novel 2. The author's three views are not represented by the female protagonist's views 3. Gender is not fixed 4. This is an original novel -- Different worlds 1. Campus romance 2. Modern business romance 3. Ancient palace fights 4. Interstellar World 5. Primitive World 6. 1980s path to the countryside 7. Entertainment world More worlds TBC -- Release schedule: A chapter a day

SpicyChickenWriter · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Campus world

You may wonder why Hong Lili was also being a God assist - after Xiao Weiwei posted Ye Miaomiao's experience on the school forum, how do you think it remained on the top search for so long? Hong Lili directly swiped her dad's black card and got top IT specialists to keep running the post on the top of the school forum for the entire day. Nothing else rose up on the list and everything in the top 10 was related to Ye Miaomiao.

Xiao Weiwei deeply felt the importance of money but she herself couldn't do things like opening companies and other businesses. These things were unrelated to her mission and she always felt like she would have the opportunity to learn them in the future. She wasn't in a hurry.

Ye Miaomiao was also harassed all day from the moment she entered school grounds. Everyone was giving her strange looks and many people were gossiping vigorously about her life experience. All the boys who thought she was a goddess now thought she was a cheap whore and some even directly threw bank cards at her as payment so she could sleep with them. Ye Miaomiao never felt so humiliated in her life - this was even worse than when Hong Lili and her crew stepped on her back in the school gardens. Her eyes went red from grievances but she held back tears. If she dared cry in this environment, the students would only bully her even more. Not only were the students going crazy, the teachers and administration of the school all felt like the recruiter for the students was deeply retarded. How could they have let Ye Miaomiao into the school without investigation.

When Ye Miaomiao went to the toilet, a group of girls followed after her and spoke very loudly: "Why don't we tell our parents? Hey Hong Lili, isn't your father a sponsor of the school? And you too Chen Jiayi! You can both influence your parents who are on the board of directors to kick her out."

Hong Lili slapped the person who gave this suggestion: "I don't have to use my parents for this kind of shameful thing. That slut can self destruct by herself."

Ye Miaomiao's reason broke when she heard the plans and insults and she broke out of the toilet to confront the group. "Don't think that you guys with your stinky money can directly bypass the laws of the school! I've never heard of a student being expelled for having a tragic background experience! Have you seen me prostituting myself with any students? And if so, where is your evidence?" After saying so many words, Ye Miaomiao regretted her impulses just now. In fact, she said it out of anger and she wasn't thinking properly. But seeing as the harm was already done, she could only continue to stand bravely and fight against the group.

Coincidentally, Xiao Weiwei wanted to wash her hands so she walked into the bathroom and saw this scene. She wanted to roll her eyes: 'Damn, no matter where l go, l always find myself in these kinds of conflicts. People don't even ask me but l know l'll be involved without my consent.'

Hong Lili saw that Xiao Weiwei walked in and she felt refreshed in her heart. With such a terrible background, it is impossible for Ye Miaomiao to even enter within one inch of the Hu family house. She approached Xiao Weiwei and greeted her lazily: "Yo! Isn't this Hu Weiwei? How come you're here?" Xiao Weiwei looked at her and resisted the urge to reply sarcastically. Isn't this a bathroom? What else do people come here for?

She didn't say that of course. She smiled lightly and a little dimple appeared at the side of her cheek. "Sister Hong, it's good to see you!" In fact, it is true that Hu Weiwei and Hong Lili do have some shallow friendship. But this is one-sided on Hong Lili's part because she wants to leave a good impression on all Hu Ying's family members. But Xiao Weiwei silently lit a candle for Hong Lili - didn't she understand that a twisted melon is not sweet? Even if she magically defeated Ye Miaomiao, there is absolutely 0 guarantee should would live well with Hu Ying. Also, with Hu Ying's personality, there would be more conflicts than actual love. Ye Miaomiao and Hu Ying complimented each other because one was impulsive and the other was calm. Their temperaments kept each other in check.

Ye Miaomiao also saw Xiao Weiwei smiling at Hong Lili and her heart sank. Since Xiao Weiwei had saved her the last time, she had some expectations this time round. But seeing her talk to Hong Lili, Ye Miaomiao couldn't help but be disappointed.

Xiao Weiwei also didn't want to let Ye Miaomiao too down so she said: "Actually sister Hong l'm here to ask a favour for my brother's face - you already know how much my brother likes Ye Miaomiao. And you know that bullying her so openly would just make him hate you more. Why not be a bit benevolent and let her go this time? Of course if you don't want to, that's also fine." Xiao Weiwei was taking risks here to make sure Ye Miaomiao could get out safely. She didn't want the bullying to be too extreme that Ye Miaomiao didn't come to school. Ye Miaomiao still had to endure all the cold violence at school first for the plot completion.

Hong Lili narrowed her eyes and examined Xiao Weiwei more carefully as if trying to see the intentions behind the words she said but Xiao Weiwei remained calm from beginning to end as if the weaker party was not her. In the end, Hong Lili laughed: "Little sister Wei has grown older." Xiao Weiwei directly gave the middle finger in her heart but her wariness of Hong Lili also increased.

Still, Ye Miaomiao was released and Xiao Weiwei walked her back to the classroom without washing her hands. Then as Ye Miaomiao sat down, Xiao Weiwei glanced back at the ink stain on her hand and then anxiously said: "I was in such a rush to bring you back that l forgot my original intention - to wash hands! So sorry Sister Ye, l'll be right back." Then she turned and ran out the door leaving Ye Miaomiao alone in a room of students who disdained to have Ye Miaomiao in the room. As she ran back to the bathroom, Xiao Weiwei smirked in her heart but her face was full of urgency to go wash hands so that the ink wouldn't stain her hands. She left Ye Miaomiao alone on purpose first to show the other students that Ye Miaomiao wouldn't always have the backing of the Hu brother and sister. In the original plot, the reason why Ye Miaomiao initially survived the campus violence was because Hu Ying was shielding and protecting her everywhere. And because the students could not offend Hu Lin, they just isolated Ye Miaomiao. This led to Ye Miaomiao being more dependant on Hu Ying and during this time, feelings were sprouting and actions were being more intimate.

But now, Hu Lin is aware of Ye Miaomiao and to protect Ye Miaomiao, Hu Ying cannot be as close as before. In fact, he even changed classes so he couldn't see her as much. The teachers were all monitoring the students for their parents and whenever the children did things against the parents wishes, they would be reported by the teacher so Hu Ying didn't dare do a thing. Therefore, Ye Miaomiao only had Xiao Weiwei. Even the other scholarship students were afraid to interact with her and they quickly pushed her out of their circle.

Ye Miaomiao endured the cold violence for nearly a month. During that time, her desk was riddled with all kinds of terrible words, her textbooks were torn, boys kept throwing money at her to sleep with them, she was caught and beaten in the school garden, her uniform and spare were ripped to shreds and her scholarship money for upkeep was embezzled by a teacher. The list was so endless that even Xiao Weiwei felt tired pretending to be a hero to save Ye Miaomiao every time. And the worst thing was that Ye Miaomiao was not as grateful to her as she was to Hu Ying in the original plot. To this, Xiao Weiwei gave her several middle fingers in her heart. The more angry she became, the sweeter her smile.

But of course this violence didn't last for long because Ye Miaomiao decided not to go to school for mental health reasons. The school was also understanding and they let her off for 2 weeks. Xiao Weiwei also relaxed comfortably and went back to the life of studying and friendlessness. In fact, she would have wanted to continue the friend with her deskmate but she felt as though she didn't have time and she wanted to put more effort into getting a better grade in this trial.

Xiao Weiwei wasn't wasting her time though - she made sure to remind Hu Ying of Ye Miaomiao each time and also magnified all the protections that she gave Ye Miaomiao. This led Hu Ying to be very grateful to her and the relationship finally thawed to that of real brothers and sisters. Even after Ye Miaomiao stopped coming to school, Xiao Weiwei made sure to brush her presence at school with Hu Ying and made sure that she acted like a cute, sweet but mature and understanding little sister so Hu Ying didn't drive her away.

Now that Ye Miaomiao was alone in her own dormitory, the full effects of cold violence finally came. She became very depressed and didn't want to see anyone at all. She rejected all the people around her and made the relationship with hre roommates so frigid that her roommates all moved out one after the other.

One of the roommates happened to be Hu Ying's best friend's sister so Hu Ying quickly got to know about this and directly went to the dormitories every day after school to talk with Ye Miaomiao. Xiao Weiwei sighed: "No matter what happens, the plot still continues? Damn..." It's not that she wanted to destroy the plot but even with the little things she changed, the plot remained the same and suddenly she felt very disillusioned.

The system came out and ridiculed her immediately: "What? Did you think this was some kind of novel? I tell you, this is a real experience ok! People cannot defy fate that easily. Once a fate has determined, even if you jump, dance or cry, it won't change. This is even more apparent in novel worlds. So you better put away that mentality of trying to be a Mary Sue domineering female lead and play your part obediently. You don't even have 0.01 of any power and you're trying to act tough."

Xiao Weiwei also woke up from her illusions and thanked the system. To be fair, the system novels she read and the reality were actually very different and subconsciously she couldn't accept that fact. She kept hoping that somehow things would change or be different but now that this is clearly reality, she accepted it calmly.

Anyway, Xiao Weiwei quickly thought about more important matters. Since that time she talked to Chen Jiayin, nothing much happened in that regard. She felt it was time to push the plot forward well. So she went back home and brought some cash. Why cash? Because she wanted to buy a burner phone. She refused to pay by card for this because the purchase could be linked back to herself and she wouldn't know how to explain it if she was questioned. She also didn't go there in person but she contracted one of the family bodyguards to buy the phone. After that, in the presence of that same bodyguard, she wrapped the phone up as a present and went to school with it a week later. Xiao Weiwei did this to dispel suspicions. Everyone else thought she bought the phone for a classmate and no one would suspect that she was the one who used it.

Xiao Weiwei then immediately downloaded a voice changing software and called Ye Miaomiao's mother - Ye Lian's creditors. Ye Lian had borrowed a lot of money at usury and Xiao Weiwei wanted to use this to deal with Ye Miaomiao. She called the creditors pretending to be Ye Miaomiao's father and said they were selling their daughter's virginity to write off the debts. Of course, those thugs said it wouldn't write off all the debts so Xiao Weiwei also promised to send some money in cash.

Xiao Weiwei raided Hu Weiwei's room and found about 10,000 yuan in cash which she put in an inconspicuous briefcase. She also checked the lot progression and it showed that it had reached 50. Now all she had to do was wait for Chen Jiayin to prescribe the medicine and her plan would be complete.

What exceeded her expectations is that Chen Jiayin really prescribed medicine!