
A villain's path to being a white lotus

Xiao Weiwei knew that it was all over when her sister stabbed her chest with a kitchen knife. As she fell to the ground limply, she wondered what great mistake she had committed in her life to suffer so much. Her soul left her body and she watched her sister and her lover live a good life, her company overtaken by her relatives and her parents living in a small backwater village persecuted by other villages. Her eyes reddened and even though she had no heart anymore, her chest contractions hurt her so much that she clutched at her soul body. "Xiao Yaoyao! I'll never let you go!" Her vision darkened and her soul disappeared from that plane called earth. -- When Xiao Weiwei reawakened, she saw that she was in a white space and there was a small peach blossom tree in the centre of the space. Intrigued, she moved closer and touched a bud of the tree. As she did so, she heard a voice: "Quickly withdraw your hand! Don't touch the tree hastily!" But it was too late! There was a shining light which blinded Xiao Weiwei and all she heard was: "The system most compatible with Host Xiao Weiwei is Villain's white lotus system". -- 1. There's no male lead or CP in this novel 2. The author's three views are not represented by the female protagonist's views 3. Gender is not fixed 4. This is an original novel -- Different worlds 1. Campus romance 2. Modern business romance 3. Ancient palace fights 4. Interstellar World 5. Primitive World 6. 1980s path to the countryside 7. Entertainment world More worlds TBC -- Release schedule: A chapter a day

SpicyChickenWriter · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
10 Chs

Campus World

What is even more maddening is that Hu Weiwei wholeheartedly supported her mother. She saw the entire family through some rose-tinted glasses and believed that her servitude was being appreciated by both Hu Ying and Hu Lin. What's even more funny is that because her mother taught her to admire and love her brother, Hu Weiwei ran with that instruction and then it developed into romantic feelings. Xiao Weiwei wanted to smash her head for Hu Weiwei's low IQ.

Xiao Weiwei could even bet her right arm that Hu Weiwei never noticed that Hu Ying never liked her from beginning to end. Not even familial love. Otherwise, how could he have given her those dark looks from time to time or purposefully ignore her at school. Actually, when she first joined the school, she also wanted to interact with Hu Ying but Hu Ying gave some random excuses every time and in fear of disturbing her brother, Hu Weiwei restrained herself. If it weren't for that initial interaction, Xiao Weiwei doubts that anyone would know of their familial relationship.

With this, some things can be understood. It is a high chance that Hu Weiwei's mother gave Hu Ying the diary. It may also have been that she was instigated by Hu Ying to send Hu Weiwei to a mental hospital in the name of 'protection'. But what can kind of protection can a normal person get at a mental hospital?

Hu Weiwei was indeed taciturn but she wasn't depressed. Putting her in a mental hospital could also help her develop mental illnesses.

Xiao Weiwei put the dessert dish back in the kitchen and then went to sleep early. Her head was pounding and she didn't want to think much. When she woke up the next morning, she checked the clock and it was 7 am in the morning. It was indeed early but Xiao Weiwei slept too early so she had no more sleep. School started at 9 am so Xiao Weiwei went downstairs to have breakfast. But she was stunned to see that the entire household was already awake at this time and everyone except her was also having breakfast. Hearing footsteps, they all turned to look and were stunned to see Xiao Weiwei in pyjamas at the bottom of the stairs.

In fact, this time, the family couldn't be blamed for this. Hu Weiwei had a habit of staying up to reading novels during the night and she would always wake up late to go to school. So after years, no one really expected her to be at breakfast.

Hu Lin shouted to the housekeeper to bring Xiao Weiwei chopsticks and even moved some dishes down the table nearest to her so she could pick what she wanted to eat. The cutlery was quickly delivered and Xiao Weiwei sat down to have a good meal. The previous comfortable atmosphere now became slightly awkward and no one knew what to say for a long time. After eating, Xiao Weiwei wiped her mouth with a tissue very elegantly and gently and then opened her mouth to drop a bomb: "Brother, l am very curious about something." Hu Ying narrowed his eyes but hummed for her to continue speaking. "I'm very interested to know when you and Ye Miaomiao became close."

Yes, Xiao Weiwei was exposing their relationship in advance. In fact, initially, she didn't want to do this because she wasn't sure whether this would be acceptable for the plot line. Things had a clear order and even though she was being a villain by exposing their relationship early, the emotional foundation between Ye Miaomiao and Hu Ying isn't stable enough to fight against high society. But to her surprise, she saw the plot completion bar move from 30 to 40.

Hu Lin didn't even give Hu Ying a chance to reply: "Ye Miaomiao? Miaomiao? That seems to be a girl's name. I say Xiao Wei, what do you mean by close?" Hu Ying also stared at Xiao Weiwei as if telling her that she better be careful with her reply. Xiao Weiwei also thought about it and then replied: "Dad, actually, l suspect that Hu Ying and Ye Miaomiao are dating. They seem very close to each other and Hu Ying is always helping her with everything in class, whispering things in her ear and sending notes to her when they aren't deskmates." This was all true - Xiao Weiwei had seen it firsthand in class the day before.

Hu Ying anxiously retorted: "What do you mean close? It's just ordinary friendship between men and women!" Xiao Weiwei smiled: "Can there really be only friendship between men and women?" As she asked this question, she also put her hand on her chin and looked to the side as if thinking seriously about what Hu Ying said. Because she didn't gloat or show any other particular expressions except curiosity, no one doubted that Hu Ying was deliberately doing bad things. But everyone had their own thoughts and her question plus Hu Ying's anxiousness led people to think differently.

Hu Lin also turned to Hu Ying: "You explain yourself! As a young boy, you are already trying to hook up with girls? What kind of mentality is this? School is a learning place not a place for girlfriends. Especially since you're so young!" Hu Ying wanted to explain but he wisely shut his mouth. Any more words said now would just make it seem like he was trying to cover it up. But now that Xiao Weiwei pointed it out, Hu Ying decided to be more cautious in the future. His 'friendship' with Ye Miaomiao couldn't be exposed at this time. Hu Ying didn't want to speak so Xiao Weiwei spoke for him instead: "Actually, maybe l am mistaken and maybe they are actually 'friends'. Even though, l myself don't seem to have any friends who are boys." Hu Lin now felt that this girl Ye Miaomiao was also not a good person. As a 14 year old girl, she had so many friends who were boys? Even Hu Weiwei's mother showed momentary disgust but she covered it up quickly.

Xiao Weiwei also said this to contrast Ye Miaomiao with herself - having many friends who are guys can definitely call a girl's character into question. This is the case even when those friends are imaginary. As long as people believe it, that girl can never have a pure character in other's eyes. And everytime she acts pure, everyone will be disgusted because those actions do not confirm to the girl's lifestyle of having many boyfriends. They will instead think she is pretending.

Vicious and cunning! The system was extremely satisfied with his new host.

Hu Ying clapped back quickly: "You don't have any friends Hu Weiwei!" Xiao Weiwei rolled her eyes in her heart but she just bowed her head. When no one was looking, she quickly smeared so hot sauce around her eye and her eyes watered naturally. She didn't refute what Hu Ying said but just silently shed tears. Hu Lin was distressed and her mother was also distressed. Even though she held Hu Ying up everywhere, this was on the premise that her own daughter wasn't being too bullied.

Hu Lin also felt that Hu Ying was being a bit too much: "Why are you being mean to your sister? She's been defending you this entire time. She said all of this for your good! What if this Ye Miaomiao with many friends who are boys is deliberately approaching you or something?" Xiao Weiwei smiled - she didn't even have to defend herself! Hu Lin as an assist came to defend her very well and it is hard for children to just casually refute their parents so Hu Ying had to accept it. Hu Ying had never suffered such a loss in his life and he felt that his whole family was against him. His father who loved him very much was defending his sister and his step-mom who supported him in everything was also silent at this time. 'Why is life so unfair?'

Hu Ying roughly stood up and pushed his chair out of the way rudely. Then he ran upstairs and slammed his bedroom door leaving his barely eaten breakfast on the table. Hu Lin was taken back and for the first time, he deeply felt the effect of coddling his son too much.

He called the housekeeper and said: "You save the food for Xiao Ying and give it to him on the way to school this morning." Xiao Weiwei sighed and lamented the position of parents. Clearly, Hu Lin was disappointed but he couldn't stop caring for his child. She also got up from her seat: "Don't worry! I'll convince brother! He'll understand soon." Then Xiao Weiwei got a glass of milk and a plate of very hot syrupy pancakes and ran upstairs to Hu Ying's room.

This was also part of her plan. Hu Ying's behaviour just now really confirmed that he wasn't pretending to be scheming or deep-minded. He has an immature, impulsive character and was easily stimulated when things don't go his way. Xiao Weiwei understood that he was determined to be with Ye Miaomiao and her plan was never to stop it. But, she wanted to dilute his feelings for Ye Miaomiao. This is also another loophole in the rules - diluting feelings can be said to also equate to being a stumbling block for the protagonists. And they will be together in the end but with Xiao Weiwei's plan, Hu Ying's heart would also have some of her in it.

She knocked on the door and Hu Ying opened it abruptly. He dragged her into the room and shut the door. Xiao Weiwei quickly placed the food on a table in his room so that nothing would spill on her and then she looked at Hu Ying. In fact, this was the first time she looked at him so closely. He was good looking and his arrogance only added to his good looks. She lowered her head to pinch her already irritated eyes and tears came out naturally. "I'm so sorry brother...it really wasn't my intention to cause misunderstandings! I'm really happy for you and Ye Miaomiao. I just wanted them to know about her existence slowly so that they wouldn't be surprised." Then she raised her head and clutched on his shirt sleeve.

Hu Ying looked at her red rimmed eyes complicatedly and sighed. "I know that you meant well. But why did you say such stupid things after? Now dad and mom already have a bad impression of her." Xiao Weiwei laughed in her heart but on the surface, she continued acting. She bit her lips and then replied softly: "Why don't l explain it to them again?" Hu Ying opposed this and shook his head in refusal: "You've said enough already. You don't need to say more. I'll handle this don't worry. Just worry about your own affairs."

Xiao Weiwei looked down at the floor again and this reminded Hu Ying of a cat that had been bullied. He couldn't help but feel like he was being harsh to her. Her eyes had touched him earlier because Xiao Weiwei looked extremely sincere. After some intense mental struggles, he lifted his other hand and patted her head lightly. Xiao Weiwei smiled and knew that her task here had been done so she played caring sister and asked him to eat breakfast. Then she left and went to school after getting ready.

Because she arrived earlier, she sat down at her desk and swiped the school forum. Then, she withdrew some money from her account and paid for a new account. Xinghua school forum accounts could only be activated with money and it wasn't cheap. It cost 1000 yuan to open a new account and then the account user would be charged with 100 yuan every month to maintain the account's visible status. After opening a new account, she filled it with her own personal information so that the account looked legitimate. She wasn't going to be stupid like Hu Weiwei and put random characters in the account details. Doing so would lead to others suspecting her. But if there was proper information, it's hard to say whether the new account is fake or whether the student no longer uses their account. Also, Xinghua was special in that even when the student left the school, they could still use their Xinghua account. This was so that the school could maintain its alumni network easily.

After creating the account, she wrote all that she knew about Ye Miaomiao's life experience and directly posted it in the school forum main webpage.

Then she didn't look at it anymore and quickly erased all information on her phone about that account. She logged back into Hu Weiwei's account and immediately saw her own post about Ye Miaomiao. Many people had also left comments and it was all generally shock and ridicule. No sympathy at all! Even those young masters who were chasing Ye Miaomiao vigorously took the leading in running several steps back. With such an unclear background that is worse than having normal parents and siblings, no one wanted to associate with Ye Miaomiao.

The villain index also increased to 20 and Xiao Weiwei felt that the world was good. Things were going to plan and Hong Lili also became an assist after the school forum blew up..