
A Villain's Caprice: This One's An Extra

Who is a hero? No—What is a hero? The man on the throne said, "One who does distinguishable good for the kingdom." From beside him, the knight said, "Who does his duty to his lord and the one above all." Under the table, the princess whispered, "Handsome, charming, better than any other man." Drinking wine the count chuckled, "Some who would just stop those pesky bandits." The man tilling his farm said, "Our protector." From his storybook, the kid proclaimed, "Someone who saves everyone and anyone in front of him." Banging the bars of his metal asylum the insane said, "Someone who would just take his sword and shove it up my—" Asher Steelsong is all of those things and more. Heck, he is even a regressor. Me? I am just a nobody.

SthUnlimted · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
7 Chs


Passing through the glass windows, moonlight drenched the room a shade of blue.

Inside the room rested a raven-haired boy, his bed soft and breath even as his golden eyes lay buried in a book thick enough to bludgeon someone to death.

Then came a knock on his door, "Master Heylel. A letter has come."

To disturb him so late at night the letter must have been important, "Come in," he said putting the down beside him.

The door opened with a slow creek. In came an older man with a thick white beard on his face, he was lean like a knife and in his hands was a letter, Heylel looked at it and asked, "Who is it Calic?"

"The King my lord," He said as he presented the thing.

It took only one gaze at the letter for his lips to thin into a line. What did that bastard want?

Taking it, he pulled his other hand open and a breath later on his palms an ice crystal began to fester, moulding and growing till it finally shaped itself into a knife. Gripping it, he slid it under the lip of the envelope, breaking the

royal seal—a lion roaring over the globe.

Pulling the paper open his eyes travelled over the text and with each line his lips only kept tuning down till he had a look of utter annoyance on his face.

"Those annoying fuc- whatever." The boy almost spat out something vulgar before remembering that he was not in the streets but in his estate...one which housed his- "Brother Heylel!"

Shouts come from outside the room followed by the appearance of a small boy barely eight years old. He came rushing in holding a teddy bear with a broach pinned to its chest. neck and tears in his eyes.

"What is it Cu?" Heylel asked the boy whose resemblance to him was non-existent.

"Brother...that maid Amy said today that I am a dirty orphan!" The boy said rubbing his eyes red, tears threatening to spill.

Heylel almost rolled his eyes, still, he gathered the air in his lungs and hissed, "She did what!? Calic call her after we are done here, Cu go to your room I will teach her a lesson."

Hearing his word the boy nodded slowly and started to turn but before he was out of the room he stopped and ran back to his Heylel, almost jumping over the frame.

"Brother this is Nori!" The boy said with a smile and showed off his bear to which Heylel took the bear's hand in his own shook it and said, "Hello Nori."

"Brother she has a sister Nica. Nica helps me sleep so keep Nori with you she will help you just like her sister!" The boy said with a smile, excited like no other before thrusting the thing to Heylel.

"Thank you," Heylel agreed, taking the furry thing and putting it next to himself on the bed.

"Serb see him to his room," Heylel commanded. The man nodded, leaving the room with the boy, promising him candy from the kitchen.

He only returned some time later and this time with a maid, Amy, in tow who entered smiling.

Seeing her Heylel spoke, "Amy, I heard from Cu today, you know your mistake, don't you?" The boy spoke to them, his voice carrying an even tone, though his lips? He couldn't stop them from breaking into smiles.

"Sorry—Sorry master, please it will never be repeated!" She spoke as if she was a rat in front of a cat even then her expression remained unchanged—her smile refusing to fade.

"Starvation for two days now get out, the both of you!" He spoke slightly raising his voice and the two soon left the room closing the door behind them with a bang.

Heylel sighed audibly before falling back to his bed muttering, "How annoying, when will these people learn."

His smile then curved to a smirk, as his head turned to the bear. Under his eyes its shadow quivered, then it broke, stretching and turning till it swallowed it whole. Pulling his hands to the bed frame, Heylel loudly talked it twice with his knuckles.

Moments later the maid who had left the room said back in, Calic peaked his head in giving Heylel a nod. Amy turned on her heels and pushed his head out of the room before locking the door.

Heylel looked at them and Amy quickly moved forward kicking her shoes off, and sliding into his bed under his blanket as she did, his hands grabbed her waist and pulled her in close, "What has that little cuckoo been doing recently?"

"Buttering up the staff, master," Amy whispered, her tone dropping as her face started to flush.

Seeing her turn red he licked his lips, his expression moulding into a sadistic smile, "The room is soundproof, so no need to lower your voice, Amy, you know I like your voice."

Blushing even more she continued this time raising her voice, her master had told her to after all, "That spy tries to make his way into the hearts of the other maids, but everyone has already been told what he is."

"Good job, I am fairly certain that these brochures," He gestured to the cacoon of the bear waiting a second for her eyes to catch up, "They are listing devices so tell the maids who receive them to be careful."

"Yes m'lord," She spoke, her voice muffled as she snuggled into her master's chest with him putting his hand on her head and stroking her long black hair.

Her unblemished, smooth hands moved to reciprocate his affection reaching into the crevices of his clothes.

Finally, as his hand reached her hair tips they kept moving till they reached her waist and forced her even closer, instinctively her lips said what they were right, "Master... I love you."

"Yes, yes, good girl." He said as he planted a kiss on her forehead, "Feed that cuckoo good lies, ok? And how does it go with Shadowblades guild?"

"We managed to get them to submit quite painlessly master, we will begin integrating them in soon." Hearing her words his brows raised, "Did their guild master not resist?"

"She did try but then volunteered herself after she found our identity." Hearing the words Heylel nodded, "Good but always keep an eye on her."

"Yes master, what next?"

"Integrate slowly, keep a low profile, we want to eat the Shadowblades in peace."

"Yes, master."

While to two conversed Amy's hands had started to turn restless, so Heylel finally stopped her, "Not today my slut, I have things to do tomorrow."

She pouted, "Like what?"

"Visiting the king."

"What? He still has the gall to ask something of you?"

Heylel chuckled a little, "What can you do? I can't kill him."

"If you need Master I could—" Her words were but off as her lips were forcefully sealed by him.

When she was finally let go the girl pouted again, "I get it. No killing the king."

Letting the sulky girl be he started again, "I will have to join the Royal Academy. His new pet project."

"Royal Academy, weren't you going to the Imperial Academy or something?" Amy easily forgot her anger as he switched the topic, instead worried that she would not be able to see him if he went away.

"It is the Imperial Academy just reorganized and under new management. And guess what?" He pulled out the King's letter and showed it to Amy, "The fucker personally told me to meet him and prepare for the academy."

She sighed, "I guess we can't just bribe them for the graduation certificate then like old management?"

He nodded, "It will be a waste of six years of my life but what can you do? I have to—"

"—go." She completed his words as her lips burned with anger.

"Yeah, the emperor is enamoured with this thing and so bribes are something I would rather not risk."

"Worth a try at least, you never know," Amy replied this time and Heylel laughed at her. She was so desperate it was cute. So he finally decided to spare her, "Though there is this little thing a noble is allowed to take one servant—" She jumped him. It took a lot of time before she finally calmed down.

And when she did she asked, "Master, what does cuckoo even mean?"

"It's a bird who lays her eggs in the nest of another."

"Ah, is that so~"

"It seems my maid needs to be taught a lesson for disrespecting her master."

[A/N: Hope you guys liked it... um so right, thanks for reading, please give feedback and sorry for the info dumps, gotta get them out of the way eh?]