
A Villain's Caprice: This One's An Extra

Who is a hero? No—What is a hero? The man on the throne said, "One who does distinguishable good for the kingdom." From beside him, the knight said, "Who does his duty to his lord and the one above all." Under the table, the princess whispered, "Handsome, charming, better than any other man." Drinking wine the count chuckled, "Some who would just stop those pesky bandits." The man tilling his farm said, "Our protector." From his storybook, the kid proclaimed, "Someone who saves everyone and anyone in front of him." Banging the bars of his metal asylum the insane said, "Someone who would just take his sword and shove it up my—" Asher Steelsong is all of those things and more. Heck, he is even a regressor. Me? I am just a nobody.

SthUnlimted · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Meet the king(3) [Edited]

The gates to the court slammed shut behind Heylel, sighing in relief he moved not stopping nor being stopped for any pleasantries.

All he wanted to do was go home now.

But just as his feet reached the inner gate of the Palace he was stopped by a shout that called for his attention, "Brother Heylel!"

Though his mood was not high, he reasoned to himself that one would not call him to talk nonsense, at least not in the Royal Palace. So, he turned around with a smile plastered to his face but as soon as he saw the figure that was rushing towards him, his lips briefly turned upside down before returning to their position.

"Brother Heylel," She said halting in front of him with sweat running down her forehead, "I'm Shiki Tyre. Your cousin," rearranging her tousled golden hair she spoke to him.

A head shorter she was but her body told him that she was probably older than him in age, but it didn't matter as he had to perform his courtesy regardless of age and so he did, "I am Heylel Dracina, son to the late Mar Dracina and Tiva Dracina."

"Princess Shiki!" Following behind her were a band of maids, all huffing and puffing unlike their madam—probably because of their age, "Princess, please don't disappear like that, Sir Rowan is running around trying to find you right now."

"Ah, apologies. Please inform him that I'm safe, when I saw that brother Heylel leaving, I hurried over and just had to rush over." She spoke to them, returning her head to Heyel she asked, "Brother, I know this is our first meeting in a long while, please accompany me for a walk in the Royal Garden."

Although Heylel was a bit hesitant, it is considered disrespectful to refuse an invitation by one of Royal blood, and despite sharing that very blood, customs were customs, therefore he responded, "I would be grateful if you would allow me."

Having gotten his acceptance she captured his hand, using it to pull him away towards the Royal Garden. A place where the flora of the world truly came into its own. A place where the Royalty showed off their wealth with shrubs, herbs and trees from the far corners of the world.

"It's beautiful isn't it?" The golden girl asked him. He nodded, she moved her delicate hands towards a flower and gently plucked it, and slowly she turned to their servants, with the flower in her hand she ordered them, "I want to talk alone with Brother."

The servants nodded leaving quickly.

At this point, Heylel was slightly confused what business did she have with him? But seeing that he could hardly infer anything from her, he just let her carry on, without complaint.

Skipping around the garden she stopped when they arrived at a table white as ivory and a set of chairs of the same shade, taking a chair for herself, she said, "Take a seat brother."

Accepting her offer, he looked at the lady in front of him, though questions arose in his mind, he waited for her, and she soon repeated her inquiry, "It's beautiful, isn't it?"

He too nodded, repeating his reply of affirmation.

"Our mothers, the Queen and Aunt Tiva loved this place, they spent most of their days here, surrounded by this beauty." She spoke, of their parent's past, her voice held a deep longing for it, her recounts were of them playing together as kids and she told him, that she and he were very close, sticking to each other for hours.

The nostalgia was visible as ever reminding him of those times but he couldn't care, he lacked even an ounce of interest but continued with a smile.

"Speaking of which, did you know that no tree in this garden is more than sixty years old?" She asked him, her arms supporting her chin as she looked at him.

"I didn't," He denied, his eyes wandering around the fauna.

"Want to know why?"

"If you would be so kind."

"The Pretender Wars."

Where the second Prince trapped the First prince and his family in this very room and set it ablaze.

"The conflict of the three princes?"

"Yes, the same one, the same succession crisis where all three princes claimed the throne." She spoke of her memory, remembering the words of the books in the Royal Library, "Brother did you know the reason Father wants to make you surrender is because of the same conflict?" As her words spilled her eyes became focused on Heylel, he could feel her trying to be serious, trying to apply pressure but he sat there, nonchalantly as if this was nothing but small talk, this somewhat agitated her.

"Your father wants to ensure it happens never again." He spoke, at this point not even acknowledging the King as his uncle.

"Yes, and with how capable you are, many would rather see you succeed than the Crown Prince."

"I don't see why they would, I have only ever protected my house, My Dracina."

"You don't see? Brother, do you know that you are famous in the nobility as Phoenix and a miracle worker?"

"I'm? First time I've heard of it."

"Father and mother tried to suppress it as best as they could."

"I see, but Princess forgive me for a lack of tact but what does the Princess want from me for her come here to me." He spoke, his eyes trained on her, after having conversed with her, he was sure that she didn't come to him randomly and wanted something from him.

As she heard his words her agitation faired, 'Can you not think that I came here to catch up with a family member?' She wanted to bark at him but she stooped herself that she had contacted him for a purpose so he was not wrong.

"I'm here to negotiate on behalf of Mother, she and Aunt shared a very strong bond, and she wishes for you and Father to stop going against each other." His eyes met hers, his brows raised, "Truly?"

"Yes, she wishes for you two to stop," In fact, she too had wished for such. As a little girl she had attended many of her mother and aunt's meet-ups and being about two years older than Heylel, she had often looked after him.

He was her brother, he was her family.

She had even been there when Heylel had spoken his first words.

"I can't do anything from my side but let me tell you, I don't wish for conflict."

"Why!" She cried, "You just have to give way. Follow his orders! Just let him have control over Dracina! If you do he will let you be after ensuring that you can't go against him and we are family, he won't hurt you, Mother and I'll ensure it."

"My mother and father, were they not family...?" And yet he let them kill themselves. The last was left unspoken but both heard it.

And so his smile turned into a mocking one, he knew how this was going to go now, he had experience dealing with these people.

"It was their choice if they wanted to help or not," She refuted him her agitation growing.

"Yes, leaving behind an orphan was a good choice," almost chuckling at this older sister of his, he spoke.

"They saved the CROWN PRINCE, how can you be so selfish!?" Infuriated she reprimanded him. Slamming the table she stood up. She called at him.

Her anger stemmed from the fact that he disliked his parent's noble sacrifice, one made for the good of their family.

"The same boy who spat on their graves, during their funeral," He felt himself laugh...this was fun, even his tone was growing lighter. Huh, teasing older sisters was fun, who knew?

He laughed, "Calm down, I am not angry at anyone, not even the crown prince."

Sighing she sat down, after all, she too had seen it happen. Even knowing that his resentment was justified since it was true that her oldest brother did spit on the graves, "Do you resent us for it, tell me honestly?"

"No." He spoke with no agitation or anger but his words had set off alarms in her mind the words 'those who keep their resentment buried are easily devoured by it,' was something her mother had taught her.

"Then why?"

"I don't hold resentment towards you people or for their 'sacrifice' as you call it." He stopped, and took a deep breath, "I hold resentment against the King for trying to devour my father's legacy."

His words were simply portraying himself as a victim of the King's greed, but inside he was laughing, 'Caring for the legacy of a man I saw less than a dozen times? Bull*hit."

Hearing his answer, the Princess felt there was a chance, a chance to make peace so— "I will never give way because I refuse to be helpless, I know what will happen to me if I do become reliant on the Royal Family."

"What do you mean? If you were just let go and..." Again she tried but was interrupted, "Princess, if anything were to happen, which needed the life of someone who carried Royal blood, I would be the first lamb on the chopping block."

His words conveyed absolute confidence, an unshakable belief which left her momentarily dumbstruck.

That was what he was worried about?"...What! How can you people say that—"

Not wanting to listen to her rambling he spoke, "I had a Nanny remember? She was butchered here, to give a twelve-year-old child a warning."

Immediately her words staggered when she saw that he was frowning, this was the first time today she had seen anything but a smile from him, she immediately understood he was not happy about it, so she spoke, "She was just a nanny Heylel! She was not family!"

"She might as well have been my mother."

Baffling was the only words she should think of, why would he care for a little noble from some fallen barony?

"How can you compare a vulgar fallen baro--"

"My mother, I can remember twelve days with her. With my nanny, six years."

Tartarous bitch she was, she at least didn't think of him as a toy, not like his mother.

"I see, I'm sorry but brother believe me... she was never on your side," The girl with the golden tassel spoke.

Heylel laughed, "I know. Every detail, every little thing you could imagine, heck, her collaborators? I put them to the sword."

That stunned her, he knew? And he had also taken action, "Then why...?"

Heylel almost wanted to ask her if she still didn't get it. But, what would that accomplish so he simply chose to clarify his stance, "I told you. I do not hate any of you. Not even the crown prince. I just refuse to give up what I have built."

He had said his piece and wanted to leave but as he looked at her, he realised maybe the King would listen to his daughter if not him, "Tell him that, I don't want his stupid throne. I would refuse even if he offered it to me. I am a Dracina, and I take pride in it."

She sighed, "You will have to relent if we want peace. Father is adamant on this issue."

"Yes, princess. I know that better than anyone else. I just hope he would listen to you," He spoke as he stood up, "It's time for me to head back, thank you for having me."

Seeing him set on leaving the princess made one more attempt, "Despite what you say, know you hold resentment against us. I know you and my father have differences but please try to be friends with the crown prince. He was just a child at the time."

"Yes but what about now? What about two weeks ago?"

Instantly she sucked in a bitter breath, "I'm sorry for his behaviour at your mansion, he is still immature," Her expression was sincere. She was apologizing for his behaviour but that's just it, she was apologizing, "I hope to hear those words from our Crown Prince too."

Hearing him the princess sighed as he turned to leave.

She didn't get up instead her 'perfect-princess' posture broke as she slumped down on the table releasing a long sigh and with a low murmur, "Brother I'll give you salvation, wait for me."