
A Very Special Digi-Mas for Davis

yujuki · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs

chapter 1

As the month of December drew closer and closer to the 25th, amongst the various heroes and heroines of the Digital Worlds, Kari, Rika, Sora, Mimi, Zoe, Yolei, Nene and Airu had made another stop to the Digital World, not as per their duties to see it free from the embrace of evil, but to embrace the Christmas spirit and find their friends gifts.

While they had managed to cover the Digimon, thanks to Yolei's access to the snacks at her family's convenience store, planning to give out a gigantic bag of sweets for all their partners to share and snack upon, the girls were still trying to find gifts for the boys, namely finding something special for the Digidestined of Courage, Friendship and Miracles, Davis Motomiya.

"Wow, I never figured finding a gift for Davis of all people would be this much of a problem." Yolei said as she looked through the window of a store they walked past, not seeing anything that caught her eye, finding the small town they ad come across was selling items from both their world, as well as unique items found only in the Digital World, but nothing seemed right for Davis in the opinion of one particular Digidestined.

"Well keep looking. I just know after everything, Davis would've put all his heart into our gifts." Kari said back, her tone somewhat commanding, though in her mind, she believed she had every right to be, where her hand gently ran along the pink necklace that her friend had given to her for her birthday.

"Man, I've never seen you wound up like this before." Airu commented, before grinning as she picked up a bow, placed it on top of Kari's head and said with a giggle. "Maybe we could just wrap you up and present you to Davis."

"Stop that!" Kari said with a huge blush as she smacked Airu's hand away, knocking off the bow in the process and causing the other girls to stifle a giggle as they saw the blush on the brunette's face.

"Though she was only teasing, Airu might be on the right path." Zoe spoke up, doing her best to remain calm and to not upset Kari, where the blonde then explained. "We've all seen how Davis looks at you, as well as how much he obviously cares about you, so why don't you just ask him on a date? I bet he'd love that."

"That would be very romantic." Mimi sighed, before going on and expressing the fantasy blooming in her mind. "As Davis arrives at the party that night, you show up and say with a smile, 'Davis, would you like to spend the holidays with me?'before taking his hand and leading him aside, taking him to the roof, the stars sparking around you as you turn to face him, take his hands into your own and say as he stares into your shining eyes, 'I love you'."

The girls looked and tried to stifle a giggle as Kari's face was as red as a tomato, shaking her head to take the image out of her mind, trying to reassure herself that Davis' was only a friend.

"S...Stop that! We're just friends!" Kari yelled with a stutter, trying to look for something to take her mind off of what Mimi had placed in her mind.

"Kari, it's ok to say if you like Davis." Sora assured, setting a comforting hand on Kari's shoulder as the Digidestined of Love added. "I know that in the past, Davis was just as reckless as Tai used to be, but he has grown up, and I am certain that no matter what happens, there will always be a spot in his heart reserved for you."

"Even if all those cheerleading ditzes practically drool over him whenever they watch him during his soccer classes." Rika added with a small bitterness, before sweat dropping as she saw the cloud of depression now over Kari's head.

Confused by the change in Kari's mood, Rika was about to ask what had caused Kari's downfall, before Nene moved in, where she whispered to the Tamer. "Kari joined the cheerleading squad herself. She said it was to add it as another of her curricular activities to get her in a better college in a few years, but we can guess the real reason behind her motives."

"Oh..." Rika replied, looking as Sora and Mimi tried to cheer up the Digidestined of Light, before they heard Yolei yelling a few feet in front of them.

"Hey guys, this store looks like it could have something!" The purple haired girl called as she waved to them near the entrance of a large store at the end of the street they were on.

"C'mon, Kari, let's give it a chance." Sora said, trying to reignite Kari's spirit, setting her hand on the brunette's back and gently guiding her toward the shop Yolei was located.

As she waited for her friends to regroup with her, Yolei then jumped a little at the loud sound of something ringing a bell next to her, causing her to look and see a Digimon that looked like he was made out of red and green boxes with ribbons designs and a Christmas cap on his head.

"Oh, I'm terribly sorry." The cardboard Digimon apologized, pressing the bell close between his hands, where he then said. "When I get in the spirit of the season, I sometimes get a little carried away."

While bothered by the noise, Yolei then nodded, understanding the small Digimon's enthusiasm for Christmas, just as the other girls had caught up with her.

"Says here that he's JoyBacomon. A Digimon who loves Christmas and uses all his effort in bringing smiles to those around him. Even his enemies get a kick from his Special Delivery attack." Rika said, reading the information she managed to obtain upon the cardboard Digimon from her D-Power.

"Nice to meet you." Kari said with a smile to the box Digimon, who seemed to get a small blush at hearing this pretty human girl greet him with such kindness, before Airu asked curiously. "So what's with all the ringing?"

"I am collecting donations for the Primary Village." JoyBacomon replied, setting his bell down, where he held out a small jar and told the girls. "Whether it's toys or just a small donation of Digi-Dollars, we can give the newly hatched Digimon a very magical first Christmas."

Looking at the Digimon, Kari's smile remained as she reached into her winter jacket and withdrew some money, slowly inserting it within the jar, continuing to fill JoyBacomon with brim.

"Thank you for your kindness. I promise your donations will go to the best use." The box Digimon said, his tone of absolute sincerity, which continued to brighten Kari's mood, causing the other girls to smile and for Mimi to say to the others without thinking. "And at least this helped get Davis off of her mind."

But overhearing the Digidestined of Sincerity's words, Kari's head slumped as she fell back into her solemn mood.

And though he didn't mean to eavesdrop, the mention of the Digidestined stirred something within JoyBacomon, causing him to approach the other girls and look up at them with a curiousness.

"Did you say Davis, as in the Digidestined of Miracles, Davis?" The Digimon then asked with a curious joy, the question causing Mimi to nod and for the Digimon to give off a more cheerful vibe.

Though curious, Rika had to ask. "How do you know Davis?"

"He and his partner, Veemon, saved me a few months back after a bunch of Fugamon ambushed me, tied me up to a tree branch and prepared to use me like a pinata." JoyBacomon replied, some fear building in his voice at the memory, before stating with a more calmed voice. "If they hadn't helped me in my time of need, I wouldn't have been around to celebrate this Christmas."

The girls felt both angry and happy, angry at Digimon like the Fugamon and what they were going to do, knowing there were still Digimon out there that would pick on other weaker Digimon for fun, but happy at Davis and Veemon's bravery for saving JoyBacomon.

Remaining as curious as the girls, JoyBacomon asked. "So why exactly have you come here? Is it for more Christmas shopping?"

The question made Kari nod and say. "We were hoping to find something special for Davis. We have tried most of the other shops, but I just believe I know there is something better we can give Davis, something that not only embraces this holiday, but says that we all appreciate him."

"And she says she just sees him as a friend?" Airu whispered into Rika's ear, causing the redhead to nod as she rolled her eyes after hearing what Kari said.

The box Digimon thought for a second, thinking about his selfless hero, before an idea came to mind as he replied with a continued kindness. "I think I might have something in my shop."

"Come on in and have a look." He offered, stuffing his donation jar and his bell within his cap, before pushing the door open, holding it and allowing the girls inside.

Once Airu had entered, Kari and the others looked within the store, which was quite a majestic sight to each of them.

While there was row after row of carefully wrapped boxes, countless toys and beautiful items, within the centre of the shop was a large Christmas tree, decorated with dozens of lights, ornaments, tinsel and fake snow, while on the very top was a shining gold star.

'This guy really gets into the spirit of the season.' Sora, Mimi, Rika, Airu and Nene thought to themselves as they looked around, finding that amongst all the gifts and decorations, there seemed to be no other employees within.

After getting over the obvious effort JoyBacomon had placed within the store, the girls headed in, breaking up as they began searching around for a gift for Davis, where Sora, Mimi, Airu, Nene and even Rika were all filled with hope as they saw various Digimon finding what they believed to be the right gifts for their friends and loved ones.

But in her own corner of the shop, having seen a Lillymon just kiss a male Strabimon on his cheek for the gift he had given her, the Digidestined of Light felt her doubt consuming her again.

"Is everything alright?" She heard the JoyBacomon ask, turning to see the small Digimon looking at her with a curiousness.

Shaking her head, Kari said in reply. "I... I just can't find the perfect gift."

Curious himself, but not wanting to overstep his bounds, JoyBacomon moved closer to Kari and asked. "You are going through so much for just one person. Is Davis more important to you than you let on?"

Blushing but feeling comfortable enough to talk with the kindhearted Digimon, Kari unzipped her coat, allowing the box Digimon to see the pink jewelry that hung from her neck, looking to see it was a golden necklace that had a pink crest at the bottom, where her symbol, the Crest of Light, had been engraved within.

"Davis got me this for my birthday." Kari said, her hand moving around the object as she went on. "I know that he said it was no trouble, but after I had Gatomon 'convince' Veemon to tell us the truth, I learnt Davis had been saving for months. He took more hours at Digitamamon's restaurant, sold some of his old belongings and even managed to get some money from his sister if he could organize a date between her and my brother's friend, Matt Ishida."

Running her finger along the crystal, a small smile appeared on Kari's face, where the brunette then added. "I care about Davis, I care about him so much. He's always there for me, but I'm afraid he might not want to be with me, he might think I took him for granted. I just want him to know how much he means to me, so I need to do anything to get him a perfect present."

At Kari's expressive feelings, JoyBacomon set a hand on Kari's leg, gently rubbing it in a soft and assuring way.

Had he been taller, Kari knew the small Digimon would be applying the same consideration on her arm or back.

"From what I can tell, Davis obviously cares for you. He has a big heart, and there is a special spot just for you." JoyBacomon then said, turning his eyes toward the other girls, seeing them looking for gifts and comparing items, before turning back and saying to the Digidestined of Light. "In fact, I am sure his heart holds a spot for all of your friends."

Looking over at her friends, Kari knew JoyBacomon was right, that Davis did care for each of the girls, recalling his continued acts of selflessness around each of them, from assisting Sora and acting as her mannequin to try her ideas of fashion clothing on, to asking Yolei for tutoring and making sure not to argue or get on her nerves, acting like a true gentleman the entire session.

Breaking her thoughts however, Kari then watched as JoyBacomon lifted his hat and reached into the box opening that was his head, before confusing her more as he brought out a small gold ring with a green emerald set within the center.

"I think this will make Davis' Christmas one he'll cherish as much as he cherishes you." The box Digimon declared, keeping the ring on display, but only for Kari's eyes.

"I'm not sure..." Kari began to say, kneeling down to get a better look at the item, before stating. "Davis isn't really big into jewelry, and I..."

However, JoyBacomon suddenly silenced Kari, setting his cardorad fingers upon Kari's lips and cut in with a more soothing voice. "It's the perfect gift, you just don't realize that. Just look closer and let the feeling of the spirit take away your troubled mind."

Kari was confused as to what the Digimon was talking about as her eyes returned to the ring, looking at the gem on it, where it continued to shine, giving off a faint and alluring glow, catching Kari's complete attention as she stared at it, before her eyes glazed over and closed a little, her body relaxing as a blissful smile came upon her face and all thoughts left her mind.

Seeing the brunette in her entranced state, JoyBacomon took her right hand and slipped the ring onto her ring finger, before reaching into his head once more, taking out seven more rings and placing three into Kari's hand.

"Go, share the spirit of the season with your friends. Let them embrace the same feelings you hold for Davis." JoyBacomon instructed, his words causing Kari to nod, finding herself unable to argue with the box Digimon, but to obey him.

"Yes... share my feelings..." Kari replied in a distant tone as she set her hand around the rings, keeping them close to her as she walked over to Sora, Zoe and Rika, while JoyBacomon took the other rings and walked over to Yolei, Mimi, Airu and Nene.

"Is everything ok here?" JoyBacomon asked as he approached the trio, where they had gathered to compare some of the items they had found.

"We think so, but we're just not completely sure if Kari will settle with what we find." Yolei said in reply, understanding Kari's desire to see Davis happy, for she too admitted that with the years gone past, Davis was more mature and pleasant when compared to his rash and sometimes careless self.

"I still think we can give him Kari as a gift." Airu joked, giggling perversely as she teased. "And if she doesn't agree, maybe we could take one of her bras and give it to Davis. Give him Kari one piece at a time."

"Oh, stop that!" Mimi scolded, before gaining a dreamy look as she said. "I still think we should convince her to tell him how she feels, it would be like a scene from a Christmas romance movie!"

"If I might cut in..." JoyBacomon began to say, getting the attention of the four girls.

"Maybe these will help you give Davis a wonderful Christmas." He suggested, holding his cardboard hands out in a cupped formation, where the girls saw the box Digimon holding four rings within.

Confused by the items, Nene said. "I don't really think Davis will like these."

"You misunderstand." JoyBacomon said, taking Nene's hand and sliding the ring on her finger, causing her eyes to dull, while keeping Mimi, Yolei and Airu distracted as he told them. "To get the perfect present, you have to have the true mind of Christmas, and these rings will help achieve that. Just slip one on and you'll know exactly what to give Davis."

Before the other three girls could ask what he meant, JoyBacomon had slipped the remaining rings onto their fingers, causing their eyes to glaze over and blissful smiles to grace their faces, before he turned and saw Kari walking over with Sora, Zoe and Rika, both having the same black smiles on their faces as the last two rings had been set on their fingers.

And with all the girls under the spell of the rings', taking Yolei and Airu's hands into his own, with Mimi and Nene mindlessly following the box Digimon, they regrouped with Kari, Sora and Rika, where JoyBacomon said cheerfully. "Alright, girls, it's time you knew there is more to gifts than material possessions, so if you can please follow me into the back, I will be more than happy to educate you in this endeavour."

"Yes... we must be educated..." The entranced girls replied as they then followed JoyBacomon into the back of the shop, where he closed the door to the back storage room behind him, ensuring it was locked, and then faced the girls, where he began to speak.

"Now, you all want to give Davis the best gift possible, but you need to realize that the best gift you can give him is yourselves." JoyBacomon said, before telling the entranced heroines. "You all want to serve and please him, to show him how much you appreciate him by doing as he asks, to obey his every command and be by his side at all times whenever he desires any of your services."

"Yes... give ourselves to Davis... serve... please him... show how much we appreciate him... obey him..." The eight girls mindlessly replied as their smiles grew, with Kari's feelings for Davis multiplying, while the other girls minds now saw Davis as their one and only.

"Cherish him as he cherishes each of you and do whatever you can to make Davis happy." JoyBacomon then said, his attention drawn to Kari as he circled her and added. "Examine the devotion of your friend here. Feel what she feels for Davis, only let out that feeling. Let out all your love and let it consume you."

"Yes..." Sora, Rika, Mimi, Zoe, Yolei, Airu and Nene replied with dreamy smiles, their entranced minds seeing Davis as the perfect one for them as images of being with Davis filled their minds, rewriting them even more as the girls fell for Davis.

Believing he had set the girls in the right state of mind for the upcoming events JoyBacomon once again removed his Christmas cap, opening his boxed head and withdrew eight wrapped boxes, each roughly the same size as the other, where they nearly towered over his tiny frame, before distributing and handing the presents to each of the girls, who held them in their hands as they awaited the next of JoyBacomon's commands, their minds only thinking of further embracing the spirit of Christmas and of embracing the Digidestined of Miracles.

"Now, go to Davis' home and get ready to give him the best Christmas present he's ever gotten." JoyBacomon said with a joy in his voice, causing the girls to all nod in unison, before Kari said with a distant smile. "Yes... this will be perfect... I know Davis will love it..."

The girls then headed out of the back and out of the shop, with JoyBacomon continuing to give off a cheerful vibe, had he had a mouth, it'd be holding a joyous smile, certain that Davis would enjoy his present greatly.

-Sometime later-

Returning back from the mall, having done some shopping himself, Davis gave a sigh as he set the various boxes he'd been carrying under the Christmas tree his family had set in the living room.

Though it wasn't as majestic as the one JoyBacomon had made, Davis gave a smile as he remembered all the effort he, Veemon, Jun and his parents had put within decorating it, where he was unable to hold back a small grin at the ornament Veemon had decorated, drawing his face on one of the blue ornaments, which wasn't the best self portrait, but his heart was clearly shown.

"Now lets see..." Davis began to say as he looked through the presents he got as he began looking at the gifts he got, which happened to be for the very girls who were all out shopping for him.

"For Sora, a new tennis racket." He said, setting the tennis racket beside the tree, where it rested against the wall, tied with an orange bow.

"Rika, some rare Digimon Cards." Davis went on, looking at the various collection he had obtained, before setting them under the tree, keeping them together with a blue coloured ribbon. "They were hard to find, but I bet she'll pack a punch with them."

"Mimi, a dress I heard her once raving about." Davis said as he withdrew a beautiful light green gown that had a pink floral pattern along the left side and ran down the garment, which he carefully folded, placed in a pink box and tied it with a green ribbon, making sure to keep note on who would receive what, where he wrote on the small tag hanging from the ribbon.

To: Mimi

Your friend, Davis.

Finished with Mimi's gift, Davis drew out a basket covered in transparent purple gift wrapping, which he set down, gave a pleased smile and thought aloud. "Zoe, a girl like you would love a day of beauty, so these lotions, soaps and moisturizers will do the trick. But someone as great as you doesn't need to pretty herself up too much. I hope she likes anyways."

"Yolei, you were a tough cookie, but I think I got what I need to make your Christmas." Davis said, withdrawing what looked like a checkbook, but flipping through it, there were various tasks set on each page, including: Work at convenience store, Pay for one meal and Yolei's choice, allowing the Digidestined of Love and Sincerity to choose what she could have Davis do for her.

He knew that card was a gamble, but he hoped their past was long buried and she would not abuse such a power over him.

"Airu, I know how much you love everything cute, so this plush Cutemon will probably make you squeal." Davis laughed, setting the Cutemon toy beside Yolei's coupon booklet, before retrieving Nene's gift, which consisted of a pair of sparkling red strapped high heeled shoes, where they would display her feet elegantly and made Davis think as he began to wrap them up in a small white box. "For Nene, some new shoes. I think she'll look great in these at her next concert."

"And lastly..." Davis then said, tying up Nene's gift with a yellow ribbon and leaving a small note for the idol to know that within was her gift, before turning to the last item, where he withdrew a small rectangular casing from his jacket, opening it to gaze upon the pair of earrings shaped like the Crest of Light within.

"Kari's present." Davis said, giving a small pleased sigh as he thought. 'An angel as beautiful as her deserves only the finest things in life.'

'That includes the perfect boyfriend...' The maroon haired Digidestined added with a less cheerful mood as he closed the casing and set a pink bow atop Kari's gift, believing that his antics in the past had cost him any chance for a relationship with the Digidestined of Light, while also certain that with the way many had talked about her and TK, then it would only be a matter of time before they would be dating.

With all of his gifts set around his Christmas tree, looking at the other items he had obtained for his friends, Davis felt a small pang in his chest, feeling a little lonely, for the Digimon were celebrating Christmas back in the Digital World, his parents were celebrating the holidays with some old friends from their highschool days and knew that it wouldn't be the kind of thing their children would enjoy.

Even Jun was spending her time during the holidays away from home, for his actions in setting her and Matt worked far better than anticipated.

After managing to get Matt to the Digital World, asking for his help and sending him to a remote location, the Digidestined of Friendship was stunned when he was confronted by Jun.

But after she explained herself, making sure that Matt didn't blame Davis for what he did, the pair got to talking, learning that Matt and Sora had broken up a few months back, believing they were better as friends more than anything, leading to Jun giving Matt an empathetic shoulder to rest on, where the blond saw a whole new side to the older Motomiya, not only seeing her acting more calm and mature, but he had to admit she was kind of cute.

And with one thing leading to another, Matt and Jun soon began to date, becoming boyfriend and girlfriend, surprising the Digidestined greatly, with most of the Digidestined Digimon believing Jun had either schemed, blackmailed or even brainwashed Matt into dating her.

However, like Matt, after seeing Jun showing her less obsessive side, the Digidestined could see Jun had changed and could see what drew Matt to her.

Returning his focus on the emptiness of his apartment, Davis withdrew his D-Terminal, where he was thinking of sending a message to his friends to see if any of them would want to spend some time with him, to cheer him up from his loneliness.

But setting the device on the table, curiousness caught Davis' attention when he heard giggling coming from down the hall and in his bedroom.

"What...?" Davis let out in confusion, seeing the light on in his room through the slightly opened door, which confused him as he knew no one was supposed to be home and he turned it off before he left, causing him to stand up and walk towards his room, opening the door, where his eyes bulged at the sight that greeted him, for lying out across his bed were the seductive forms of Kari, Sora, Mimi, Yolei, Rika, Zoe, Nene and Airu.

Not only was Davis left in awe at the sight of the eight girls, seeing Kari and Yolei sitting near the front of his bed, Rika and Sora lying themselves on their stomachs, while Mimi, Zoe, Nene and Airu were standing around his bed, all posing in various positions to show off their bodies, but seeing all eight of the girls dressed in skimpy red bras and panties, with red ribbons around their necks and Christmas hats resting atop their heads

"Welcome home, Davis." The girls said in unison with enticing smiles, while Davis stood there, his eyes wide, cheeks red, and a stupor look on his face as he tried to process what he was looking at.

"We hope you've been having a good Christmas." Kari then said, looking at the maroon haired Digidestined with a continued devoted smile, before the brunette brought up her right hand, holding it over her head and showing she was holding a small plant.

"Do you know what this is, Davis?" Kari asked, before quickly answering. "Mistletoe."

"That means you have to kiss her." Nene said with a matching smile and sweet tone, continuing to leave Davis astounded at what was occuring before him.

"After that, you can unwrap your presents." Rika then added with a seductive purr, running her fingers along one of the thin red strings that held her bra together, as though ready to undo it the moment Davis asked her to.

Still in a state of shock, but managing to process what was happening, Davis questioned. "What are you all doing here? Why are you dressed like that? Am I dreaming?"

The girls all let out giggles at his questions, finding his confused look cute, before Kari stood up and walked over to Davis, causing him to blush even more as she wrapped her arms around his neck, placing her near naked form as close as she could to him as she looked at him with a loving smile, looking at him with absolute devotion, as if he was her reason for life.

"Oh, Davis, you can be so silly. You're not dreaming. We just realized that after all you've done for us, the best gift we could give you is ourselves. We love you Davis, and we want to be yours', in anyway you desire. Girlfriends, sex slaves, whatever you want of us, we will do, so long as you are happy, we will love you." The Digidestined of Light said with a lustful smile, shocking Davis as to what he was hearing, before Kari leaned in and gave him a passionate kiss, one he slowly returned as he placed his hands on her hips, feeling his hormones getting the better of him.

And as Davis continued to relax, enjoying the feel of Kari's lips against his, while his hands felt her soft skin against them, the Digidestined of Miracles gave off a small groan as he felt pressure on his sides, causing him to break his kiss with Kari and saw Sora and Yolei on his sides, pressing their near naked forms against him as they began to kiss around his neck and rub at his body.

"Yolei, Sora, you have to stop..." Davis tried to say, but found the girls not listening to him, where they continued to rub their hands all over his body, seemingly finding themselves drawn to the feel of Davis' body as they tried to lift his shirt.

"Sora, I know you are single, but I'm sure if you gave Tai a chance, you'd be very happy." Davis tried to rationalize, certain that the orange haired girl had feelings for the Digidestined of Courage, believing that with all the years they spent together before he came along, they would already be comfortable enough around each other.

"And Yolei. I admit I think you are as amazing as you are smart, but what about Ken? I can't cheat on my best bud with his girl." The Digidestined of Courage and Friendship then said as he looked at Yolei, trying not to stare down her bra and betray the very definition of the second Crest he was presented with.

"Tai's not you, you hot, sexy stud." Sora said, tracing her fingers along Davis' chest. "Tai had his chance, but now I want you."

"And I now realize that while Ken is a good boyfriend, I just know you'll make a great lover." Yolei added as she copied Sora's actions, her fingers running along Davis' covered body, but smiled as she could still feel his muscular frame through the fabric.

"Just think of this as my way of apologizing, my way of showing you my love." The Digidestined of Love and Sincerity then added, catching Davis off guard as she forced her lips against his in a deep and longing kiss, where Davis tried to break from Yolei's actions, but found Kari had set her hand on the back of his head, keeping his lips pressed with the purple haired girl's.

"Just relax, Davis. Just enjoy the moment." Kari said with a purr as she leaned in and began to kiss around Davis' neck, before Rika and Mimi moved closer to the group, wanting to kiss and feel their lover as well.

"Easy there, girls. There's plenty of Davis for all of us." Sora commented, keeping Rika and the others back.

"But why don't you help our man get in the mood and take off those annoying pants?" Kari, eyeing Davis' crotch and seeing the bulge forming within, causing the lustful looks on all the girls' faces to grow slightly, licking their lips as they thought about unwrapping their 'present'.

With Davis still occupied, Sora taking her turn as she moved in and turned his kiss with Yolei into a passionate three-way one, Rika and Zoe circled around Davis, moving to his sides, grabbing the ends of his pants and pulling them down, where Zoe giggled and commented. "Looks like somebody is continuing to celebrate the spirit of Christmas."

Curious to what she meant, all but Sora looked down and looked with a cute smile to see Davis was wearing red and white striped boxers, where Rika grabbed at the thin line at the hem, unthreading Davis' underwear as she said. "And now to see what us good girls got for Christmas."

Loosening the elasticity of his boxers, Davis blushed deeply as he felt his underwear slide down his legs, allowing the girls that were all circling him to take in the sight of his erect member, leaving Kari and the others looking on with desiring expressions.

"Oh, Davis, you shouldn't have." Airu purred, licking her lips as she gazed as his member, looking forward to feeling it inside of her, to be able to play with the nine-inches of cock that hung between Davis' legs.

"St... stop...!" Davis managed to say as he tried to break out of Kari, Yolei and Sora's embrace, only to trip over his pants and fell back, landing on his bed, where his cock pointed upward, the sight leaving the girls further aroused and for Kari to act fast as she jumped onto the bed and on top of Davis, seeing he was still conflicted and pressed her hands gently against his chest, keeping him pinned down.

"Davis, it's ok, we all want this. We all agreed that we love you and want to be with you, so please, relax, and get ready for the best Christmas of your life." Kari said with a seductive glint in her eyes as she leaned in and kissed Davis once again, feeling his resolve to fight this getting weaker and weaker.

And as Kari continued to kiss him, Rika kept the Motomiya in a more aroused mood as she got onto the bed herself, crawled her way between Davis' legs, where the Tamer set her right hand around Davis' cock and began to slide it up and down his length, causing him to groan within Kari's mouth, feeling a great pleasure coming across him, while the rest of the girls looked on with growing desire.

"It seems Davis is still unsure of our devotion." Zoe commented, smiling as the blonde then said to the others. "How about we show Davis just how serious we all are?"

Nodding to Zoe's words, Mimi, Nene and Airu watched on as Zoe climbed onto the bed, positioning herself by Kari's left, where the Warrior of Wind set her right hand on Kari's back, tracing it around and to the front of the brunette's chest, where she took hold of the string keeping her bra together, before pulling at the string and relieving Kari of her bra, leaving Davis stunned at having the half naked form of Kari on top of him.

"Do you like what you see?" Zoe asked as she cupped and fondled Kari's breasts for Davis' viewing pleasure, causing the Digidestined of Light to moan erotically at Zoe's fingers running along her breasts.

"I think he does." Rika said as she felt Davis' cock twitching in her hand, embarrassing Davis and hating that he could not control his body's natural reflexes.

"Then how about we finish unwrapping Davis' first gift?" Zoe suggested as she gazed at Davis with a smile, turning to see Nene move beside Rika, slid the string on the right side of Kari's panties and pulled the garment from off of her, leaving Kari naked and on top of Davis.

With the girl he loved now on top of him and naked, Davis gave a frustrated groan, feeling a continued conflict filling him.

While he wanted nothing more than to grab Kari's body, lay her down on his bed and make love to her, Davis continued to resist, certain that there was something altering the mindsets of Kari and the others.

"Kari, everyone, you have to listen to me. I don't know what is going on, but I know something is wrong." Davis said with worry, before questioning. "What happened to you before I got home?"

"Before you arrived, we headed to the Digital World to do some shopping." Mimi said, giving his nose a light tap as she added. "Just for you."

"We spent ages looking for a present for you." Yolei explained, before looking at Kari and adding. "Kari was insistent in finding you the perfect gift."

"Because she loves you so much." Airu added, her words continuing to leave Davis in awe, to know that the girl of his dreams shared his feelings, leaving the maroon haired Digidestined wondering if he could be with Kari.

"And after we came across this shop that was selling these beautiful rings and sexy costumes, we came to realize that what's better than having one amazing girl as your girlfriend and your sex slave is to have all of us serving to you." Mimi then said, lifting her right hand as she looked at the ring on her finger with a fond smile.

Looking at the ring set upon Kari's finger, concern filled Davis, where he pleaded. "Listen to me, you have to take those rings off. They are messing with your heads."

"Oh, Davis..." Kari sighed, smiling sweetly at the Digidestined of Courage and Friendship as she told him. "You couldn't be more wrong. These rings are the best thing that ever happened to us. They made us all realize just how amazing you are, how lucky we are to have you in our lives and how much we want to spend our time with you."

"Not to mention they made us feel the same love Kari feels for you." Airu added

"But if you're so insistent on us removing these and showing our love is genuine, then we will obey." Kari said with a continued sweetness and loyalty in her voice, where Davis watched on as Kari sat up, resting herself on his chest as she began to slide the ring off of her finger, leaving Davis wondering how Kari would react when the effects of the brainwashing would wear off, whether she would have no memory of what had happened, had she been aware of her acts and how she would act to lying on top of him completely naked.

However, after Kari had removed the ring off of her finger, she remained smiling at Davis, continuing to look at him with nothing but love, before saying. "See? I told you that I love you."

"That WE love you." Yolei cut in, her words causing Kari to nod in agreement, before returning her focus on Davis, where she gently set his hand out and slid the ring on his finger, causing the Digidestined of Miracles to suddenly panic, trying to shake the ring off and not fall under the same hypnotic influence as Kari had.

But keeping his hand restrained from further movement, Kari slid the ring further down his hand, where the maroon haired boy began to feel lightheaded as he began to fall under the same spell Kari and the others had been exposed to.

"Just relax, Davis." Kari soothed, seeing Davis still resisting as his eyes began to dull. "You will feel very good soon, I promise."

Seeing Davis now relaxing, his eyes completely glazed over from the ring's effect, Kari smiled and leaned in, kissing his cheek before whispering into his ear. "You deserve to be happy, you deserve to be loved."

"I... I do..." Davis said in reply, only for some hesitance to form due to the quick exposure to the ring's spell. "But I... I think..."

"Don't think. Believe me, it's better to just listen to others and do what you are told." Airu cut in as she began to assist Rika and slid a hand along, before saying with a cheerfulness. "Just keep listening to Kari. Listen to the one who loves you so much."

"You want this, Davis. I know that deep within you do. You care for each one of us, and you want us all. You like being in charge and telling us what to do, how to serve you." Kari then said as she placed another kiss on his cheek, stifling a moan as she felt his erect member brush against her wet folds, but remained focused on her task, knowing that it will be worth it in the end.

"Want... this... want you all... being in charge... serving me..." Davis said in reply, feeling his resistance fading, feeling his mind slowly clearing, where Kari looked down at her beloved with a smile, knowing that very soon that Davis would finally accept her and her 'gifts'.

"You have shown so much maturity over the years, mostly to me." Yolei spoke up, moving up so she was sitting beside Davis' head and looked at him with a smile of her own.

"I know we used to fight and argue about everything, but I am willing to forget all that, that is if you accept us as your slaves." The purple haired girl then said, continuing to gaze at Davis with a new level of love, dedication and respect.

"We know you are worried about betraying our friends, but you too deserve love in your life. You deserve to be happy." Sora added with a caring and understanding tone, hoping to help Davis see things their way.

"You are brave, handsome, and just amazing. You deserve to have so many girls at your service." Rika added, her tone of submission as she continued to caress Davis' shaft, looking forward to soon feeling it inside of her as her lover claimed her as his own.

"And even though we know you have a soft spot in your heart for Kari, we are certain that that big heart of yours' has more than enough room for us." Nene declared as she looked upon Davis with the same smile Kari and the other girls now held for him, just before Zoe's smile grew as she looked at the erection Davis was still sporting and purred. "Not to mention something else so big that will make us very happy."

"So what do you say, Davis? Do you accept this, do you accept us to be your girlfriends, your lovers, your slaves, anything you desire?" Mimi asked, before running her hand along Davis' leg, the actions copied by the other girls as they eagerly awaited the Digidestined of Miracles' reply.

Between the girls' submissive words, the stimulation they were giving him, and Kari's sweet whispers as she continued to kiss his cheek and whisper into his ear, Davis's mind gave in, causing him to nod his head absentmindedly, which brought a smile to the girls' faces, namely to Kari, who felt her heart warm with joy, knowing she would finally be with the one she loved.

However, while Kari was smiling on the outside, within her mind, the ring's spell over her was starting to fade, where the brunette was starting to regain her old thoughts, leaving doubt within.

'Is this right? Is this what I really want?' Kari thought deep within her head, aware of what was happening outside of her mind, at the position she was in, where she wanted to continue, but not to force Davis or her friends into such actions.

'Of course it is.' Kari then heard herself say, only this Kari's voice was laced with longing. "Davis deserves all the pleasure in the world!'

'But what about the others?' Kari asked, not wanting them to get involved against their wills.

'What about them? You've seen how they acted toward our Davis, they all love him almost as much as you do, they just needed a small push to admit it.' The desiring side of Kari said back.

'But...' Kari started to say, before the more desiring side overpowered her and said. 'No more buts! Other than his hands on yours', of course. Now go, take your man already!'

Feeling her more desiring side take over, Kari focused back on the Digidestined beneath her, the dazed expression on his face leaving Kari smiling as she knew what she had to do, where the brunette then slowly moved herself down, moaning a little as she could feel her pussy rubbing around Davis' manhood, filling Kari with a great rush of pleasure.

And noticing Kari's obvious excitement to have Davis inside of her, Rika and Airu took their hands off of Davis' cock, looked at the brunette and nodded.

"Allow us to help you with your first time with our Davis." Rika offered in a sincere voice as she once again grabbed Davis' member, only Kari moaned as she felt Airu's hands roam across her body, setting upon her hips and moaning further as she felt Rika lining her folds up with the tip of Davis' member.

Kari then continued to moan as she lowered herself onto her lover's cock, feeling it stretching her folds and filling her with pleasure, moving her hands and placing them on Davis' chest as she looked him in the eyes.

"Feels good, doesn't it, my sweet Davis...?" Kari asked, staying in place as to allow her body to get used to the pleasurable feeling of having Davis finally inside of her, and for his reply.

"Yes... It feel so good..." Davis replied through his entranced state, before saying with some longing in his voice. "I... I want you, Kari... I want you so much..."

Hearing Davis' reply, Kari grinned, before looking at Zoe, who nodded and slid the ring off of his finger and placed it back on Kari's, where the Digidestined of Light gave a pleasant sigh, feeling all her love for Davis coming back to her, removing any final traces of doubt in her head.

And seeing Davis still looking at her, seeing through his hazy eyes that he wanted her, Kari was more than happy to oblige as she gently set her hands back on Davis' chest, supporting her as she began to move her body up and down his member, moaning at the pleasure that filled her entire being.

"Davis... Davis, you will listen to me very carefully... and take what I say as truth..." Kari said through her moans, feeling more and more pleasure as she sunk her hips lower on Davis' being, his member going deep inside of her. "After I kiss you, you will give in and accept our gift..."

"Merry Christmas, Davis Motomiya..." Kari then declared as she then relaxed her body, moved down and claimed Davis' lips in a loving kiss, where she broke the kiss and nodded to the other girls, who nodded back as they moved off of the bed, allowing Kari, as Davis' first 'unwrapped gift' to have the first go.

Allowing her desires for Davis to once again come into the forefront, Kari kept her hands on Davis' chest, moaning as she began to ride his cock, moaning in great joy as she moved up and down, feeling Davis' member not only filling her tight pussy, but it continued to hit all the right spots inside of her, only heightening her pleasure.

'Oh, Davis is so good... so perfect... It's even better than I ever imagined...' Kari thought to herself, closing her eyes as she recalled several of the sexual fantasies she had involving her and Davis, but found they were nothing in comparison to what feelings now surged through her body.

And the pleasure for Kari only increased, moaning out as she felt a strong hand begin to rub and massage her left breast, thinking it was one of her slave sisters trying to assist in making her first time with Davis as wonderful as it could be, but opening her eyes, Kari couldn't hold back her loving smile to see Davis' hand on her body, where she looked to see there was no longer a haze in his eyes, only desire.

Smiling back at Kari, Davis teased Kari a little as he lightly tugged at her nipple and asked with a more confident voice. "So how am I, my pet...? Do you like this?"

"Yes...! Yes... so good... so perfect... oh, Davis...!" Kari cried out, feeling her lover's other hand now resting on her hip as she continued to ride him, moaning even louder as she felt his move his body up, placing his lips around her right breast as he licked and sucked on it, much to Kari's excitement and delight.

"So hot..." Rika moaned as she and the other girls watched, feeling their bodies heat up more as their lover played with Kari's body, each wanting to be in the brunette's place already.

"Patience, Rika. We'll all get a turn." Sora stated, licking her lips as she thought lustfully. 'And if his stamina and performance is anything like what we've seen during his soccer championships, we'll all be in for a great treat.'

Kari continued to ride Davis' cock for the next hour, feeling nothing but bliss as her lover played with her body, pulling himself up and into a sitting position, resting Kari in his lap as he continued thrusting his cock in and out of her, while keeping his brunette haired slave happy as he kissed and licked around her neck and collarbone as his hands explored her body, even reaching around and giving her ass cheeks a squeeze, much to Kari's delight.

"Kari, you have an amazing body..." Davis commented as he continued to 'examine' Kari's body, his hands continuing to slide along her smooth skin, sending shivers of pleasure through the Digidestined of Light, before Davis slowed down in his actions, looked deeply into Kari's eyes and told her with absolute honesty, care and devotion. " I love it... I love you... I love you so much..."

Her heart melting and her body heating up, Kari was unable to hold back her smile or control herself as she wrapped her arms around Davis' neck, holding him closer to her as she said back. "And I love you, Davis... I love you more than anything..."

The brunette then gave her lover a passionate kiss, showing her love, one Davis willingly returned, causing Kari to moan loudly in the kiss, feeling Davis' tongue slide into her mouth, dominating her even more, which left the Digidestined of Light just longing for Davis' love, longing for him to keep pleasuring her in the way only he could.

After guiding Kari down and onto her back, the pair continued to make love for another thirty minutes, but feeling their climaxes approaching, both knew that it wouldn't be long until they needed to give in and experience their climaxes.

"Davis... Davis... so close, oh... so close... I can't hold it...!" Kari moaned, feeling her release coming as Davis continued to fill her with pleasure, knowing now, without a doubt, that she loved him and would be his forever.

"Same here, Kari...! I want to keep going, but I know I'll cum soon...!" Davis groaned in reply, feeling his body trembling as his climax drew closer and closer.

After a few more thrusts, Kari couldn't contain herself anymore, crying Davis' name out in pure ecstasy as she threw her head back and had her climax, cumming all over Davis' manhood.

And with Kari's climax, this triggered Davis', where he held Kari close to his body and gave a loud groan as he had his orgasm, his cum released and filling Kari's waiting womb.

Collapsing in her lover's embrace, Kari took a moment as she and Davis both caught their breaths, where the brunette moaned lightly as she felt his member inside of her, still hard, before looking up with a smile as she leaned in and kissed his cheek.

"Davis, you were amazing..." Kari let out with a content sigh, before giving off a small purr-like sound as she felt Davis run his hand along her ass, faintly hearing a small voice in the back of her mind cheering loudly.

'Way to go, Kari. you finally did it!' The voice called happily, before turning more alluring as it added. 'And you loved every second of it, didn't you?'

'I did...' Kari replied to the voice, before moaning as she could feel Davis pulling out her her, causing the brunette to shake her head and look back to see her beloved now on top of her, staring down at her with an ever lustful expression.

Looking down at Kari with some confusion, Davis had to ask. "Kari, are you ok?"

"Sorry, my darling. I was just thinking how wonderful you were." Kari replied, moving up and setting her arms around Davis' side, embracing him lovingly.

"Don't sell yourself short, Kari. You were perfect." Davis told Kari as he set his hand under her chin, tilting her head up to meet his lips in another kiss, one Kari was more than happy to accept and return.

But breaking the kiss quite soon, Kari had something on her mind that she needed to get out, where she looked at Davis with loving eyes and asked. "Davis, how would you feel about being a father?"

The question confused Davis, before some worry came across him, where he asked. "Kari, are you saying you didn't...?"

At his worry, Kari gave a small giggle, before running her hand along Davis' cheek and looking at him with undying love.

"It's ok, my love. I used protection, we all have." She informed, where Davis looked at the other girls, before feeling his hand placed on Kari's stomach, turning his attention back to the Digidestined of Light, who told him with a heartfelt and hopeful voice. "I was just hoping that when you are ready if we could try and have a child."

Knowing there was no accidental impregnation, but seeing that this was something Kari wanted, Davis smiled as he began to gently rub Kari's stomach and said in reply. "Of course. I just know that after you are pregnant, you'll make a wonderful and caring mother."

"And if we have a daughter, she'll be as smart and as beautiful as you." The maroon haired Digidestined added, continuing to warm Kari's heart, which left the other girls all smiling, watching as Davis then moved back down and claimed Kari's lips in another deep kiss.

But after parting from their kiss, a more lustful expression appeared on Kari's face, where she said with a sly smirk. "But enough about us. You still have your other presents to unwrap and play with."

Looking over at the girls, Kari gestured with her index and middle fingers, enticing the others over as she asked. "Now who wants to be next? Who wants to feel the same pleasure I just felt?"