
A vampires love story (fanfiction of a vampires pet)

a fan fiction of a vampires pet by cannon same world just different characters.

Kiarva_Ryan · Book&Literature
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6 Chs

trials of change

Rayla was struggling with everything that had just happened as well as the need to sleep. God she could still taste him... his blood on her lips. She licked her lips giving a moan. God this tasted so good, she wanted more but she was so tired. Was she supposed to be tired? She didn't know. Though she had lost a lot of blood. She felt so weak, never had Drake ever bitten her so hard or drank so much from her. Maybe it was due to the blood moon? Wait no. She thought. He, he said he was changing her. God now she was going to be just a fucking pet to him forever! She didn't want to just be a pet the rest of eternity. She felt a bit of hatred for him rise up in her chest as the room began to spin before her world went black.

Rayla groaned as she woke up on a couch. Wait where was she? She could heard voices around her they sounded familiar yet not at the same time, then it hit her. The voices she was hearing were her parents and her sisters! But wait, this couldn't be right they were dead. She rubbed her eyes with heavy hands. She could hear her mothers voice " Shh she's awake" she said to her very pissed off looking husband. Rayla's eyes opened seeing her father looking down at her pissed off and her mother's loving gaze. "mom!" Rayla exclaimed and jumped up wrapping her arms around her "I'm so sorry for everything that has happened I I wish I could change things" she said sobbing into her mother's chest as her mother just held her. Her father on the other hand started screaming "How could you become a vampires pet! How could you of slept with one and became one! What the hell! I'm so disappointed in you and your sister your worthless!" Rayla looked to her father from her mothers arms and growled loudly at him "how dare I?" She yelled "how dare you!" She said "how dare you force us from our home and make us rogues because you couldn't accept that we had talent because you couldn't accept that we trusted vampires and wanted to become more then you were willing to let us become?!" She screamed not even letting him reply "it's your fault sister was ripped apart! Its your fault mom and you died at the hands of that vampire! It's your fault I became a pet and will forever just be a fucking pet to the man I love" she snarled her father became so enraged he tried to pull Rayla from her mother's arms to beat her. Rayla snarled and shoved her father away "fuck you! You cant hurt her , or sister, or me anymore! You are nothing! I hate you... I hate you for hitting me that day! I hate you for forcing us out of our home! I hate you for all the pain I went threw." she said screaming till slowly the image of him in front of her slowly started to disappear with every blow she screamed at him. She was shaking from anger she barely realized her mother was still there and only started to cry and calm down from her rage when she felt her mothers arms wrap around her tightly and hold her close. "shh baby it's okay now" she said holding Rayla close "I know you blame him for what happened... but you can't live your life in the past! You need to move on from what has happened and embrace this new life as a vampire!" She said Rayla looked up at her mother with tear filled eyes "mom I love you and I'm sorry for everything before" she said "I I will live this new life as a vampire to its fullest! I'll live for you! Since you didn't make get to live out your" Rayla's mother cut her off "baby girl, I lived my life how I wanted to! I had two amazingly talented girls... yes I could of picked a better man but I'm happy with how my life was all I want from both you and your sister is for you both to make your own mark on this world and have kids of your own if that's what you wish" she said kissing Rayla's head "I'll be watching over both of you but never forget how proud I am of you" she said her touch and the image of her around Rayla slowly faded to nothing. Rayla tried to cling to her mother but it was fruitless she was gone leaving Rayla falling to her knees on the ground "wait I have more to ask you.... Mom... please... just a bit more time" she cried before her entire world went black.

Rayla blinked she was suddenly back at a all to familiar scene, the day that everything went wrong. The day her stupidity and excitement caused her father to go over the edge and end up causing the death of himself and her mother, as well as the trauma her sister, and herself went threw. It took Rayla a long moment to react to what just was going on around her. Rayla watched as a familiar scene started to play in front of her. Aria whimper as he licked her neck. " Though if you promise to be a good girl" I could be persuaded to let you and your sister live" he mused " Now what do you say? Will you be a good girl for me?" he asked Aria. Who just shook her head up and down. " I I'll do anything... just please don't hurt my little sister" she cried. The vampire snickered looking at Rayla who was on the ground watching in horror at what had just happened and shaking. " Oh I promise I wont hurt her... but you got to do something for me first girly" he mused. "A anything" Aria whimpered as she was forced to the ground. The vampire extending a claw to rip off her clothes. Rayla pulled herself from the ground and rushed over to them " Get the fuck off my sister you creep" she said throwing a punch right into the vampires face and catching him completely off guard. Leon growled as he pulled himself off the ground " you little bitch! You will pay for that" he said and within a instant Rayla was off the ground gasping for air as he grabbed her throat and squeezed keeping her at eye level with him as he spit out his next words " You know I could of spared you and taken you to be a pet or sent you to be a breeder... but you know what you little shit... I think I will enjoy this a bit more. Rayla screamed as red hot heat opened up in her abdomen. She looked down to see her guts and blood spilling out from the deep claw marks on her stomach she started to cough up blood. Leon laughed at her pain before throwing her to the ground a few yards from her parents dead bodies. Rayla didn't fight the darkness this time. No this time she welcomed it whispering " Fuck you Leon"

Rayla groaned as she woke up in Drake's bed where he had left her after turning her into a vampire. God she was so thirsty. She pulled herself up off the bed and walked over towards the door only to find it locked. She rolled her eyes. " You would think after all this time I would be trusted to come back" she muttered with a sigh before sitting down back on the bed dealing with the thirst till he finally came back to the room. Rayla was starving when he walked in and whimpered at him " God can I please have something to eat" she begged. A had month passed and Rayla was so addicted to Drake's touch and taste it was hard for her to be without him for even a few moments. However, little did she know he was getting bored of her. Her touch, her taste, her everything. He was tired of how obedient she was now that she was a vampire as well, of how easy it was to control her now. It was like her soul purpose to live was for him to feel him to breathe him in. Rayla had preformed for the crowds of fans with her band but every night she was back in Drake's bed pleasing him though something felt off tonight, he didn't cum for her. She sighed after about an hour of trying to suck him off. She looked up at him with tears in her eyes. "Drake what's wrong do you not like me anymore?" she asked tears streaming down her cheeks when she noticed that he wasn't even looking at her, he was on his phone. She sat up and crossed her arms only to have him cum hard a few seconds later from a picture from his phone. That was the beginning of the end. Rayla couldn't seem to please Drake anymore though she craved his touch, his taste, his everything. It almost killed her when he got with another vampire girl.

They looked so perfect together, what hurt the most was how drake would make her eat out the other vampire girl and drink his cum from the girls cunt. This went on for a year before the two married. The vampire girl actually married Drake. She was Drake's world though it was clear the only reason he proposed was due to the girl being pregnant but no one but Drake, her and of course Rayla knew about that. The day of the wedding arrived and everyone showed up, fans, family, friends. Rayla was stuck in a room not abled to attended the happy day. The love of Drake's life didn't want Rayla to be present for their special day. Rayla watched from the window as the love of her life married a woman who should have been her. Rayla felt tears stream down her cheeks. She was just a pet, that was what she was nothing more nothing less. She growled as she watched a vampire from the bride's maids area slowly pull out a silver dagger laced with poison. Rayla knew it was poison from the green liquid dripping off of the blade. How was no one else seeing this? Or were they in on this? She could tell by how Drake was kissing his new wife that he was distracted and didn't see this danger coming for him. She screamed in the room but her words weren't heard. She banged on the window trying to get out of the room. After a few hits the glass began to crack. She kept hitting it. Time seemed to go in slow motion outside as she struggled to get the glass to finally break. She jumped from the window and rolled as she hit the ground ignoring the pain from the glass. The bride looked at Rayla in horror as the pet ran towards the newly married couple. Rayla threw herself between Drake and the maid of honor. The one with the blade. Rayla felt the blade slice into her shoulder and down to her breast. She cried out already feeling the poison spreading threw her body. She choked up on her blood reaching a clawed hand out and ripped out the other girls heart to kill her before throwing the heart on the ground as she collapsed " D drake I'm" she coughed her body slowly starting to turn to stone from the wound. " I'm sorry master, I I love you so much! My life for yours" she whispered before her entire body became stone before crumbling away into nothing.

Rayla blinked her eyes looking at her favorite teacher. She shook her head looking down at the piece of pink paper in her hand. Wait where was she? No when was she? "M...Mr. Binx" she said shyly remembering now what age she was and where she was " I I cant bring this home to my parents.... you know how much my father..." she stopped herself "You know he will never let my sister or myself sing for the coven" she said softly Binx nodded at his student " I understand that Rayla but you and your sister both have such a talent you could go far" he said Rayla nodded " I know and I want to preform for the coven... it's a dream of mine and it means the world that you believe in my sister and I" she said sweetly " But I cant take this paper home... is there a way we can keep this secret?" she asked. Binx nodded " Yes of course" he said. Rayla kept her singing career from her family till she was eighteen which is when she and her sister moved out of the house with the money they saved from preforming and into a house near the coven. Once they were both of age their parents couldn't stop them from preforming for the vampires, in fact they had became famous for a pair of human sisters. They would travel only when their lord wanted them to preform at other covens. They had a nice life, a life most humans would want. The life of free humans who were richer then the average human. Rayla stretched from her spot on the couch looking up at her sister who was pacing " Why are you so worked up?" she asked her sister whirled on her " Rayla do you have any idea who we are preforming for tonight?" she asked Rayla rolled her eyes and pulled herself up " Ah the coven that we grew up serving.... this is our monthly performance for them" she stated. Her sister sighed " Yeah but guess who will be in the crowd you fan girl" she said making Rayla squeal "Drake?" she asked although she was no longer a teen she still had a huge crush on drake. Kane sighed " God did you have to tell her?" he asked from the doorway he was Rayla's sisters husband. Kane had a younger brother around Rayla's age that had been asking her out for years now but Rayla said she wasn't ready to settle down till she met Drake. Once she met Drake she promised she would slow down and get married. Rayla left her sister and Kane to go get dressed for the night they literally had five minuets before they were expected to be at the coven. The girls showed up right on time in sexy outfits. Their normal performance attire. They started the concert off with a few covers of songs before working into the songs Rayla had wrote for them. Finishing off with the newest one Rayla had written about eternal love. The coven cheered the girls once the set was finished and the girls joined the coven for drinks and talking after the show. Rayla rolled her eyes as her sister was dragged away by Kane to go home early. Rayla wasn't ready to go home just yet after all she had promised to meet up with a slave boy for a few drinks. Though she really wanted to meet Drake. She knew that after tonight she was going to need to finally settle down. She looked over to the bar seeing the human slave she was supposed to meet with later still working so she took it upon herself to go looking for Drake.

She walked around until she noticed Drake and grabbed two glasses of champagne before approaching him. "Care for a drink?" she asked Drake. Looking at the very beautiful woman before him, Drake simply smiled as he took the drink from her hand and spoke. "Rather straight forward wouldn't you say, but you know what why the hell not." She smirked a little taking a sip of her own drink "Sorry if that put you off" she said sweetly "But life is too short not to be straight forward." she said offering her hand "My names Rayla I've honestly wanted to meet you for so long now... how did you like the songs?" she asked. Taking her hand he softly kissed it before saying as he smirked. "Maybe for a human time moves fast but for someone like myself time is nothing. As for your music I liked it, made me also wonder whatever else that mouth of yours could do." She felt her cheeks blush at his comment "Okay you got me there" she said she bit her lower lip. "Is that a challenge?" she asked curiously "Cause I mean if you want I can show you just what my mouth can do" she said boldly. Drake raise an eyebrow at her words before he said as his hand gripped hers. "Well my bus is out back so if you really think you can handle me, now lead the way so we can see if that mouth of yours wrote a check it couldn't cash." She interlaced their fingers as he gripped her hand. "I mean.... the real question is... can you handle me? Cause I've only fantasized about you since I was twelve " she admitted as she walked out of the coven with him heading to the bus. She stopped as they reached the door " What is a check?" she asked confused by the term while also aging herself. Fallowing behind her he smirked admiring her ass only to become confused by her question. He then answered her as she lead him to his tour bus. "A check Is a piece of paper that has an amount of money printed on it. As for the whole bit about not being able to handle you, I will take that chance, also it's cute that you have had a thing for me sense you were twelve." She blushed even harder. She was surprised by the inside of his tour bus it was so huge and grand. The ones she had been in before were a lot smaller. "Checks seem kind of useless" she admitted as he took her into his room. She knelt before him undoing his pants and tugging them down as she freed his cock. She groaned a little when she saw his cock god it was better then she had ever imagined. To be honest it was kind of hard to imagine something so perfect. She felt her heart speed up even more as she took him into her mouth and started to suck on his length giving a hum as her tongue swirled around his length greedily. Drake gripped her hair tightly the moment she started to hum as she swirled her tongue around his length, until he spoke in a husky tone. "God if your mouth is this god damn good I really want to know just how your pussy feels." Rayla groaned as he gripped her hair hearing his words she didn't let up on his cock till he came in her mouth. She pulled away after licking his cock clean. She could feel a puddle of cum dripping down around her knees to the carpet under her feet. She smirked up at him. Her eyes full of lust "Go ahead" she said hotly "After all I kind of was hoping we would fuck... so tonight I'm yours anything you want is free game" she said getting up from her knees while her other hand went behind her back to undo the dress. Hearing her words, as well as the scent of her arousal was more then enough to make his cock which was slowly going soft stand firm and erect again. Then as he watched the dress slip off her body, he wasted no time and pushed her onto the bed where he then climbed on top of her and spread her legs as he spoke in a rough tone as he looked into her eyes. "So are you ready for me baby or do you want me to warm you up a bit more?" She moaned softly as he pushed her onto the bed and climbed on top of her. She felt her body arching up to feel his closer.

God this was everything she ever wanted and so much more. She couldn't believe this was finally happening. She was honestly glad now that she had saved herself for him and hadn't slept with anyone else. "I...I don't think I could possibly be warmed up anymore right now" she said feeling his cock against her stomach she groaned. The mixture of her words and the sounds of her groaning was more then enough to tell him she was ready. It was then at that point he lowered his cock towards her cunt and slowly began pushing it inside of her wet channel. She felt her hands going to his shoulders and back as he started to push inside of her. It was really unlike anything she had experienced before or expected. The feeling of him forcing her to open up to him had her gasping and fighting back a few tears but she didn't ask him to stop no. She wanted more. "oh Drake" she whimpered a little her legs shaking a little as she rolled her hips up. Drake just smirked as he heard her moan his name, but the moment she rolled her hips all he could do was give one hard and powerful thrust which pushed him deeper into her wet channel. At which point he leaned down and whispered into her ear softly. "I'm going to pump your womb full of my seed then come back every five years and dump even more inside you until you tell me to stop coming to see you." She gave a breathy moan as he shoved himself deeper into her making her eyes water a bit. "I think your forgetting that I'm human sexy" she said running her nails down his back "my looks could change a lot in five years plus I don't see myself telling you to stop seeing me" she admitted. He kept himself buried deep inside her as he looked at her even more deeply, before he softly leaned down and kissed her lips before he started to thrust into her wildly keeping a hard and strong rhythm before he spoke softly. "As long as your cunt remains this wet for me and your voice always rings out from getting fucked by me then I won't care if you age." She moaned and arched into his touch and kissed him back hotly God she felt like she was falling in love with him and his words but then again the pulse through her body as she came for him might have been the feeling of euphoria making her think she was in love. The moment that he felt her cum around him, he gave her a dozen more powerful thrusts before he himself buried his cock deep inside of her and began to dump rope after rope of hot seed deep inside of her womb. Little did either of them know his seed was seeking purchase inside of her fertilizing one of her eggs. Rayla panted hard as he collapsed on top of her. She wrapped her arms around him and cuddled close "Damn Drake that was.... Well better then I could of ever imagined." Drake softly whispered into her ear tenderly. "Just wait till I come back in five years and do this all again." He then broke away from her and clean himself off before he dressed." She smiled a bit and took a moment to get up she was so sore. She slipped on her dress. "I can't wait" she said softly to him giving his cheek a quick peck before seeing herself out. Once she was dressed and was about to leave, Drake stopped her and without a warning sunk his fangs into her neck, breaking the bite shortly after, before saying to her softly. "Now no other vampire will fuck with you because I just marked you as mine." She groaned as he sunk his fangs into her neck. She shuttered but didn't cry out if anything she felt pure bliss. Rayla ended up skipping going back to the party in fact she went home and took a long bath.

She was replaying the blissful night in her head as a knock was heard on the bathroom door. She looked up "come in but I'm naked" she called thinking it was her sister but it wasn't it was max their drummer. He smirked when he looked at her "damn your sexy Rayla I just wanted to check in on you... you kind of disappeared" he said "and ah... well I was hoping you would ah you know be mine and not that slave boys" He said boldly walking over to the tub to take her hand. Rayla pulled her hand away from him. "hmm and why is that? Because you see me naked right now?" She asked with a smirk. Max shook his head and started to undress in front of her "no... because unlike him who isn't man enough to take what he wants..." he said getting into the tub with her and pinning her body down below him. "I'm not afraid to make you mine." He said looking into Rayla's wide eyes. Rayla went to open her mouth to protest but before she could he was already thrusting inside of her making her cry put and arch away from his body which he took as her being a virgin. He held her close 'shh it's okay baby it'll feel so much better soon tomorrow I'm putting a ring on that pretty finger of yours" He said kissing the tears from her eyes as he fucked her even more raw then she already was. He came deep inside of her before he stopped and sat back in the now cold water, that was a few shades of pink from how raw he made her but then again she was already raw from Drake. He smirked a bit as he held her close to his chest feeling her shiver. Rayla didn't know what to say she couldn't admit she had fucked a vampire before. So she just nodded her head "of course max but it's cold and I'm so sore" she admitted unplugging the drain. Max smirked " sore or not baby I think I want you more..." He said being a complete ass to her. "and more I will take since your mine and you will have my children" he said kissing her hard. Rayla didn't kiss him back this time. He stood and pulled her to her feet with him. He dried them off then carried her to her room before he shoved her down on the bed and spread her legs admiring her sore swollen cunt for a moment before he pinned her down forcing her legs onto his shoulders. He heard her whimper but didn't care. "shh baby I want to make you scream tonight as I make you carry my child" he said before forcing himself into her sore cunt again. Rayla cried out "ah fuck.... Stop max it hurts" she whimpered but he didn't stop. No he didn't not till he made her scream. The next day he kept his word and married her. Rayla's life changed drastically when he was around she was being forced to please him or to let him fuck her how ever he saw fit. About three months past and Rayla found out she was pregnant. She was so happy soon after her sister was pregnant as well. Things changed after Rayla had her baby girl Max became abusive well more abusive then before he accused Rayla of unfaithful because their daughter looked nothing like him. Once Rayla had the okay from the doctor to try and have another the whole cycle started again with Max using her non stop till she was yet again pregnant. Though after this child Max was gone a lot. When he was home he was using her but when he was gone Rayla would rejoice. She loved her children and her sister's children. She honestly couldn't wait for Drake to come back. The day before Drake was to come back Max was about to leave for another trip. She had accidently pissed him off and he punched her in the face for the first time, leaving her with a black eye. She covered it up the best she could with makeup in order to hide it. The next day Rayla stayed home alone with her daughter Lilly since Max was gone for the weekend and her son Max junior was out with his aunt and cousin's though he was only three. Rayla giggled a little in the pool, her daughter sliding down the slide "Watch me mommy" she said as she sludge down. Rayla caught her in a loving embrace, as Lilly noticed a man enter the back yard. "Mommy who is that?" Lilly asked in confusion. Rayla frowned and looked to where her daughter had looked. "Drake!" she exclaimed not looking a day older then the last time he saw her.

As Drake saw her and the little girl who was currently in her arms, he just smiled before saying as he took off everything but his jeans as he climbed into the pool and made his way over to the two of them. "Rayla you look as beautiful as you did five years ago, but who gave you that black eye?" She smiled at him not realizing that the make up had washed off. "Mommy fell" Lilly said Rayla shook her head kissing Lilly's forehead while mouthing the words "Not now" to Drake "its nice to see you Drake" she said "Lilly this is Drake a friend of mommy's " she said letting go of Lilly so she could swim back over to the slide as she wrapped her arms around Drake to give him a hug "Max but it's okay I kind of deserved it" she said "That's Lilly.... You look as good as the last time we met" she mused "how are you doing?" Drake smirked at her compliment and wrapped his arms around her as he spoke softly to her. "So don't you sexy, god I can't wait to get my claws into you again. First why don't you get your daughter out of the pool and dried off and in bed so I can have what I came for, my sexy lady." She relaxed when she felt his arms around her once again it felt like heaven. "Alright would you like to come inside or will you be waiting out here? No one is home right now." she said to him before slipping from his arms to get out of the pool. She saw Lilly yawn. "Awe are you tired baby girl?" she asked not noticing how her daughters' teeth were a bit too sharp to be a human but then again, she saw her teeth every day. Rayla wrapped herself and Lilly in two towels before taking Lilly inside the house. She got her daughter dried off and a little snack before putting her to bed and reading her a quick five minute story before leaving her sleeping child tucked into bed. Rayla slipped out of her daughters room and went back to the pool slipping off the towel before getting back in with Drake "Sorry about that but she's asleep now" she said. Drake gave her a soft smile, as he moved over to her and pulled her against his body once again as he spoke in a much more possessive tone. "Rayla why did he hit you and you better not say you deserved it, because my woman doesn't ever deserve to be hit." She relaxed against his body as he pulled her close god she loved this feeling. She felt so loved unlike when she was in her husbands arms. She felt like she could truly be herself now. She sighed nuzzling her head into Drakes chest for a moment before she answered him. "Because I picked a fight about him leaving for the weekend to be with one of his mistresses instead of staying here and helping take care of his kids" she said softly "I" she sighed "I don't want Lilly to grow up thinking its okay to be around a man who hits her... Drake my mother put up with that from my father I.... I made the choice to marry Max its my fault for letting this happen." she said softly. Hearing her words, Drake softly pushed her back so he could look into her eye's before he leaned in and softly kissed her lips. Just after breaking the kiss, he then pulled her in against his body and spoke. "You said kids, but yet I only saw your daughter who must be about five, so where are your other children? Further more Rayla Max will not be returning home, so you need to report to your coven that you have been widowed, and that you have been spoken for so you can not remarry." Rayla moaned into the kiss and kissed Drake back though his words had her confused "What do you mean he wont be returning?" she asked concerned for her children's futures more then her own. "Lilly is five yes" she answered "Max junior is three. He is with his aunt and uncle as well as their kids for the weekend." she said. " Lilly didn't want to go and I just wanted to stay home and spend some one on one time with her." she said softly. "Drake if you want me to go to my coven and say those things I will need to wait till my sister and her husband are home on top of that you do know I have to prove that I am spoken for and that Max is dead." she said softly " I cant just walk in there without being invited and say these things without solid proof." she said softly. Drake smirked at her before saying with a smug tone, to her. "Show them the mark I left on you five years ago that will be all that you need, it will tell them that your spoken for. As for proof that your husband is dead, don't worry about that they will get the proof before you go to see them...now get your ass out of the pool and sit on the edge so I can get you nice and warmed up for me." She nodded having forgotten about the bite mark though she had purposely kept it hidden so not to draw attention to herself.

She gave Drake a little smirk as he told her to get just her ass out of the pool. "Are you sure you just want my ass out of the pool... I mean that would be a bit hard... but I'm sure there is floaties in the shed if you really want that" she teased him while getting out of the pool and taking off her bottoms as well as top before sitting on the side of the pool. She was kind of glad now that the yard was surrounded by a wooden fence so she wouldn't be completely exposed. Drake watched as she stripped and licked his lips admiring how her body still looked fucking amazing even though she had, had two kids. As he walked over to her he spoke with a smug tone to her. "You know I should march your ass out to the street and fuck you were everyone can see, but instead I'm going to take it easy on you and just make sure everyone knows who you belong to." He then spread her thighs and without a word sunk his fangs into her right thigh, before moving on to her left thigh. Once he was done biting her thighs he then pushed her back and began to slowly tease her clit with his tongue, starting off by swirling his tongue around her clit over and over. She smiled a bit at his words "yeah cause an actual relationship between a human and a vampire is allowed outside of a pet, master relationship" she mused before she felt his fangs sink into her thigh making her jump a little before relaxing she had honestly missed that feeling. As weird as it was she had really missed the feeling of his fangs in her skin. She moaned and felt herself arching into his touch. She leaned back and just let it happen. After a while she felt a pressure building that she hadn't felt since she was with him last. She bit her lip panting hard. " D...Drake... P...please stop teasing me and take me already" she begged. Hearing her beg was just enough to tell him she was far more then ready, which had him undoing his jeans and slipping them off so they sank to the bottom of the pool. He then pulled her down off the edge of the pool into the water, before burring himself deep inside of her cunt as he whispered into her ear softly. "So dose Max drive you crazy like I do? After all in five years I'm about to change your entire life, by turning you and making you my bride, which will make me the father of your children, and I swear they will be treated like a royalty." She moaned and came hard the moment he sunk into her "Never" she moaned moving her hips in rhythm with him "in all honestly no one thinks Lilly is Max's " she admitted. Her words really confused him, so as he continued to thrust himself deep inside of her, he whispered softly into her ear. "Is Lilly Max's child, if not who's is her father...either you tell me or I don't fill that womb of yours like I promised." She groaned "Drake you were my first and Max came second the timeliness for her to be his is logical since I can't have your child while being human" she said "but she looks nothing like him nor does she share the same blood type or anything" she admitted unsure why they were talking about this right now. Drake smirked at her before saying with a soft smile as he continued to thrust into her keeping his rhythm. "Okay we can drop it, but while I continue I want an answer to a very important question. When I return in five years do you want me to turn you so you can always belong to me?" She thought for a long moment "Drake in five years I'll be thirty five" she said softly "I'll have to think about it " she said kissing him "why every five years?" Stopping for a moment Drake looked into her eye's before saying with a soft smile. "Well I decided every five years so you could have a some what normal life, but if you want I can change my time line and return next year around this time to change yours, your daughter's, and son's life...but were going to change your son's name when I make you mine." "somewhat normal life as a human who preforms for the coven weekly And has two children under six" she laughed "its up to you... I will wait for you... I always have no one has my heart but you and my kids of course" she admitted. Hearing her words all Drake could do was smirk as he bit his thumb and began to draw a symbol on her chest just above her breast. The moment the symbol was finished it suddenly vanished into her skin, as he spoke. "The Symbol I just drew above your breast, will over the next year slowly day by day turn you. None of it will effect you until this day next year which will be the same day I come to take you and your children away with me." As he finished his words he then began to pump harder into her this time, not holding bath this time. She kissed him hard moving her hips in rhythm with him not noticing that her sister and brother in law had came home early that was till she saw both their backs entering the house "fuck" she whimpered coming for Drake again. "Ah umm... we were seen" she panted feeling a bit panicked

Drake had saw Rayla's sister and brother in law walk in, and didn't even react instead he just kept his powerful and intense rhythm going, as he softly whispered into her ear. "Yeah your sister and brother in law defiantly saw us, but I don't give a fuck because your mine and so isn't your pussy." She moaned but laughed a bit "do you really just go around fucking in front of everyone?" She asked blushing deeply "that's shameless." Drake gave a few more harder and deeper thrusts before he softly spoke into her ear tenderly. "No Rayla, I don't go around fucking in front of people, but when it comes to you, I'd fuck you in front of the entire world and even record it just so I can show the world just how amazing and beautiful of a woman I have claimed as mine." Rayla moaned and kissed Drake till he finally came inside of her again. She took a moment before she spoke "Drake I... I love you" she admitted with a womb full of his cum. Drake smirked and lifted her and himself out of the pool still buried deep inside of her. As he reached dry land he walked over to a pool chair and laid her down only to pull out and smile as he walked over to where he head rested, at that point he spoke in a commanding tone to her. "Clean up the mess you went and made Rayla, and don't tell me no, because your sister can see." She smirked at him "I've waited five years to taste you again I don't give a fuck who sees " she said before getting to work sucking his cock and cleaning him. Drake moaned softly feeling her mouth on his cock was like living in heaven, which had him softly stroke her hair as she cleaned his cum and her juice's from his still erect shaft. It was at that moment her sister walked out just as Drake gripped her head and thrust himself into Rayla's throat and unloaded a second round of hot thick seed down her throat before he pulled away as he spoke. "How are you doing today, your sister and I should be in shortly." Rayla moaned and panted as she caught her breath as she drank down Drakes cum. Her eyes flicking to her sister who looked to be in shock. But her sisters next words rang truth "I'm good surprised... but good... so your Lilly's father?" She asked straight forward. Drake raise an eyebrow as he looked from Rayla to her sister to the room where he heard the 5 year old sleeping before he spoke to Rayla. "Rayla what dose your sister mean I'm Lilly's father? I thought Max was her father." Rayla sighed "she thinks Lilly isn't Max's and since you're the only other guy I've slept with she's assuming you're her father which isn't possible" she mused rolling her eyes. Drake scratched his head for a moment as he thought for a moment, before he spoke. "Well actually Rayla you should know that it's not impossible, just very unlikely. If you want to know for sure who her father is, there is a simple test I can do to tell you, but it will require you to wake your daughter." Rayla looked confused "what do you mean it's not impossible why weren't we taught that in school?" She asked grabbing two towels and wrapping herself up. And giving one to Drake "Sister please tell me Kane isn't going to flip out the moment we come inside" she asked not wanting to deal with it. Her sister smirked "Honestly he's happy to see you happy for once" she said Rayla took Drake's hand and lead him inside the house before leaving him and waking up there daughter who was sleepy. Rayla carried her out of the room to Drake. Lilly yawned showing off her sharp little teeth. Rayla looked concerned "please don't hurt her" As he looked at the small girl Drake spoke softly to her. "Lilly's your name right sweet heart?" The small girl said in a soft yet tired tone, "Yes... and your my mommy's friend." Drake smirked before saying softly to her. "Yeah something like that sweetie, now your mommy told me something so I need to try a little test, you won't be in trouble from this sweetie, but if it tells us something then me and your mommy and auntie will have to talk." Lilly looked really confused as she rubbed the sleep from her eyes and said to him. "I'm never in trouble I'm a good girl." After hearing Lilly's words Drake brought his thumb up to his mouth which he then bit as he spoke softly showing it to Lilly. The moment that Lilly saw the blood her eye's in that moment began to glow a vibrant violet, at which point Drake cleaned the blood from his finger and spoke to the child. "Lilly sweetie can you do me a favor, and go up to your room and play for a little bit while I speak to your mother?" Lilly looked at him and said in a still sleepy tone. "Okay just don't yell at my mommy please." Drake smirked before patting her on the head as he said softly to her. "I won't yell at her I promise." Just then Lilly ran back up the stairs to her bedroom at which point Drake turned to Rayla and spoke as he showed her his fangs. "Has Max once laid a hand on Lilly in her entire 5 years of life?" Rayla shook her head no "No even when she's angered him I've gotten in the way" she said softly " He just hates her for no reason... I try to keep her far from him... I know it's wrong but I don't trust him around her. It's a gut feeling" she admitted without adding how many times she's personally been beat due to her husband's hate for her daughter.

Drake looked at her and softly stroked the black eye she had, before saying softly to her. "Let me guess every time he see's Lilly and get's angry when you step between them, he beats you. I can tell you exactly why he hates Lilly, which is because Lilly is in fact my daughter...which all came from what happened five years ago. I don't know how but Lilly is my child, which means when I leave tonight it won't be alone, she will be coming with me do to the danger she could be to all of you. Now Rayla before you say anything you will see her again in a year my beloved that I promise you." She leaned into his touch feeling tears fill her eyes " she's family how is she a threat to any of us" she asked starting to cry "Drake please don't leave with her if anything stay..." Drake softly wiped the tears away as he leaned in and softly kissed her lips as he backed up and spoke. "Rayla I can't stay I still have a tour to do which is set up for this year, and I can't in right mind leave her here where she could by accident go into a blood lust and hurt let alone kill everyone here, all do to not being able to control her vampire nature...So Rayla I have to take our daughter with me...so if you trust me then please don't fight me on this." She hugged him tightly she knew she couldn't ask him to leave his tour "please take lots of pictures as she grows" she asked "I trust you... and I know you won't hurt her ill just" she whimpered "ill miss her so much" she said "d do you want me to pack her up for you?" Drake sat there in silence and softly pulled her into his lap before saying softly to her as he tenderly stroked her hair. "I will be sure to take plenty of photo's for you, but I will need your cellphone number, and don't worry she won't ever leave my side, in fact she will even be on my shoulders at every concert if you want I can have them streamed to you so you can see her during them." She cuddled close to him having to think "I hardly use my phone I don't even know the number" she admitted but her sister wrote down the number for Drake. "that would honestly mean the world to me " she admitted. Drake gave a tender smirk as he moved Rayla so he could place a soft tender kiss on her lips, before he got up and took the number with him as he headed outside, where his phone sat next to his shirt. As he input her number in it he grabbed his shirt and slipped it on, wrapping the towel around his waist. As he walked back into the house he took a seat next to Rayla before he spoke softly. "I want you to be the one to tell Lilly why she's coming with me, and who exactly I am." Rayla nodded "I will " she said giving him a quick kiss before leaving him alone in the living room. She walked upstairs to see Lilly playing with her dolls. "Lilly baby can I talk to you for a moment?" she asked sitting down next to Lilly. Lilly jumped into her mothers lap and nodded looking up at her. "Lilly Drake isn't just mommy's friend he's your father... you see I loved Drake since I was a little girl and I met him one night about five years ago and that's how we had you. I didn't tell you before because we didn't know." she said giving her daughter a moment to process everything. To Rayla's surprise her little girl hugged her tightly " I knew mean Max wasn't my daddy" she said Rayla couldn't help but laugh. " Yes baby but I need you to be a good girl for Drake, since your part vampire, Drake is scared you wont be able to control yourself if you see blood, plus I want you to get to know how wonderful your daddy is" she said "So your going with Daddy for a year, I'll miss you so much but we can talk on the phone when ever you want I promise" she said starting to cry. Lilly hugged her mom tightly "Its okay momma" Lilly said "I'll call you every night" she said "C...can I take Mr. Fang?" Lilly asked her mom. Rayla smiled " Yeah you can take Mr. Fang with you... how else would you be abled to sleep without him?" she asked before getting up and helping Lilly pack a suit case of her favorite clothes and her blanket. Lilly didn't want Mr. Fang to suffocate so she carried him by the wing down the steps with her mother holding her bag for her. Lilly jumped into Drakes lap with her little stuffed bat that was about half the size of her. She hugged Drake tightly "Daddy Im glad I finally got to meet you.... this is Mr. Fang" she said showing drake her well loved bat doll. Drake softly patted the girl on the head, before soft and tenderly kissing the top of her head as he spoke. "My he is huge baby girl, but daddy has to talk to mommy privately so I need you to stay down her okay." Lilly looked at her and just smiled before saying to him. "Okay daddy."

Lifting her over to an empty part of the couch Drake then got up and walked over to Rayla, and took her hand where he lead her up the stairs, using his nose to fallow her scent to the room she shared with Max. As he pushed the door open and pulled her inside he shut the door locked it and spoke as he spun her around so she had the back of her knees against the bed. "Before I leave I want to fuck you in the bed you share with Max, and record it, so I can show him the video before he dies. So he knows that his wife was unfaithful with not just another man, but a vampire. On top of that in that video I plan to bite you again. So strip and get on the damn bed my little sex kitten." She felt so bad about what came out of her mouth next and even flinched expecting to get hit. "Drake babe I'm so sore from earlier but I'll let you bite me and I'll give you a blow job so you can show him" she said softly. Drake smirked at her and softly placed a tender kiss on her lips as he laid her down and climbed into bed beside her where he wrapped his arms around her just holding her tenderly as he spoke. "I'm not Max baby, I won't ever strike you out of anger, but during sex I might smack that sexy ass a few times, or chock you." She cuddled up close to him "I'm okay with you smacking my ass or choking me" she said softly laying her head on his chest while thinking about something. "Drake?" she asked "if you were to of found me as a pet... would you still care for me like this and want children with me?" She asked. He took a moment to think as he held her in his arms, before saying softly as he kissed her head. "With just knowing you and how you are now babe, I could see myself eventually falling for you, not right away if anything I'd more then likely use you like a pet is meant to be used, but the longer I spent with you the more I'd grow attached, which would ultimately lead to me turning you." She smiled and kissed him hard "I love you Drake" she took a deep breath as if she was deep in thought "have you ever had a series of what felt like dreams happen? Like where you get to see your life in different endings had you made different decisions?" She asked. He looked at her and softly kissed the top of her head, before he said with a soft and tender tone. "Never babe, should I call someone to come and talk with you about this?" She laughed a little "no... I was just curious you know" she said "but if that was a thing someone could do it would be insightful don't you think?" she asked running her hand down his chest to stroke his cock. "You know what would piss Max off to the max?" She asked biting her lip to change the topic so he wouldn't think she was crazy. The feeling of her hand on his cock was a distraction for sure, but her words honestly broke him and had him asking softly. "What would piss off Max to the max my love, also do you have a video camera that we could use by chance." She thought for a moment "Baby I have a cell phone I don't use with his number in it why don't we use that and send it to him directly " she offered "and anal... since I refuse to let him touch me there cause my body is yours" His eye's lit up at her words before he swallowed hard and spoke in a excited tone. "Mmmm yes baby go get the fucking phone right now so I can show him just what belongs to me and only me."

She kissed him hard on the lips "Alright sexy make yourself at home I'll go get the camera" she said before making her way down the steps to grab her phone from the charger where it always stayed. Before she walked back up to her room. She tossed the phone to drake "I don't really know how to use it" she admitted as she locked the bedroom door and slowly dropped the towel which was the only thing covering her body. Drake took a moment before giving a dirty smile, as he walked over to her and lead her back to the bed. He softly set her down and began to show her how to use the phone more properly, which took well over ten minutes, before saying as he turned on the lights. "Let's put to the test what I just showed you baby, so go a head and take a photo of your man naked so we can set that as your lock screen and background so you will have a photo that makes you long for me." She smiled learning quick "you mean more then I already long for you?" She asked before pushing Drake to the bed and climbing on top of his legs to get a good angle before snapping a photo of his cock as well as his position where she could see his abs and stunning face. She leaned down and kissed his cock tip before turning the phone to show him the picture. He was in total shock when she pushed him onto the bed and climb on top of him in order to get the best angle. Then the feeling of her soft kisses on his cock caused it to twitch as he showed him the photo, which had him saying to her softly. "If your positive you want that as your lock screen and background then use it, so we can really put on a show for Max." She quickly made it her lock screen before asking him politely "can we also after we're done take a picture of you inside me as well as save the video to my phone so while your gone I can watch it over and over till you come back?" She asked Drake just gave her the biggest shit eating grin in the world before saying to her softly. "If you desire it my beloved then yes we can, but I was planning to plow your virgin asshole, but pull out and fill your womb again, unless you want me to blow inside your ass baby, then take a video of you pushing it out of you for him." She smirked matching his face "I may be sore but I'll gladly be aching for the next week to please you fully as long as we can video it all my beloved " she mused " after all its just a year I need to wait till you will be in our bed again. " He gave a soft smirk before softly kissing her on the lips as he whispered into her ear. "Maybe if were lucky I can magically fuck another baby into you tonight as well." He gave a soft smirk before softly kissing her on the lips as he whispered into her ear. "Maybe if were lucky I can magically fuck another baby into you tonight as well." She laughed a bit "oh that would be amazing" she said "I kinda did want a big family" she admitted Drake raise an eyebrow before saying to her as he got up behind her, with her phone in hand. "God how far a part do you want each of our kids then my beloved?" She smirked at him "Honestly a year between maybe two" she said Drake smirked at her before saying softly as he softly slapped her ass. "I think we can arrange it so you get pregnant every two years, that is if you can handle me constantly making you sore that is my love." Letting out a laugh Drake positioned his cock at the entrance of her ass as he hit record on her phone and began recording it, as he spoke. "You ready Rayla to have this huge vamp cock break your beautiful virgin ass?" Rayla arched her back a little into his touch looking at him as she answered Drake in a seductive tone. "God babe please take virgin ass for my whole body is yours and only yours... babe please your thr only man who can and has ever given me pleasure" Hearing her words Drake spoke as he pushed his tip into her anus. "Fuck Rayla god your ass is so tight." As he zoomed in on his cock pressing deeper into her anus. Rayla still wasn't aware he was recording but that wouldn't o changed her reaction. She cried out in a moan the sheets under her getting soaked as she cried out his name "ah Drake it feels so good" Drake said in a soft tone to her as he pushed his cock deeper into her ass. "Baby doll shh, we don't want our daughter Lilly to hear you moaning like this, and come up to ask what's wrong with mommy now do we?" She blushed deeply "shit... true I'm not ready to have that talk" she admitted Drake laughed a bit and started to quicken his pace thrusting harder and deeper into her anus as he said with a dirty tone to her. "Don't worry we won't have that talk for a little while, but right now just keep your voice low while I stretch your beautiful asshole and fill your every desire, something that Max can't do." She tried to hold back her moans as he quickened his pace making her moan and squirm under his touch.

Hearing her moans only caused him to quicken his pace further as he really made sure Max could see every last thrust he made into Rayla's tight asshole, before he gave a powerful thrust as he began to blow his load deep inside of her ass. Just as he finished filling her anus he withdrew himself before he spoke to her making sure the video showed everything. "Okay baby I just came now go and push my cum out of your ass for me, so Max can watch how much you love doing this stuff for me." Rayla panted hard at his words but did as he said while also Cummings herself in the process. As he captured the footage of his cum being pushed out of her now slightly gaped ass, dripping down along her cunt and onto the bed. In that moment Drake spoke with a dirty tone in his voice. "That's a good girl, now why don't you go and clean up the mess you made, but do it with your mouth baby." She smirked and moved over on all fours slowly to start lapping up his cum mixed with her juices on the bed. Moaning a bit at the taste . Adding to the video Drake also placed his cock in front of her mouth, as he spoke once again. "Once your done go a head and clean the cock that will always belong to you baby." Rayla finished cleaning the mess before she started to suck and clean up drakes cock. As Rayla finished cleaning his cock he smirked and showed himself on the video saying into it. "Hope you enjoyed the show Max, because you won't ever be seeing this ass or pussy again." He then ended the video and sent it to Max as he looked at Rayla and said in a shocked tone. "My god baby you are the kinkiest woman I have ever met, and when I have you in my bed I sure as fuck plan to take full advantage of that every damn night and day." Rayla smirked a bit "babe I would do literally anything to make you happy" she mused Drake then walked over to the dressers in the room, and started to go through Max's things before finding a brand new pair of jeans which he pulled out and then pulled on. Now he wasn't surprised that they fit him, after all Rayla had a type so she'd more then likely try to find a guy much like him in body size. He then walked over to Rayla and bent down so he was inches from her ear which is when he softly spoke. "Until Max Junior who's name will be changed to Jake, wakes I want you to watch the video we just made over and over again, and play with yourself till your so sore that you can't walk properly, then send me some sexy photo's later if you do I will reward you with a special package in the next two weeks." Rayla smirked alright baby I will do that for you".... Rayla's life with Drake was like a dream, they lived happily every after having about ten kids total. Everything was pure bliss with him. She wanted it to never end and it seemingly never did.

Rayla was pulled from her peaceful life with Drake right back into the room. Her throat was killing her and her entire body ached. Ached to the point that she was clawing at the skin on her back till it bled. Soon a pair of leathery wings grew from her back in an odd gray color. Rayla looked at her wings in amazement but that didn't last long before something took over her. She was out of the tour bus and into the night sky in seconds. Before she knew it she was waking up with a deer under her body. Rayla felt the thirst fade as she came to the understanding of what she had just done. She had killed a deer, a living creature to feed herself. However, that wasn't what made her mad. What upset her was the fact that this deer's meat would be wasted. She stood up taking in the scent of the air she could smell something not animal it must be human. She picked up the deer and used her wings to hoist herself into the air and followed the smell. She found a family of rouges hiding and cowering in a make shift shed. She laid the deer down and slowly backed away knowing how terrifying she must look to them covered in blood. "Please make use of this meat." she said as she took off flying towards the tour bus again.

Rayla stopped flying and dragged herself down to a tree as she felt that all to familiar feeling of being dragged into a trance. Rayla looked around as her vision cleared seeing an old man. She looked confused. The man smiled at her " Rayla my grand daughter, I have waited a long time to meet you my sweet girl" he said " I'm sure your confused about all the different lives you have went through in the past few hours am I right?" he asked. Rayla nodded " Yeah, what was all of that about is it part of the changing process?" she asked. The old man smirked " You can say that though it was special to you, for you see I wanted you to see where your life could of went had things been different. Now I didn't fully intend for you to physically get to live those lives over the past hour, you some how tapped into each of those possible realities, and lived them yourself. As for why you never got to see the endings of each of those lives is because I knew seeing all those could have been lives would of shaped your current life differently." he explained " Though I do have to say Drake becoming bored of you is a possibility still though I'm sure you will find a way to keep that fire you two had between you in this last life." he said "The reason I wanted to meet with you is because, you are the only one who can avenge our blood line. Your sister has refused but if you will avenge the blood line for me I'm promising you the future you want with Drake though you will personally need to work to make that happen." he said. Rayla thought for a moment " And what is that grandfather?" she asked he smirked " Yes there is a catch I will give you my powers and my being as long as you promise to bring me back into this world" he said. She looked confused " How could I bring you back into the world your dead" she said He simply laughed "By giving birth to me as one of your children my dear" he said " Don't worry I will also be Drake's child I just need your permission to become one with one of your eggs so that I can be reborn again." he said Rayla thought long and hard on it. "What is your purpose why do you want to be reborn" she asked he sighed " My life was cut short before I could truly make a difference in how humans are treated I want some of the old ways to come back. I was killed for that, for having your mother with the woman I loved. You see I cant see her in the afterlife because she is set to be reborn. Sweet grandchild will you please give birth to me once again" he asked. Rayla thought for a long moment, considering his words. "I am sorry Grandfather that is just to strange for me, to give birth to my reborn grandfather who is stealing my child's life and change to live. She said to him in a firm tone. Her grandfather then looked at her and smiled as he softly placed his hand on her head. "Rayla there is another way for me to be reborn, but it will cost me dearly if I do it this way, but I can give you all of my power and be reborn as a human. The catch is that in order for me to regain any of the power I had in my previous life, you will have to be the one to find and turn me. Do you think you can do that for me my child? " He said worried it was to much for her. She thought for a long moment "Yes but how will I know it's you? A gut feeling?" He looked at her as he placed a soft hand on her shoulder. "You just will know my child, plus my power will help you tell it's me." Upon finishing his words he then pored his power into her as he faded away to be reborn.

Rayla came to again by the tree. She remembered everything that had transpired but felt good about her decision. Rayla took to the sky again. She felt so free when she was in the air she never wanted to stop. Though as she landed she could feel her wings begin to wither and decay coming off in little strips before turning to dust. She knocked on the door of the tour bus to get back in. The door opened and Rayla let herself in and wrapped her arms around Drake not caring that she was naked or covered in blood. She purred for the first time as she nuzzled and licked his neck before taking his cock in her hand In front of his band mates and her new band mates before saying while looking into his eyes " Drake I need you right fucking now...." Drake moved her hand away and smirked as he lifted her into his arms and carried her back to there bedroom as he spoke softly into her ear. "God if I had known that the change would of effected you so much I would of done it sooner fuck." As he shut the door he then locked it behind him and threw her onto the bed as he spoke. "So why don't you tell me what you want me to do Rayla." Rayla moaned as he threw her on the bed but she was frowning as she landed and saw that he was still not on top of her. She got up and went to the night stand to grab his phone. She unlocked it and turned on the camera before shoving him onto the bed and climbing on top of him to take a dirty picture of his cock that also showed his chest and his face. "I want my own phone and this as the background" she said showing him the picture before putting his phone to the side before slow crawling up to his cock where she leaned down and kissed the tip before licking it a few times and then kissing it again before looking up at him. " Drake.... what I want is you to know how much I fucking love you! I want you to know that my body is yours to do with as you please and I want you to fuck me till I'm so raw and sore tonight that I cant fucking walk for a day.... I also want you to mark me... I wan to mark you as well." she said climbing up his body seductively before biting into his collarbone hard to leave her mark. She then started to suck and lick at the bite mark to leave a hickey around it. before she pulled herself back onto his legs just enough so that she could guide his cock into her cunt. She groaned feeling how tight her new vampire body was. She felt tears start to well in her eyes before she smirked at drake " Oh god... the change makes me a virgin again doesn't it?" she asked not at all phased she smirked " Well guess this just means tonight you get everything all over again" she said before taking a deep breath to try and relax her trembling thighs and pussy lips before with a powerful push down she impaled herself on his cock taking a few of his inches inside of herself. "Ah drake" she cried out as she felt his cock slowly start to stretch her out again. She started to take long slow thrusts up and down on his cock till finally she felt his balls against her pussy lips. She moaned loudly smirking down at him " Awe did I catch your tongue baby.... your not going to let me have all the fun are you?" she asked Drake honestly was at a loss for word, as she bite him on the collar bone and left a hickey that would heal quickly. Just then as she pushed herself onto his cock and asked about being turned into a virgin again, all he could do was enjoy the feel of her as she bounced herself up and down until his balls now rested against her pussy lips, at which point he spoke to her in a soft tone. "No Rayla, you turning didn't turn you into a virgin again. All it did was tighten up your inner walls almost to the point of being a virgin. As for why I didn't answer you that's simple I was at a loss for words, but now that you can handle my entire length vaginally why not also re-stretch your ass with my cock again before I fill you full of my seed." She frowned at him "Hmm you know you could of just let me think that" she mused before giving him an evil smirk " You know what... Why don't you make me" she asked Hearing her defiant tone, Drake in that moment sat up wrapped his arms around her and sunk his fangs into the most tender section of her neck biting as hard and roughly as he could. Drake then in that moment flipped them so he now loomed over her his cock burred deep inside her which he pumped a few times before pulling it fully out of her body at which point he lifted her legs up and slammed himself deep and roughly into her asshole, as he said to her. "There you go my dirty little slut." Rayla moaned loudly and literally came hard when he bit her again before slamming himself deeply into her ass. "Ah babe" she moaned feeling her legs quiver around him as she arched into his touch again. They went on to have very rough sex for what felt like hours. Before they were both too tired to go on. Rayla panted hard her entire body sore from their love making. She snuggled on Drakes chest his cum dripping from her vagina and ass. "God I love you Drake" she whispered in a sleepy yawn, before falling fast asleep.