
A Vampire Bride

Jinxx_5425 · Fantasy
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My stories is about a human girl named Sophie who loves fantasy movies but most of all vampires. her best friend turns out to be a vampire, when his half older brother Alexander comes out of the blue to claim sophie as his new bride after trying to murder her and failed. Now she's stuck in a mansion full of vampires and is trying to escape. struggleing to accept her new life will she escape and leave that world behind her or will she fall in love with her newly found mate and stay?.

Chapter one

~New friends~

David. He was my friend I've known him for two years now. I met him on my sixteenth birthday when he saved me from a group of guys from school who kept pulling my hair and demanded that I would be there's.There was never anything special about my appearance I just looked like another average high school girl. David was a bit taller than me, He has light hair and yellow brown eyes he told me that he had just transferred into my school but never told me from whare.

Soon after we became best friends but I knew he was hiding something from me. He never wanted to talk about his family or wanted me to go over too his house. I never understood why but i didnt complain. As timed passed I learned not to ask him about his family but whenever I would mention it he would go from happy to this pity filled grim look. I would always wonder if him and his family ever got along because whenever it was time for him to go back home he always dreaded it. he would ask me if I wanted to watch a movie with him before he leaves I would always agree of curse.

Even though he knew that it was going to be another vampire movie he still stayed and watched them with me. You see I love vampire movies well anything that had to do with mythical creatures. He would always say that I was childish for liking that kind of stuff but never complained when ever I invited him to the movies. I didn't know he was a vampire until It was too late.

Chapter 2

~Will I get my wish~

We were in my house hanging out when we had just finished watching another vampire movie, when he got up and walked to the porch I could tell he was upset so I fallowed him I asked him what was wrong until I hurd a voice from behind us I turned around to see a guy he was tall a bit pale with dark long mahogany hair he had fangs but of course that was the first thing i noticed his fangs but I was not scared I walked close to him to take a closer look but the guy backed up amazed by how I reacted than David told me that this was his older brother Alexander.

I looked at them both and I noticed that they did look alike well just a bit I introduced my self and told him my name "hello I'm sophie I'm not sure if David told you about me but it's nice to meet you. I really like your fangs they look so real" . Alex than looked at me and than back at David when he grabbed my hand to kiss it while introducing himself. I looked back at David and than Alexander "so I hurd you like vampires?.". I was so excited I couldn't contain my self I bursted out,

Yes! I love them there amazing!. The look on Davids face was like as if I had said something wrong, his face was sorta worried. Than alex told me ".what if I told you I'm a vampire?." I laughed "well if your a vampire prove it". But before I new it I was on Alexanders back I dont know how i got there but there I was. He handed me a mirror confidence I faced it to see if he had a reflection but he did not. I asked "if your a vampire why is it that i can see your reflection.?" He than began to say vampires reflection are backwards so that way they wont give away what they were. David got upset and told Alexander to stop playing around and to put me down.

I wanted to know more about them because well David never talks about his family so he took me to a place. We were outside an apartment building I was standing on the top of the stairs when I saw a grateDane with its owner. The dog was so beautiful until I realized it was coming up the stairs the dog started to growled and snarled at me until Alexander came to my side and push me into the corner. The dog seemed to take a likening to him but hated me it kept snarling and barking at me I was so scared I could hardly move then the owner grabbed the dog and took him away I was still in shock, I was stuck kneeling down on the floor in the corner unable to move until Alexander put his hand on my shoulder than he touch my face and slowly helped me up so I can look at him. "You ok sophie?." Yes I'm fine the dog startled me a bit that's all".

So this place you guys live here?". Would you like to see the pool I hurd swimming can help calm the nerves." . I happily agreed because I've always wanted to go midnight swimming. I'll go get changed in the bathroom I'll be right back sophie yelled", Brother please this one is different" said David. Theres nothing different about her shes just another worthless human now you can let me do my job or you will be tonights dinner understood." Alexander said with a low growl. "I understand" David said while lowering his head and backing away. The three of us went to a really big outdoor pool. We swam for what felt like an hour when Alexander said You know if he was a real vampire i would keep you all for himself". I laughed at the remark and kept swimming not knowing that he wasn't playing around. Then out of the blue as I was coming up for air he grabbed me he was holding me so tightly. Confused I yelled for him to release me. David started yelling to let me go and to not do this.

Do what I thought. I looked at his face but to my surprise he had a wide full grin he then began to laugh and with that he slammed his fangs onto my shoulder. Screaming I could feel my legs and arms geting weaker by the second I couldn't move he had drained my entire body after he was done he looked up at David and all David could do was look away. Than he let go of my now weekend body as I started to sink to the bottom of the pool he grabbed me by my ankle and dragged me to the shallow side of the pool and left me there. I could see everything how I met David the time we spent together and than nothing.

Chapter 3


As time went by my body still remained in the pool for what felt like an eternity. When I awoke I was a new born vampire. I remember everything that had happened but when I looked around there were people!? but they were dressed differently everything looked different from what I could remember am I dreaming. No Im not dreaming this was real I noticed everyone was looking at me. so I quickly got out of the pool and headed twords the bathroom I looked In the mirror and saw My eyes they were now a bright beautiful green color my hair was wavy I was amazed yet scared when I looked at my teeth I had fangs. I quickly broke out of the trance I had put myself under when I hurd someone leaving the bathroom stall.

I quickly got out to realize that there were so many people around and I was hungry but there was no way i was going to hurt anyone so I tryed to leave but little did I know I was walking into none other than David. "oh no what is he doing here?" if hes here than I'm sure Alexander isn't to far behind I need to leave quickly". but I was to late as soon as he glanced my way it was like he senced and realized who I was I quickly ran and he ran after me calling out my name in a desperate attempt for me to stop but I kept running I jumped so high and far that when I did I could almost fly. When I saw that I had lost him I stopped. My head was spinning and my hunger grew with that I fell to my knees looking up with blurry vision all I could make out was what I thought was David and his brother than pitch black.

When I opened my eyes I could tell this wasn't my room I tryed to move but I couldn't my body was stuck It felt like I was glued to the bed sitting next to me was Alexander he was looking down at me while smiling "hello agian sophie" I tryed to move but I couldn't so I just layed there staring at him. He than whispered in my ear your body wont be able to move unless you drink That is because I made you you'll have to drink my blood to make it official if not you'll die. i cant believe this!? if I dont drink his blood I cant complete my transformation but hes the one who tryed to kill me why would he try to save me now i thought.

I looked at him and slightly nodded with that he cut his wrist and drops of blood fell into my mouth it was so warm and so good that I couldn't resist I grabbed his arm and started to drink he than whisper "you belong to me now". I knew what he ment I've watched enough vampire movies to have understand what he ment. he was my master and I now belonged to him.

With every drop of his blood that I drink I can feel this unexplainable bond getting stronger. After I drank he told me to get dressed and come downstairs.

When I was able to move I quickly got dressed and headed out the room, "am I in a castle? this place is huge." hopefully I'm going the right way. as I approached the stairs I could see that the room was full of vampires.

They all looked up at me there eyes seeming to peer into my soul well if I had one that is. I felt a cold breeze go down my spine as i looked around but I did not see Alexander.

Hesitantly i walked down the stairs As soon as I did everyone crowded around me looking at me touching my hair my skin. They would say her skin and hair is so soft her eyes are a beautiful green they haven't hurd of vampire with green eyes usually they had hazel, brown and sometimes almost yellow eyes but never green. Then they started bombarding me with questions like I hurd your really fast and can jump really high higher than a normal vampire.

By then I was already freaking out when I felt a hand on my shoulder I fallowed the hand up to see who it was. It was Alexander for some reason my nerves calmed down like when a puppy loses its master and then is found agian. but I still dont trust him or anyone else here for that matters I need to find a way to escape no matter what.

"Thank you all for coming out on this momentous occasion we are here to recruit this new born and to test her abilitys you are more than welcome to stay and watch" he said with a proud voice. We headed outside and the first thing I saw was a big field and mountains I turned around to see the house it was really big like a mansion.

Alright your first test is your going to race the fastest vampire we have from here to the top of the mountain and than back agian understand. I nodded", On your mark, get set, Go!! We raced from there and back. as I was running I could see things a bit more clear the wind in my face the blue sky it was like I was seeing it all for the first time i was amazed by how fast I can run and honestly it was kinda fun. when I got back It was kinda hard to stop running but when I did everyone was looking at me with this look of astonishment.

Apparantly i had beaten my opponent by four seconds. Next test was how far I can jump and once again I jumped from where I was standing to the end of the field.

By then everyone started talking they were so loud I just had to covered my ears than one of them blurred out can you fly. I opened my eyes and everyone was staring at me I felt a shiver go down my spine. They told me to try so I did I jumped and than flew to the other side of the field everyone was staring at me then they asked how strong I was.

I told them i didn't know. so as you guest it I'm now going up against the strongest vampire and to my amazement it was Alexander. This is where I began to feel my knees getting week. How in the hell am I suppose to beat him he is the reason I'm here in the first place but I dont think I have a choice. as I was mentality prepareing myself for defeat I hurd the magical words arm wrestling with those words I was so relieved.

Alexander of course being surrounded by vampire chicks approached the table and sat down the girl's by his side giving me death glares the count down starts. three, two, one, go! I could feel his strength up against mine as I pushed and pushed but nothing he didn't even move an inch than with one swift move I had lost. He was so strong i couldn't even move him slightly. I feel deep into thought and realized that my "master" was the strongest vampire and if he wanted to he could kill me agian, with that thought and many more flooding into my mind my body ran cold. Than Everyone else crowded around me demanding that they could use a girl like me on there side they touch my hair and grab my arm pulling me twords them I tryed to pull away but I couldn't fear took ahold which made me freeze up everyone's face started to change there fangs came out and there eyes turned red I thought to myself there going to kill me when I got yanked away into someone's chest I looked up it was him Alexander his fangs came out and his eyes red he hissed and yell shes mine everyone now backing away in fear hissing while lowering there heads to him.

I was scared but at the same time I felt safe. No that cant be, what am I even thinking hes the one who put me in this situation, hes the one who turned me, who killed me. Theres no way I'll ever feel safe with him even if theres other vampires here trying to claim me. "She belongs to me" Alexander hisses. The others slowly back away with there heads lowered.

Our apologies sire we do not wish to temper you. Alexander then lifts me off my feet and into his arms then says "you are all dismissed, leave us at once" the others left in a hurry and some wasn't too enthusiastic about it mostly the girls who have been surrounding him this entire time.

Wait did they say sire!? i looked up at him when looks at me and says in a sweet monotone voice "let's take you to bed shall we, you must rest and gather your strength for tomorrow".

~ I will continue the rest of the story if enough of you guys like it. I'm not really good at writing stories. Honestly I'm doing this for fun so please forgive me if there's anything wrong with it~ Let me know if you want a chapter 4