
A Vampire's Tale

The world of Norvak isn't for the weak. A land where might makes right isn't for the faint of heart. A land where different species battle for supremacy and the defeated either enslaved or exterminated. The continent of Revix has witnessed the rise and fall of many species. With a relatively peaceful period being established a little over ten thousand years ago. The result of this peace is the separation of different species. The land of humans, Cyntros, covered most of the central part of the continent. The lands in the north, Aterix, gave shelter to the elves and other creatures of light. The south held the creatures of darkness and it's original name, Rimul, long forgotten. A land that the humans had long dubbed, The Darklands. To the east was an endless desert where the banished and hated lay their bones. A place where nature threatens both predator and prey. Yet most feared of all was the west, a land of giants and titans. Where mountains vanish and valleys form from the movements of it's inhabitants. On the edges of The Darklands, the greed of men sends a group of hunters to their demise. The lone survivor, Milas, is turned into one of the ruling species of The Darklands, a vampire. With a past clouded in mystery and an uncertain future, Milas does all he can to survive. With the potential to become more than he could have ever imagined, Milas faces all threats that come his way. "The right to live is a privilege that only the powerful have access to. I don't appreciate others having that privilege over my life. And I'll do what I must to earn my right!"

chaoswalker_7 · Fantasy
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58 Chs

39 Sneak Attacked!

Milas doubted how much control Asher had when he saw how he fed. It may have been less ravenous when compared to the feeding frenzy ghouls had in the mines, but it was still just as savage. The way his blade like teeth sliced through meat brought Milas a new fear. Had Asher used his teeth in the fight, Milas was sure that he would have lost more than just the battle.

It was only after Asher was done eating did the others drink from the flasks. The group of vampires quickly recovered as their bones reset and their skin went back to being silky smooth. The boy with the trolley went around the hall handing out flasks and containers to everyone. Master Sanim decided to speak after everyone was finished with their recovery.

"Now that you're all healed, I want to say that I've seen some talents in your lot. It may be overshadowed by the sheer amount of lazy people filling this hall but it exists. For those of you who picked your friend as an opponent, I'm disappointed by your lack of self-drive. You won't be able to pick enemies in a battle field and training with someone who won't hurt you is a sin for any vampire seeking to be great.

"You will get a chance to redeem yourself next week because mixed classes are scheduled weekly. I will be the combat teacher for the subclasses and Master Raymon will be teaching the vampires. I will also like to inform you of the First Year Tournament in a month. It's a test of the abilities and potential possessed by the lot of each year. It will be used to determine your improvement by comparing to the Quarterly test. You may leave after the bell rings." Master Sanim seemed to switch personalities as he went from being a wise and patient teacher to a dark and unapproachable figure in an instant.

The change was too sudden for the students and they could only watch as he left. Master Raymon followed behind him like a silent shadow. The students stared at each other for a moment before the bell rang to bring the lesson to an end. Everyone was glad to have completed the lessons for the day and Milas was soon surrounded by the two girls. Asher also joined the group as they entered the white walled hallway.

"Where to next?" Asher asked the trio that seemed to have a tense atmosphere around them. Their unlikely group had been brought together by weird circumstances and Milas was at the center of all of it. Everyone looked at Milas for the answer and he immediately dashed their hopes.

"What are you looking at me for? You each got a schedule, don't you? If you'll excuse me, I have my own plans that don't involve any of you." Milas said and tried to walk away but Step was glued to his side. " Why are you following me, Step?"

"You promised to protect me so I'm making it easier by staying close to you." Step answered with her usual upbeat voice and cute smile.

"Why don't you try exploring the school compound alone, that'll be fun. Then, you can tell me if anything goes wrong." Milas needed some time alone to think and plan for the future and Step would be a distraction.

"Fine, I'll go explore the academy and leave you alone." Step was actually quick to agree while Milas had imagined having to try harder to convince her. Aileen was also silently leaving in the opposite direction. Asher was left standing alone for a second before he decided to join Step and explore the academy. He wasn't really interested in the school but he was curious about how Milas knew these beautiful girls when he didn't look like a playboy.

Milas paced through the hallways before leaving the classroom block entirely and heading to the library. The librarian was as disinterested as someone could be and the place was completely empty. Milas looked around and saw that the rows had colored signs with different classifications. He went down the history section which was by far the largest section and stopped in front of four shelves that had a similar classification, Wars Throughout History.

Milas scanned the thick, hardcover books for a while before picking one that sounded very exciting. He ventured deeper into the seemingly endless library and found a secluded table. These tables were spread strategically and could fit six people at a time. Milas sat at one of them opened the book and stared blankly at it. He wasn't going to read it but he discovered that he could think better while staring at a book so that is what he did or tried to do. He felt a hand grasp his shoulder tightly and another pinned his head on the table.

"Don't move or make a sound, we're not happy to be doing this so make it easy." A voice said behind him and a dagger was held to his neck. Milas didn't have much choice in the first place so he stayed still.

"Before we do this, just know that it's nothing personal we're following orders." A second voice said, this one being much deeper than the first one. Milas was lifted up and punched across the face. He was trying to recover when a much heavier fist stunned him. He tried to swing his fists but got slammed on the ground and kicked in the chest. Hits rained down on Milas as he curled into a ball to protect his vitals.

Desperate, he grabbed one of his attacker's feet and bit into the flesh. The figure yelled and proceeded to kick Milas off him. Milas had tasted vampire blood and the taste of iron filled his mouth. He wasn't expecting the taste but he had more important things to focus on as he stood to face his attackers. Milas saw two identical young men in the academy uniforms but theirs had a red stripe.

The one he bit was holding a dagger in reverse grip while the other stared menacingly at Milas. Milas drew the two daggers strapped to his feet and prepared for battle.

"I'll kill for biting me you little runt!" The one with blood on his foot said as blood red mist rose from the dagger he held. Thin veins appeared on its surface and the student swung it at the air. A thin strip of blood aura shot out of the dagger towards Milas. It was moving to fast for Milas to dodge and it struck his chest effectively cutting deep into his bones.

Blood stained his now torn uniform but Milas didn't hesitate to dash to his attacker. He knew that maintaining a distance was pointless so he chose close quarter combat. He was swinging at the one with the dagger before spinning and targeting the other one. Milas wasn't holding back and his daggers bit into his target's ribcage, puncturing the lungs.

The attack was costly as Milas was also stabbed in the back right next to his spine. He was about to turn around when he saw that the eyes of the one he stabbed were glowing bright green. The moment of hesitation led to him being stabbed in the back again. Milas was losing energy rapidly and the one with green eyes stabbed him in the gut.

Milas looked down and saw five bloody fingers exiting his body. The fingers had long, green, claw like blades on their ends. Milas was suddenly feeling weak and numb. His vision blurred but his body didn't move like it usually did when he was in danger. His trump card, that had saved him countless times had failed. His body was falling to the floor but his attackers didn't care.

Milas felt a few more stabs before his eyes shut and silence enveloped his mind.