
A Vampire's Tale

The world of Norvak isn't for the weak. A land where might makes right isn't for the faint of heart. A land where different species battle for supremacy and the defeated either enslaved or exterminated. The continent of Revix has witnessed the rise and fall of many species. With a relatively peaceful period being established a little over ten thousand years ago. The result of this peace is the separation of different species. The land of humans, Cyntros, covered most of the central part of the continent. The lands in the north, Aterix, gave shelter to the elves and other creatures of light. The south held the creatures of darkness and it's original name, Rimul, long forgotten. A land that the humans had long dubbed, The Darklands. To the east was an endless desert where the banished and hated lay their bones. A place where nature threatens both predator and prey. Yet most feared of all was the west, a land of giants and titans. Where mountains vanish and valleys form from the movements of it's inhabitants. On the edges of The Darklands, the greed of men sends a group of hunters to their demise. The lone survivor, Milas, is turned into one of the ruling species of The Darklands, a vampire. With a past clouded in mystery and an uncertain future, Milas does all he can to survive. With the potential to become more than he could have ever imagined, Milas faces all threats that come his way. "The right to live is a privilege that only the powerful have access to. I don't appreciate others having that privilege over my life. And I'll do what I must to earn my right!"

chaoswalker_7 · Fantasy
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58 Chs

37 Girl Troubles

Confusion and desperation reigned in Milas' mind as he tried to remember more details of the memory. The only thing he was sure of was that the little girl was his sister but even that didn't feel right. Why did she look nothing like him? He tried to ignore this and think of other things. The other question he asked himself was why a beast was lying dead in the room.

The place looked like a bedroom and the fact that he woke up on a bed strengthened this thought. So why did it look like he had fought the beast in that place? And why did both his body and the little girl act so casual despite the hellish scene? Could it be that something like that had happened before? And the girl had gone to call her father, does it mean that the father knew about the beast? And what kind of crazy parent would leave a kid in a room with a wolf?

Milas had to stop thinking about the memory as he felt a splitting headache. He looked at Step who seemed obsessed with his face. They stared at each other till Milas couldn't take it. "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"You said that you would take care of me a second ago. Did you forget?" Step asked and tilted her head to the side while maintaining eye contact.

"I said something a second ago! Step, this is very important, what did I say?" Milas could see a new ray of hope in Step. She might have the missing pieces that could help him make sense of the vision or at least help him find out what takes over his body when he's unconscious. Step could see the desperation in his eyes and she quickly reported what happened.

"Your eyes turned white like you were fainting and blood flowed down your nose. You blinked and turned back to normal before you touched my cheek and started apologizing. You said that you would take care of me because you couldn't take care of your sister. Then you said something about losing control of your body before your eyes turned white again. You then said that you have a sister and then asked me to tell you everything that happened and now we're here." The narration was very detailed but it only confused Milas even more. He was already struggling to survive and now he just got himself someone else to take care of.

"Thanks, I think we've been here for too long let's get out of this place." Milas stood up and offered Step a hand. He was about to walk away when he realized that she had never freed his hand. "Umm, Step, you wanna let go of my hand?"

"No I'm good, thanks." The reply was giving Milas a headache and so was the fact that she was so naive. 'How can someone be so trusting? Just because I listened to her problems and promised to protect her doesn't mean she has to follow me around.' Milas thought as he looked at the girl who kept smiling at him.

"Step, I want you to listen to me very carefully. Don't trust people too easily even if they are nice. Some people will pretend to be nice and try to hurt you. You should only trust people I tell you to trust. You can act nice but don't trust other people, I know what I'm talking about. I've had experience with how quickly people will throw you away when they have no use for you." Milas was actually thinking about what Adrian tried to do to him as he said the words to Step.

"Don't worry Milas, I know I can trust you but I don't think I can trust her." Step said and pointed at an aisle to the left of Milas. Milas wanted to ask who Step was referring to but a fist filled his mouth before the words could. His head span and his body hit the shelf on his right toppling the neatly arranged books. Milas was trying to recover from the hit but a kick to his gut left him wheezing and gasping for air.

"You pervert! What were you doing to this girl?" The voice was painfully familiar as he got into a fight everytime he heard it. 'What is wrong with this crazy bitch? Does she get paid to hit me or something?' Milas thought as he spit blood on the smooth marble floor.

Aileen was standing in front of Step while covering her with her left hand. The look of utter disgust she had for the boy who was clutching his stomach scrunched up her pretty face. She was about to ask the girl if she was alright but she got pushed aside by the girl. Aileen was surprised to see her helping the shameless idiot get back to his feet.

"Why the f*ck did you hit me?" Milas could barely hold his rage as he wanted to maintain the image of nice guy to Step.

"You were dragging that girl behind you like you were kidnapping her. I had to stop you since I know how much of a pervert you are." Aileen answered immediately and tried to pull the girl away. Milas had had enough of Aileen and he threw a fist aimed at her face. Aileen was too slow to react but Step wasn't, she parried the hit and dashed at Aileen with a headbutt that smashed her nose.

"You two should stop fighting." The two in question were staring at Step with shock. Milas couldn't believe that she could deflect his punch so easily when he thought that she couldn't fight. Aileen was shocked that the girl protected her from Milas only to headbutt her face. Milas was about to lunge again when he felt his bracelet vibrate.

The blue crystal was pulsing, a sign that the next class was about to begin. The girls also got the message and a truce was declared. Aileen made it her job to separate Milas and Step which was fine for him. He wanted to get away from the naive girl before anyone else thought that he was taking advantage of her. The trio left the library with a tense atmosphere around them.

'I've always wanted to have beautiful women accompanying me but this isn't what I had in mind. If there is a god of fate out there, he needs to get serious about his job. This is just too much.' Milas thought as he looked at the two beauties beside him. The worst thing was the looks of jealousy other guys gave him. From the side, it looked like two hotties were fighting over him while he ignored them both which irked the male population to no end.

The trio were among the first to enter the training hall mostly because Milas kept rushing to avoid the sharp gazes of other boys. The first thing they noticed was the presence of two teachers instead of one and the second was the higher number of students entering the hall. The students quietly filled the place and stood in two groups. One of the teachers, who looked to be in his forties and had a hunchback stepped forward to address the pupils.

"I am Master Sanim and the man beside me is Master Raymon, we will be your combat instructors. You need to remember that this won't be common so you need to get to know each others strength in a friendly spar. There are a hundred of you so everyone will have an opponent. Now find a partner and practice hand to hand combat with one another." Master Sanim had given his orders and the two stood there while the teenagers rushed to find a partner.

Milas was having a different problem as Aileen wanted to use this chance to pick a fight while Step refused to leave his side. The two girls were forcing him to choose between them when someone interrupted. It was a short, frail looking boy with even shorter hair on his head.

"Hey Milas, it's me Asher and I was wondering if you wanna spar with me?" Milas was grateful for Asher's timely appearance which had saved him from an awkward sparring session. The two boys moved to a place with more room and took their stances. No words were said as they tensed their muscles and lunged at each other at full speed.


The sound alarmed everyone including Milas and Asher who paused mid strike. Everyone was staring at the source of the sound where Aileen was lying face down and Step had one hand on the back of her neck.