
A Vampire's Tale

The world of Norvak isn't for the weak. A land where might makes right isn't for the faint of heart. A land where different species battle for supremacy and the defeated either enslaved or exterminated. The continent of Revix has witnessed the rise and fall of many species. With a relatively peaceful period being established a little over ten thousand years ago. The result of this peace is the separation of different species. The land of humans, Cyntros, covered most of the central part of the continent. The lands in the north, Aterix, gave shelter to the elves and other creatures of light. The south held the creatures of darkness and it's original name, Rimul, long forgotten. A land that the humans had long dubbed, The Darklands. To the east was an endless desert where the banished and hated lay their bones. A place where nature threatens both predator and prey. Yet most feared of all was the west, a land of giants and titans. Where mountains vanish and valleys form from the movements of it's inhabitants. On the edges of The Darklands, the greed of men sends a group of hunters to their demise. The lone survivor, Milas, is turned into one of the ruling species of The Darklands, a vampire. With a past clouded in mystery and an uncertain future, Milas does all he can to survive. With the potential to become more than he could have ever imagined, Milas faces all threats that come his way. "The right to live is a privilege that only the powerful have access to. I don't appreciate others having that privilege over my life. And I'll do what I must to earn my right!"

chaoswalker_7 · Fantasy
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58 Chs

27 Placing An Order

He lay on the ground while the glaring sunlight hit his sensitive eyes. Milas couldn't believe it. He got kicked out just like that. He may have hated that place but he wanted to leave on his own accord not being thrown out like trash. The worst part was that Deogratius was hellbent on kicking him out.

Milas was about to leave the study when Deogratius grabbed the back of his neck and lifted him up. Milas tried to flail his limbs but Deogratius stabbed his fingers into his back. This went on for two minutes and Milas' back was riddled with blood spewing holes. Deogratius dragged him out the window and held him dozens of meters above the ground.

"Your victory has made you careless. You would have heard me approach if pride didn't cloud your mind. Remember that no matter how much you succeed, there will always be something to make you lose." Deogratius then dropped Milas. It was more of throw than a drop since he flung Milas like a spear.

Milas had experience falling from great heights so he initiated a roll as soon his toes touched the ground. He was on his knees and trying to gather the strength to stand up. Something hit his back like a blunt mace forcing him to lie down. Milas looked around and saw a beast crystal rolling away.

A sharp whistle came from behind him and another crystal hit his back, opening the wounds that were starting to close. Milas felt insulted by the fact that the trophies from his test were being used to pummel him. He tried to move but but more crystals soon followed. In the end, he could only turn over and stare at the sky. He was waiting for the final crystal to hit him since running was compromised.

The last one didn't disappoint the guards who were watching from a distance. It moved faster the others while making a much louder and more pronounced whistle. The crystal hit Milas' gut and made him cough blood like a broken fountain. The landing area of the crystal was a bloody hole and Milas became the first vampire with a beast crystal in his body.

"Somebody get him two flasks of blood and take him to school after he is healed and dressed in clean clothes." Deogratius said while his figure disappeared into the study. The guards who were enjoying the show immediately ran to get the blood while one of them came to Milas.

"What did you do to the master? He hasn't beaten up a slave the way he beats you." The guard said while looking down at Milas who was coughing blood continuously. A flask was brought and given to Milas who drank it while simultaneously removing the crystal from his stomach. "You are one cold-hearted kid. I wouldn't have been able to bare through the pain of doing that."

"Help me get out of this place before he gets anymore ideas." Milas said as he stood while the holes on his body disappeared leaving nothing but smooth skin behind. He rushed back to the shower and cleaned the blood off his body before putting on some casual clothes.

Milas passed by the training hall and switched his worn out swords for brand new ones. He also replaced the dagger he lost with two identical ones. The guard who had been waiting at the gate saw Milas run out of the mansion.

The teenager was dressed in long black pants and a tight long sleeve shirt. A small bag hung on the left side of his waist while two daggers were sheathed by the sides of his legs. Two identical sword hilts could be seen by his shoulders. He reached the guard and they immediately set off for the blacksmith shop.

The place looked like a store with the weapons, armour pieces and accessories lining the walls. There was a young man sitting behind the desk and Milas went to talk to him. The talk was very limited as the young vampire immediately ran Milas through the basics.

Milas would have to give five crystals for inspection and they will be used to craft the ring if they meet certain requirements. The ring would take about a week to be completed since there were other things that needed to be made. Milas didn't have to pay until the ring was made and ready to be used. Milas also found out that students of the academy get free delivery as long as they are within the compound.

Milas placed the five crystals on the desk and the young vampire brought out a strange instrument with a glass to look at. The instrument looked like a rectangular glass with a black casing and a small red circle at the bottom. The glass glowed when placed above a crystal before words appeared on the glass screen.

Beast species: Darklands leopard

Beast rank: Basic (low)

Affinities: None

These were the were the words that appeared on the strange instrument. Milas was shocked by the incredible feats that little device could do. Appraisal was a skill that took blacksmiths years to develop but the device did the same while providing more information.

The rest of the crystals were appraised just as quickly and efficiently. The leopards were low tier basic and the furry little bear was a mid tier basic beast. The blind snake and the bear were peak tier basic which meant that they needed a little more energy to breakthrough to intermediate rank.

The young vampire informed Milas that the crystals he delivered could be made into a ring of shade with no problems. The varying tier of crystals could make the ring to have a shorter skill time. On the bright side, even the worst outcome will allow him to stay in the sun for three hours straight.

The ring of shade was a common thing among vampires but very few were of a very high rank. A ring of shade required a crystal from a beast with no affinities or crystals with the shadow element for better results. Few high rank beasts had no affinities and crystals with the shadow element had better uses than being made into a ring of shade.

Milas had partially satisfied his curiosity but he planned to learn more about the vampire world once in school. He left the crystals and followed the guard through the streets to the school. Milas expected to look strange with weapons strapped to him but it seemed to be common for vampires. He hadn't noticed it before but everyone he met had a weapon of some kind.

The guard decided to use the opportunity to give Milas a tour of the settlement. There were many places but Milas stopped listening once the adventurer's guild was mentioned. He couldn't believe that vampires had an adventurer's guild similar to humans. The guild functioned exactly the same as any normal guilds

The biggest difference was that some vampires would be sent to the human lands to capture a few for food. Milas was finding it hard to swallow the fact that humans were being treated like cattle. Vampires would casually take people away from their homes and families like they were selecting cattle at a farm.

Milas had to rush past the building as he knew that he couldn't hold himself for long. He kept walking with his head down and fists curled up so tight that his fingernails threatened to cut his palm. The anger he was feeling was hard to contain and the guard was now keeping some distance between them.

The boiling rage disappeared without a trace when he saw the magnificent gate and the many lavish buildings inside. There was a relatively large group of teenagers about the same age as Milas. The confidence was evident in every single one of them. These were the kind of people that he will be dealing with as soon as he gets accepted into the academy.

Deogratius' Mansion.

Deogratius looked at the blood that had stained every single inch of his private room. There was a message on the wall written by blood. The message was telling him to suck Milas' nuts. Anyone would have been enraged but Deogratius just chuckled. "The kid is daring but he is clueless about vampires."

Deogratius said before lifting one hand and opening his palm. All the blood detached off of everything in the room making it clean. The blood gathered as an orb on his palm before he opened his mouth and devoured it.