
A Vampire’s Caregiver

[Mature: No rape] Twenty five years old Everly Eloise, a pure blooded orphan werewolf is hired by a wealthy man who suddenly needed a caregiver. She accepted the job, but one thing she didn’t anticipate was the monstrous side of him. The side of him that the media never showed, or at least never even knew of. Valerio Avalanzo, a wealthy European man who was betrayed by his lover, leaving him in a condition that he very well hid from the entire world. The incident caused him to drastically change. He became cold hearted, feared by most, unsociable, emotionless, and worst of all, developed deep hatred for the word “love.” For a man who was blind and held such deep hatred for love, it was believed that he was emotionally incapable of loving anyone, therefore leaving the world with this perception of him. But what happens when he meets Everly Eloise, his caregiver? Will his heart win or will his hatred for love win? And what happens, when he discovers that Everly is not just his caregiver, but a werewolf as well. The creatures that have been an enemy of his kind for centuries?

AngelLily · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
354 Chs

Didn’t You Miss Me?

"HA! HAHAHAHAHA!" Lucius began to laugh, crazily and abruptly clapping his hands furiously

"You are a genius sometimes, Logan!"


He praised Logan heartily, and Logan's face turned shades of red in pride.


This was the first time that his father had told him this.


He honestly didn't think Lucius would like this plan when he devised it, but how wrong he was. It actually made him happy, and he got commended on top of it.


What a day for him!


A huge smile spread across his face, and he folded his arms, obviously proud of himself for concocting such a vicious plan.


'You better not come to the grande partie, brother, That is the only way that you will be able to escape, but if you do, be ready to watch your life crumble before your eyes.'


A deadly look emerged on his face as he thought.



A young woman's red eyes stared at her reflection in the mirror.


Her short, fiery red hair, perfectly bounced at neck length, giving her the appearance of a classy woman.


She seemed to be in some sort of daze, but a knock that suddenly came at the door snapped her back to her senses.


She glanced at the door and got up from the chair.


She walked towards the door and pulled it open, only for her eyes to fall on none other than Logan.


"Logan?" In a bit of surprise, she drew her head back.


"Hello, sweetheart. I haven't visited you in a while." He smirk at the young lady who was Rose."I am sorry. I have just been caught up in some mess." He pulled her into a tight hug and embraced her.


He has access to the house, as he was the one who bought it for her; if it weren't for him, she wouldn't be able to afford it.


Logan walked with her into the room and shut the door behind them.


He looked at her and grabbed her by the hand, pulling her into his arms.


"I have missed you so much." He muttered and began to kiss her neck.


He kissed her jaw and eventually locked his lips with hers.


"Didn't you miss me?" He asked against their lips, and Rose forced a smile on her face.


"Of course I did," She bobbed her head.


Logan kissed her even more and returned to kissing her neck. He began to untie the rope of her dress, but Rose, whose body reaction already stated that she didn't want to do it, pushed him away with a grimace on her face.


"I'm sorry, Logan." She shook her head at him.


Logan stared at her, and a darkened expression began to appear on his face. "What do you mean by sorry?" He arched his brow at her in displeasure.


"I can't do it. I don't feel well.," Rose explained.


Logan gazed at her, and a smile of disbelief formed on his face. "Are you kidding me?" He questioned. "HUH?! Every single time, you keep telling me the same fucking thing. I have fulfilled all of your expectations. I sheltered your broke ass, and the only thing you could give me in return was to tell me you were not feeling well."


"You know, at this point, I feel like you are avoiding doing it with me. I bet you weren't like this with Valerio, were you?" He tilted his head to one side as his furious eyes gazed at her.


"I am sorry... but you won't understand. I am not avoiding it, I promise." Rose lifted her face, filled with tears, as she desperately tried to make him understand.


"Please don't cry in front of me. I don't care anyway. You are mine, and you belong to me. But next time, I will not take no for an answer. Do you understand?" He looked at her with annoyance in his eyes, and Rose obediently nodded.


"Good. Anyway, here is your pass." He flung a golden pass to her. "We are going to the Grande Parté next Friday. So be prepared. I will send a dress over to you."


He stuffed his hands into the pocket of his pants and walked out before Rose could utter a word.


He slammed the door shut, and Rose lowered her head to look at the golden card on the floor.


She picked it up, and as though suddenly filled with anger, she furiously pushed everything on the table to the floor and broke the glass.


"Fuck you, Logan!" She cursed as sudden tears welled up in her eyes.


"This was all my fault. I thought I was being clever as always, but I-i messed up! I messed up big time." She sobbed as she heavily blamed herself.