
A Universe Away: Constellation of Lyra

-- Synopsis: -- Inside the infinite darkness of the universe, through the black void that reaches the outskirts of the galaxy, a star is born, and is starting to shine dazzlingly. In the heart of a unique Japanese-American school, Airi and Kenzui, two girls with opposite personalities, have been best friends since childhood. Airi, the studious and reserved one, contrasts sharply with Kenzui, the rebellious and adventurous spirit. Despite their differences, they navigate the complexities of teenage life together, until a mysterious falling out threatens to tear them apart. When Kenzui's behavior takes a sudden turn for the worse, Airi is left reeling. Furious with her parents, Kenzui dives headfirst into her old ways, engaging in drinking, smoking, and risky behavior reminiscent of their high school days. Worried for her friend's safety, Airi takes it upon herself to intervene, determined to prevent Kenzui from spiraling out of control. But as their friendship strains under the weight of Kenzui's rebellion, Kenzui explains to Airi about her revelation: a mysterious pill. Airi, intrigued by the possibilities—and desperate to distract herself from the rift between her and Kenzui—Airi suggests they investigate further. United by a shared history and a deep bond, Airi and Kenzui embark on a journey to uncover the truth behind the mysterious pill and the secrets their parents have kept hidden away from them. Along the way, they encounter danger, betrayal, and unexpected allies, as they delve deeper into a world of intrigue and deception. -- Acts: -- { Act #001 :: Possessors Vis, Vega } Vega, the 5th deity -- Notes: -- Not yet completed (will keep updating every 1-2 weeks) [!] Swearing [!] Possible sexual/inappropriate terms mentioned [!] Substance use

z3rogrqvity · Sci-fi
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3 Chs


The auditorium fell into darkness as the lights dimmed, plunging the audience into a hushed silence. The only sound that permeated the air was the soft chorus of chairs shifting behind the orchestra pit, a prelude to the imminent performance. Musicians, poised and ready, awaited the maestro's signal to commence their symphony.

The attendees were adorned in attire as varied and vibrant as their anticipation. After all, the Big Three were in attendance—a privilege coveted by many. To sit in the same auditorium as these elusive figures was a rare honor, one that filled the room with an air of reverence and intrigue.

Whispers fluttered through the crowd like delicate butterflies, but they were swiftly silenced as a man emerged from the shadows, stepping up to the microphone with a gentle adjustment of his tie. His presence commanded attention, drawing all eyes to him as he prepared to address the eager audience.

"Welcome, everyone," his voice rang out, resonating through the stillness of the auditorium. "Please enjoy tonight's first concerto by Gioachino Rossini, Largo al factotum."

With a graceful retreat, the man slipped behind the curtains, leaving the stage bathed in anticipation. The maestro's baton rose, a silent signal to the musicians, and the performance began.

As the music swelled, filling the space with its enchanting melodies, a sense of peace and harmony settled over the crowd. But beneath the surface tranquility lurked an ominous tension, a foreboding sense of impending chaos.

Suddenly, the ground trembled, sending shockwaves through the audience. A colossal crack rent the ceiling, its jagged fissure spreading like wildfire until the once-stalwart structure began to crumble.

Panic seized the crowd as massive chunks of debris rained down upon them, scattering terrified onlookers in a desperate scramble for safety. Amidst the chaos, one figure remained eerily composed, observing the mayhem with detached fascination as the orchestra played on, their music a haunting backdrop to the unfolding tragedy.

It was a scene straight from the depths of a horror film—the sounds of collapsing architecture, piercing screams, and frantic flight. Some would escape unscathed, reunited with their loved ones in the aftermath. Others would not be so fortunate, their fates sealed amidst the chaos and destruction.

Location: Italy, Rome

Year: 1997

Universe: #90183

Planet: Earth

won't make sense now but it will later

z3rogrqvitycreators' thoughts