
A Ugly Bastard In Pirate World

become one of his crew and join captain john on his journey through one piece world. The people living in one piece world has committed the most sinful crimes that anyone can think of,So the god ordered that on his behalf he has to bring chaos and calamity in this world to punish them and also spread the wrath of God in every person's heart. ALSO CAPTAIN JOHN WILL SHOW US HOW SHOULD A REAL PIRATE ACT LIKE A PIRATE. WEALTH? FAME? POWER? BITCHES? HE WILL HAVE THAT SOON ENOUGH!!! "So why did you choose me??" The ugly bastard ask "well it's just that you're the most vicious and wicked human I know. also I knew how your mind works, you will definitely betrayed your friends also your relatives just to take what you want" The God replied on his ask. "Quick run!!! John The Purged and the purgatory has arrived!!" "Oh dear~ I didn't know that captain john has been carrying this big thing the whole time" "Shut the fuck up!! your conscience is as ugly as your face, You fucking ugly bastard!!!" HEHE ALSO PLS SUPPORT THIS :>

hcchlktclfoy · Anime & Comics
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In the middle of the night,On a one particular hotel there is an ugly motherfucker atleast in his 30s with a big fat face and belly also when you slightly look down,then you'll notice a huge bulge on his pants. It's size is so massive that you will mistakenly thought that there is something snake or what is inside his pants. "Kukuku my big friend don't worry just wait a little then when the time comes you can burst anything you have just wait a little" the ugly bastard said while rubbing his enormous cock.

The ugly bastard suspiciously observing the hallway of the hotel. He is cautiously taking a glance if still there are someone that can potentially ruin his evil plan. "Look at right...clear!! look at the left...clear!!. Alright now is the time". The ugly bastard immediately run towards the female bathroom. He is nervous as fuck when he is running.Imagine a creep fat dude with a huge bulge in his pants is running towards the door of female bathroom is such an outrageous act. Fortunately, no one is still awake in such hour so he successfully infiltrate the female bathroom without someone noticing.

"KUKUKU Now now time to find a good spot,a good spot that can see the whole thing." The ugly bastard enter on one the stall in the bathroom that he chose. When he enter,the lovely smell of the stall immediately stole his attention. "Ohhah~~ such a lovely smell,its such a pity that my time here,in this paradise is currently limited." The ugly bastard suddenly felt a little down. "Alright, there's no need to feel sad hehe later at the morning there's gonna be an interesting show that will surely satisfied me. I can't wait to watch!!!" Then the ugly bastard bring out a camera on his pocket but that camera is not normal it's size is very similar to the size of an penny is so small that almost everyone didn't saw it when the camere is just in front of them. "Hmm.. should I place it just above the toilet or above the door hmm..." the ugly bastard ask himself.

The ugly bastard pick the one that above the toilet. He immediately climb and step in the toilet then find a hole or crack or something,to place his hidden camera. But when he is just about to put the camera on the hole that he find he suddenly hear a female voice and that shocked the hell out of him. "Fuck!! Someone is here!! I gotta go hide back or... huh?" The ugly bastard accidentally slip while standing on the toilet and damage his head gravely resulting on a poll of blood.

(Fuck!! Fuck!! FUCKKK!!! what an idiot way to die... I just want to be happy...) the ugly bastard pass away while attempting to molesting someone.

"Huh?.. where am I? Arghh my head hurt like fuck" The ugly bastard gather his remaining strength and tried to stand up while currently confused on where in the world is he. After he successfully stand up he immediately notice that he is currently in a island, an island In the middle of nowhere to be precise. "Is this the other world or maybe underworld?... well I really did a several bad thing while I'm still living but did I really die? FUCK IS ANYON-" The ugly bastard suddenly stop cursing when a youngman with a white long hair touches his shoulder from behind.

"Looks like we have a impatience one huh? Well it doesn't matter, I am god and as your creator,I order you to be the one who will bring calamity in this world!! A world where the pirate is the one who dominate the world also supernatural ability and others exist!!" The youngman that proclaim himself as a god said. "Huh? Are you drunk or what? Do you thi-mmmff"

"Hey lowly one,did this god give you a permission to speak?? Just like what am saying is I want you to bring calamity in this world. What do you think??" The God said. "Mmmff!!" The ugly bastard is still struggling to speak. "Oh! Speak." With just the god said the ugly bastard has finally regained his ability to speak. "Yo- huh? I can speak? I can finally speak!!" The ugly bastard said while rubbing his vocal chords. But the moment, that god gave him a cold glare,it means that he is currently waiting for the ugly bastard to answer his question. "Uhmm do you mean that I will get reborn in another world?? Then ". The ugly bastard ask. "Well yes but not quite you will get transferred in that 'world' later." The God said. "What the hell no way?!! Then my knowledge about the other world's and also about your existence will not get erase by you?" The ugly bastard ask. "Do you want that? Well if that's the only thing then I can give you that." The god agreed. "So I'm just curious but can you tell me why me? Did I just lucky or god himself pick me." The ugly bastard ask

"I choose you beacause of your wicked nature,you're the type of a person that willing to and do not even hesitate to betray your friends even relatives just to have what you want. In short you're the most evil in all of evil. Also just to add your appearance is also a appearance of a wicked person have." the god said. "Ohhh~ is that so?? Then why me?? Why do you want me to bring calamity in that world??" The ugly bastard ask. "Well in that world almost all of people begun to forget me and not just that, the people begun to make their own god while also committing a such sins like slavery, racism, corruption, misinformation about me etc. Oh looks like the time is almost up." The god said. "Huh? What do you mean?? Wait you can't send me there yet,I don't know that world I'm comp-" the god simply ignore him then said him to the other world.... TO BE CONTINUED