
Chapter 1

"What type of ending is this!" Zhang Qing slammed her computer shut with a frown over her face. "How could the female lead die! Ugh, why were there so many misunderstandings between the two! If I could rewrite this, I would definitely change it even though I skipped most of it!"

Yes, one of the little things about our little girl, Zhang Qing, is that she has this habit of skipping around the Chinese dramas and watching the parts that she likes, causing her to have to figure out what happened, or, in the worst case, read an episode summary online.

"Ey! Come here and help me make dinner! Since you are not studying, then you might as well help me around the house!" mom screamed from the kitchen.

"Mom, I am studying! I'm studying right now!" She hurried to grab her books and put her computer to the side. One thing that Chuin Hua hated more than studying was working around the house. In front of cleaning, studying was an easy win, though it couldn't be compared to watching dramas. "Let's see, these look easy. Those too. Why study when you already know most of it!" Not being able to sit down and study, Zhang Qing put her books down and headed to bed. "There's nothing good to watch now, might as well take a nap. Mmm." Slowly, the girl drifted off...

"Hmm?" Zhang Qing slowly peeked open her eyes. Rubbing her eyes to see clearer, her eyes filled with shock. "Oh my gosh, where am I," Forest surrounded all 360 degrees. "I must be dreaming." She pinched herself. "Owww, ssss ow. Why did I pinch myself so hard? Sss ow. Might as well look around. Hopefully, I can find a way to get down this forest. Or is this a mountain? Wait, I don't even have shoes!" Zhang Qing was wearing the exact same clothes that she had when she fell asleep! "At least I'm still wearing clothes, I guess. How come in dramas, the female lead always lands in some city where there are people, whereas I...I'm stuck in a forest! Hmph!"

Frustrated, Zhang Qing could only make the best out of the situation and walk around. As Zhang Qing crept around with her bare feet, she didn't notice something following her. She was far too angry to notice anything at the moment. The pair of dark eyes followed her every move. "Let's see, I need to find a water source, grab some food, and find a place to rest, right? We learned this in science. Three things organisms need to survive: food, water, shelter."Just as she finished her sentence, she heard something.

"Trickle, trickle." Zhang Qing's face lit up on fire. Maybe this won't be so bad after all! She quickly followed the sound. It wasn't long before she saw a creek insight. "Let's hope this is clean water. This should be clean anyway." Excited, she looked down, seeing an older face look back at her. Her eyes widened. She squeezed them shut and opened them again. The face was still there.

"Are you kidding me! This isn't me! Well, it is me, but not me! I don't look this mature!" She clenched her fists as she looked up from the creek. "If my luck couldn't get worse. Now, my face looks different," She gave another glance before taking a sip. "Although, I think I do look better," Zhang Qing smirked as she raised her eyebrows up and down. Her two eyeballs quickly rolled in a circle. "Yeah, who am I kidding."

As she went down to take another sip, she paused to see another head pop out above her head. Realizing the situation, she shrieked and shut her eyes firm. Turning around, she saw a tough-looking boy in front of her. His hair was a mess, looking dirty. The girl looked up. "Hmmm. Wait a minute. Aren't you the guy who acted out Wolfie? Good acting! Didn't think I would actually see the real actor here in real life." She gave him her thumb. She got back a growl. "Ahh! Forget it! Let's just run!" She screamed as he chased her.

Zhang Qing ran. She ran as fast as she could. She ran as if she never ran before. She was doing all this while trying to avoid any bits of branches and sticks. To her disappointment, the boy caught up quite quickly.

"Stop!" she raised her hand as she panted. "I know I can't outrun you. What do you want!" The 15 or so boy only stood still and growled making Zhang Qing's eyes widen. She smacked her forehead, blaming herself for her own stupidity. "How come I didn't think of that! What if I'm actually in the story of the Wolf?! No wonder this guy looks like Wolfie and has the same clothes as Wolfie! Maybe he is Wolfie!" The boy was still growling. "It's okay." she raised her hands up, trying to act tough. The boy advanced one step, making Zhang Qing shrink back one step. Wrong move. "Aaah!" Up she went with her foot tied to a rope. She had stepped on a wolf trap!

"Uh..." Zhang Qing was in shock. The boy turned around to walk away. Coming back to reality, she screamed, "Hey wait! Don't just leave me here!" She swung her arms around like a maniac. The boy chuckled at her reaction. Finding the rock that he was looking for, he started to climb the tree. Zhang Qing relaxed. "Oh, he was going to look for a rock to cut the rope. Looks like I was freaking out and made a fool out of myself." She pouted. "But, he didn't have to scare me like that!"

Falling loose, a row of fear ran across her body. "Aaah! I'm falling!!" the girl, in terror, shut her eyes. She had only just realized that the rope was already cut in half! However, instead of the cold forest floor, she landed in something warm. Peeking from her firmly shut eyes, she saw that the boy had caught her with one hand supporting her butt and the other hand supporting her back. As he put her down, she quickly gave an awkward thanks and ran, embarrassed. Confused, the boy just stood there.

"I'm so embarrassed, " Zhang Qing put her hands over her face as she squats down. She had run a good amount of distance away from the boy. Fortunately for her, the boy did not follow because now, she didn't even know how to face him. "Oh my gosh." she sighed. "Trying to act tough and then screaming my lungs out. What did I just do?" She wanted to just wait and hope for something to come to her, but she knew that wasn't possible. In an area like this, there was no one that could help her; she could only rely on herself. Well...there was that one person, but that was the one person who she didn't want to see at the moment. She sighed. In the distance, out of all the trees, she saw the barely visible sun, setting down. It was already sunset.

"I wonder where I'm going to spend the night," she wondered to herself. There were many trees around, but there wasn't really anything that could cover her head. "Maybe this will be the first night that I'll sleep with nothing over my head." Speaking of something over her head, all the memories of her and her family, her friends; all the days that she spent in the past flashed back to her, bringing tears to her eyes. She hadn't known then, but she was really lucky to have so many good people around her, helping her get through life. Now, all that was gone.

"Ha," she tearfully laughed. "How stupid I was." She shivered. Without knowing, she slowly cried herself to sleep, the little droplets falling bit by bit.




"Hmmm." Sunlight flashed onto Zhang Qing's eyes, forcing her to wake up. "Where am I?" Half asleep, Zhang Qing looked around to find that she was no longer in the middle of the forest, instead, she found herself in a homelier place, well not so much. Does hay in a cave count?

"Ssskk ssskkk." Alert, Zhang Qing's eyes followed their way to the mouth of the cave, only to find the boy standing there holding some berries in hand. Suddenly realizing where she was, she backed away, still embarrassed and a bit scared. The boy, on the other hand, walked towards her, forcing Zhang Qing to move back and back till her own back hit one of the walls of the small cave. Squatting down, he handed her some berries, which she hesitated, but then slowly reached for.

"How did I get here?" she looked away. The boy said nothing; just pointed at the opening of the cave, where a couple of wolves stood. He pointed at them, then himself. Zhang Qing sat there, puzzled. He continued to do this motion until slowly, Zhang Qing started to understand. "Oh, so they," she pointed at the wolves. "Found me," she moved her finger to herself. "Then, they told you," the finger moved back to the wolves, then to the boy. "And then, you went to get me and brought me here." Zhang Qing's fingers ended on the ground. Processing what she had just told him, the boy stood there and after a while, nodded in agreement. "I don't think he gets what I mean, but whatever, at least I know what happened and that's good," she thought to herself. She stuffed the berry that was given to her by the boy, causing her to smile.

"Mmm. This is really good." She started stuffing her mouth with berries. The boy smiled. Zhang Qing froze midbite. "This is the first time I saw you smile. You look really good when smiling."

From that day on, Zhang Qing started living with the boy and taught him how to speak. The boy would take care of her and teach her the language of the wolf. Since she didn't really have anywhere to go and had a pretty bad sense of direction, she tried adjusting to life in the mountain. Knowing that the boy was the only one who could help her on the mountain, she tried being as helpful as she could to show her gratitude. To her disappointment though, no matter how hard she tried, she just wasn't as good as the boy. There were many days that she would collapse due to the exhaustion of running around and the boy would be completely alright. Nevertheless, Zhang Qing still enjoyed this new way of life.

However, good things don't stay good things if there is no pain with it.

Hey guys, it's the author here! This is the first chapter of this fanfiction, I hope you guys like it! I'm not sure what is a good title for this chapter without exposing everything, so, if you guys have any ideas for titles, put your ideas in the comments section below!

Kirana1357creators' thoughts