
CH31: Timeline 70-Apokolips War 2

Constantine sat there staring down at his drink. His eyes looked over the burning ruins of London and the broken tower of Big Ben. Without another thought, he slammed back his drink. He reaches for the bottle preparing to chug it down only for a hand to grab his wrist and a silly voice ring out, "Oh Magic man! Now's not the time to cry! We got a War to win!"

The man's entire body tenses up as he looks up. His gaze met the sight of his own reflection in a strange man's mask, "Oh I think I remember you. Mr. Villain or something like that hm? Im a nasty piece of work in comparison to you. You use to do gimmicks and all that didn't ya?"

"Indeed. Oh, it was so fun but sadly it seems I'm a bit locked into matters at the moment. I need your help- You and the hungover Demon hiding in the corner of the room," John just scoffed and yanked his wrist free of Mr. Villain's grip. Putting the bottle to his lip and starting to chug it down. A few seconds pass before the bottle vanished in a flash of white light and left the stench of Ozone hanging in the air.

A grunt comes from John's lips as he turns to Mr. Villain who leans against the Bar, "All the supposed heroes are dead. Slaughtered like bloody sheep. You're a second-rate villain who came out of retirement just because it's the end of the world. Now if you'd excuse me I got some major drinking to finish." With a small clap and rub of his hands, he spreads them apart a new bottle of alcohol appears in his grip.

Mr. Villian just chuckled softly as he hummed, "You know! You're a neat conman. I can see why a lot of folks who meet you get annoyed. But, I know you've got the wits and the skills to do what I need to be done. I've got the firepower. We can be a very useful duo! Just know I will be making you wear Spandex as per the normal sidekick agreement."

Constantine breaks out laughing some of the weariness in his body melting away as he slammed down his drink, "Oh you're a funny one. Look, not even the big blue boy scout and the rest of his team stood a chance. So unless Superman walks through that door right now you can bugger off-"

He paused as the door opens. Superboy and Titan walk through the door. Titan looks around and makes a huh sound as Superboy asks, "How did we get here?" Titan just gave a small shrug.

Mr. Villain just giggled before making them vanish in a flash of white. Shaking his head John just mutters, "Two halves of one don't count either."

"Worth a shot…Now, what those boys said. It's a good question you know John. Why are we here," John just groans putting his head into the table and sitting there for a few seconds. Ignoring the chugging sounds of Etrigan downing another bottle.

Turning his gaze to the annoying Villian, "To be bothered by pesky buggers like you while I drink over the end of the world?"

"Close. It's the old cliche. But to Hope. But, that's not just because it's what we hope for no- It's because Hope is what marches along with the story of good ol Constantine! All life forms use hope to move towards the completion of the story so that we can lead to the discovery of oneself and exploration of the contradictory nature of Man and its stories. You are an aspect of a grim world Conman but I know even you still have hope. And if you don't let me give you some," Mr. Villain reached out a single hand. His other hand peeling off his glove and letting Constantine gaze upon pitch-black flesh.

Constantine opens a hand and blows into it. Clenching it and muttering some words before reopening his hand and letting a golden eyeball emerge. Gazing through this lense he pauses at what he see's going tense as he mutters, "Jesus Christ-"

His words slip forth from his mouth as he gazed blankly at Mr. Villain. He slams his hand closed and hisses out squeezing his eyes shut to avoid the sight anymore. He quickly recovers ending the spell and letting loose a long deep groan, "I've seen a lot of crazy things in my life. But whatever you are mate it's in the top ten of strange shit."

Shrugging Mr. Villian yoinks the Bottle from Constantine and spills it across his mask before shouting, "Good! Now, I need you to prepare a few things. I'm going to bring forth the Hammer while you make sure Swamp thing, Black Adam, and Superboy help make a ruckus on earth. When the bells are ringing you and some GOOONs will use this device to free the flash and whomever else you come across. If Plan A fails well. . .Make sure you keep Raven on hand and a certain dagger. Let big red out to play if shit goes really bad"

John blinks for a few seconds before humming Mr. Villain rolls a small box across the table. The Box beeps and Mr. Villain glares at it, "I said shut up! You listen to the blonde man or you go to Limbo." The Fatherbox beeps in panic.

"Now, good luck on that firework show John. I got hope for you and all the mischief you can do with one of those jailbroken boxes backing you up," Mr. Villain gives one last wave before running to the window and diving out it. John shuddered one last time recalling what he had just viewed as he picked up the box.

Standing up he shouts, "C'mon ol Pal. Worlds depend on us…Besides we're almost out of booze here anyway."

"It's doomed," Etrigan mutters out as he slowly stands up and begins staggering toward John. With a single wave of his hand, a portal opens allowing both to leave the old and ruined down bar.

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