
A True Warrior

The devil king kills all the new born kids who can become a threat to him in future.A boy whose mother was killed when he was a new born baby survive this event........The great powers are sealed within him....Will he be able to undo his seal and gain ultimate potential or the students of great dragon lords will be the chosen ones or else....?

DragoZer · Urban
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19 Chs

Earth Dragon

Meanwhile In the real world....

Teacher:"Students tomorrow there will be a test and Earth Dragon Jin will be supervising it.Those students who will do well in this competition will be selected by Earth Dragon as his disciples.Dismiss!"

Kumal to Jaroosh:"Brother what is earth dragon?"

Jaroosh:"There are 4 most powerful dragon lords after king.Each planet has one of the four dragon lords.Our planet's dragon lord is Earth dragon Jin.He is considered to be the most powerful warrior on our planet."

Kumal:"I don't think that father will allow us to take this test."


Kumal: "Did you forgot that the father said we can't become warriors like him.We just have to focus on studying ,gaining new skills related to our X-powers."

Jaroosh:"Let's go and talk to father."

Jaroosh and Kumal go home...and talk to their mother and tell her what happened at the school.....

Kumal:"Mom can you ask Dad about this?"

Giesha:"I don't think he will give you guys permission."

Jaroosh and Kumal:"Please Mom!Please!"

Geisha:"Okay! I will ask but you have to accept what your father says."

Jaroosh and Kumal:"Thank you mom! You are the best. We love you."

After dinner.....

Geisha:"Jafraan I have something to say."

Jafraan:"Yes dear!"

Geisha:"Kumal and Jaroosh's teacher said that there will be a test tomorrow and those who qualify that test can become earth dragon's students."


Geisha:"Can they also appear in that test."

Jafraan:"Yes dear!"

Geisha:"Please Jafraan they want to give this te...st.What?! They can give the test?!"

Jafraan:"Yes cause if they become one of the students of dragon lords,their future will be promising."

Geisha:"Thank you dear! They were worried that you won't give them permission.I will tell them."

Kumal and Jaroosh:"What happened mom? What did Dad say?"

Geisha:"I'm sorry boys...."

Kumal and Jaroosh:"Ah! We knew it."

Geisha:"...He gave permission."

Kumal and Jaroosh:"What!? Hurray now we can participate too."

In the other world....

Niansah and old man were running because a huge boulder was following them...

Niansah:"What had you done old man.You asked me to stay away from danger and you yourself put your foot on that trap."

Old man:"It was purely accidental."

Niansah:"Is this the end?"

Old man:"Just think positive and.....look there is a room there.....let's move to that room."


Niansah and old man enter the room....

Niansah:"Thank goodness!The rock is not following us here.Look old man there is a treasure chest there."

Old man:"Don't even think about opening that treasure chest.It is definitely a trap."

Niansah:"But what if there is treasure inside,or some magical item or a powerful gear.."

Old man:"And what if it is a trap?"

Niansah:"We have survived a lot of traps so far.So let's open it."

Old man:"No!"

Niansah opens the chest...

Old man:"What....What is inside?"

Niansah picks up something from chest....

Niansah:"I think so it is a button."

Old man:"Don't press it!I can smell danger from it."

Niansah:"What if it is an exit button?"

Old man:"It's just a possibility!"

Niansah presses the button.....and a loads of goblins appear

Niansah:"Run! Goblins are coming."

Old man:"What have I done wrong to deserve this.God please forgive me for all the sins I have done in my life."

Niansah:"Look old man there is another door there but it is so big..."

Old man:"Just run toward that door.."

Niansah and Old man enter that door....but goblins stop at the entrance....

Niansah:"Look old man!They are not coming inside."

Old man:"Yes you are right!"

Niansah:"Let's tease them.Nah nana naa nah!Now come here.Come! I am so tasty don't you want to eat me? Ha!Ha!Ha!"

Voice of screeching.....comes from inside the room...