
A True Vampire in Supernatural Universe

A guy reincarnates in a supernatural world as a vampire. I only own my mc, all other characters belong to their respective owners and authors out there, characters that are the same as the real world are mere coincidence. this is just for fun and I am not profiting real money or even fake money for this. Thanks to all authors that create supernatural tv shows out there. I thank you on behalf of many. by the way, if the authors of images or TV series don't want me to post their work then just sent me a message and I will delete it.

VampireGenesis666 · TV
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3 Chs

Hello, beautiful lady

I spent a whole day spying on them

'I know, I am creepy sometimes'

I was half a mile away from them as I knew that dude called Damon was a vampire. so he could hear me if I was close by,

"Breakfast ready" I heard Damon

'Yeah, that smells like pancakes' I thought.

soon after they saw the eclipse happen once again. I saw Bonnie bring a spellbook with her, she is planning on teaching herself magic 'Sweet, that book must be the key to get out of here' I thought as she left the house to sit outside.

I feel like a creep watching her study.

I glanced in another direction and saw Kai hiding again, he thinks I will kill him again, I just laughed 'not yet body, you have 29 days left before I drink your blood again'

Once Bonnie was outside, I walked towards the house intending to speak to Bonnie.

"Hello" I waved my hand "How is your day going today, beautiful?" I gave her a toothy pearly white smile.

She widens her eyes realizing they are not actually alone in this world, she stood up and walked towards me "Oh my god, are you real?"

I gave her a deadpanned face.

"Yes?" Jesus, am I questioning my existence now.

She giggled beautifully 'arrgh, why are Bennetts all like this' I spent some nights with a few Bennett witches before.

"My name is Alu-..... Arthur, my name is Arthur" I can't help but think that after the stunt I pulled before being trapped here, it is nigh impossible for the witches to not have made that day some kind of national day or something with how much death there was that day. My name could have been mentioned in their diaries or grimoires.

"I'm Bonnie Bennett" she said excitedly extending her hand.

I took her small hands in mine and gently kissed the back of her hand "a pleasure meeting you Ms. Bennett" I winked.

She blushed and looked down in shyness. this is my seducing skills working. I can't seem to be able to turn it off so it's on all the time, I guess this is just my vampire charm.

Damon came out of the house. breaking the atmosphere "Who are you and what do you want?" he demanded.

"I should be asking you that, you sudden;y appeared in this world, in this prison world yesterday, also did your mother never taught you manners. You shouldn't be asking for people's names before giving your own" I glared at him for breaking my little moment with Bonnie.

"My mother was a coward and died when I was young" he snorted

"Your father then, He must have taught you some manners at least"

He grunted at the mention of his father "Fine, my name is Damon. Now, who are you and what are you doing here?"

"Damon, maybe we should be more respectful towards him" whispered Bonnie

Damon just shushed her making Bonnie unhappy of being treated like this.

"Well, if you must insist. I live here...and you don't" I said "also my name is Arthur"

"How can you live in this...crappy place, there are no people, no women" said Damon spreading his arms widely, Bonnie just rolled her eyes in shame "He is not my friend by the way" she commented.

"ouch, Bonnie. You hurt my pretty little heart" joked Damon

Bonnies cute snorted

"It wasn't my choice. I was sent here because witches feared me" I answered Damon

"and why is that?" asked Bonnie wary of me now.

"Because I am stronger than they would ever be" I shrugged.

"Great, if you are so powerful as you claim to be then why are you still here?" asked Damon.

"Because I can't. I don't know how to" 'though I could force my wait out by simple siphoning the magic of this whole prison world but I don't know the outcome of such a reckless move'

"Well if you don't know then who does?" groaned Damon.

"Hmm, A Bennett witch could figure that out" I gave Bonnie a small smile.

"Well, she can't buddy else we wouldn't be here" said Damon turning around ready to enter the house "you are not invited in by the way" He yelled

"Are you always this negative?" I asked chuckling

"I'm realistic" he shot back

I ignored him and told Bonnie "Don't worry about him Bonnie, I knew a few Bennett witches back then and they were witty and daring, they were the best witches in my point of view so I believe in you"

She smiled brightly, getting praise from an unknown person seemed to fill her confidence.

I picked her book up from the ground and opened it

Bonnie went wide-eyed "How? only a Bennett can open our grimoire!"

"This is Emily's grimoire, Emily and I were...friends" I winked at her

She blushed but asked " You knew Emily?"

"Sure, we met when she was with a vampire called Katerina, I think. I never liked her by the way" I replied sitting down on the porch.

Bonnie sat down beside me

Damon came out when I mentioned Katerina "You knew Katherine?"

"Yes, she is a bitch" I chuckled.

"Tell me about it" exclaimed Damon.

"You want Bourbon?" He offered.


After Damon left, Bonnie got a little closer to me "So what can you tell me about my witch ancestors?" she had a glint on her eyes expecting good things.

I started telling her stories about my escapades with them and how they like to study my body for 'research purposes', Bonnie laughing and getting embarrassed at the same time.

Damon had joined our conversation when he came back with the bourbon and started cursing about how Katherine lied to him to which both Bonnie and I laughed at his misery.

"So, how did you guys get here anyway?" I asked intrigued

"Long story short, we died, and instead of going to the great beyond we ended up in this pace" answered Damon gulping down his bourbon.

I looked at Bonnie and she had a sad expression, I placed my hand on her shoulder in a supportive way and she smiles weakly at me "It's okay, you don't have to be sad because I can tell, you are not dead. You are very much alive and soon you will see your friends again" she just nodded weakly and leaned on my shoulder

"Thanks, I needed that" She murmured.

Damon was looking at me in disbelief 'are they flirting in front of me....unbelieable' he thought.