
Chapter 1

A certain adult man wearing a tracksuit paired with worn out flip flops with his hands in his pockets, was walking with a dark face as he recalled the things that happened today. Earlier that day, he was relaxing in his room, watching anime while hugging a worn out bolster in his right hand while the other was picking his nose and was interrupted from his leisure time when the power suddenly went out.

He couldn't help but curse the damned electricity as he stood up and opened the windows to let some air in. Although it was a bad decision because of the hot weather. It was so hot it was as if he was being boiled in a high temperature fire. His sweat glistened as it dripped down as a diminutive tinge of pink materialized on his cheeks under his tawny skin while he was stretching his slim waist.

His black hair was unkempt, causing his bangs to cover part of his beautiful amber eyes. He licked his dry pinkish lips to save it from cracking as he poured himself a cold glass of water and drank it.

His door was suddenly slammed open, revealing his angry sister. Her nose was practically fuming with smoke as she held her temper, looking like an angry gorilla ready to beat him to death.

"You forgot to pay for the fucking electricity bills again! You're not even busy with anything, just lazing around in your room all day." His sister said, gritting her teeth in irritation.

"Oh shit yeah sorry about that. Gimme the money and I'll pay for it now." He said while yawning and scratched his butt.

His sister sighed as she handed him the money. Ryo gave his sister a smile as he placated her anger so as to not be really beaten to death. As he was headed to the electric company, he passed by the company he used to work for. Yes, he wasn't originally a jobless adult man.

He devoted 15 years of his life in that awful company patiently even though it tends to overwork them and not pay that overtime. He used to be a spirited youngster, ready to challenge the world until he started working for that damned company. It didn't even go easy to newcomers but it was fine for him since he's burning with passion. It was bearable for a few months but it started to show it's real colors after a year of his working there.

His senpai tends to give him the work that was supposed to be done by that senpai and claim credits for the good works. His senpai would blame and reprimand him if the work was unsatisfactory, which wasn't his fault, by the way. Even though he was diligently working, he was always reprimanded for being "lazy" and was always accused of things he didn't do.

He tried reporting it to the higher ups but he was always ignored, just like what you'd expect in an awful company. He already thought of resigning but it wasn't feasible because there weren't any openings for other companies and he still has a sister to support.

Years of being taken for granted eventually wore out his fire and soul, dulling the once bright and warm man. After everything that happened, it was still bearable for him. Not until the CEO's kid went to visit the company. Even though he's already in his 30's, he still looked dashing and ravishing. Way more attractive than the youthful girls in their company.

He was beautiful but not the feminine type of beauty. It was the kind of beauty that was attractive to both sexes. Some vile women were jealous of his beauty and tried to harm him again and again but it was to no avail since he wasn't a frail young girl that can be easily bullied. Those women could only grind their teeth, cursing him to death in their hearts. Some men and women also tried to woo him but turned them down because he just wasn't interested.

He also didn't escape the radar of the perverts. They were touchy to him and he always avoided their touch as much as possible but he couldn't escape some men's hand that would either grope his ass or graze their hands on his thighs. It was an awful experience and he has no one to turn to because he was a man. They wouldn't really speak for him even if that was true because for them, men should be tough.

"Just let it be. You're a man so you shouldn't think too much of that stuff."

"Grow some spine, man. They were just touching. They were probably just joking."

That's what they would always say whenever he tried to complain. He kept everything bottled up since no one would really care. He was ashamed to speak about it with his sister since he wants his sister to see him as a tough and reliable man. He can't just shatter his reliable brother image in his sister's eyes. His pride as a man wouldn't allow him that. He just felt lonely, wearing him down all the more.

He just kept on enduring everything to keep his awful job until the CEO's scumbag son took notice of him. At first the scumbag was gentle to him but he wasn't really interested so he kept rejecting him. How could he be interested in someone that only sees him as a type of conquest? The son was just feeding his vanity by conquering the cold beauty that was out of reach of countless men. It would be really satisfying to have the unattainable beauty to be head over heels for him. What a wild imagination he has.

After countless rejections, the scumbag finally showed his true colors. He used everything in his power to suppress Ryo, ready to comfort the beauty in distress and if possible, bed him in the process. But jokes on him, Ryo never yielded to satisfy his vanity.

When he realized that suppression didn't work, he then forced himself on Ryo. He clearly underestimated Ryo's strength plus he's a man so instead of getting to fuck Ryo according to his plan, he was beaten up instead. The man couldn't tolerate any kind of humiliation, especially that kind so he used his power to remove Ryo in that company.

Ryo was distressed at first, filing a complaint about that scumbag's behavior but it yielded no result. He was still fired and to keep his mouth shut about the incident, he was given a large amount of money which insulted Ryo greatly.

Ryo tried to report it to the authorities but he underestimated the man's connections. Instead of punishing the suspect, the victim was harmed instead.

They used every means to keep him jobless, leaving him with no choice but to stop retaliating and that's why he's now jobless. His sister only knows that the company was preventing him from getting hired in other companies, didn't even let off the convenience stores he tried to apply into. His sister didn't have any idea about the sexual harassment his elder brother experienced. She was tolerant to him since he was experiencing something awful. As well as saddened by his gradual changes. Her once sunny brother turned into a dull and lifeless, jobless, adult. She wanted to help him find opportunities to have a job but that scumbag was just too rich. She could only be patient and supportive of him since they only have each other to rely on.

Whenever Ryo recalls what happened back then, he can't help but to feel angry and indignant at how unfair everything was. Powerless people were bound to stay and suffer beneath the powerful. He could only endure. He really wished to be a powerful and rich man so he could live a life without worries.

It was already evening by the time he finished paying for their electrical bills. He was eating cup noodles in a convenience store when he saw a scumbag from the past. The scumbag looked so happy, as if he didn't ruin anyone's life. He was living a happy life without remorse at all.

It was nauseating.

The man was happily talking on the phone, it was unbearable to look at. Ryo wanted to punch that face until his own parents couldn't even recognize him but he chose to calm himself down. It wouldn't do any good if he cave in to his emotions now. To not see that disgusting face any longer, he decided to leave. He was just steps away from the door he came from when the man suddenly called out his name, sending goosebumps all over his body. From disgust.

"Ryo-chan! Hey Ryo-chan, is that really you?" The man said with a smile on his stupid face.

Ryo kept his back on him and proceeded walking as if he heard nothing but the man was persistent. The scumbag grabbed his shoulder in which Ryo skillfully deflected and glared at the man.

"Keep your hands to yourself, Sato-san or I might 'accidentally' break it." Ryo said coldly.

Ryo was especially annoyed when Sato Taichi gets too familiar with him. They were obviously not in good terms so calling him by his first name and using the honorific 'chan' on him gives him the creeps. It was also inappropriate. That pervert really relished in making him uncomfortable.

Sato Taichi chuckled. In his mind, Ryo was just like a cat whose tail was stepped on. He thought it was cute. If Ryo learned of these thoughts he might just stab this man to death to let him see how 'cute' Sawamura Ryo can be.

"Come on, you're still holding a grudge against that? It was ages ago, move on man. Well, you can just come with me if you want to have a job, you know." The man said, completely immersed in his narcissism that he didn't even notice Ryo's darkening face.

He was utterly, disgustingly, shameless.

"Just spend a night with me and everything will be back to the way it was so how—"

Ryo punched him hard on his face, stopping him from uttering more bullshit. The man fell on the ground from the impact and glared at Ryo. His gums were bleeding as he spit out a tooth with blood filled saliva.

"You bitch—"

Ryo cut him off with a glare that was filled with killing intent. Ryo was completely looking down on him, not even disguising the disgust in his face.

"Let this be the last time we see each other because I swear to all the Gods out there—" Ryo crouched down and gripped the frozen stiff man's chin as he exuded a murderous aura.

"—I'll kill you. So fuck off."

Ryo walked away as if nothing happened, leaving the man still sitting on the ground, slightly trembling from fear. He chuckled at Sato's frozen stiff body earlier as he applauded himself for his great acting skills. He was just threatening the man to blow off the pent up anger Sato left in his heart.

Even if he was given a knife at that time, he wouldn't stab the man, just threaten to cast some psychological shadow on him. That was way more satisfying. Upon remembering the narcissistic remarks of the man earlier, his face darkened once again as he walked home.

Done recalling his bad luck, he sighed as he gazed up at the stars that were twinkling brightly in the night sky, to calm his mind. He didn't notice that on the ground he was about to step on, a swirl of silvery poop looking object was waiting to be stepped on.

When his feet landed on the swirl of shit, Ryo looked down as he felt his foot sink on a goo like object. His eyes widened as he looked at his shit covered foot.

"Holy shit what kind of bad luck am I having today." He grimaced as he lifted his foot, clearly at a loss for a moment on what he should do.

He was looking around for something to wipe the shit off when the shit suddenly lit up brightly, utterly blinding him so he had no choice but to close his eyes as the blinding light swallowed him.

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