
A Traveler and his magical ginger cat ( A genshin impact fanfiction)

A Bear Grylls fan got reincarnated to Tevat for unknown reasons it is a journey of our protagonist finding his path and happiness

darkmatter369 · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Chapter 5 Escape

* shuffling*

its still night? " Hey" I am in some kind of dungeon or jail I don't have any weapon but my wounds are dressed neatly " HEY " the gard finally looks at me " can you give me water ,sir" He looked at me up and down and said " ok " he asked someone to bring water as he looking at me this place is Monstart was it or I am In danger either way " here's your water what's your name"

I said " I chose my right to silence until my lawyer comes" I said firmly my plan is to act like big shot means like a young master of a cultivation novel and being annoying piece of sh*t and make him open the cell hopefully or get beaten a play victim " That did you said you vermin " well that's a new insult I learned today " ..." I stayed silent the whole time as he insulted me for some reason he struck something when he started to insulted me family he is standing near the cell no it will make it defficult to form relationship with people here " @#9©®¢£" well fu*k it

I punch his neck with all my power that my bandages tear * ufff* and kick his balls then hold his neck and snatch the keys and punched his nose as he staggering back I started to try all the keys and opened the door of the cell and kick his face like a football he crashes into the wall and blackout I checked if he's alive and take his clothes, armour, spear and mora and put him in cell and lock him off the lamp

and walk outside.

After walking some times I found a soldier " excuse me have you seen cavalry captain Mr.Kaeya he order me to meet him to make a report cause he found me lazing around during prison duty or I will have paycut on my already meager salary " fu*k talk too much maybe " oh he is checking the outer walls " he said " outer walls oh no whats the time" I spoke panicking and nervous " Ah it's 1:09 pm lunch break started you can go to the good hunters and eat" he said with a smile " Oh I will eat after my report is done thanks anyways " as I jogged towards where I came from " that's wrong way" he said "

oh right can you tell the way " he seems to understand something Am I caught" I am New to prison duty " " ho thats why turn right, go straight ,turn left and there would be stairs go up " " thankyou sir " I said respectfully and just ran full speed follow the directions as I was about to knock the door someone came oh shi* " what are you doing here " " I was going for lunch As I was realised just now" " hmm ok " the old man goes down stairs and I am outside finally now let's eat something hmm yes sticky honey roast and started walking briskly downstairs while admiring the infrastructures and reached my destination good hunters " hello I would like two plates of sticky honey roast" "yes coming right up "