
A Traveler's Legend: Leisurely Living My Life In A Normal World

Born as an orphan, Shin Flammia grew up in the orphanage until he reached the legal age to find work. Due to this decision of his that led him to venture to the outside world, Shin was able to get to know something that turned into his hobby eventually. And that something is Anime. Day and night, he would work his ass off everyday just to buy a limited edition game or manga that he wanted. He continued to immerse himself in this newfound hobby of his that eventually, he couldn't take care of himself anymore. Because of his lack of sleep for the past few days and his body being as pale and sickly as it is, his body gave up. Slowly, he felt his body becoming heavy and his head is spinning. That was the end of his first life. But, whether it was because of a fluke, a beautiful, divinely ordained fluke, but a fluke nonetheless, he was granted a new shot at life. He died, yes, but a being that is so powerful that it could live inside the endless void offered him a new life. Why did this powerful being gave him this chance? Well, that was because the powerful being wanted him to, basically, 'beat up someone'. Why? Well, it's because its friends didn't let this powerful being join in in its friend's 'fun time'. A being this powerful can be this petty? Well, duh, try staying inside the endless void for millions and millions of years. Let's see how you will deal with the boredom! "Angels! Angels are so cute!" "I need to first get stronger so I can live my life in leisure later!" "Hey! Isn't that person supposed to be the antagonist of this whole thing? Should I take him down now to avoid future troubles?" "Whaa... everything is going so smoothly. Everything's always in my favor that it's scary!" Follow Shin in his attempt to enjoy life at his own leisure. Playing sports, battling, mofumofu times, and even forming his own crystal palace. This, is where a new legend, starts. ◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆ The characters that will be introduced from other works are not owned by me. All of them belong to their rightful owners. I am not claiming ownership to any of the characters that belong to any series. This is just a fan fiction and is created because of my love for the animes that may be portrayed in this work. ◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆ ◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆ //WARNING!// I am completely new to writing and so, errors can be seen here and there. But, before I publish chapters, I made sure to proofread it for about 5 times. So, if errors can still be seen, please leave a paragraph comment so that I can fix it. If genres such as; Adventure, Fantasy, Harem, and Slice of Life are not to your liking, this fanfiction is not for you. If you are still curious enough to still try reading this and found it 'unpleasant' and 'not fit to your taste', then you are the one at fault for I already gave you my warning. ◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆ Anime(s)/Novel(s)/Manga(s) that has been included in this novel are; • Gabriel DropOut! • Highschool DxD • Masamune-kun no Revenge • (will be updated as the story progress) I will be posting this story on ScribbleHub!

PandaSempai · Anime & Comics
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45 Chs

Episode 9: Zebel, Sixth Heaven, And Gabriel's Epic Battle

While Shin was busy unlocking his sacred gear, Gabriel, Zelel, Griselda and a new person are busy sorting through the documents that piled up in Gabriel's desk. These documents are some reports about their recent mission and the investigation files about the different members of the church and Heaven.

Gabriel made Zelel and her group do a mission about investigating the people that came with them in the two operations and see whether there were traitors among them. Along with Zelel, another nun, that was deemed to be trustworthy by Griselda, cooperated with Zelel in their investigation mission.

This beautiful young woman is called Mirana Shatarova. She has ashen blonde hair and mesmerizing gray eyes with a tint of blue.

According to Griselda, she is a nun in a Russian Church. They met her when they started their 'visits' all over the churches. This girl was one of the nuns that they investigated. Because of this, they found out about her devotion towards her religion so Griselda recommended her to Gabriel and Gabriel decided to make her come with them. She didn't feel any malicious intent on Mirana so she quickly agreed to take her with them.

According to her brother, Michael, they plan to make something like the Evil Pieces of the Devils in the near future. It is one of the solutions that they thought of to increase their population. So, Michael said to Gabriel to look for someone who she deems as 'worthy' to receive her piece. As of now, Gabriel felt like Griselda, Mirana, Vasco, Dulio, and Shin would fit the bill as someone who can become a Reincarnated Angel.

"*sigh*, I wonder when will this paperwork end? Mouuu!" Gabriel complained.

"Gabriel-sama, this is a part of your duty as one of the Four Great Seraphs. Aside from that, these paper works are a part of the reports that are submitted to us regarding our last two operations," Griselda said.

"Don't worry, Gabriel-sama! We are doing our very best to help!" the young woman, Mirana, said.

"What Mirana said is true, Gabriel-sama. We were allowed to specially stay here in Zebel for some time to help you in your paperwork," Zelel said.

That's what Zelel said but what really happened was Michael talking about his worries about Gabriel ditching her work once again to play. That is why he specially allowed these three girls to accompany her here. He knows his baby sister quite well, understanding the childish personality that she have at times.

"Eeeeh~! But I hate dealing with paperworks! Look! I don't even have the time to visit my precious juniors at First Heaven!" Gabriel said, throwing a tantrum.

She had no time to visit Shin, Gabrielle, Raphiel, Tapris, and Haniel for over a year now. She's been buried in these mountains of paperworks, all because they lack trustworthy individuals. Even though Gabriel only needs to sift through the documents that the three other ladies pass to her, it has to be said that there are mountains of documents right now.

So, even if three people were to study the documents beforehand and pass her the most important documents, the documents in front of her can still form a small hill!

"*sigh*, Oh, the sorrow of being an office worker~," Gabriel said dramatically.

She even raised her hand and childishly emitted a bit of her holy light to add some special effects.

"Gabriel-sama, if you don't hurry and finish these paperwork, you will no longer have the time to bond with your juniors," Griselda said in a threatening manner.


When she saw that Gabriel just turned her head away while pouting cutely, Griselda then decided to add more to her previous threat.

"I heard that Shin-kun is now asking Michael-sama to have other Angels accompany him to the human world. Just today, he asked Michael-sama to let him visit his friends in the Kuoh town. If you don't hurry and finish this paperwork, your precious junior will be taken away," Griselda said with a heavy tone behind her voice.

When Gabriel heard about this news, she was alarmed. To think that her cute junior is now asking her brother about things and not her! She immediately dove into the mountain of paperwork in front of her while saying,

"You accursed paperwork! You're making me lose my cute Shin-chan~! Oh Lord, please help me vanquish this evil pieces of papers~!"

Thus, Gabriel began her epic battle against a fearsome foe called 'paperwork'. Even though she would, at times, be at a disadvantage against its overwhelming number, Gabriel still persevered and vanquished it by stamping her all mighty equipment called 'seal of approval'.

While Gabriel was busy reading the documents in a fast pace and stamping her seal on them, Mirana came towards Griselda and asked,

"Umm, Sister Griselda? Who is this Shin person?"

Hearing her question, Griselda took out a bunch of pictures of a little boy and started to tell some stories about how cute the child was and such. In truth, she, along with Gabriel and Zelel, becomes like some doting big sisters when it comes to their cute juniors. There's just something about the cuteness of these children that tugged at their heartstrings. As girls, they have a huge weakness against cute creatures.

While she's at it, Griselda also showed some pictures of Gabrielle, Raphiel, Tapris, and Haniel to Mirana. This way, Griselda successfully added a new member to the yet to be created, "Cute Little Juniors Protection Club".

In the future, Shin would feel so embarrassed when Griselda, Gabriel, Mirana, and Zelel took out his child pictures and show it to others as a form of entertainment. But, that's a story for later.

"A-hem! Your work?" Gabriel suddenly said.

Hearing this, the two, no, three ladies immediately dispersed. Zelel had unknowingly joined them in the middle of their discussions as they entered on a heated debate about who's cuter. This annoyed Gabriel, even though she have such a big heart. She now know how they felt when she whined while they were working.


Back to Shin who's in the forest at Kuoh town.

After Shin killed the Devil and fulfilled his words about cutting it until it can't even move, Shin immediately ran away from the scene. His fox ears alerted him that there are quite a few people approaching this place.

On his way outside, he immediately hid his sacred gear, the Void Greaves, as well as his fox ears and tail. He can't afford to be seen by others in this form.

After heading out of the forest, he went towards a nearby convenience store and sat down at the bench outside it. Even though he wasn't tired, he wanted to first sort through the things that he learned today.

First is that, even though he's quite faster than a normal human, he isn't faster than that monster earlier. That idiot just underestimated him and overestimated himself that he was caught off guard by his first attack. The way he dodged the attack left Shin with an opening to exploit.

Second, due to his relatively smaller body than that monstrosity, Shin was able to evade his line of sight and deal some damage to him. If that monster were to just simply jump around or stomp its feet, Shin's action of going near it would've been bad.

Third is that, he wanted to confirm what he experienced earlier when concentrating. He had the feeling that he was about to unlock something if not for the sacred gear awakening.

Fourth was the thing that Yuki did earlier to amplify his holy power and clad him in lightning. It was quite mysterious. If not for his regenerative properties, his control over holy power being high, and his high stamina recovery rate, he would've been in danger.

Before asking Yuki about the sacred gear, Shin first started to concentrate once more. Due to him being quite accustomed to playing competitive games that needs deep concentration, Shin learned how to meditate.

Slowly, his concentration deepened. If he were to describe it, it felt like he's going down a large body of water where nothing matters. He felt like if he were to concentrate on only one thing, he would be able to solely concentrate on it without any distraction.

Right now, as he slowly sinks into the depths of the body of water, he felt so refreshed and he feels like he can now utilize his body to the utmost of his ability. Slowly. Slowly. Shin couldn't even keep track of the time as he immersed himself in this feeling that is quite unique.

While he was falling, he suddenly felt like his back hit something hard. Turning around, he saw that his body was laying on what seems to be a floor that is white in color. When he looked up, he saw a very big door that can be compared to the gate of the Angel School.

'How do I open this?' Shin thought.

When he touched the door, it suddenly swung wide open.


Shin was puzzled. He didn't do anything to open the door, so, why? Why did it open? While he was thinking about this, he suddenly felt like something changed. His surroundings. The falling leaves. The wind.

Opening his eyes, imaginary golden flashes of lightning can be seen coming out of his golden irises. If someone were to look into his eyes, it would feel like he's looking at your soul directly. It was so cold and emotionless that anybody would be creeped out by it.

「Oh ho, it looks like you entered a very peculiar state, Shin. It's quite similar to those humans I saw in the past,」 Yuki suddenly said.

This statement caught Shin's attention as he asked out of curiosity,

"What do you think this state is? And, I feel like it's draining quite a bit of my stamina. If not for that technique called, Mystical Elemental Fox God's Self Energy Recovering Technique, my stamina would've been drained out by now," Shin said.

「That's because you are at the epitome of concentration right now. That's why being in this state is draining your stamina,」 Yuki said.

"Hee, is that so? You know, being in this state would probably help me in training, don't you think?" Shin asked.

「That's true. It could possibly help you look at yourself objectively and see the flaws in your movements yourself,」 Yuki said.

"Alright! That's decided, then! Now, let's talk about the current abilities of this sacred gear of yours, Yuki," Shin said.

「Mm, I suppose so. The first ability that this sacred gear have is the ability to talk to you telepathically,」 Yuki said.

『Like this,』 Yuki said.

Hearing the voice that echoed inside his mind, Shin was startled, to say the least.

『Amazing! So we can talk like this!? With this, no one can hear our conversations!』 Shin said.

『Fumu, that is correct. The second ability of this sacred gear is the ability to store things inside it. Since I am the Void Dragon who has control over Space, Void, Time, and Lightning, this inventory is nigh infinite in storage size and it won't rot as time is stopped inside it, 』 Yuki said.

『Heee, how convenient!』 Shin said.

『It is indeed!』 Yuki said while feeling proud of her creation.

Well, she exactly isn't the only one who created it.

『Next is the ability to check the enemy's strength. It will be shown to you via a floating transparent window that only you and I can see,』 Yuki explained.

『Like those systems in games?』 Shin inquired.

『It is indeed. In truth, that is the gift that I was telling you earlier! Right now, this system thing only have the Status Board, Status Inspection, Inventory, Clock, and System Log. Other functions will be unlocked as you fulfill one of my requests. Aside from that, there's also a realm that is tailor made for an Elemental Fox such as yourself,』 Yuki said.

『Realm? What help would I get from this 'realm'?』 Shin asked.

『Well, this realm will help you in gathering mana. It will take forever for you to gather mana in this world so that realm will really be a great help to you!』 Yuki said.

『I understand. Then, what about this Status Board and Status Inspection thing? Is it similar to how games show it?』 Shin inquired.

『Mm, in this Status Board, you can keep track of your growth by seeing your so called 'Parameters' that is in a Game Ranking System format. The rankings are as follows; I, H, G, F, E, D, C, B, A, S. According to the strength of the humans around, D rank is the average strength of human adults. According to Strength Level classifications, these adults are only on the Mortal Level,』 Yuki said.

『Game Ranking System, huh. I bet there are more information that is shown in it but first, what is this Strength Level classification thing?』 Shin once again inquired.

『Mm... Strength Level is like those levels in an RPG that you played in the past. This is how we classify the strength of people...』 Yuki said as she started to explain the Strength Level, Status Board, and Status Inspection.

According to what he learned, the information that Status Inspection shows were; Name, Race, Racial Rank, Age, Gender, Affiliation, Rank, Title, and Strength Level. As for Status Board, other than those that the Status Inspection shows, it also shows; Parameters, Skills, and Magic.

Aside from that, Yuki also said that the knowledge about the Racial Rank and the so called Racial Evolution Tree was lost in the passage of time. According to Yuki, only the God of the Bible knows about this as that said God was a Cherub before it died. Even the so called true dragons like Great Red and Ophis was born in a similar way as Yuki so they didn't know what Racial Evolution Tree is.


Status Inspection


Name: Shows the individual's name by first showing the first name then surname(for example: Shin Flammia Tenma)

Race: Shows the individual's race(for example: Mystical Elemental Fox God)

Racial Rank: Shows the individual's racial rank(for example: Zelel White Tenma's race is Archangel and her Racial Rank is Mid Rank having 5 pairs of white wings.)

Age: Shows the individual's age(for example: Shin is currently 7 years old)

Gender: Shows the individual's gender(for example: male/female)

Affiliation: Shows if the individual is affiliated with any of the Factions(for example: Angel Faction, Church, Devil Faction, Youkai Faction)

Rank: Shows the rank of the individual if he/she is affiliated with any organization. This is the rankings that are given to them by their own faction in a political standpoint.(for example: Rias Gremory is a High Class Devil with the political rank of a Duke. This will be shown like this, Duke/High Class Devil)

Title: Shows the nicknames or titles that are commonly agreed onto by a certain number of individuals(for example: Red Dragon Emperor, Ruin Princess, Boobs Dragon, etc)

Strength Level: (will be further explained below)


Status Board


Name: (as stated above)

Race: (as stated above)

Racial Rank: (as stated above)

Age: (as stated above)

Gender: (as stated above)

Affiliation: (as stated above)

Rank: (as stated above)

Title: (as stated above)

Strength Level: (as stated above)


• STR: shows the individual's raw strength in a Game Ranking System format.

• END: shows the individual's ability to, if put simply, 'take a beating'. This includes withstanding recovering from knockbacks, physical blows, stamina, and etc.

• DEX: shows the individual's ability to skillfully perform things that requires accuracy and precision. Flexibility, Spatial Awareness, Depth Perception, among other things, is included in this as well.

• AGI: shows the individual's raw speed.

• MAG: shows the individual's mana capacity, demonic energy capacity, and etc. as well as ability to control it. This is generally the basis of how the people of this world view your strength. No matter how good you can control it and your capacity is low, your rank is also low according to their strength classifications.


Magic: generally showing the spells and such or the magic system that you learned.(for example: Norse Magic and etc)


Strength Level

Strength Level 1(Mortal) (Normal people, to Low Class strength)

Strength Level 2(Champion) (Low Class to Middle Class Strength)

Strength Level 3(Lord) (Middle Class to High Class Strength)

Strength Level 4(Divine) (High Class to Ultimate Class)

Strength Level 5(Ascended) (Ultimate Class to God/Satan Class) - Other Dragon Kings and weaker Gods are at this level)

Strength Level 6(Saint) (God/Satan Class to Super Class) - Sirzechs, Ajuka, and other stronger Gods are in this level)

Strength Level 7(Legend) (Super Class to True Dragon God Class) - God of the Bible, Shiva, and Indra is in this level.

Strength Level 8(Celestial) (True Dragon God Class to True God Class) - Trihexa, Great Red, and Ophis are at this level. They barely entered this level, especially Trihexa.

Strength Level 9(Origin) (True God Class to ???) - this is the level where Yuki is. According to Yuki, she's the only individual in this Strength Level.

Is Gabriel cute? For me, she is! She absolutely is!

Too bad she didn't have much screen time in the anime. I'll probably introduce Heaven more at a later date using his littlest sister Haniel-chan. Something like, "Episode --: Haniel's Day Out (Side Story)

Anyway, I hope you guys liked the chapter. A bit of an info dump on the very end but I deemed it necessary for you guys to know it.

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