
A Traveler's Legend: Leisurely Living My Life In A Normal World

Born as an orphan, Shin Flammia grew up in the orphanage until he reached the legal age to find work. Due to this decision of his that led him to venture to the outside world, Shin was able to get to know something that turned into his hobby eventually. And that something is Anime. Day and night, he would work his ass off everyday just to buy a limited edition game or manga that he wanted. He continued to immerse himself in this newfound hobby of his that eventually, he couldn't take care of himself anymore. Because of his lack of sleep for the past few days and his body being as pale and sickly as it is, his body gave up. Slowly, he felt his body becoming heavy and his head is spinning. That was the end of his first life. But, whether it was because of a fluke, a beautiful, divinely ordained fluke, but a fluke nonetheless, he was granted a new shot at life. He died, yes, but a being that is so powerful that it could live inside the endless void offered him a new life. Why did this powerful being gave him this chance? Well, that was because the powerful being wanted him to, basically, 'beat up someone'. Why? Well, it's because its friends didn't let this powerful being join in in its friend's 'fun time'. A being this powerful can be this petty? Well, duh, try staying inside the endless void for millions and millions of years. Let's see how you will deal with the boredom! "Angels! Angels are so cute!" "I need to first get stronger so I can live my life in leisure later!" "Hey! Isn't that person supposed to be the antagonist of this whole thing? Should I take him down now to avoid future troubles?" "Whaa... everything is going so smoothly. Everything's always in my favor that it's scary!" Follow Shin in his attempt to enjoy life at his own leisure. Playing sports, battling, mofumofu times, and even forming his own crystal palace. This, is where a new legend, starts. ◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆ The characters that will be introduced from other works are not owned by me. All of them belong to their rightful owners. I am not claiming ownership to any of the characters that belong to any series. This is just a fan fiction and is created because of my love for the animes that may be portrayed in this work. ◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆ ◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆ //WARNING!// I am completely new to writing and so, errors can be seen here and there. But, before I publish chapters, I made sure to proofread it for about 5 times. So, if errors can still be seen, please leave a paragraph comment so that I can fix it. If genres such as; Adventure, Fantasy, Harem, and Slice of Life are not to your liking, this fanfiction is not for you. If you are still curious enough to still try reading this and found it 'unpleasant' and 'not fit to your taste', then you are the one at fault for I already gave you my warning. ◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆ Anime(s)/Novel(s)/Manga(s) that has been included in this novel are; • Gabriel DropOut! • Highschool DxD • Masamune-kun no Revenge • (will be updated as the story progress) I will be posting this story on ScribbleHub!

PandaSempai · Anime & Comics
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45 Chs

Episode 7: Angel School, The Passage Of Time, And Sacred Gear? (1)

Meanwhile, at First Heaven.

Inside the Tenma house, there's currently a commotion going on.

"Uwaaa! Uwaa! Waaa!"

A loud cry of a baby can be heard inside as the whole family was running all over the place.

"Daniel dear! Please look after Haniel-chan! Our Gabrielle-chan and Shin-kun needs to prepare early for the first day of school and I need to help them!" Muriel shouted.

"Don't worry honey! I got this! Shh, shh, Daddy is here now Haniel-chan~! Come on, stop crying now, please," Daniel said like the doting father he is.

"Uwaa! Wawawa! Uuuu!"

But, Haniel wasn't even paying attention to his coaxing as she started to cry even louder. As if to try and save the day, our hero- no, Shin came forward and took Haniel from his father's arms while proclaiming childishly,

"This is where the hero enters and save the day, right!?"

Daniel just smiled wryly at his son's antics as he watched at how Shin easily calmed the crying Haniel down.

"Guchi, guchi! Who's the goodest girl? Yeess~ it's Haniel-chan~," Shin said while poking the baby's nose.

"Ukkya! Hehehe! Kyawoo!"

Not long later, Haniel started to giggle as she tried to reach out and grab Shin's index finger using her short and stubby little hands. Hearing her giggles, Daniel also couldn't help but smile seeing his son and his baby daughter's interactions. The little sweetheart is now moving her hands and feet as she continued to giggle.

"Shin-oniichan will now pass you to daddy okay? Haniel-chan will be a good girl, alright?" Shin said, even though he knew that the baby wouldn't understand him.

He started to gently rock his body as he swayed left and right. He hummed a song that he knew in his past world as he tried to make Haniel sleep.

Well, his techniques were quite effective as the little girl started to sleep once again. He then passed Haniel to his father, Daniel, and went over to the bathroom to take a bath.

A few minutes later, Shin and Gabrielle is already dressed up. Shin wore a white blazer with light blue embroidery over a light blue shirt, a black necktie with light blue embroidery and shorts that compliment the outfit.

Gabrielle, on the other hand, is wearing a sailor uniform with a white and sky blue motif and a black with light blue embroidery bowtie. Her skirt is light blue with white embroidery while she's wearing some knee high white socks and black shoes.

Looking at both of them with a satisfied expression on her face, Muriel said,

"There! You both look so cute wearing those new uniforms!"

"Hehehe, thank you mom," Gabrielle said, slightly embarrassed by her mother's praise.

"Thanks mom! Thank you for helping us dress up!" Shin said with a smile.

"Mm, you're welcome darling~!" Muriel said as she went forward and gave the two of them a tight hug.

Not long later, the door was knocked. Daniel, who left Haniel in her crib to sleep, opened up the door and greeted the two visitors.

"Good morning, Raphiel-chan. Good morning to you, Sebastian-san," Daniel said.

"Good morning uncle Daniel!" Raphiel said.

"Good day to you, Mr. Tenma," Sebastian said while showing a professional smile.

After Daniel invited them in, Raphi immediately went forward and gave Shin and Gabrielle a hug.

"Are you ready for our first day in school?" Shin asked while patting the silver haired girl's head.

"Mm! I'm excited to learn how to become a splendid Angel like Zelel-oneesama and Gabriel-oneesama!" Raphiel replied.

"That's right! We will surely become a splendid Angel when we grow up!" Gabrielle added.

Shin just nodded and patted their heads while smiling. It looks like the two little girls are fired up to go to school.

After having some small talk, Sebastian guided them to the Angel school which is just nearby while telling them some tips in order to become a splendid Angel. The girls listened to his tips intently while Shin began to think about how to unlock his gear.

Based on what he know, sacred gears respond to the host's desire. The stronger your desire, the stronger the sacred gear will respond to you. This is probably one of the reasons why Vali, a battle maniac who desires power and battle stronger enemies, managed to create a Juggernaut Overdrive form from the original Juggernaut Drive.

This 'desire' thing is also what made Issei quite strong in the story as Issei's desire for breasts were something that is close to obsession. Seriously, creating moves that are solely focused on being a pervert and seeing breasts is probably one of the things that drove him to become stronger.

In response to his desires, the Boosted Gear adapted to him and created some things like the mini Albion dragons who can use [Divide] and [Reflect]. He desired it to change to a mini Ddraig so it changed into a mini Ddraig that can use [Boost], [Transfer], and [Penetrate].

There's also the move called [Booblingual]. If he's not wrong, it is also one of those things that the sacred gear gained after he desired to hear 'what the boobs are saying'. This is also the same for [Dress Break] as well.

Based on this knowledge, Shin just needs to desire it and he will be able to unlock it. But first, Shin wanted to identify what he wanted to do in the near future. He wanted to determine what his battle style will be like.

Based on his bloodline knowledge, his race is a race that excels in magic the most. Their magic affinity is the highest in all elements, hence the name 'Elemental Fox'. Not only that but his race also had the agility and senses of a beast. A fox is known for its nimble movements and agility, which he also gained.

'According to the available paths to me right now, I can study the way of the sword under Vasco Strada. Then, I can utilize my traits of being nimble and agile if I train with Metatron-sama on the 'way of the ninja'. If I remember correctly, I can also learn how to fight in hand to hand if I train under the ninjas and Vasco Strada. Then, there's magic...' Shin trailed off as he started to think about other possibilities.

'I can learn how to use magic, too! Magic here is based on calculations and magic circles so I can use that if I can't defeat the enemy with the sword, hidden weapons, or CQC!'

He then began to think of things that he can do to further utilize his bloodline. Based on what he remembers, it can be compiled to this;


//Mystical Elemental Fox God//

Mystical Elemental Fox God's Physique

• As a part of Elemental Fox lineage, Mystical Elemental Fox Gods inherited the unrivaled looks that is in the traits of any Elemental Foxes.

• Drastically improved physical capabilities.

• Affinity to all elements.

• Enhanced Animalistic Sense.

• Eidetic Memory.

Mystical Elemental Fox God's Self Energy Recovering Technique

• A mystical technique that cannot be described with mere words. It can instantly recover 15% of the user's maximum energy every second. (Cannot be used to gather mana on the user's tail)

Mystical Elemental Fox God's Self Recovery Technique

• Instantly recovers the user's health to max and eliminates all abnormal conditions and status decrease. (Self inflicted status increase or decrease are not included)

Mystical Elemental Fox God's Marking Ceremony

• When the Mystical Elemental Fox God has chosen a mate, he can perform a ceremony. This ceremony can only succeed with the opposite party's consent, and be able to tie their fates together.

• When the girl gets marked by the Mystical Elemental Fox God, a tattoo on any part of the body that shows a Nine tailed fox coiling its tails around a Phoenix, this means that she can no longer escape her fate of being with the Fox God forever.

• The mark will also slowly strengthen the Fox God's bond with the opposite party. Black mark means she has no affection for the Fox God, Red means she has budding affection, Pink means she is the Fox God's lover, and White means she is his wife. (It will show the transition between colors as their affection grows)


• Unable to be learnt because user is not strong enough.


• Unable to be learnt because user is not strong enough.


• Unable to be learnt because user is not strong enough.


• Unable to be learnt because user is not strong enough.



Even though he gained some enhancements to his physical capabilities, Shin is only as strong as a regular adult male right now. He haven't trained his body too much as this may affect him in the long run if he tries to train his body too much without any guidance.

'I remember that the Boosted Gear had a function of knowing how strong an individual or an enemy is. Ever since the fight with Kokabiel, Issei never used the damn analysis ability and just rushed in without thinking every single time. Would it hurt him to construct a plan of action or something?' Shin thought.

While Shin is inside his own little world, they have finally arrived at the Angel School. If you were to look around, there's only a few children that are entering the school. This should be attributed to the Angel's low fertility rate and the dangers that comes with performing such an act to create children.

Compared to Devils and Fallen Angels, Angels had it rough since even their new leader is not as strong as the current Satan Lucifer. It's just Shin's conjecture but it probably have something to do with the system in Heaven. If not for the help of sacred gear users that they recruit and the apparent weakness of Devils to light based attacks, even Fallen Angels would've lost to the Devils by now.

Take for example Azazel. He's lived for millions of years but it's painfully obvious that his strength is not even as strong as Serafall. This is probably because the system in Heaven restricted their growth. Michael and Azazel is as strong as the previous Satans but not as strong as the 'Super Devil' Sirzechs and Ajuka.

'Well, I don't have to worry about that now as my priority is learning more about this world, training my holy power, finding an instructor to train my body, studying, and waking up Yuki,' Shin thought.

He resolved himself to focus on these first before anything else. With that in mind, Shin began to walk towards the gigantic school gate of Angel School with Gabrielle and Raphiel in tow.

"Bye-bye, Sebastian! We will see you again later!" Raphiel said.

"Thank you for accompanying us until here Sebastian!" Gabrielle said before bowing politely.

"Thank you Mr. Sebastian! We appreciate your help!" Shin said as he bowed along with Gabrielle.


During their schooling in the Angel School, Shin, Raphi, and Gabrielle learned about a few things such as how to behave in a manner that fits the Angel's image. In nature, they were like this as they were created with the purpose of being 'angelic' to begin with.

But, due to them being exposed to the other emotions and temptations such as the seven deadly sins, some of them got 'tainted' and slowly fell, becoming a Fallen Angel. They were taught about how to have a perfect and good personality, being kind, friendly, diligent and polite. These are the very core of their teachings.

Aside from that, they were told about how to react on certain scenarios, going as far as to teach them about how to remain calm and collected during dire situations and such. Although they were taught about these 'good manners and right conduct' things, they were also taught about different subjects such as Mathematics, Science, History of Heaven and the Three Factions, Other Mythologies, Different Languages, among other things.

The teacher even introduced Heaven to the students, telling them what are in the seven layers of Heaven. According to his teacher;

First Heaven is where the majority of the population in Heaven is living. It is also known as the frontline of Heaven against those who plan on attacking it.

Second Heaven is a place where Angels can watch the stars in the sky at all times. There is also a place in this layer of Heaven where those Angels who have sinned are imprisoned.

Third Heaven is a beautiful place that really lives up to it being in Heaven. According to the teacher, this is where those souls of the dead who are brought to Heaven lives. There's a passageway here that leads to the Underworld, heavily guarded by the Elite Angels.

Fourth Heaven is where the Garden of Eden is. It is where the first humans, Adam and Eve, originated. According to the history of Heaven that was passed down from generation to generation, this is also where the Tree of Life and Wisdom is. Due to Samael's temptations, Adam and Eve ate this fruit of the Tree of Life and Wisdom, even though the God of the Bible forbid them to eat it. Thus, they were banished from the Fourth Heaven and the God of the Bible, who developed hate towards Snakes and Dragons, imprisoned Samael in the deepest layer of the Underworld called Cocytus.

Fifth Heaven is where the researcher facilities of Heaven is located. According to history, Grigori was first established in this place but was removed after Azazel and his co-researchers were banished from Heaven. Currently, this is where the Alchemists and Researchers of Heaven resides.

Sixth Heaven is where the Seraphs resides. It is also called as Zebel by the majority of Angels. It is said that their house in there was as large as an entire football field, maybe even larger.

Seventh Heaven is where the deceased God of the Bible used to live. There aren't many documents regarding this place as only the current leader, Michael, can go to that place. Aside from that, this is also where the System of Heaven and the Sacred Gear System is.

Aside from those, they also taught them about the history of the Underworld. There was even an instance where Shin heard a very familiar name and a very familiar sounding title. The teacher said something about the Lucifuge Family being eradicated, except for the two siblings, Grayfia Lucifuge and Euclid Lucifuge, who is said to be missing. It is said that a person who called himself as the host of the Azure Dragon Emperor helped the Anti-Satan Faction defeat the Old Maou Faction. Shin found this story interesting as he never heard of this happening in the original story.

Those things aside, Shin found the other subjects quite taxing to learn if the children they are teaching are normal 5 year olds. But the children took it all in and listened to their teacher diligently. Shin was amazed after knowing the subjects and how these Angels are really good at teaching and maintaining the kid's enthusiasm.

Remembering how Gabrielle and Raphiel ranked at the 1st and 2nd place in the whole school's rankings in the original story, Shin respected the girls even more. Even though he have the advantage as he knew all of these, except for the History, Other Mythologies, and Different Languages, Shin still studied diligently as he wanted to refresh these knowledge in his mind.

"When solving a mathematical problem, all of you should always remember a certain word before starting! You have to take into consideration the word 'GEMDAS'! G- stands for Grouping Symbol, E- for Exponent, M- for Multiplication, D- for Division, A- for Addition, and S- for Subtraction! This order should be follo..."

The students listened carefully while taking down some notes. They already learned the basics about how to read and write so they have no problems whatsoever in starting like this. Imagine, kids who should be attending kindergarten are learning about things such as this.

Even though some of them were quite vexed that they can't follow what the teacher is saying, someone nearby who knows about it would come and teach them patiently. Watching this, Shin couldn't help but think,

'Such an angel!'

Well, it certainly feels quite enticing to study at such a place given how the students are literally 'angelic' in nature. Seeing a kid nearby who seems to not understand the lesson, Shin went over and taught him about it.

"You see, you do it like this... The teacher was saying that you should do this... And, it's done like this..."

The boy kept on nodding as he finally understood what the teacher is saying. This led the boy to thank him with an angelic smile on his face. Shin just smiled back at him and thought,

'Attending a school like this is not bad at all!'

As always, leave a comment about constructive criticism or a paragraph comment it you spot an error. I will fix it. I'm continuously striving to improve myself in terms of writing so I hope there's progress on that front.

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Updated Contents:

1) Changed the first paragraph after the race description. (from didn't train to haven't trained too much)

2) Removed the very first scene.

3) Minor Fixes

PandaSempaicreators' thoughts