
A Traveler's Legend: Leisurely Living My Life In A Normal World

Born as an orphan, Shin Flammia grew up in the orphanage until he reached the legal age to find work. Due to this decision of his that led him to venture to the outside world, Shin was able to get to know something that turned into his hobby eventually. And that something is Anime. Day and night, he would work his ass off everyday just to buy a limited edition game or manga that he wanted. He continued to immerse himself in this newfound hobby of his that eventually, he couldn't take care of himself anymore. Because of his lack of sleep for the past few days and his body being as pale and sickly as it is, his body gave up. Slowly, he felt his body becoming heavy and his head is spinning. That was the end of his first life. But, whether it was because of a fluke, a beautiful, divinely ordained fluke, but a fluke nonetheless, he was granted a new shot at life. He died, yes, but a being that is so powerful that it could live inside the endless void offered him a new life. Why did this powerful being gave him this chance? Well, that was because the powerful being wanted him to, basically, 'beat up someone'. Why? Well, it's because its friends didn't let this powerful being join in in its friend's 'fun time'. A being this powerful can be this petty? Well, duh, try staying inside the endless void for millions and millions of years. Let's see how you will deal with the boredom! "Angels! Angels are so cute!" "I need to first get stronger so I can live my life in leisure later!" "Hey! Isn't that person supposed to be the antagonist of this whole thing? Should I take him down now to avoid future troubles?" "Whaa... everything is going so smoothly. Everything's always in my favor that it's scary!" Follow Shin in his attempt to enjoy life at his own leisure. Playing sports, battling, mofumofu times, and even forming his own crystal palace. This, is where a new legend, starts. ◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆ The characters that will be introduced from other works are not owned by me. All of them belong to their rightful owners. I am not claiming ownership to any of the characters that belong to any series. This is just a fan fiction and is created because of my love for the animes that may be portrayed in this work. ◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆ ◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆ //WARNING!// I am completely new to writing and so, errors can be seen here and there. But, before I publish chapters, I made sure to proofread it for about 5 times. So, if errors can still be seen, please leave a paragraph comment so that I can fix it. If genres such as; Adventure, Fantasy, Harem, and Slice of Life are not to your liking, this fanfiction is not for you. If you are still curious enough to still try reading this and found it 'unpleasant' and 'not fit to your taste', then you are the one at fault for I already gave you my warning. ◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆ Anime(s)/Novel(s)/Manga(s) that has been included in this novel are; • Gabriel DropOut! • Highschool DxD • Masamune-kun no Revenge • (will be updated as the story progress) I will be posting this story on ScribbleHub!

PandaSempai · Anime & Comics
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45 Chs

Episode 3: First Heaven, Tenma Family, And Growing Up (1)

Gabriel's decision to take the baby Shin to Heaven might seem impulsive but that wasn't the case at all. The very first time she laid her eyes on Shin, she saw the talent of Shin in holy magic.

Being an Angel, she can see if someone is talented in holy magic. Seeing Shin's talent, it even far outclassed her, her brother Michael and even their Lord. She was quite curious why this is so. So, she decided to take him to Heaven.

Leaving him to the church would just be a bad move in her opinion, knowing that some priests would try to somehow get their hands on the child and brainwash him. This might lead to him going astray. Even an innocent girl like her knows that the church isn't exactly so safe.

'A great talent like this little guy shouldn't be used like that! Besides, he's soooooo adorable!' she thought.

Even the stoic Zelel couldn't help but sometimes poke Shin's cheeks. Much like her new little sister, the little guy is so cute and adorable.

These Angels were quite fond of babies as they rarely see one in heaven. In the middle of the Great War, the God of the Bible and the Four Great Satans died. So, all the members of the Three Factions suffered huge losses.

Not only did they lose their leaders and figureheads, they also lost a lot of their brethren in this war. The losses were quite immense that they had troubles recovering after a few thousands of years has already passed.

Given the low fertility rate of each race, all of the leaders of this Three Factions couldn't help but sign a Non Interference Pact. As a result of their God dying, the system in the Seventh Heaven was left with a lot of problems and loopholes for other Angels to exploit.

Although Gabriel and the other Seraphs knew of this, they didn't have a lot of evidence to put an end to their evil deeds. Well, politics.

Thus, because of these problems that cropped up after their God's death, a few changes are in order. First, it was the problem of Angels falling when they felt even the slightest of lust when mating or when creating an offspring. This problem has been addressed at many of their meetings multiple times but they are left with no solution to this major problem.

A few Angels managed to perform this 'holy act', according to them, and create some offspring. Zelel is one of the results of those 'holy acts'.

Second, the problem about these newborn Angels growing up to be like those Angels that cooperates with the dark side. They came to a conclusion that they would build a so called 'Angel School' to teach these newborn Angels how to act and behave like one.

It turned out to be quite effective, as can be seen by how Zelel behaves. She is one of the strongest new generation Angels that was born a few years back. The proof of her talent is the ten white wings on her back. She's only a step behind the Seraphs like Gabriel who has lived for thousands of years.

In order for them to get these kinds of results, they had to come up with various ways. Let's say for example their 'Honesty Canteen' and 'Honesty Stores'. These kinds of small things teached them some lessons of how to behave as an Angel.

Aside from that, they also assigned the best and most remarkable Angels in Heaven to teach these younglings. As a result, their younglings grew up into great Angels. But, there's a problem in this system. That is, their younglings grew up ignorant to the ways of the mortal world. This problem almost resulted in some of them almost falling.

Thus, they made it so that the new generation would visit the mortal world for their learning experience. Some of them ended up falling but the percentage was almost negligible. As time goes by, they continued to polish this Angel School and its curriculum, resulting in the percentage of new generation angels falling rate to drop to 0.3-0.5%.

These Angels who fell after going down the human world are called as 'Faillen Angel' instead of the term 'Fallen Angel'. The words sounds similar but the nuances are different. Although rarely, there are some 'Faillen Angels' who managed to go back from the state of 'falling' to an Angel once again. These cases are quite rare and the Angels are still investigating it.

Despite the Angels slowly recovering from their initial downfall, their birthrate is still low and the act of making an offspring isn't something that Angels could do at a regular or day to day basis. In fact, some of those who managed to perform it without any impure thoughts at first fell after a few tries, resulting in their numbers decreasing.

This led them to a vicious cycle. While their fallen brethren and the Devils came up with some solution to their lack of population, especially the Devils, the Angels lacks some great researchers because the majority of their great researchers fell and became a Fallen Angel. One of them is Azazel, the leader of the Fallen Angel Faction.

Thus, because of this, they couldn't come up with the same technology as the Devils and they could not fix the bugs and errors that appeared in their system. This led them to have more and more moles in their nest. They couldn't purge them because their system isn't detecting them and they are also quite secretive in their transactions.


After the light of the teleportation circle faded, Gabriel and Zelel found themselves in a sanctuary of some kind. Numerous flashes of teleportation circles can be seen all around the place. This is most certainly because this is one of the designated place for Angels to pass through.

Aside from special circumstances, Angels are required to first come to this place before they can enter Heaven. They are to be inspected every time they are to enter this place, for safety purposes. Angels don't have much complaints on this as the process is quite fast and is not a hassle at all.

When they arrived at the inspection room, the Angel who is wearing a suit questioned them after giving them a salute.

"Name, please," he asked.

"Zelel White Tenma," Zelel answered.

"Gabriel, one of the Seraphs," Gabriel answered honestly.

Now, one might wonder why Zelel has a surname while Gabriel don't. That is because Zelel and her family lives in the First Heaven. In fact, majority of Angels lives in the First Heaven. Because they are the nearest to the human world, they picked up some of their quirks, including their new tradition of having a surname.

Some Angels adopted to the human culture and even built some business in that mortal realm. Due to the opportunities that they saw from the so called 'pioneers', other Angels followed and started to adopt. This resulted in a lot of them now having varied names and surnames.

Aside from those, they also adopted some of the human cultures like the concept of toys and such but gadgets, transportation, and teleportation is not allowed inside Heaven. This was because some Angels turns into lazy bums and eventually fall once they experienced the apparent 'convenience' of gadgets.

So, they only allowed it to be used by those Angels who are already mature enough and to those who goes down to the human world. The new generation who goes down there is also allowed to use it too.

It's a part of their tests when they go down the human realm. Whether they'll succumb or not from the temptations around will determine whether they will become great Angels or 'Faillen Angels'.

As for Gabriel, she was too occupied in handling matters to even start thinking of her surname and such. In fact, she was even the one who gave Zelel's little sister her name.

Zelel is one of her best subordinates so she thinks of her as a little sister. Aside from the human Griselda, who she views as her friend, Zelel is one of her subordinates that she is very close to.

For Zelel, it isn't hard to get along with Gabriel. Her kind attitude is something that she admires. She takes her as her role model for being a great angel.

After the inspection, they were finally allowed to enter. So, they immediately spread their wings and flew towards the direction of Zelel's home.

They flew in quite a fast pace because of the fact that they might get spoted by other Angels in the vicinity. After a few minutes of flight, they finally reached a simple looking house. It looks as simple as it can be, despite Zelel's high salary.

When they entered the house, they were immediately greeted by Zelel's parents, Mr. Daniel White Tenma and Mrs. Murielle White Tenma. The man looks like he's in his late 20's or early 30's, similar to his wife who looks like she's Zelel's older sister instead of being her mother. Both of them has blonde hair and has a very kind and warm atmosphere around them.

"Welcome home, Zelel," Murielle said with a gentle smile on her face.

"That's right, welcome home, Zelel," Daniel said.

"Thank you, Mom, Dad. Big Sis Gabriel has come to visit us and to also ask a favor," Zelel said.

Saying this, Zelel moved away and revealed Gabriel who just so casually waved at them with her free hand. She had a carefree and innocent smile on her face that both of Zelel's parents couldn't help but smile back.

"Good day to you two, Mr. And Mrs. Tenma. I have come to visit Gabrielle-chan and also to ask you a favor about-" Gabriel paused for a moment and showed Shin who is in her arms.

"-him." she added.

"Oh my, what a cute child! Does he have a name!?" Murielle said in excitement.

Murielle's husband, Daniel, just bowed in respect to Gabriel. She's been here for quite some time now, almost everyday, so they're already quite used to her presence.

Zelel just nodded at her question and said,

"Yes, it seems that his name is Shin Flammia. Big Sister Gabriel wanted us to take care of him so..."

"My! Isn't that wonderful! Adopting this child is definitely something we welcome!" Murielle said in excitement.

"Fumu, that is the case. It's also rare for Gabriel-sama to ask us a favor so we would gladly accept. From now on, he will be named as Shin Flammia Tenma," Daniel said while nodding sagely.

This man, it seems that he learned it from humans.

"That aside, let's talk inside! Oh, and can I hold Shin-chan, Gabriel-sama?" Muriel asked.

Hearing her question, Gabriel showed an extremely unwilling expression. She couldn't just hand over the little bundle of cuteness to someone else.

But, the little Shin seems to have noticed it as it laughed and giggled while trying to reach its short and stubby arms over at Gabriel's face.

"Kyaahaha! Da da da da!"

Gabriel was surprised by this as she showed a dumbfounded expression before she silently brought her face near the baby's hand. Little Shin then started to pat her cheeks gently with his soft and fluffy hands.

"Gya, da da da! Abububu!"

Seeing their interactions, Zelel suddenly muttered,

"Umm, Big Sister Gabriel. It seems like Shin-chan wants you to not be sad?"

Hearing her conjecture, little Shin nodded while saying,


"E-Eh... Uhmm, okay?" Gabriel said.

She was quite confused and baffled at how smart this little guy is but she just shrugged it off and showed a smile towards Shin. After that, she passed Shin to Murielle, who was so excited that she even sometimes squeal like a teenage girl.

Thus, this marked the day that the Tenma Family got a new family member.


Near a small bridge over a small river, four children are running around on the grassy ground. It seems like they're playing tag and the little girl around 4 years old seems to be 'it'.

This little girl has short blonde hair with a slight pink ombre to it. Her eyes are green in color and has a short frame, due to her being still a child. Her eyes are now filled with tears, looking like she's on the verge of crying.

She couldn't catch the others so she was near her 'bursting point'. Luckily, a boy around 5 years old came near her. He took her small hands and tapped it to himself.

"Alright, be a good girl and don't cry, Tap-chan. You will turn into a little piggy if you cry," the little boy said.

"Uuuu, I-I don't want to bwe a wittle piggy!" the little girl said with a determined look on her face.

"Alright! Now, run! I am 'it'! Waa!" the little boy said as he tried to scare her.

"Kyaaa! Time out! Let me wun firwst!" the little girl said in a panic, slurring her words.

"Alright! I'll give you ten seconds Tap-chan!" the little boy said.

"Shin, don't keep on spoiling Tapris!" a little girl around 5 years old said.

Like the little girl, now known as Tapris, she also have blonde hair with a slight pink ombre to it. But, her hair is around shoulder length. She have a pair of eyes that has a baby blue colored irises.

"Ara, are you perhaps jealous, Gab-chan?" a little girl around 5 years old said.

Unlike the two blonde haired girls, she has a shoulder length silver hair that is tied into a low ponytail at the back, using a red bow. She also have yellow colored irises. She have this teasing smile on her face while looking at the girl who shouted earlier.

"What are you saying, Raphi? What's jealous?" the little girl asked innocently.

The girl who she called Raphi also just tilted her head innocently and said,

"I don't know. Mom always says that when teasing her friend about a boy."

"Hee, so you also don't know," the little girl with shoulder length blonde hair said.

"That's so," the girl with silver hair said.

They suddenly felt a chill behind their backs while they were conversing so they turned around in a robotic manner.

"Ara~, it seems that Raphi-chan will be 'it' now~," the little boy said after tapping the silver haired little girl.

"Ah! How unfair! Come back here, Shi-chan!" the silver haired girl said as she ran to chase after the little boy.

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