
A Traveler's Legend: Leisurely Living My Life In A Normal World

Born as an orphan, Shin Flammia grew up in the orphanage until he reached the legal age to find work. Due to this decision of his that led him to venture to the outside world, Shin was able to get to know something that turned into his hobby eventually. And that something is Anime. Day and night, he would work his ass off everyday just to buy a limited edition game or manga that he wanted. He continued to immerse himself in this newfound hobby of his that eventually, he couldn't take care of himself anymore. Because of his lack of sleep for the past few days and his body being as pale and sickly as it is, his body gave up. Slowly, he felt his body becoming heavy and his head is spinning. That was the end of his first life. But, whether it was because of a fluke, a beautiful, divinely ordained fluke, but a fluke nonetheless, he was granted a new shot at life. He died, yes, but a being that is so powerful that it could live inside the endless void offered him a new life. Why did this powerful being gave him this chance? Well, that was because the powerful being wanted him to, basically, 'beat up someone'. Why? Well, it's because its friends didn't let this powerful being join in in its friend's 'fun time'. A being this powerful can be this petty? Well, duh, try staying inside the endless void for millions and millions of years. Let's see how you will deal with the boredom! "Angels! Angels are so cute!" "I need to first get stronger so I can live my life in leisure later!" "Hey! Isn't that person supposed to be the antagonist of this whole thing? Should I take him down now to avoid future troubles?" "Whaa... everything is going so smoothly. Everything's always in my favor that it's scary!" Follow Shin in his attempt to enjoy life at his own leisure. Playing sports, battling, mofumofu times, and even forming his own crystal palace. This, is where a new legend, starts. ◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆ The characters that will be introduced from other works are not owned by me. All of them belong to their rightful owners. I am not claiming ownership to any of the characters that belong to any series. This is just a fan fiction and is created because of my love for the animes that may be portrayed in this work. ◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆ ◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆ //WARNING!// I am completely new to writing and so, errors can be seen here and there. But, before I publish chapters, I made sure to proofread it for about 5 times. So, if errors can still be seen, please leave a paragraph comment so that I can fix it. If genres such as; Adventure, Fantasy, Harem, and Slice of Life are not to your liking, this fanfiction is not for you. If you are still curious enough to still try reading this and found it 'unpleasant' and 'not fit to your taste', then you are the one at fault for I already gave you my warning. ◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆ Anime(s)/Novel(s)/Manga(s) that has been included in this novel are; • Gabriel DropOut! • Highschool DxD • Masamune-kun no Revenge • (will be updated as the story progress) I will be posting this story on ScribbleHub!

PandaSempai · Anime & Comics
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45 Chs

Episode 17: Magic Lesson, Catalyst Crystals, And Going Back

Seeing that Shin is now sitting down comfortably on the sofa, Vasco coughed slightly to clear his throat. He then looked at Shin seriously and began explaining.

"All living things in this world had the ability to gather the energy that is all around this world called mana and store a certain amount of it within their body," Vasco said as he started to walk back and forth.

Shin just listened, not daring to make a sound. He wanted to know how the 'magic' of humans work.

"Mana is something like fuel, magic will be used in accordance to the content of the magic circle, also known as magic script, to do things in the physical world through a catalyst-" Vasco said.

"There are two types of living beings in the world, divided into those who could use magic independently and those who couldn't. The difference between these living beings is that, the first one have a certain catalyst within their body while the latter don't have this catalyst within their body," Vasco added as he began waving his hand in different directions, as if he's doing some kind of presentation in a board meeting.

"For beings that could use magic, they had a crystal within their body that acted as a catalyst. For example, the strongest creatures known as dragons possessed a catalyst, and their dragon breath was created using this," Vasco said.

He paused for a second to let Shin process the information that he just gave him. After he saw that Shin nodded at him, he started to once again speak, continuing the earlier speech.

"We humans don't have catalysts within our body, so we are a race who can't use magic," Vasco said.

Shin only nodded at this. It seems like this Cardinal Priest didn't know that he's not a human yet.

Since humans didn't have a crystal catalyst, they couldn't use magic. Based on the laws of this world, this was a natural and undeniable fact. But some people had learned of a way to use magic.

This was the result of using their weapon called wisdom. As living beings of this world, humans could make use of mana and external catalysts to develop scripts gradually to use magic, successfully overcoming their weakness. That period was the birth of the first ever magic wand.

"But, only a select few knows about this fact. Majority of the humans in this world lives without knowing about the supernatural world. So, these humans who have learned to use magic are what we call as 'witches' or 'magicians'," Vasco said.

Then, Vasco started to talk about the practical application of magic. He began introducing complicated terms that a normal kid would find boring and hard to understand. But, Shin is nothing but normal.

"As I mentioned before, magic had to be conjured through the use of magic circles or what we call as 'scripts'. The construction and usage of scripts were performed by a virtual organ in the brain known as the 'Magius Circuit'. All the individuals who are self-aware in this world have the potential to use it," Vasco said as he took the juice on the table to take a sip.

His throat isn't used to speaking such a long winded speech. Shin just waited for him to continue as he started to arrange the information inside his head.

'So, in case of the Devils, Angels, Fallen Angels, and other supernatural beings for that matter, are using their 'Magius Circuits' either consciously or unconsciously? There's probably some kind of 'user-friendly'-like script that is running on their brains that let them use the magic of their race easier. Demonic power and holy power is probably working this way for Angels, Fallen Angels, and Devils,' Shin pondered.

'If that's the case, then, the Satan Ajuka who can manipulate magic at a frightening degree is using some kind of script and process it manually using his 'Magius Circuit' to do that? Hmm, this is intriguing. Up until now, I never really tried to access my 'Magius Circuit'. Big Sis Gabriel explained that I only need to use my imagination but this 'imagination' is probably the thing that makes my 'Magius Circuit' function without me realizing it? But, why did Big Sis Gabriel, or any other older Angels for that matter, didn't just taught us about this? Is it because it is way easier to learn magic that way?' Shin thought.

While Shin is thinking of a few ways to utilize this 'Magius Circuit', Vasco has finished drinking a cup of refreshment so he can now continue his 'lecture'.

"Shin, *ahem*, shall we continue our lesson?" Vasco asked.

"A-Ah! Yes, please continue sensei!" Shin replied.

"Very well. As I was saying, we humans can now use magic through the use of catalyst crystals that we have created after some years of experiments. Now, let's talk about Magic and the magic circles or scripts itself. Scripts are sigils that perform a specific phenomena. First are the 'Architect' sigils that perform basic phenomena, followed by the 'Control' sigils that coordinate and use Architect sigils," Vasco explained.

"By combining these two, the Architect and Control sigils, the picture created would be the magic circles that you know of," Vasco added.

Shin nodded at this, now understanding how these magic circles are formed.

'So this was what the information in my memories was talking about. Hey, it really isn't as simple as drawing lights to perform this and that phenomena,' Shin thought.

"For beginners in magic, the part they would stumble upon was the construction of these scripts. Most people who started to learn magic could manipulate Architect sigils immediately, but using powerful spells by using more complex scripts required a great amount of arduous practice, memorization, and experience. Since us humans don't have catalyst crystals naturally, we can only use high level spells through the accumulation of experience. Apart from perseverance, using magic also requires natural talent," Vasco said.

'Hehh, so that's it. Architect sigils determine the phenomenon while the Control sigils maximize the effects of the Architect Sigils. If I combine both of them, then there will be magic? This is really interesting. I can't wait to learn more!' Shin thought while smiling slightly.

"Alright, why don't you try a low level spell for beginners? There's a book here regarding the sigils in the spell 'Tinder'," Vasco said as he walked towards his desk and took the book and the little wooden stick that is placed on top of it.

"Here, read it," he said as he threw the book and the wooden stick towards Shin.

Shin just received the book and the stick like nothing happened. He held the stick in one hand and excitedly started to sift through the book at a very fast pace. Learning this would really expand his knowledge and this would also help him in the future. He could 'edit' spells and change it to his liking!

'Uh-huh. So, it's like that. Hehh, this is quite detailed. I guess the author is quite a great teacher. Let's see now... so these are the sigils?' Shin thought as he looked at the sigils.

He memorized the sigils and started to construct the spell inside his head. To be more precise, inside his 'Magius Circuit'.

The sigils are quite messed up if you don't organize it through your head. If Shin were to compare it to a job, then what he's doing right now is like the job of a programmer. The sigils are like the codes and the Magius Circuit is like a virtual computer.

Normal people won't be able to organize this many codes inside their head, leading them to rely on a 'software editor'. But, Shin isn't exactly normal. Heck, he isn't even human.

Arranging the sigils inside his head is just a walk in the park for him, easily combining them to form the spell. Shin is a beginner so he didn't know just how ridiculous his feat is right now. Only a few individuals could probably match him in terms of speed in creating a script.

Before long, the tip of the wooden stick, which seems to be a magic wand, that Shin is holding in his hand let out a slight glow as a small magic circle appeared and conjured a little spark of flame. Seeing this, Shin was dissatisfied.

'Why is it so small? Oh, right! Can't I just change the sigils to strengthen it?' Shin thought.

And so, he did. Much to Vasco's surprise, Shin was able to change the structure of the sigils. He added extra codes on it and changed the Control sigil so that the mana consumption is not different from the earlier spell. When he was done, the magic circle on his wand changed a bit and showed a different color of flame.

If earlier, the flame was like the flame from a matchstick, the flame now is about five times bigger and the color was blue and purple. Upon seeing this happen right before his very eyes, Vasco was completely shocked.

If Shin only used the spell, he would only be slightly surprised and amazed. But, Shin did more than that. Heck, he was even able to strengthen the spell and create a much stronger one. He is surprised since he knew just how hard it is to form the script and organize the sigils.

'Not only did he easily organized those sigils, which is supposed to be hard for someone at his age, he also managed to even modify those sigils and create an entirely different script!' Vasco thought, still shocked to his core.

His shock didn't last long, though. After a few seconds, he immediately recovered and just brushed Shin's earlier actions as something that this monster is capable of doing. Clearing his throat, Vasco tried to catch Shin's attention.

"*ahem*! Now that that's out of the way, let's see if you can learn the spells on which I know of. This will be a hard lesson so, are you still willing to listen?" Vasco asked.

Hearing his taunting words, Shin showed a wide and toothy grin before saying,

"Bring it on old man! In a few months, I'll surely master your spells!"

Upon hearing his declaration, Vasco also showed a similar grin to Shin and said,

"Heh, let's see about that, kid."

Inwardly, he's thinking that this kid wouldn't be able to learn his technique in just a few months. There's no way, right?


In Cardinal Priest Vasco Strada's Mansion, 2 months later.

A 2 meter figure can be seen sighing in complete exasperation. This is the Cardinal Priest, Vasco Strada. Right now, he completely gave up and just accepted the fact that the boy he accepted as his 'disciple' is completely out of this world. Why?

"*sigh*... This boy, he really managed to learn my personal magic in just a few months time. He even managed to learn that holy power coating script that I spent my whole life experience in creating," Vasco said.

In front of him, Shin can be seen standing in front of a very large boulder. He is closing his eyes, seemingly trying to concentrate on something. Well, he is currently trying to construct the script that will finally finish his second mission. At last, he can finally get his long awaited rewards.

A few seconds later, Shin finally opened his eyes. After he opened his eyes, a magic circle appeared right above his head. It traveled from his head to his feet in the blink of an eye, covering him in a thick layer of white light in the process.

This spell is the accumulation of experience of the man known as Vasco Strada. It is the combination of the strengthening spell and the holy power. He called this spell as [Sacred Boost]. When you focus the boost on only your feet, it's called as [Sacred Dash]. If you focus it on your fists its called as [Sacred Fist].

"HAAA!" Shin exclaimed.

The holy power in his whole body gathered in his fist as he threw a corkscrew at the giant boulder. When his punch landed, a loud sound that reverberated throughout the whole mansion resounded.


Right at this moment, a bunch of notification sounds rang from inside of Shin's head.

//Mission Complete!//

[Sharpening Your Blade]

Rank: A

Main Objective(s):

Learn Swordsmanship under the exorcist Vasco Strada. (✔)

Optional Objective(s):

Learn how to coat your body with holy power. (✔)

Failure Requirement(s):

Uncompleted mission after 2 years has passed, Death.


Inability to use the Void Greaves for 2 months.


Skill Card: Friendship, 100,000 ria, 10,000 SCs


[Mission: Sharpening Your Blade! Cleared!]

[Main Objective(s), Cleared!]

[Optional Objective(s), Cleared!]

[Completion Grade: S!]

[Handing out rewards...]

[Confirming the Completion of the Optional Objectives...]


[Handing out extra rewards...]

[You received a Skill Card: Friendship]

[You received 500,000 ria]

[You received 50,000 SCs]

[You received a Random Weapon Summoning Card]

Clouds of dust covered the whole training ground as it got blown by the air that Vasco created. He wanted to see what the result of Shin's attack was.

When the dust clouds went away, Vasco could only see Shin. There's no large boulder in sight, only some small pebbles that are strewn all over the place it was previously at.

Seeing this, Vasco couldn't help but say,

"You really did it, boy. You really learned all the spells I taught you in just two months."

Upon hearing his words, Shin just flashed a wide grin his way and said,

"Hehehe, it's nothing much, old man. I still have a lot of things to learn."

Vasco just smiled at his humble words and didn't say anything anymore. It seems that the little guy didn't become arrogant even after becoming stronger.

If he only know who is the soul inside his sacred gear. The dragon known as Yuki is the strongest being Shin knew. After hearing that a very small fragment of his power is already enough to bring this entire world to hell and back many times over, all the potential of him becoming drunk with power became nil.

Looking at his hands, Shin couldn't help but think,

'I'm still so weak compared to so many people in this world. A tragedy is like the supernatural terrorists attacking will happen sooner or later and I'm still to weak to even create any difference at that time.'

Then, a sudden thought flashed inside his mind. If he gets a lot stronger, won't he be able to battle stronger enemies?

When that thought flashed inside his head, Shin's bestial aura slightly leaked out of his body. A wild grin appeared on his face as he thought,

'If I get even more stronger, I can also get to battle Vali and finish my quest. Hehehe, this is exciting!'

His bestial trait once again appeared, giving him an urge to battle stronger enemies. But, this soon disappeared as he calmed himself down.

'That will come later. I'll work hard and train myself, battle strong opponents in the future, while also living my life to the fullest!' Shin thought.

『If you get stronger faster, we'll get to have our fated battle with those accursed buddies of mine!』 Yuki said.

『You sure are fired up too, Yuki,』 Shin said.

『Of course I am! I can't wait to hear their shocked voices when they meet me,』 Yuki said sinisterly.

Shin just shook his head at this.

'*sigh*, this self-proclaimed Dragon God. She really knows how to hold a grudge. How childish,' Shin thought.

Yuki seems to have caught on this thought of his as she let out a shout of protest.

『Hey! Who are you calling a self-proclaimed Dragon God!? Huh!? I'm a real Dragon God! And, I'm not CHILDISH! You... you... dummy! HMPH!』 Yuki said, like a kid throwing a tantrum.

Shin couldn't help but let out a chuckle at this loli Dragon God's antics. She's really to innocent. To the point that she only know how to say the word 'dummy' as an insult.

『How cute. Later, I'm gonna give my dear partner lots of hugs!』 Shin teased.

Yuki was completely speechless upon hearing his words.

『Whaaa! M-me!? H-He said I'm cute again... *mumble* mumble* *mumble*』

Shin just smiled at this, knowing that it would take time before she regain her bearings.

'Let's check my status. I decided to level up a month ago so I wonder how my status grew after a month of training and learning magic?' Shin thought.


Name: Shin Flammia Tenma

Race: Mystical Elemental Fox God

Racial Rank: (undetermined/mutated species)

Age: 7

Gender: Male

Affiliation: Angel Faction

Rank: Commoner

Title: None

Strength Level: 1(Mortal)-> 2(Champion)


• STR: S-> SS-> I-> I

• END: SS-> SS-> I-> I

• DEX: SSS-> SSS-> I-> G

• AGI: SSS-> SSS-> I-> G

• MAG: SSS-> SSS-> I-> F


Light Mana(B)*-> (S)*, Hero's Aura(C)*-> (B)*, Sacred Gear Wielder(F)*, Mana Control(S), Resilient Body(SSS), Luck(D), Swordsman(B)-> (A)


Angel Magic(A)-> (S), Strengthening Magic(S)[new], Holy Magic(S)[new]


Strengthening Magic

Rank: S

A branch of magic where the user boost a part of his body to gain a boost in strength or agility.

Holy Magic

Rank: S

A branch of magic created by humans to imitate the effects of Angel Magic. Spells consisting of light based attacks and healing are included in this branch of magic.

'Guess it's time to return back to the training facility. I want to catch up more with Irina and slowly form my very first Perfect Light Elemental Bead. Then, I'll go to Japan to meet with Metatron-sama,' Shin thought.



• I just repeated some things in the status board so that readers can see the progress.

• What do you think about the magic lesson and the theory behind it? Well, I got the reference from a novel. Seriously, the author's theory on magic is quite deep and 'profound' that I find it quite great. From now on, we will be using this theory about magic.

• Now you guys fully know what Architect sigils, Control sigils, Magic Scripts, Magic Circles, Catalyst Crystals, and Magius Circuits are! Was it too much info dump? I told you there's an entire chapter dedicated on explaining magic!

Magic Theory, Info Dumps, and MORE Info Dumps!

Thank you for reading!

Oh, and don't forget to rate the chapter, leave a comment, and put those hearts on the tags you like!

Read my shameless review if you have any questions! Leave a comment there if you want you question to be answered.

Note: I wonder how webnovel calibrate these rankings and such. BTW, I tried searching for some FFs that will satisfy me but found nothing. Hahhh.

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