
A Traveler's Legend: Leisurely Living My Life In A Normal World

Born as an orphan, Shin Flammia grew up in the orphanage until he reached the legal age to find work. Due to this decision of his that led him to venture to the outside world, Shin was able to get to know something that turned into his hobby eventually. And that something is Anime. Day and night, he would work his ass off everyday just to buy a limited edition game or manga that he wanted. He continued to immerse himself in this newfound hobby of his that eventually, he couldn't take care of himself anymore. Because of his lack of sleep for the past few days and his body being as pale and sickly as it is, his body gave up. Slowly, he felt his body becoming heavy and his head is spinning. That was the end of his first life. But, whether it was because of a fluke, a beautiful, divinely ordained fluke, but a fluke nonetheless, he was granted a new shot at life. He died, yes, but a being that is so powerful that it could live inside the endless void offered him a new life. Why did this powerful being gave him this chance? Well, that was because the powerful being wanted him to, basically, 'beat up someone'. Why? Well, it's because its friends didn't let this powerful being join in in its friend's 'fun time'. A being this powerful can be this petty? Well, duh, try staying inside the endless void for millions and millions of years. Let's see how you will deal with the boredom! "Angels! Angels are so cute!" "I need to first get stronger so I can live my life in leisure later!" "Hey! Isn't that person supposed to be the antagonist of this whole thing? Should I take him down now to avoid future troubles?" "Whaa... everything is going so smoothly. Everything's always in my favor that it's scary!" Follow Shin in his attempt to enjoy life at his own leisure. Playing sports, battling, mofumofu times, and even forming his own crystal palace. This, is where a new legend, starts. ◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆ The characters that will be introduced from other works are not owned by me. All of them belong to their rightful owners. I am not claiming ownership to any of the characters that belong to any series. This is just a fan fiction and is created because of my love for the animes that may be portrayed in this work. ◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆ ◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆ //WARNING!// I am completely new to writing and so, errors can be seen here and there. But, before I publish chapters, I made sure to proofread it for about 5 times. So, if errors can still be seen, please leave a paragraph comment so that I can fix it. If genres such as; Adventure, Fantasy, Harem, and Slice of Life are not to your liking, this fanfiction is not for you. If you are still curious enough to still try reading this and found it 'unpleasant' and 'not fit to your taste', then you are the one at fault for I already gave you my warning. ◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆ Anime(s)/Novel(s)/Manga(s) that has been included in this novel are; • Gabriel DropOut! • Highschool DxD • Masamune-kun no Revenge • (will be updated as the story progress) I will be posting this story on ScribbleHub!

PandaSempai · Anime & Comics
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45 Chs

Episode 15: Wonderful Facilities, Training Room, And The Neutral Elemental Bead



With this chapter, the very first Arc of this story called, "Let's Try Having An Eventful Childhood By Learning And Training!", officially ends. Next chapter will be a new story Arc called, "Let's Try Dabbling With Magic!".

Thank you to those who have followed this fanfic ever since the very start. Kudos to you guys who are waiting for the update and to those who are supporting me by just simply giving your thanks!


When Shin and Lilian arrived at the large gate entrance of this realm, the giant gate swung open. Shin have to admit that this is seriously hyping him up. The large gate opening up like that gave him a feeling of majesty. He also felt some heavy pressure on him after he entered.

'I guess that was what His Eminence wanted during his childhood when he built that needlessly huge mansion. To give a feeling of majesty to those who visit,' Shin thought.

"Let's go, Onii-sama! Lilian will show you around," Lilian said.

Looking at this energetic white fox who is seriously so cute while skipping and walking in front of him, Shin thought that she and his baby sister will get along really well.

Shin followed Lilian around the place. While walking around, he noticed that this place gained some reference from japanese culture. The obvious giveaway was the corridors and the whole building which is obviously built like a japanese castle.

While they were walking, Lilian introduced him to the perks of being inside this place and the facilities inside it.

"You see, Onii-sama! This realm has 10 times more mana than the mana inside your current world! Isn't it amazing!? And, and! Mana supply is nigh infinite, maintaining the current mana density at all times!" Lilian said.

"Huh!? So that's why I was feeling heavy since a moment ago! I have noticed that the mana was all over the place but I can't really recognize how much is the mana density," Shin said.

"There's a place here where Onii-sama can gather more mana but that place is off limits for Onii-sama for now!" Lilian said.

Listening to her words, Shin didn't delve in further for now. The mana density around here is already enough for him to gather some mana for his tail or for something that he wanted to try out for a long time now. Right now, due to him gathering mana for over 3 years, he had almost filled up the 10 million strands of fur on his tail.

If he were to gather mana on this place, he is sure to gather more than what he used to gather in Heaven. To be honest, the speed of mana replenishment in the surroundings at his current world was too slow for his gathering speed. He surmised that if it was not for the slow replenishment time, he would've been able to fill up his tail with mana in just around half a year or maybe even faster.

'Now I know why it took us too long to be strong. Elemental Foxes are long lived races so we can wait until we are strong enough to go out but that isn't the case for me. I lived among humans in the past and I got my sense of time from them. If for the Elemental Foxes, a few months or years are just fleeting clouds, that amount of time for me is too long!' Shin thought.

Aside from Elemental Foxes being able to form elemental beads, there's also this technique that was passed down to him via bloodline knowledge. It was the technique of how to make a neutral mana bead.

'But, this technique was scrapped by the elders saying that it has no use for us, given that there really aren't any use for it. Well, they do have a point since the mana replenishment time won't be able to keep up with them,' Shin thought.

After walking for a few minutes, Shin and Lilian finally arrived at the first facility. In front of the big sliding door was a statue of a little white fox drinking tea while sitting on a sofa.

Shin was woken up from his thought when Lilian called out to him,

"Onii-sama! This is the 'Living Room' or it can also be called as 'Entertainment Room'! From video games, karaoke, relaxation and such, you can do it all here!" Lilian said.

"Hehh, this is quite the handy room. Can I change the modification of this room or something?" Shin asked.

"Yes! Onii-sama can change it! There's a list of themes and equipment that Onii-sama can choose from!" Lilian replied.

Hearing this, Shin checked if he can call out a menu or something to change the room's theme and it did appear! Shin dabbled with it, checking the themes and such that he can choose from.

'Well, this is just an assortment of different styles of entertainment rooms, music rooms, living rooms, and such,' Shin thought while closing the menu.

"Let's go to the next room?" Shin asked.

"Yes, wafu! Lilian will guide Onii-sama!" Lilian said while trotting towards the exit of the room.


Walking around the entire realm, Lilian introduced him to different facilities inside. Well, there are only four rooms in this whole palace and that includes the Living Room earlier.

During this tour, Shin found out that each room's function is mostly introduced by the statues in front of the sliding door. If at the Living Room, the statue was that of a little fox sitting on a sofa while drinking a cup of tea, every room that Lilian introduced also had some statues unique to them.

There was the Bathing Room where the statue of a little fox relaxing on a small bathtub with a damp towel on its small head. Inside this room, there is an onsen, a jacuzzi, and a sauna. The water on the jacuzzi was extremely relaxing and it also cures fatigue slightly.

Next was a room that Lilian called as the Training Room. The statue on this place was a little fox lifting a barbell using its nine tails while juggling what seems to be the weights that you put on a dumbbell. This room was extremely great, making him be able to change the room to his preference. From cities to some custom creepy dungeons, he can experience them all by using this room's function.

What is even better was that he can battle anyone he once battled and change their difficulty. Well, the change in difficulty is more on how much of that person's strength will he be able to use. For example, the stray devil that Shin faught. The guy was just too cocky and was caught off guard. But, if that stray just attacked him all out, Shin would have no chance against him.

Based on the difficulties being; Passive, Easy, Medium, Hard, Nightmare, Insane, and Extreme, Shin surmised that it all comes down to how the enemy would fight. In his mind, he likened these to; no experience, newbie, apprentice, trained, elite, master, and grandmaster. He wouldn't really know the exact difference but that should be able to describe how strong they will be skill wise.

The last room that Lilian brought him to was a room with a statue of a little fox meditating with different colored elemental beads surrounding it. Lilian warned him not to enter it for now, telling him that the mana density inside is not something that he can take at the moment.

Shin acquiesced, noting inside his mind to not enter this place for now. He don't want to take the risk and die an untimely death.

Right after the tour, both of them went back to the training room as Shin wanted to stay there. Since he can stay here for 64 hours, he wanted to spend his first 24 hours trying to full up his tail with mana.

Entering the room, Shin and Lilian was greeted by a completely dark room devoid of any light and equipment. This was the default appearance of the Training Room. The room will change according to what you specify in the menu but Shin chose not to dabble with it for now. This kind of peace and quiet would enable him to concentrate more on the mana in the surroundings.

"You wanna stay on my lap while I gather mana, Lilian?" Shin asked the little fox.

He figured that this will be better. He didn't want to just leave her alone after she guided him through this realm with so much enthusiasm. Well, he didn't really know if this would be fine for her.

"Yatta! Then, then, Lilian will stay with Onii-sama!" Lilian said.

'Oh, seems like she's happy with it,' Shin thought.

A smile slowly formed on his face as he saw the little fox run towards him. She looks very excited as she immediately plops towards his lap the moment she arrived.

"No need to rush, I won't go anywhere Lilian," Shin said.

"A-Ah, y-yesh! Then, Lilian will stay quiet while Onii-sama trains, okay?" Lilian said.

"Mm, that's fine. I'll start meditating now, okay?" Shin said.

"Mm!" Lilian replied while nodding.

Hearing her confirmation, Shin immediately closed his eyes as he tried to concentrate. Due to there being no noise whatsoever, Shin was able to concentrate more on the mana in the surroundings.

Slowly, Shin managed to enter the state he was previously in. In a story that he watched in the past, this state should be called as 'The Zone'. Then, there's also that state where you allow yourself to move by instincts called 'Ultra Instinct' but that's probably impossible to reach for now.

Moving by instinct is something that you can do once you gained more experience and muscle memory. A lot of them. That's why he can't enter that state.

Regardless if there is that state or not, Shin is still training everyday to gain more and more muscle memory everyday. It is said that you can gain more muscle memory while you're still a child so this is that perfect time. He almost won't get tired so he managed to accumulate a lot of them by this time.

When Shin managed to enter 'The Zone' once again, he started to gather mana in the surroundings. Due to his concentration being at a high level, his efficiency was slowly but surely increasing.

He also let his tail and ears out. He thought that it would be easier than just gathering mana to your body then sending it to his tail.

As he started to gather more and more mana, his surroundings lit up as a very transparent but still visible light in this endless darkness can be seen. The dense mana in the surroundings that are clearly not visible earlier became visible after he tried to gather it next to him.

Lilian, who can see this whole spectacle, was amazed. As a member of an also almost extinct race, she knew some things about an Elemental Fox and the legend about their 'sole male' through bloodline knowledge. She also knew about their talent of being able to gather an astronomical number of mana in the surroundings but she never received any knowledge about someone who managed to gather enough mana in the surroundings to make it tangible.

She figured that it's probably due to the properties of this place and the natural talent of Elemental Foxes in gathering mana. If it weren't for the little amount of mana in the surroundings of their planet, she was sure that the Elemental Fox race could even surpass those so called Gods.

While Lilian was immersed in her own train of thoughts, Shin finally managed to gather enough mana to fill up his tail. Now, he is torn between two choices. Take this chance and perform that technique or don't take that gamble and immediately form his new tail.

'I guess I'll take that gamble. It wouldn't be placed in our bloodline knowledge if it wasn't something that is effective. Besides, in this situation of mine, I can afford to gather more mana and elemental mana in the surroundings,' Shin thought.

Even though he knew that the events on this world is already too hard to predict due to the changes, he isn't really in a position to think about all those things right now. Right now, he's only stronger than a normal human. Even if he wanted to help in the Armageddon that was coming or whatever enemy it was, his level of strength right now isn't something that could even make a difference.

'Let's go for creating a neutral elemental bead. It should increase my mana gathering speed by a few times,' Shin thought.

He then took action and slowly guided the mana on his now glowing tail towards his body.

'Creating a neutral elemental bead is different from creating a normal elemental bead. I have to form it inside my soul realm where Yuki resides,' Shin thought.

Well, he didn't plan on asking Yuki to help him in this one. The dragon's control is not something that he can rely on right now.

'Tsk, at this point, my mana will leak out! Is there anything I can use to stop this? Right! There's that skill called [Hero's Aura]! Maybe I can coat my body with that aura to prevent the mana from leaking out of my body,' Shin thought.

And so, Shin made use of the skill called [Hero's Aura]. He coated his whole body with it, preventing the mana from leaking out. He then slowly guided the mana on his tail to his soul realm.

This process took him a lot of time. He didn't really have the leeway to check the time so he don't know how much time passed. He didn't mind it for now as he wanted to first form the neutral elemental bead. Now that the mana was in his soul realm, it would be a much easier process.

He slowly controlled the mana inside his body to slowly rotate around one point as he tried to compress those mana that are on that single point. This process was extremely taxing on the mind, that's why he tried to enter 'The Zone' first. This way, he can concentrate more and minimize the potential of him screwing this up.

Slowly, the mana in the middle of the whirlpool of mana was compressed into a marble shape. It didn't take long for him to gather all of this mana in one point. The last process for him was to crystallize it.


When the last process was over, Shin immediately fell backwards due to extreme mental exhaustion. It was extremely tiring to do that technique since he is inexperienced.

'Next time, I won't be this exhausted,' Shin thought while panting heavily.

For some time, Shin just laid down on the 'floor' of the Training Room. He waited for himself to recover before he got up and spent his time with the little fur ball on his lap. He didn't think of anything during this mofumofu time. He got rid of all those complicated stuffs and just enjoyed his time.

"Mmmf, Lilian is so soft and fluffy~. Do you want me to brush your fur next time? It will become even fluffier," Shin suggested.

"Nn! Yes! Please brush Lilian next time, Onii-sama!" Lilian said.

"Mm, I will. Since Lilian is so cute, I will play with you longer for now," Shin said as he rubbed his face on the little fox's cheeks.

While he's at it, he also rubbed the back of her ears, making her let out a, "Wafuuuu" sound. They continued to bond like this for a few more hours before Shin was finally satisfied.

He then began to modify the place into the forest where he faught the stray devil and trained on something that he had always wanted to train. That something is called 'parkour'. Even though it could potentially become relatively useless after some time, Shin figured that it would still prove itself useful in certain scenarios.

Say for example, when you're battling a gigantic monster, when you're in a dungeon, or when you're in a forest. This will be a great help to him who has basically no way of flying right now.

After figuring out his practice route for now, Shin once again entered 'The Zone'. With this, Shin started to first try and climb up a tree. He analyzed his movement, whether it is efficient or not. He removed the unnecessary movements and continued to grasp this new experience.

'Mm, I guess I can do this. Let's see if I will gain something from training on this,' Shin thought while looking at his status.

His status improved overall, probably because of him being in this place and the [Hero's Aura] skill which strengthened his parameters overall. A lot of his skill also ranked up.


Name: Shin Flammia Tenma

Race: Mystical Elemental Fox God

Racial Rank: (undetermined/mutated species)

Age: 7

Gender: Male

Affiliation: Angel Faction

Rank: Commoner

Title: None

Strength Level: 1(Mortal)


• STR: D-> C

• END: D-> C

• DEX: C-> B

• AGI: B-> A

• MAG: C-> A


Light Mana(I)*-> Light Mana(H)*, Hero's Aura(I)*-> Hero's Aura(E)*, Sacred Gear Wielder(I)*-> Sacred Gear Wielder(G)*, Mana Control(I)-> Mana Control(D), Resilient Body(SSS), Luck(E), Swordsman(F)



Sacred Gear Wielder

Rank: I*-> G*

The user is a natural sacred gear wielder. Through training and the user's desire, the sacred gear will get stronger.

'After this training, I will be training under Vasco Strada. This will be a very long month for me. It may even take more than a month,' Shin thought while he jumped from tree to tree.



• Another of those chapters where I wanted to do that and I ended up writing this. Lots of things entered my mind while writing so I wasn't able to stop myself.

• Each elemental bead will be called by their type or element first, followed by the words, 'elemental bead'. For ex: Light Elemental Bead.

Alright! This marks the end of the very first Arc! After the second Arc, Volume 2 will be ahead of us.(Yep, I planned that far. Still 15-20 chapters away)

Anyway, I hope you're enjoying reading the chapters. I'm enjoying reading and writing this.

PandaSempaicreators' thoughts