

It was unconscious, I didn't even notice that I was doing it but somehow my expression was stern thoughts warring in my head all the while staring over at Lilly to the side where she was taking the girl into her arms.

Even if I didn't know about it there was a reason that my expression was as it was, though it was not for something as petty as what I was looking at, it was for some completely different reason.

"Is there something wrong, Inari?" Lilly opens her mouth to say, bringing my attention from her arms back to her, it was then that I finally realized what I was doing.

I touched my lips, then turned my expression around, opening my lips to reply, "It's nothing… Just the blood tasted weird ya know."

Really what I was worried about was not how weird the blood tasted, even if it was a bit weird to me, but on the notification that had popped up.

[You have conquered a rival dungeon, would you like to consume the XP or take control of the dungeon]

I didn't really know what to choose, on the one hand it would probably give me enough XP to level up but there was also the fact that apparently this was a dungeon in the middle of the city meaning that I could potentially gain even more XP as time goes on.

It was a battle between short term gains and long term.

I sighed as I finally made my decision, and with a mental click decided to take control of the dungeon.

[You have taken control of the |Goblin Dungeon| unlocked feature, |Alternative XP gain| as a reward for taking control of your second dungeon]

[The |Goblin Dungeon| is capable of constantly spawning a set amount of Goblins would you like to change the spawn rate]

[As a reward for taking control of the |Goblin Dungeon| you have gained the skill |Spawn Goblin|.]

I blinked as several notifications assaulted my senses. There was a lot to go through so I guess that I'll just go through them one by one.

The first thing that popped out to me was the |Alternative XP gain| it didn't specify what the alternative was but I could generally feel what it was supposed to be.

It was a feature that would allow me to gain XP even if the monsters in my dungeon did not kill, meaning that I could keep the danger level to a certain pace and not have my dungeon eradicated because it killed someone of importance.

Then there was the second thing that popped out to me, that being the control over the dungeon. It allowed me to adjust the spawn rate of goblins in the dungeon. But that also gave me new info.

That info being that I wasn't able to change the inherent summon of the dungeon, meaning that if I were to take control of any other dungeon then they would keep their inherent summon. But other than that I would be able to make it much more dangerous just by spawning more and using group tactics.

Though that didn't mean that there wasn't a limit to the amount that I could spawn. For example this goblin dungeon was only able to have a maximum of 100 level 2 goblins and 10 level 3's but that was still a far cry from what I had seen.

From when I entered until now there was probably, and I was estimating, about 30 level 2's and one level 3. It wasn't a lot but the difference between level 2 and 3 was staggering.

Really, it was. I could tell from our fight that there was no comparison, even if they both felt weak to me.

I could still feel the difference though, as the level 2's were instantly slaughtered while the level 3 at least had some reaction to me.

Then there was the final notification, and probably the most important of them all. I had gained the inherent summon of the dungeon, just by taking it over.

While the goblins were weak that didn't mean that all dungeons were and eventually I would be able to take over even stronger dungeons. Which meant that I could get stronger and stronger summons just by taking them over.

"Something good happen?" I heard from behind me, a breath washing over my ear. I almost jumped in surprise before I took a sigh of relief.

It was only Lilly, she was looking at me with concern probably because of the expression on my face.

"Yeah, I almost leveled up!" I shout in excitement, shaking off the curiosity of what I had been doing from her.

"That's great." She clapped, a smile on her face, "What skill almost leveled?"

I frowned for a moment before a realization came to me. These people didn't have levels? Only skills, then how…

Wait no, it made sense. The stronger their skills were then the stronger they would be. It would give them boost's to their abilities and subsequently them.

But then why did I have levels and they did not. The answer was quite simple, I was a controller of a dungeon.

"It's called |blood| the more I drink the stronger I get." It was a hastily made lie but it was as good as I was going to get. For now it would work for me as it was true that the more blood I drank the more powerful I get.

Lilly smiled then picked me up with her other hand, putting me on her back before slowly walking outside.

I too smiled at this, nuzzling into her neck. But I didn't smile for any reason other than the fact that the conditioning was working.

It was unintentional but it still was beneficial. The way that her body shuddered and unconsciously got aroused when my face was anywhere near her body.

Heh- soon she would fall but for now I would enjoy the hunt.


Power stones if y'all would, thanks

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