
A Tokyo Ghoul Fanfic

XoXoFayzo · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs

Chapter 1

"AHHH, HELP, SOMEONE HELP" In a dim lit alley you could see a man scared for his life running from something or should we say someone.

As the man continues to run he soon comes across a group of 6 men.

"HEY, PLEASE HELP ME HE'S AFTER ME" The man yells as he run towards the group

"Hey dude calm down who's chasing you? There is no one behind you" one man in the group says as he starts walking towards the running man.

As the two get closer suddenly the man that was running stops and a sprinkle of blood comes from his mouth, he then looks down as he felt pain coming from his abdomen and sees a red spike protruding from his stomach. The spike then moved as if it were alive

before the two man can register what had happened the man that was stabbed by the red spike suddenly was lifted off of the ground before being slung into a nearby wall.

When the man had hit the man had hit the wall blood had spattered everywhere, making the rest of the men come back to their senses, but before the men could say anything they had heard an unknown voice come from where the red spike was going back to.

"Oh wow, I finally caught him. He ran faster then I thought he could" The voice sauce before footsteps were heard.

The group of men had watched as a man of about 5'9 with short black hair and all black eyes with a red pupil come into the light with a wide smile on his face.

"Fuck, it's a ghoul we have to get out of here" one of the man panics as he starts to run the opposite way of the ghoul. When the other men hear this they also panic and follow suit.

"You guys know I can't have you running away, you've seen my face" when the black haired man finish saying this the same black spike that had disappeared after killing the first man suddenly came out of the black haired man's lower back.

At speeds no regular human could ever see, the black spear pierced two if the man running before slamming them into a wall. Not long after you could see 7 men slumped against walls dead.

"Hmm, seems I've made a mess…Well no matter guess that's extra food for me, I've been so hungry lately anyways. No wonder my kakugan has been so active" The black haired man said.

The man then walks towards one of the dead men and snatched off his arm and brings it closer towards his mouth, as he was about to take a bite out of the arm he suddenly feels a chill before he suddenly jumps and right as he

jumped a tall figure appeared where he used be making the dead man's body nothing but a paste as even the ground and the wall was cracked a little.

"How many times have I told you not to hunt in my territory?" A deep voice questioned the man.

"I-I'm so sorry, I was just so hungry and I can't go to any other wards or I'm gonna be killed as soon as I'm spotted" The man said backing up as the dust that had appeared because of the voice started to clear.

When the dust finally cleared up you could see a man about 6'4 with ash gray hair and gray eyes, the man also had a weird tattoo going across his forehead which consisted of

3 diamond shaped markings one small on the left, a big one in the middle, and another small one on the right which all seemed to be connected.

"You know I gave you many chances to leave, but you always come back. I gave you warning after warning and you still come back. Are you testing my patience?" The gray haired man stared

"I-I'm sorr-" Before the black haired man could answer his head was suddenly in the air and all he could was his body fall to the ground before everything went black.

"I told you to stay out of my territory to many times" the man said before grabbing the headless body and the other bodies before walking off.

"Hmm, maybe I should go see my brother" as the man finishes talking to himself, he turns his head a little to the right and there in the shadows a lady with dark purple hair and eyes pops out.

"What do you want" The man said a little annoyed

"Hazukashi, why did you leave me alone, I was scared, I thought you left for good" the women said as she closer to the man and kissed him before pulling away

"Someone was breaking the rules, so I had to teach him a lesson" the man says before starting to walk again

"Hey Hazukashi, I heard what you said a second ago. How come you didn't tell me you had a brother?" The woman asked

"You never asked me Miho" Hazukashi says

"Good point. Are you going to go see him?" Miho asked

"Yea haven't seen him in 5 years, I wonder how he's doing" Hazukashi says

"Woah, five years do you even remember how he looks what about his name" Miho stated

"Of course I remember his looks and name. His name is Ken Kaneki and you'll know how he looks when you meet him" Hazukashi says

"Oh, I get to finally meet a member of your family" Miho says with excitement

"Miho, calm down alright" Hazukashi says

"How could I calm down when I finally get to meet your family" She says even more excitedly

And like that for the rest of the night Hazukashi and Miho went back and forth about calming down and being excited.


Next day

In a small room which consisted of a kitchen, a bed, and a bathroom. You could see a beautiful purple haired woman and a handsome man sleep on the bed.

The woman's eyes then open and a big smile sprouts upon her face with nothing but pure happiness.

"Hazukashi, wake up we have to meet your brother" she said as she shook the man a little waking him up

"Ok, I'm up" Hazukashi said before getting up and going to the shower with the woman following close behind. A hour or so later you could see the two walking down a sidewalk full of people.

"Hey, Hazukashi what ward does you brother live in" Miho asked

"Last I saw him we were in the 20th ward so we are gonna check there first" Hazukashi stated

"The 20th ward, isn't that where all the ghoul activity had been happening lately?" She asked

"Yea" He answered

A little while later, you could see the two in front of an apartment building door, knocking on it.

"Maybe he's not here, we've been knocking on the door got 2 minutes" Hazukashi says

"Maybe he's at school" Miho says

"Right, how could I forget he's still in school" Hazukashi says as he puts his hand over his face

"It's okay, sometimes everyone forgets things" Miho said patting his back

"Where should we go now, we can't go back to where we live, it's to far and I hate no being able to move how I want" Hazukashi says

"While we were walking here I heard something about a cafe that was around this area. It was called…oh it was called Anteiku" Miho stated

"Oh a cafe, haven't been to one of those in a while, guess we should go there" Hazukashi says

The two then start walking to the cafe Anteiku and a few minutes later arriving at their destination.

(The Cafe perspective)

Inside the cafe you could see many people enjoying their day while drinking coffee or another beverage and enjoying their food.

At a table with the we are focusing on right now, we could see 2 boys, one with short, dirty blond hair with a small black patch of hair in the middle and brown eyes. The other one had short black hair and gray eyes.

"Damn…The Tamara building isn't far from here" The messy blond haired boy said listening to the new about a ghoul attack.

"I bet you'd be eaten up before you knew it Kaneki. Since you're always reading those weird books" The boy continues

"Th-They're not weird" The black haired boy named Kaneki responds

"Hide, you ought to expose yourself to more good writing" Kaneki says

"No way books knock me out in seconds" Hide answered as he puts his head on the table as if he were tired

"But back to earlier, I've never seen a ghoul before. Do they really exist? Those monsters that eat people?" Kaneki asked

"Course they do. They say ghouls hide amongst us disguised as humans. They could be closer then we think" Hide stayed before bringing his head up off the table.

"Disguised as humans huh…" Kaneki says

"Wait a second, I bet you're a ghoul Kaneki" Hide says jokingly

"Yea right, if I was a ghoul you'd already be dead, but in any case even if they pass as human they're just human shaped, right?" Kaneki says before drawing on a piece of paper what he thinks ghouls look like. "Here's what I think they look like" he says before showing what he drew to Hide.

"Here's mine" Hide says with a smile as he shows that he drew an ugly picture of Kaneki.

"Anyway, enough about ghouls. Which ones the cute girl you've been talking about?" Hide asked with a huge smile while looking around

"Hey, keep it down and stop looking around" Kaneki says getting a little flustered

"Is that her" Hide says as he points to a waitress of the cafe with bob-length dark blue hair with long bangs reaching her chin covering the right side of side of her face and blue eyes

'She is cute' Kaneki thinks to himself, blushing in the process

"EXCUSE ME!" Hide yells with excitement getting the waitresses attention

"Yes?" The waitress asked a little surprised as she hurry's over to there spot

"Can you take our orders. I'll take a cappuccino, what about you?" Hide asked Kaneki

"I don't want anything" Kaneki says

"One cappuccino" The waitress says writing it down on the small notebook

"Uh sorry but…Can I ask for your name?" Hide then ask the waitress

"It's Touka Kirishima" The waitress now Touka answers

"Miss. Kirishima do you have a boyfriend" Hide asked excitedly as he quickly gets up from his chair and grabs her hands

"U-uh, no I don't" Touka says as she runs away from the two

"COME BACK!" Hide yell reaching his hand out

"Hide what the hell man?!" Kaneki yells at Hide

As Kaneki scolds Hide the bell above the cafe's door ring's notifying that someone had entered the cafe.

A woman with chest length purple hair with bangs swept to the left side, purple eyes, and red frame glasses walk in.

As Kaneki sees this he suddenly blushed and stops talking and looks down

"What's wrong dude?" Hide asked

"Over there. That's her" Kaneki says pointing towards the lady as she walks to a cleared table

"Kaneki" Hide says when he sees the lady and pats Kanekis shoulders. "Give up, she to hot for you, and if she took her glasses off she'd be something else" Hide says with a little smile

"I-I know, but I'm just happy looking at her from afar. Plus every time our eyes meet she smiles a little" Kaneki blushes a little as he looks at the woman who smiles while looking back at him

"Maybe she feels the same way about me" Kaneki says

"…You know what. You're kinda creepy" Hide says. "She's forcing a smile because you keep staring at her" He continues

"N-no way" Kaneki says losing his confidence a little

"Well, I got to me the girl you were talking about" Hide says as he gather his things. "I should get going, gotta go to work" Hide says before leaving.

When Hide was about to open the door to leave the cafe, the door opens and Hazukashi along with Miho walks in.

When the two walks in a couple of customers freeze upon feeling the presence of Hazukashi, including Touka, the old man behind the counter, and the purple haired lady.

The customers that didn't freeze up including Hide and Kaneki were confused on what was going on, but a second later everyone went back to what they were doing.

Hazukashi and Miho then walk to where the old man is and sits on two of the stoles before ordering.

"Two coffees, both black no sugars" Hazukashi says to the old man who starts making their coffee

"There seems to be a lot of ghouls in here, I can smell them" Hazukashi says lowly to not cause a panic.

The ghouls in the cafe also knew of the other ghouls in the cafe, but none said anything.

"I also can smell them" Miho says

A while later the two finally gets their coffee and Hazukashi drinks his first

"It's good" Hazukashi says drinking more

"You're right it does taste good" Miho says happily

"I wonder if my brother comes here often, he did like coffee a lot" Hazukashi says

Little did he know that his brother was just a little distance behind him, talking to a beautiful woman with purple hair.