
A Titan Tale

I suddenly travelled back in time, when I was youth and the Dreamland appeared in the world. I started playing it, in order to.... Change destiny? Gain power? Becoming Emperor?..... What do you think I should do? Join me on discord: https://discord.gg/MzSNTZtrYz

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14 Chs


"What's going on?" I asked looking at the mirror in front of him, looking at the familiar face in the reflection. "I did remember this handsome, intelligent, disciplined…. youth in front of me, who is always present in every reflection of mine. But how did this happen", I asked while pinching myself.


Few hours later,

"Let sum up everything. That bastard, Jernald took me to the Tomb of the Creator God, after fighting the titan, I chose to rest for sometimes, after which he approached the crystal, but what after that?"


"Hmph, lets leave this matter aside. I will investigate it properly later on, but until then I should focus more on what I needs to do", the young boy stood up with determination.

"Rishi", a voice rang out beyond the door.

"Haan Maa", he shouted unconsciously, full of pain and happiness. Soon scenes of his past life started to appear one by one.

"What happen, son?", voice sounded beyond the door, full of anxiousness, instead on answering, door opened up abruptly and he hugged the middle aged lady beyond the door, before crying.

"….", she is complete shock about this, after all, she is here to give his son the birthday gift, at midnight. Entire night, gone like that, hearing his son blabbering god know what.

She woke up early in the morning, looking at her son sleeping on her lap like small children, lady chuckled. Carefully placing the boy head on pillow, she left the room.

As soon as door, closed, boy shot up. His face is completely red, "Rishabh, you…." he cursed himself before calming down. Few hours later, he saw her leaving, and suddenly his face become cold. He said, "I promise you, Maa, I will definitely not let those bastard harm you again. In this life, I will do everything in my power to protect you, as well as give you the all possible happiness, you deserve."

He sat down in lotus position and calmed himself. After which he started to go through his memories. There are many good memories, like the one when he married, or he becomes father. Along with them are some sad one too, which includes his death before being turned to undead, death of his friends, mother and much more.

After waking up, he took a deep breathe, and said, "so there is still one month time, before it start. I definitely needed to prepare, for that. Also, during this time, I need to do train this pathetic body of mine too."

*ting* his cellphone rang out. Hearing the voice, he walked towards the phone, "it had been many years since I met you, buddy", he said while caressing his phone, before opening it. Looking at the message, he sighed and started to get ready for college.


"Good Morning, Rishabh", few of his classmates greeted him on the way, to which he replied similarly, while thinking 'who are the hack are these people?'

Few minutes later, he finally saw someone he knows, his 'childhood friend' who he have forgotten about in last life after some point. Looking at him, and people around him, he felt some relief and happiness from inside.

During his entire time in the college, he secretly tried to circulate the Mystic Force, which is present around him, although it is highly polluted. Mystic Force is the driving force, present everywhere, and are generally in dormant state, inside the human. With his current situation, the least he could do is to awaken the one inside him, it would take sometime for him to absorb from surrounding.

After class ended, Rishabh bid farewell to his friend and sneak outside. Reaching the deserted factory, he started to train, starting with some warm up exercise. At initial state, the exercises are very simple, same as one people do in gym, but it differ slightly as during all this time he would try to stimulate the Mystic force.

Few days passed by like this, until he succeeded. "It really is different", Rishabh shouted excitedly clenching his fist, feeling the energy flowing inside his body. The Mystic force have many name, on the way it is used. If used internally, it is generally refers as Internal energy or qi. Which is generally used by martial art, to break the limit place on the body.

Mages generally usually refers Mystic force as Mana, as they use there body as a container, and uses Spells, Magic Formation to channelize it for various tasks similar to martial artist but at the same time different in many ways too.

Similarly Mystic force have many more names like Demonic Energy, Ghost energy, Divine energy etc. determined by the one who uses it, and how it is used. Mystic force has both Power of Creation as well as Destruction.
