

A Few Hours Later,

Examination Centre,

Colt POV,

In a well lit hallway, a young man could be seen leaning against the wall with an exasperated expression on his face, Colt had expected it to be a relatively short exam more focused on evaluation and to the point questions. Expectations however, should always be low and he learnt that now.

It was long, annoyingly so and had taken far longer than Colt had thought it would.. perhaps it was to evaluate something else alongside academics?

Well anyway, his memory was truly a cheat in a world of this kind and it truly shined here. Each one of those questions, he knew the answers to.. This, allowed him to proceed as he had thought up, making a number of mistakes on purpose so that he would get a relatively low evaluation, well not low, but not exactly the cream of the corps level either.

It would get him around B or something according to his own assumptions, those tests didn't quite have a strict number of marks allocated to them so Colt couldn't be 100%.

Next were the physical exams, Colt had outdone everyone else there at the time then with astounding difference. Of course, he did. Colt could be incredibly lazy when it came to certain things but it wasn't to the point where he'd be a shut-in. To have 17 full years to himself and not to do anything would be plain incompetent and as such, he'd exercised as much as possible.

Still however, his physical prowess was, for all intents and purposes, in a realm where it could be called inhuman... perhaps one of the boons from reincarnation?

His laziness might as well have been a way to cover up his refusal to get along with others.

Yes he was in a fictional world but it didn't do anything to dull down the type of person Colt was nor did it make him jump around excited. It would simply be more annoying to have to deal with idiots playing games.

Yes yes, they were 'geniuses' or something but, if they really were geniuses, they would understand how stupid their individual notions of greatness and standing out were, "Would've just gone through it normally." They'd have done things optimally instead of going at each other.

"Next person please." A stern voice came from the door in front of him just as a short haired girl exited it and walked away with a cold expression.

Colt simply shrugged, he wasn't interested in a teenager's way of rebelling or something.

Making his way into the room with his hands in his pockets, Colt slightly whistled at the strange atmosphere they managed to make inside, dark all around and a table and chair in, what he presumed to be, the centre of the room. Said place appeared to be the only thing illuminated in the whole room though, the slight mechanised noise of a shifting camera didn't escape the teenager's sharp hearing.

They were, of course, keeping an eye on them.

"If you're finished with gawking around, can you take a seat?"

"I must've kicked your kid or something." Colt was.... uncooperative.

"Excuse me?"

Colt raised his hands helplessly, taking a seat in front of the man with a blank stare. He felt no need to put on a facade just to get a good evaluation from this man. This 'man' in question had greyish hair and wore glasses, wearing a neat suit that seemed to ooze professionalism and, he didn't like the teenager's remarks at all.


"Would you trample over someone for personal gain?"

"Depends on the time I have."

"Say, an indefinite period?"

"Then I'd look for a way around the problem."

"And if it was extremely limited?"

"Then too bad for the person."

"I see, that concludes our session."

"Bye now." Colt stood up and left as the interviewer simply gave out a somewhat tired sigh.

The questions asked were relatively normal, ones that a person would expect when seeking entry. Things like his future goals, why he wanted to join, why he wanted to join them specifically.. among other things.

To say Colt had replied politely would be just plain wrong, the teenager seemed to have a personal grudge with the interviewer who came to feel rather annoyed.. still however, the answers he'd been given were more than satisfactory. He accepted that.

Though, the insufferable personality would make a dent on whichever class he would put in. At the same time however, the fact that he did nothing to hide the kind of person he was would elevate it considerably as well.

The interviewer slightly worried for the future of the boy, was someone not interested in facades and games yet seemingly brimming with confidence going to survive in the kill-or-be-killed environment there?

Well it wasn't as if he was completely uncooperative, his other grades were turning out to be extremely good and as such, they couldn't quite place him in the lowest class.

"If only he was a better person." The interviewer sighed before calling for the next student.


Some Days Later,

In a staff room, three individuals could be seen sitting some distance off from one another, working on their separate desks... They were just going through files and such things. Two were women while one was a man, there was initially supposed to be a fourth person but he'd left already.

"So Sae-chan! You got any interesting kids?" One of the two women asked with a bright smile, tapping 'Sae' in the back animatedly, they were all dressed professionally and it was apparent that they were teachers. The excited woman had an average height and chest-length chestnut brown hair, her well endowed figure was only highlighted by the plain green shirt she wore.

"You really need to grow up, Chie." Sae responded with a small sigh, rubbing her forehead in annoyance at her colleague's antics, "But no, all I've got is misfits and people with problems."

Compared to Chie, Sae looked far more organised wearing a black blazer with a white polo shirt underneath, a short black skirt, stockings and a pair of black heels. Her long dark brown hair was tied up in a long ponytail that hung freely and she had a rather voluptuous figure, barely concealed by her clothes.

"What about you, Sakagami?" Chie referred to the other person present, a middle aged man with well kept greyish hair. He had an average height and build covered up by a brown suit. The small amused smile on his face barely concealed the emotions he felt.

"Now that you ask, I'm certain my class won't be boring at all." He put his hands on the table, the smile on his face turning a bit strange. Out of a number of files that had been piled up to his side, two were placed to the front.

"I'd thought there would be one leading force... Kakeru Ryuen." A somewhat brutish student that didn't seem to trust anyone but his own competence more than made up for it... or so it would seem.

"But there's also this one, Colt Kasai." Sakagami or rather, Kazuma Sakagami, tapped the other file, "While he'll probably try to stay away and be a 'loner', that won't work at all so he'll end up getting involved nonetheless. I watched his evaluation, he's possibly flunking on purpose."

"Hmm, A for Physical and Academical, E for cooperativeness, D in Intelligence and Decision Making... I can see your point." Chie nodded sagely, rubbing her chin with a hand at her waist, it was probably purposeful.

"Can we exchange students?" Sae asked with a sigh, reading through the file Kazuma had put out for them. He was probably one of the natural 'geniuses' headed their way this year.


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