
A Time of Tigers - From Peasant to Emperor

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What is A Time of Tigers - From Peasant to Emperor

Read ‘A Time of Tigers - From Peasant to Emperor’ Online for Free, written by the author Nick_Alderson, This book is a Fantasy Novel, covering ACTION Fiction, ROMANCE Light Novel, ADVENTURE Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: Ever since Beam’s family was killed, and he was sold into slavery, he’d been affected by a certain sensation in his ches...


Ever since Beam’s family was killed, and he was sold into slavery, he’d been affected by a certain sensation in his chest. A dark gnawing. As if there was someone else inside his body, cackling at his struggles. Even as he wields his pickaxe deep within the slave mines, he feels the grip of another hand, trying to guide his own. Something dark, something ominous and powerful, wanted everything that he had left. He could feel its want. In the place of despair, he felt rage, and he resisted it. Years later, it still remains. He trains to try and silence it. Every day, for hours on end. In the pouring rain, and in the freezing snow. Naturally, after so many years, someone – or something, finds him in such a state. With the lightning flashing, he is discovered by a creature of vaguely human shape, but with a left arm so purple it looked like it should have been rotten to dust long ago. “If you’re going to do it, do it properly,” the monster sneers, slapping the stick out of Beam’s hand, and putting a sword in its place. “Swing it,” the creature commands. Only when he begins to train with the creature does Beam begin to notice changes. The voice is louder now – angrier. But there’s also something else along with it. A yearning to go with the gnawing. It’s a warm feeling, as if it was a woman’s hand on his shoulder. It stays with him, and only continues to grow in intensity. Two voices speak their mind, and they grow louder. With them, Beam’s desire to grow stronger grows– and finally, true progress begins to come his way, along with a strength that few can believe. Months pass, and once more, Beam’s world changes. The villagers that had once avoided him begin to show interest in the boy. There’s something mysterious about him, and something that seems to be almost incredible. That fact is sealed for them, when one day he turns up with the corpse of an impossibly strong Hobgoblin. He almost seems too big for the village. Tragedy occurs, and once more, Beam’s name is taken. The hands of the powerful look his way. They see strength, and they include it in their games. Under the guise of immense secrecy, his past is hidden away, and he is given a new name, that of Oliver Patrick, and he is given a new place amongst minor nobility. Join Beam - and later Oliver Patrick – as he fights against his fate, and claws his way up out of the mud that he was born into, and begins his war against the powerful men of the Stormfront.

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Table of Contents
Latest Update
Volume 1 :The Seizing of Great Power
Volume 2 :The Noble Title and The Devil's Power

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Excellent. Everything about this book is just that. Excellent. All that needs to be said.


The only reason you book isn't popular is because webnovel doesn't reward slow progression stories. I read only a few chapters and I already knew this book should warrant a place in the power ranking. Author is wasting his talent here. When you finish the book, please send it to a publisher. I would order the book online if this ever happens.


Writing this halfway through Volume 1 - Part 2!! Sooo, I'm pretty happy with how the book is going so far! There have been a couple of rewrites, so the quality should be pretty high for a Webnovel! But, better than that, as the book goes on, it gets better (trust me!) Thing start off a little slowly, as we build the world, but once it gets going, it reaaaallly gets going. There's a lot of potential where things are now, so I hope you'll make it to as far as I've written! I've had a lot of fun writing it.


This novel is definitely among my faves. It's up there with Mech Touch, Chrysalis, Lord of Mysteries, and I became the Pope.I wish I could lock the author up and make him keep writing, but I understand he needs to make a living. Please give this novel a chance.


I wish I liked this more the writing quality and release stability is great. The main problem however is that I'm so tired of children mc. They take forever to grow and become interesting. This story just feels so slow and predictable. It' really cliche too, but there are a few things that make me say I wish I liked it. Like the master knight and seeing a bit of character growth.


One of the best novel I have read so far on this genre.


The greatest story that i have read online. The pace of the story, the caracters, the worldbuilding are perfect. It feels so good to have secondary caracters that have a life and are not just here to be a filler. Great job ! Really worth your time ! I would love a collector paper edition.


I love the character development, their background stories and their future goals explained in detail and grace. I also really like the awesome world building! It’s a great story which I recommend to everyone and I would say you’ll know if you like it if you read up to chapter 33. To the author, thank you for this masterpiece and hope that you’ll continue this story! One question tho, how many chapters do you think this story is going to be?


Perfect Perfect Perfect [img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend]


So glad to see one of my favorite webnovel authors come back after all this time!


It’s just fantastic and you’re doing yourself a disservice if you don’t read it.


Never been this addicted to a book before. everything about it is perfect.


This novel truly is a gem, far beyond the quality that even most top ranking novels on this page aspire to have. The writing, characters, story, worldbuilding, everything leaves me craving for more chapters, and like another user said, it’s excellent.


Eagerly awaiting mass release chapters!! I literally finished the whole thing in a binge. Amazing novel!!


One of the best originals i have come across on webnovel. Please keep up the brilliant work!


This is one of the best masterpieces I have read until now. The story is slow-paced but that's the most interesting part of the story as it gives enough depth to the characters and world development.I'm afraid that most of the audience on the web novel is more interested in fast-paced stories with cheat abilities. I hope people will give this novel a chance as it will not disappoint.


It feels like, I am watching a high-quality movie. I read a lot of english novels that good but this is above them. It just that. Excellent 👌


more chapters,more chapters,more chapters,more chapters,more chapters,more chapters,more chapters,more chapters,more chapters,more chapters,more chapters


This book is really expensive to read. I hope it will become fast paced.


Does it have fantasy elements ? I mean super powers etc cuz there’s no tag but the names and titles of chapters seem to indicate it


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