
A Three-Ring Circus

A murder mystery changes the lives of the Carter brothers. In pursuit of the truth the Carter brothers change their opinions on life. They learn to love, to trust and also to hate someone. Owen Carter, the eldest among the brothers hates superficial girls who lust after him. Mrs. Parker is his new secretary whom he had selected after a lot of consideration because he believes that she is meticulous and mature. But who knows that the actual scenario will be veryyyy much different. *********************** "Mrs. Parker.... Please tell the planning department to submit another proposal. Tell them... Stress my words!!! Tell them not to burn a hole in my pocket by submitting these kind of proposals another time". Mrs. Parker stood there for a long time before asking carefully, "Sir, You did not tell which pocket? the left one or the Right one? the front ones or the back ones?" "............." Owen questions his thoughts on his life. ************************* Blake Carter enjoys life to the extreme. He believes that he is born for the sake of girls. ************************* Blake believing in his charms goes to the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. In the bar he approaches the girl by donning his most charming smile. "Hey babe.. Do you mind if I take a seat?" Without waiting for her answer he approaches a chair opposite to her. She stretches her legs and places them on it. When he try to sit on the chair beside her, she pours the drink in her hand on it. When he try to take the last chair shamelessly she gets up leisurely. "All yours...." Arya left after playing with him. Blake's confidence is shaken for the first time in his life. ************************* Max Carter is a shut in. He hates when people invades his privacy the most. ************************** Max is changing in his room. He takes off his Tshirt and is about to take off his pants when he hears a sharp shriek. He is shocked to see a girl in his wardrobe. And then he became furious. "What are you doing????" he roared at his new neighbour. "I came to see whether you are a pervert." Ms. Arnold says righteously. "........" Max is speechless. 'You are the one who ran into my apartment. You are the one who hid in my wardrobe. And lastly you are the one who was watching while I was changing. Why am I the pervert here?' **************************** The three brother's choices of life are questioned by the three women and their lives become a three ring circus. Will they accept Love when it comes knocking on the door? Or they push aside love and escape the torment. ............................................................................................................ Eliza goes missing one day in mysterious circumstances. Later the news that Eliza is dead brings devastation upon her family. Her family blames Eliza's friend, Buttercup. Can Eliza's murder mystery be unraveled? Who is the murderer? Who is Buttercup? What is her relation with the three women? Can she extract revenge from Eliza's murderer? Read my novel to know the secrets. This novel is a compilation of mystery, Fun, Love and revenge. Give this novel a chance guys.. Also guys I stress my words... the first 100 or so chapters will be purely fun. only later the mystery begins... the chapters maybe silly but who does not want to laugh a bit. right? please don't judge the book so early.. And give it a try...

LOVE097 · Urban
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25 Chs

Finally..... the secret of the 'society'

Hello dear readers..... Sorry for not updating for so many days... Exam time for me!!!

Hopefully I will makeup for this time in a few days for you all. Happy reading for today....


Ayla was stupefied at this development. Her hands began sweating. If what she saw was true then there were only two possibilities.

Either Ruby's number was being used by someone with a malicious intent or Ruby is still alive. She leaned towards the latter option. Why would anyone use a dead person's phone number?

What should she do? She frantically began calling Arya. Ayla was not capable of dealing with this news.

Her hands began sweating and her entire limbs were filled with Goosebumps. What is the truth?


Meanwhile Arya and Toni reached a dilapidated house. Toni asked Arya to follow him. Arya was bewildered.

"What is it Toni? Why did you bring me here at this time? Is it something so secretive that you had to bring me so far away from the city?

But I don't understand. The house looks haunted. Are you going to kill me here and turn me into a ghost?"Arya humored him and winked.

Toni just smiled. He moved towards the basement of the house. Without speaking anything he moved his shoes in a peculiar pattern.

Then all the invisible lasers came into her vision. Arya was shocked.

'Just what the hell is going on?'

Toni began tapping a particular tile with his shoes while operating something with a remote control. Then his shoes began glowing in blue color.

Toni pressed a peculiar tile for the final time. This time the lasers got deactivated. And a secret compartment opened in that tiny house.

"Arya... now we should leave any type of communication devices on us here, in the basement. They should not be taken into the compartment. If not, the defense mechanism will be activated and the compartment will blow up."

Toni told her with a stern face. Arya also understood that this was not something trivial. All the information she was about to know must be highly confidential.

So she trusted Toni and removed all the gadgets on her and left them in the basement.

Toni took her into the compartment and it closed when they entered it. Toni spoke in his monotonous voice.

"He who does no evil does a lot of good."

Then another mechanical voice boomed. "Password accepted. Agent Toni welcome to the base."

Arya blinked at Toni surprisingly.

Toni laughed seeing her expression. "Do you find it childish? All this stuff must have baffled you. Right?"

Arya smirked. "That's true. This is the funniest thing I have seen in the recent times. But… I guess this password is still very good. After all it is not easy to guess. HEHEHE…"

"True… the password is a little silly but the proverb is not."

Without knowing how much time has passed the compartment kept moving at a very slow pace. It was as though the base was located a few meters under the ground.

When the compartment finally stopped, it opened into a dark room. As soon as Arya and Toni entered the dark room, the room lit up in bright lights.

It was as bright as day in the base. The lights were nothing like artificial. They were more like natural light from the sun. Arya looked at them suspiciously. "They are…?"

Toni chuckled. "You are right. They are prototypes of stars. Some of our brothers are geniuses. They tried to imitate light from the stars.

In other sense the lights are not only used to illuminate the room but they can also emit heat. We can adjust the temperature of the room by controlling them.

And this project is most cost effective if it were to be implemented in large scale." He was filled with pride at the mention of his 'brothers'.

"Ingenious!!" Arya exclaimed.

And her curiosity only increased. Who were the brothers Toni was talking about? Her grandfather's men or… some others she didn't know?

What kind of organization was society? At first she thought that it was just a mercenary organization. But… looking at how serious things were, she was not sure anymore.

Arya looked at the large empty room. She was surprised that this was the base! What is all the fuss about to see an empty room? But... that was not her purpose.

She took a deep breath and asked the question that has been haunting her for years. "Toni… What does the 'society' do?"

Toni looked at her seriously. He then turned away and was silent for a few minutes. He was skeptical even then. He broke his promise for the first time in his life.

Toni promised Arya's grandfather that he will keep her away from these matters. But... Looking at Arya she will not stop unless she gets the answers. He was in a daze. After sometime he made up his mind and began retelling the origins of the 'society'.

"It is one of the oldest organizations established in the history. And can you believe it? The founder of this 'society' was only thirteen years old when he found it…."

"What??????" Arya was shocked.

How can a teenage boy be so capable? How can he come up such a vicious idea at that age?

As if reading her thoughts Toni explained further, "Hahaha... surprised? Or shocked? How can a small boy come up with such an idea…? Don't misunderstand though…! This organization was established with a noble purpose. Not to kill the innocent people.

And the purpose was.... to protect weak from the insiders during war times."

Arya gave Toni a blank look. War crimes? Wait!! In the end how old was this 'society'? Toni began the story.

"During the second world war millions of civilians were victims of war crimes in one way or the other. At that time civilians lacked a leader….. not in the name, but, someone who can give them security, who can be responsible for their and their children's lives.

And…. At that time a young boy named Sean fell victim to a war crime and was subjected to utmost desperation.

He was a child born to a spy of country A and a war prisoner from country G. Can you imagine the two entirely different people coming together?

His family was happy for some time. One day his father left them for a mission. But... he never came back. He was assassinated by the enemies. Or That was what he and his mother were told.

Then his happy family shattered. His mother was hunted for no good reason.

Her entire fault was that she was a war prisoner. The military forces did not kill her immediately. They humiliated her in public.

She was reduced to the state of a 'Comfort woman' and was humiliated for an entire 51 days and that too in front of her seven year old son- Sean."

Toni took a deep breath. He was used to control his emotions in any situation. But he felt agitated whenever he reminisced this particular incident.

Arya felt the agony of a little boy who lost his parents at such a young age and that too in a vicious way. She closed her eyes painfully.

Toni continued the story, "At that time, though a young Sean was heartbroken he was still little after all. So he could do nothing to protect his mother.

But he promised himself that one day he would give his mother justice. Little did he know that the reality was so cruel!

His father whom he regarded as a hero did not die in the hands of enemies but… he was killed by his own countrymen, for whom he devoted his life.

When his father came across a conspiracy of the government to kill all the war prisoners, he tried to stand up against them.

He tried to convince them and fight against them. But he was killed in a brutal way in the end.

That was when Sean realized the cruelty of his own country. That was when he decided to fight against the corrupt officials of his country.

He believed that the most detrimental people were not from the enemy country but his own countrymen who exploited civilians in every possible way during the chaos. So he established an organization... to fight against the exploiters."

"So… It is a mercenary organization?" Arya asked doubtfully.

She was not sure. How can they fight the government with violence? Ultimately that will only lead to their death. They will be called traitors and executed.

Toni looked at her with a smile. "That is where you are wrong. You forgot what his father used to be.... He did found the 'society'. But it does not include mercenaries. It consists of...…."


/Comfort woman: During invasions in war times, the military exploited woman and forced them into prostitution. They are called comfort woman./

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